My Heart Is Falling Apart (Part 2//Finale)

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Elliot's POV

Jack and Carmen just got back from the crime scene. I looked through the photos they took, and wow their really gruesome. They were asleep when they were stabbed, so it was completely unexpected for them. Blood was everywhere... All over their bed, the walls, the carpet, and even the ceiling. Whoever did this is just heartless.

Benjamin's parents looked like perfect parents. They had a two-story house, two cars, nice jobs. Who would want to hurt them? I think to myself as Carmen and Jack walk into my lab. I put the pictures down on my desk and looked up at them expectantly. Surely one of them would speak to me. 

"Why are you looking at those pictures? Those are evidence."-Jack says

"I was just curious. Is that a problem?"

"Um yes...Those photographs...-"-Carmen whispers to Jack something and then punches him in the arm. 

"We need you to come with us to your apartment complex. We need you to give us directions."-Carmen adds a few minutes later.

"Oh...okay then."-I reply.

Carmen and Jack then walked out of the room, Jack holding the file of pictures tightly, while I followed them. We got into our squad car and I sat in the back. Jack sat in the passenger seat, while Carmen drove. 

"So where do we go?"-Carmen asks.

"Just drive straight and then make a left."-I reply nonchalantly. 

"Where do we turn left?"-Jack asks, sounding clueless. 

"Just drive straight for fifteen minutes, turn left after that, and you're there!"-I reply, annoyed. 

"Okay..."-Carmen replies, starting to drive. 

The drive there was silent, well except for other cars and the wind. Carmen focused on driving. Jack was on his phone, scrolling through Buzzer. I was looking out of the window, pondering to myself. I was thinking about how Benjamin was going to react. Did he already know? Am I going to be made a suspect? Is he going to be okay?

The car came to an abrupt stop. I was flung forward and hit my head on the headrest of Carmen's seat. I heard Jack stifle a laugh. 

"We're here"-Carmen says, smiling. 

I sighed and got out of the car. Carmen and Jack soon followed. They both walked next to me as I walked to the elevator. I pressed my floor button. I sigh. This is going to be so hard on him. I wouldn't wish this on anyone. Jack snapped his fingers in front of me, making me lose my thoughts.

"Are you going to help us, or not?"-Jack asks. 

"Yes...I was just thinking."-I mumble.

"About your precious boyfriend?"-He says, smirking.

"S-Shut up!"-I say, my voice raising.

"Can you two just focus for once?!"-Carmen says. 

We both go silent. You never want to get on her bad side. I step out of the elevator and stop in front of Benjamin's apartment. Carmen and Jack soon followed. I hope he's okay. 

"Wait...before you knock, can I get something from my apartment?"-I ask, having an idea. 

"Yeah, but make it quick!"-Carmen replies. 

I dig into my pockets, trying to find my key for my apartment. After a few seconds, I find it and open my apartment door. I walk in and walk to my bedroom. I grabbed a tissue box that sat on my nightstand and walked back outside. I hid the box behind me and Jack raised an eyebrow at me. I hope he doesn't ask about it. That would be embarrassing. 

"What's that behind your back, hmm?"-Jack asks.

I look at the floor, then to Jack, then to Carmen. 

" case he....cries"-I mumble, removing the box from behind me.

"Aw...that's adorable."-Jack replies, mocking me in a childish voice. 

I sigh. "Whatever. Can we just get this over with?"-I ask. 

Carmen nods and knocks on the door. Jack steps in front of me and waits. I start to feel nervous. How is he going to react? What are we going to do? 

The doorknob starts to move, and I am taken out of my thoughts. Benjamin opened the door and smiled when he saw me, but it faded when he saw the others.

" I know why you look so familiar Elliot."-He mumbles. 

""-I reply, not ready for what's about to happen.

"Well...hello officers. Am I allowed to ask why you're here?"-He says, biting his lips.

"This might be a lot to take in...may we come inside?"-Carmen asks. 

"Yes...but I'm sorry about the mess."-He replies.

Mess? What mess? It looked really nice when I was last here. Me, Jack and Carmen walked inside and I sat down on his couch. Benjamin sat next to me while the others kept standing. I placed the box of tissues on his coffee table, and he raises an eyebrow at me.

"Elliot...what are the tissues for?"-He asks.

"I...uh..just brought that a problem?"-I mutter.

"No...not at all."-Benjamin replies with a smile. 

"Are the two of you done flirting? We have a job to do!"-Jack interrupts.

We both blush. Ugh, I hate Jack so much. 

"Oh...right. What did you have to tell me, officers?"-He replies.

"Well, Mr.Scott...we have some very bad news...-"-Carmen starts.

"Bad news?? What kind of bad news?!"-He asks.

"We...found your parents...dead...this morning..."-She concludes, looking almost emotionless. 

"W-What?! They...they can't be dead!"-Benjamin exclaims. 

He covered his mouth with his hands and started crying. I grabbed the tissue box and gave it to him. Benjamin kept crying for about the next five minutes. Honestly, it was just so heartbreaking to watch. He took a deep breath, grabbed a tissue with his shaky hands, and dried his eyes. Benjamin looked up at them and muttered something under his breath. Jack raised an eyebrow at him.

"Could you repeat that?"-He asks.

"H-How...did they...d-d-die?"-Benjamin mumbles. 

"They were each stabbed numerous times."-Carmen replies.

He put his hand over his mouth again, gasping. I'll have to visit him later... I honestly wouldn't wish this on anybody. He's going to feel even worse when they interrogate him.

"Would you mind if we brought you back to the station for questioning?"-Carmen asks.

"No...I w-wouldn't all."-Benjamin replies. 

"Alright...let's go then."- Jack says, walking to the door. Carmen follows. 

I stood up and Benjamin did the same. We walk over to the others and start for the elevator. Benjamin presses the 'Lobby' button, his hands still shaking. Oh, I feel so bad for him. I grab his hand and gave it a reassuring, but comforting squeeze. 

"It's going to be okay...we're here for you."-I whisper to him. 

"R-Really?"-He asks.

"Of course. I'll always be right next door."-I reply.

"Well well well, looks like someone has a heart after all!"- Jack says, butting into our conversation. 

I blushed from embarrassment. Benjamin smiles a little. "Shut up Jack.."-I reply.

The elevator dings, signaling our little joyride was over. I looked over at Benjamin, he looked like a nervous wreck. Carmen and Jack walked out of the elevator and we followed. We got a lot of weird looks from other tenants, but I ignored them. Benjamin seemed to take everything personal though.

We walk out of the door and it was cloudy, but it wasn't raining. Hmm. That sure does seem to be like the mood of everyone today. We all walk to our squad car and get in. Carmen sits in the driver's seat, Jack sits in the passenger seat, and me and Benjamin sit in the back. We all slip on our seatbelts and Carmen starts to drive.

"Hey, Elliot...could I ask you something?"- Benjamin asks, whispering. 

"Yeah sure...what is it?"-I whisper back.

"I'm not going to be put in a holding cell, am I?"-He asks. 

"What? No no no! I wouldn't let them do that to you."-I whisper, hoping the others wouldn't hear.

I smile. I wanted to hug him, but seatbelts restricted us. He grabbed my hand, since I let go after the elevator ride, and I gave it another nice, calming, reassuring squeeze. His hand felt warm... It felt..good?? We hid our connected hands under the armrest and looked out the window. The trees and passing buildings were a good distraction from the chaos going on in my mind. I hope Benjamin feels the same. The HQ comes into view and I look away from the window. Benjamin bit his lip, and I squeeze his hand a third time. 

I let go of his hand afterward and unbuckle my seatbelt. He does the same. Jack looks over at us, gets out, and then started to make kissing noises while hugging himself, mocking us, at least I think that's what he was trying to do. 

"This is you."-He whispers. 

I glared at him and I wanted to slap him. It didn't help that I was also blushing. 

"Jack! Stop that and get serious for once."-Carmen snaps. 

Jack stops. Benjamin is blushing but quickly stops. I grab his hand and walk inside the HQ. Carmen and Jack quickly follow. I let go of his hand again. I wanted to take him to the interrogation room. Carmen takes Benjamin's hand and leads him to the interrogation room. Jack goes in with them and I sigh. I can't interrogate people or go in the interrogation room while an interrogation is in progress. Well... not after what happened last time. 

Benjamin's POV

Detective Martinez takes my hand and leads me into a room. The room was mostly dark except for a single lightbulb that flickered every few seconds. Detective Archer follows in behind me. He locks the door behind us and I felt my breathing start to get faster. I sit down on the chair that was under the lightbulb. They're still standing. They are looking down on me. 

"Hey... It's okay... we aren't going to hurt you..."-She says.

"Yeah... we only wanted to ask you a few things."-Detective Archer says, smiling. 

My eyes darted to the locked door. I took a few deep breaths, trying to calm down. I look down at my hands. They were shaking and I sigh, letting out a shaky exhale. My eyes met theirs and I start to regain my composure. I probably should speak... I don't want them to think that I'm weird or that I did it.

"Okay...uh er...a-ask away..."-I mutter.

Detective Archer places a folder, a plain regular manilla one, on the table. I eye it, curious about what's inside. He opens it. I am not curious anymore. Inside the folder are about twenty photographs of the crime scene. There are full of blood. It's just...Red. My parents are almost unrecognizable! The only way I know for sure it's them is my mom's pearl earrings that she always wore. They were always so sparkly, but now they're just dull...and red. I feel more tears fall down my cheeks. 

"I know it's hard but we need you to focus."- Detective Archer says.

"I-I'm trying."- I whisper

"Now do you... see anything that's unusual or different in these pictures?"- Detective Martinez asks.

I scan through the pictures once more and I look closely at Mom and Dad and notice something.

"Dad's silver Brolex's missing."-I mumble. 

I look at the other pictures at other places in our home. I was looking at the one they took of our kitchen, but something just looked... off. Our fridge was open. Mom or Dad would never leave it open. 

"Whoever... did... this... left our fridge open, like they looked through it or something."- I add. 

"Is that all that you've noticed?"-Detective Archer asks. 

"Yes... everything else looks quite normal...except my parents being dead and all..."-I reply. 

"Okay...what happened after we talked in Iraq?"- Detective Martinez asks.

"I went back home...just like Elliot had asked me to. I went to my parent's house, and everything went back to how it was before I ran away."- I replied, biting my lip.

"How was your relationship with your parents overall?"- Detective Archer asks. 

" was.....complicated...."-I start.

"They were always in my business and never gave me much space. I still loved them though even if they got on my nerves."-I add, finishing. 

"Okay... what's your relationship with Elliot?"- Detective Archer asks.

"To be honest... after we met in Iraq, I never thought I would see him again. We're just friends though."- I say. 

He looked like he doubted me. I really don't like this. 

"Did you ever think about ever harming your parents?"-Detective Martinez asks. 

I felt my hands start to shake even more. My breathing started to speed up. I barely even could mumble something under my breath. 

"N-No... I... I... would... n-n-never hurt...them...or a-anyone. I-I...swear!" 

"Have you ever thought about hurting yourself?"- Detective Martinez asks, smiling sympathetically. 

"I... I... w-would never ever... t-t-thought about... that....ever!"- I whisper. 

I noticed that there were cameras in every corner of the wall. They were recording my every word and movement. I didn't give consent...  

"Are you..... r-recording m-m-me?"- I ask, my voice was quivering, but slightly elevated. 

"Yes.... this is evidence and it's policy to record everything."- Detective Archer says. 

I gasp. I wanted to cry, but I couldn't I can't believe they were suspecting me! I'm their Son!

"You... d-don't think... I did... t-t-this.. do you?!"- I scream, not being able to handle this or to control how I felt. I'm slowly losing it!

"Well... you are our only suspect right now."- Detective Martinez says. 

I burst into tears. I get there doing my jobs, but this is a lot to handle. I felt my sadness slowly start to morph into anger and I felt my anger storm around in my mind like a tornado. I want to get out of here. I need to get out of here. This whole thing is just going to go down into chaos, I can feel it. It could be what they deserve too. 

"You know what... I've just realized something."- I whisper. 

"Really?! What is it? Can it help with our investigation?"- Detective Martinez asks, perking up. 

"You detectives are stupid for thinking that I did this! I...I wouldn't do this!"- I say, my voice rising to a higher level. 

Both of them had sort of bewildered looks on their faces. I am just so....SO  through with this!

"Your in here, sitting on your lazy bums, interrogating ME, when you should be out there looking for the Real Killer!" I scream, not being able to control anything anymore. 

"Mr. Scott...we're just doing our jobs."- Detective Archer says. 

"Yeah... so why don't you just calm down and we can continue our investigation."- Detective Martinez says, trying to calm me.

"You should just take a deep breath..."- Detective Archer says.

"I'll get calm when you find my parents' killer!"- I continue to scream.  

"Mr. Scott, if you don't calm down, we're going to have to detain you..."- Detective Archer warns. 

"You know what?! I bet I could find the killer before either of you!"- I scream, my voice raising. 

"Benjamin... you should just leave that to the professionals..."-Detective Martinez says, biting her lip. 

"Professionals?! You people aren't professionals! I BET YOU TWO DON'T EVEN KNOW THEIR NAMES!" - I reply, screaming, oh I want to punch both of them!

Detective Martinez presses some sort of button and whispers something that I couldn't hear. I've run out of things to scream and/or rant about. I take a deep breath, trying to control my anger, but I couldn't. I just did what I thought was right. I stand up from my seat, looked Detective Archer square in the face, and punched him straight in the nose. He muffled a scream of pain. I heard someone knock very loud on the door, and I hear someone shout something on the other side. Detective Archer got up from his seat and ran to the door and unlocked the door. He met eye contact with the person on the other side and was about to open the door when the person on the other side opened it. A man with a very muscular build walked in. He had a bulletproof vest, dog tags, and intimidating look on his face and handcuffs?! Why does he have handcuffs?! 

"Who is that and why does he have handcuffs?"-I ask, biting my lip. My voice is now like a squeaky mouse. 

Detective Martinez sighs and stands up, probably to introduce her scary companion? 

"This is Jonah Karam... he's going to detain you..."- She says. 

"R-Really?!"- I whisper, kinda scared. 

"Yeah... and I'm guessing your the one who did this?"-He asks, pointing to Detective Archer. 

I nod. I felt something wet and sticky touch my pants and I look down at my hands. My right hand was dripping blood and my left hand was speckled with blood also. Oh my god. I...I hurt someone!

"Now kid, I know this might be devastating to find out that your  parents were killed, but you shouldn't release your anger on others."-Mr. Karam says.

He sounds like my mum right now. Oh, I miss her so much!

"But... they said that I did it. I...I would never own parents."-I whisper

Mr.Karam doesn't reply and takes a few steps towards me. I feel my hands start to shake and my heartbeat speed up. I quickly take a few steps back, but he grabbed me and pulled me towards him. I looked up at him. That was a mistake. He looked really displeased and I didn't want to see what Mr.Karam is like when he's not happy. I feel cold metal touch my wrists. I wince. Dear Mom and Dad, today I am going to jail...

"They had no reason to interrogate me. They should be finding the real killer. I had nothing to do with this!"- I mutter under my breath. 

Mr.Karam scoffs. He leads me to some sort of holding cell. He opens it and he put his hand on my shoulder. 

"You are going to have to stay here until you've calmed down, okay?"-Mr. Karam says, showing no emotion at all. 

"Alright."- I whisper, walking into the small cell. 

He closes the door behind me, locks it, and then walks away. I sigh and sit on the small bed inside the cell. I curled up into a tiny ball, and cry quietly. I eventually cry myself to sleep. 

A few hours later I wake up to the sound of whispering. I blink a few times and yawn. I quickly wipe my tears away and look up. I smile as I make my eye contact with Elliot. He smiles back too. I blush and can see his face redden up too. 

"Elliot... what happened after Mr.Karam locked me up?"- I ask. 

"And Mr.Archer isn't hurt too bad is he?"- I add.

"Oh, Archers going to be fine. He's taken worse. He's okay though. Anyway, after he locked you up he took Jack to the infirmary. Then we started to work on the case, no big deal."-Elliot replies. 

"How long have I been asleep?"- I ask.

"About four hours."- He replies. 

"I have to say, I'm pretty impressed with what you did to Archer."- He adds, smirking. 

"Really? You are... impressed with how I punched him? Why?!?!"- I ask, quite confused.

"Eh, I don't like him very much, and you managed to break his nose in one punch. He's never looked better! You must be really strong to do something like that."-He says, chuckling. 

I blush in embarrassment. I don't really take compliments well. I hear loud footsteps, like someone's angry, come towards us. Detective Archer walks up to my cell and pushes Elliot out of the way. I bit my lip, it's a nervous habit of mine. Detective Archer has his nose all bandaged up. 

"You broke my nose! You...You better be grateful we're still solving your parents' murder!"- Detective Archer says. 

"I-I really am sorry! I d-d-don't k-know what came over me..."- I whisper. 

I felt more tears fall down my face. I'm never going to get over this, am I?

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