My Heart Is Falling Apart (Part 2//Finale)

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tea sat on his coffee table. He picks it up and takes a few sips. 

"It's a real shame what happened to the Scott's. I really liked them, even if they didn't like me back."- Mr.White says after he sipped his tea. 

"They didn't like you? Why is that?"- I ask. 

"Well... I'm a gardener and I have a lot of plants. I'm sure you've seen. A lot of different types of plants produce pollen, and bugs enjoy plants. Mr.Scott was deathly allergic to pollen and always complained about it via text message. Mrs.Scott is really scared of bugs, and I always ask her beloved husband to kill them for her. Mrs.Scott would always scream, and I would know she'd found a bug. Her husband would always text me when he had to kill a bug for her and they just hated me."-He says, finally finishing. 

"So, they only complained and never did anything else?"-I ask. 

"No." He replied, "I would never hurt them."

"It never got annoying at all to you?"- Carmen asks. 

"No, it was actually quite nice to talk to them. Even if they were mean, it gets quite lonely living here all alone."- He replies. 

"Oh, I see. Anyway, we'll be going now, but we might have to ask you more questions later."- I say. 

"Alright, I hope you find whoever did this heinous crime! And possibly come back, because you two are absolutely delightful!"- Mr.White says as we walk back into our car. 

"He is really really nice. And they hated him just because of bugs and a little pollen..."- I say as we pull out of the driveway. 

"Yeah, but onwards to 1350 Gray Blvd.!!"- Carmen says. 

I smiled and looked out of the car window. She takes out her phone and puts the address into it. IRIS starts telling Carmen directions via her phone. It estimates that it's a fifteen minute ride there. I rest my head on the window and watched houses, cars, and trees go by. It felt peaceful and calming. I almost fell asleep, but Carmen suddenly stopped on the brakes. I flew forward and hit, well more like smashed my nose on the dashboard. I winced and Carmen quickly got out of her seat and opened my door, sitting me back against the seat. 

"Oh my god, Jack are you okay?!"-She asks. 

"Yeah...I'm okay."- I mumble and touch my nose. 

There was blood spilling down my hand. Carmen pulls a few tissues from her jacket pockets and gives them to me. I quickly put them to my nose, hoping to stop the bleeding. It was still bleeding after a few minutes and I sigh. 

"This interrogation shouldn't take long, right?"- I ask. 

"No... but you can stay in the car if you'd like. We can go back to HQ after too."- She says. 

"No, I'm going in."- I say, "But why'd you stop?"

"There was a random dog in the driveway, I didn't want to hurt it."- Carmen replies. 

Carmen sighs, and I step out of the car. I walk up to the door and she follows. I still have tissues up to my nose, and it's still steadily bleeding. She knocks on the door.

A dark-skinned woman answers the door. She had a teal blue sweater on with black pants. Her black hair was in braids and her blue tennis shoes looked dirtied with something. Maybe blood? 

"Hello, Ms.Moleneu, I am detective Carmen Martinez and this is my partner, Jack Archer, We'd like to ask you some questions about a Mr. and Mrs. Scott."- Carmen says, introducing us. 

"Oh, okay officers. Please, come in."-She says, leading us into her living room. 

Mrs.Moleneu looked at me, eyeing me curiously. 

"Are you alright?"-She asks. 

"Yes, I'm fine."- I reply. 

"Anyway, you said you wanted to talk about Mr. and Mrs. Scott? I'm quite confused."-She says. 

"Well, Ms.Moleneu, Mr., and Mrs. Scott were found murdered this morning."-I ask. 

Ms.Moleneu gasped. Tears welled up in her eyes. 

"How well did you know the Scotts?- I ask. 

"Well, they paid me for their services. Little jobs they asked me to do."- She replies. 

Ms.Moleneu dabbled her eyes with a handkerchief and then spoke again, 

"I've always been their maid for as long as I can remember. I'd also babysit Benjamin when he was little. Oh! You haven't told the poor boy, have you? He must be devastated!"

"He didn't take it too well, but did the Scotts ever owe you money?"- I reply. 

"Oh... well they used to pay me. They haven't paid me in months!! I'd always text both of them to remind them to pay me after every day of cleaning. They never sent a check in the mail. Those Scotts always used me. And to just think that they raised such a brilliant boy! They pressured him so much. Always wanted him to be perfect! Those two never left the boy alone. He would always complain to me. Sometimes he'd even sneak out to come to see me. It's a good thing that he ran away and planned to run away again! I'm a better mother to them than his own!"- Ms.Moleneu ranted. 

"Wait, so you knew about his plans to run away again?"- Carmen asks. 

"Yes, I did."-She replies.

"Did you ever want to hurt them? To get justice for Benjamin?"- I ask. 

"Oh no. I would never. Benjamin would be devastated if something ever came to harm them."- Ms.Moleneu replied.

Hmm. This lady sure does hate the Scotts. I mean, she also does have two very good motives to kill them. She could've done it for the money.  A lot of people kill for money. Or maybe she did it for Benjamin? Maybe he asked her to kill them?!

Ms.Moleneu sighs, and wipes her eyes again. I pressed the tissues to my nose and blood just suddenly spurted everywhere. I gasp. Carmen saw it and quickly bayed our goodbyes and told her to keep in touch. I ran to the car and got back into my seat. I laid back and looked up at the ceiling. Carmen steps on the gas and sped down the street.  I started to get real lightheaded, probably from blood loss? My vision started to blur, and I felt dizzy. Carmen swerved into the driveway and jumped out of the ca. She opened my door and sat me up. Blood spilled down my neck and onto her.

"Jack, can you stand?"- Carmen asks. 

"Yeah..."- I whisper. 

I get out, and Carmen helps me walk into HQ. People gave us a lot of weird looks. We ran to Lars' lab, and I stumbled along, with a trail of blood following me. I heard him gasp, but I don't remember much after that because I collapsed. 

Carmen's POV

After the whole Jack-almost-died-from-a-nosebleed-ordeal, Jack was off the case. Hooray...

It also turns out the Claytons live an hour away. I sigh and get into the nasty car, now that the passenger seat has Jack's blood all over it. I put the GPS app on IRIS and type in their address. It's off to Cheltenham. I decided that I wanted to listen to music, so I plugged in the AUX cord. Vanna Alabama blasted from the speaker. I looked at my playlist, it was all just Vanna Alabama. Dang it, Sanjay. I turned it down and drove. I didn't mind. 

It seemed like the hour just passed by so fast. I pulled into the small driveway, well I wouldn't call it a driveway. It's more like gravel that leads from the house to the road. I got chills up my spine. This house literally looked like it was going to fall apart. Or that some shady stuff was going on inside. I stepped out of the squad car. The driveway was cracked, and I walked up to the front porch. I thought the porch was going to collapse under my feet. There wasn't a doorbell, so I knocked harshly. I heard footsteps from inside and braced myself for what was going to happen. 

A pale man opened the door, wearing all black from head to toe. A woman appeared beside him, who was as pale and also wore black from head to toe. I'm guessing that's the wife? Their outfits looked like they never grew out of their goth/emo phase, or work for some sort of metal band. I smile at them and introduce myself:

"Hello, I'm detective Carmen Martinez and I've come to ask you about a double homicide that's happened recently."

They stand there for a few seconds, not blinking or saying anything, but they walk in. I follow them in still having chills up my spine. They walk into what I think is the living room. I notice a full ashtray sitting on a table. They motion me to sit... between me. I do and the man smiled at me, but it was really uncomfortable, weird, scary, bad, just evil. The woman lit a cigarette and offered me it, I shook my head no, and she put it in her own mouth. I don't smoke... None of us spoke until I pulled myself together.

"I'm investigating the murder of Mr. and Mrs. Scott. Do you know them?"- I ask. 

Their eyes are dull, no dead. Then he spoke... Oh god.

"It's quite a pity about that, but that's just the circle of life, but we had nothing to do with the... quickening of the cycle... If that's what you are asking."- He says, his accent thick, and the smell of alcohol was heavy on his breath. 

"I'll let you speak for yourself, Mrs.Clayton."- I reply.

She rolls her eyes and took the cigarette out of her mouth, agitated. Her long black nails curled around it. 

"I've never heard of them, and it was not certainly our fault that someone took their lives."- She replied coldly, the scent of smoke on her breath was very strong. 

Mrs.Clayton put the cigarette back in her mouth, doing a long puff. She spits the smoke out in rings. Mr.Clayton blew the smoke away, and she probably was displeased, but she didn't say it.  She did though, give him the cigarette He took a puff, but then gave it back to her. Mr.Clayton stood up and went to the kitchen. I was about to object, but he came back rather quickly with a beer in his hand. It was Gold Stag. 

"I know the two of you are lying. I found your DNA on cigarette butts and a bottle of alcohol that was found on the crime scene."- I say, starting to get serious. 

"Oh wow, well aren't you smart."- Mr.Clayton mumbles, seeming aggravated. 

"What was that?"- I snap.

"Us being there... is nothing you should worry your pretty little head about. It's just strictly... business, love."- Mrs.Clayton responds. 

Is she hitting on me? Her husband is right there?! Or is she just...being nice? Or uh being weird? Jesus, we've been involved with tons of crazy people, but nothing this crazy. 

"Well uh... what kind of business?"- I ask, really really curious. 

"We're just, oh you know, helping them get their deepest, darkest desires."- Mr. Clayton replied, a smirk forming on his cold, pale lips. 

"Did you know them well?"- I ask.

"Yes... we generally became..... friends over time. They'd even share drinks with us for our.....favours."- Mr.Clayton says, the smirk still on his lips. 

"Did you....ever....want to uh....harm them?"- I ask, silently dreading the answer. 

"We all want to harm someone in our lives. The person we want to harm just isn't the Scotts, they were too valuable you see? Haven't you ever wanted to hurt someone, detective?"- They both reply in sync. 

I'm starting to get really creeped out. These two aren't normal people! What would their kid be like?! 

"I'm a detective. I wouldn't want to harm anyone. It's my job to protect!"- I reply.

"Surely someone has done you wrong, Detective Martinez. Has anyone ever caused you harm? What about your child? Has anyone ever harmed them?"- Mr.Clayton edged on. 

"No. I would never hurt anyone, no matter the circumstances."- I say, doubting my own words.

"You don't seem very sure of yourself, Detective."-He replies. 

I need an excuse to leave! I've done everything I need. Hopefully, I won't have to come back. I felt my phone beep. I take it out and look at it. An incoming text from Elliot, 'I found something you'd like to see Carmen.' I get up and put my phone back in my pocket. They eye me curiously. I think they were watching me. 

"I'm sorry, but I have to go, please keep in touch if you have anything to help with the case."- I say. 

"Please, allow me to walk you to your car."- Mr.Clayton says, smiling, but that smile slowly morphed into a smirk. 

"No thank you, I can walk myself."- I say. 

"Oh alright, we hope you can come back...soon."- He replies, smirking.

His smirk creeped me out, but it reminded me about Elliot. His smirk is exactly like Elliot's. I nervously smile. Mrs.Clayton disappeared somewhere. I turn around, trying to escape, but he grabs me. 

"You must be under a lot of stress, right detective?"- He asks, suddenly seeming concerned.

"Yes... this job can get very stressful sometimes."-I say.

Mr.Clayton caressed my cheek, smiling at me. 

"You know... I can make it go away."- Mr.Clayton says, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Mr.Clayton I have a job to do..."-I start, trying to get away. 

"I know you do, love, but your colleagues can wait, right?"-He asks. 

"N-No...they can't... I-"- Mr.Clayton interrupts me, and tried to kiss me! 

I swat him away, but he does it anyway. His lips were cold and tasted of booze. Romance is not my thing. I especially was not going to do it with a creepy married man! I slapped him away, and turned around quickly and walked out of that house of horror. The car door slammed shut and I look up. In the window, Mrs.Clayton is glaring angrily at me, smoking her cigarette. 

I gasp and floor the gas pedal. I'm legit scared. The ride home consisted of me flooring the gas and brakes and me looking over my shoulder. Once HQ came into view I parked the car, I was sweating and scared out of my skin. I collected myself and walked in. I walked to Elliot's lab and knocked. He answered it in record time. 

"How did it go? You didn't get hurt right?"- Elliot asks. 

"They were...... interesting...I even got kissed against my will....but they didn't hurt me hurt me physically."- I reply. 

Elliot looked worried but he shoved it off. "Anyway..... I uh found something interesting..."- Elliot says.

"What is it?"- I ask. 

"I was digging through the Scotts' records and found that they filed a restraining order against one of your suspects, Claire Moleneu. Something about her harassing them?"- He replies.

"So, guess I'll have to go talk to her."- I say. 

"Also, they frequented the park across the street."- Elliot replies. 

"Alright..."- I reply. 

Elliot's computer flashed a few times and he focused on it. His eyebrows furrowed, but I just ignored it. I decided to leave and walk out of HQ.  I walked across the street to the park. The park was quite peaceful, and there weren't many people. I'm pretty sure people mostly hang out there, so I look around. I look into the fountain and something shiny caught my eye. I put a glove on my hand and grab it. It was a silver Brolex watch that had speckles of blood on it. Wait, didn't Benjamin say that his dad had a watch like this? He must have been wearing it when he was murdered! The killer must have touched it! 

I bag it and then look around for any more evidence. There was a trash can nearby, but it had blood on it. The blood was dried and barely visible. I walk over to it and sigh. I'm going to have to dig through it. I start digging through it until I couldn't see the bottom. I hadn't found anything yet. Guess I have to go even further then. I take a deep breath and then I dive in. I was halfway in it, chest up in the garbage. It probably was really bizarre to see, a woman head first in a garbage can, digging through trash. A few minutes later I touch this sharp object. I grab it tightly and pull it out of the garbage can. I seemed to have pulled out this huge sharp glass blade, covered in blood. The tip was dripping blood. I'm kinda surprised it didn't break during its time in the trash can. I think this is the murder weapon so I should get it to Jonah, and then take a long, nice, hot shower. 

I carefully walked back to the HQ and walked to Jonah's lab. I slowly placed the blade on his table. He turned around from whatever he was doing and his eyes widened. I mean, the blade was almost longer than the table so it was understandable. 

"Carmen, what the heck is that thing?!"- He asks.

"It's some sort of glass blade that's covered in blood."- I reply. 

"This thing is epic! I mean, can you imagine the damage this thing could do?!"- Jonah replies. 

"Jonah, I'm pretty sure this has killed people!"- I say, sort of baffled about how he could be so passionate about weapons. 

"I know... but it's awesome!"- Jonah replies, smiling. 

"Just please tell me if it killed the Scotts."-I ask.

"I will. It looks like the marks this thing could make would match their stab wounds. I just need to run a few tests."- He replies, looking really excited to touch this thing. 

"Alright, bye then."- I reply.

I leave Jonah and head to Lars' lab. I took the watch out of my pocket and examine it. It looked well worn. He probably really liked this watch. Maybe he wore it every day? Who knows? Lars notices me and smiles. I hand him the bag and he nods. I then walk away and head to the car to go interrogate Ms.Moleneu. I drive to Ms.Moleneu's house and step out of the car. I knock on her door and she answers hastily. She was confused and scared. 

"Oh, hello officer... Your back so soon?"- She asks. 

"Yep. I know your lying."- I reply. 

"Lying? About what?"- Ms.Moleneu asks.

"Your restraining order. You didn't tell me that the Scotts filed a restraining order on you."- I reply.

"Oh.... that..."- She mumbles. 

"What was it about?"- I ask, quite curious. 

"I...I just go over to their house a lot. I care about Benjamin and they don't. Is it a crime to go to someone's house?"- She replies.

"Did Benjamin like it when you came over?"- I ask. 

"Yes, he did, but they didn't. They called it 'trespassing'. It wasn't fair!"- Ms.Moleneu replies, her voice raising. 

"So did you do it? Did you kill the Scotts?"- I ask.

"No! I did not do this!"- She replies.

"Alright, but if we found out you did, you'll be in big trouble."- I reply. 

Ms.Moleneu scoffs and slams the door. I think she did it, but I can't come to conclusions too quickly. My phone beeps and I take it out. It was a text from Jonah saying my analysis was done. I sigh and get back to the squad car. I drive back to the HQ and hop out. I walk in and ran to Jonah's lab. He was bent over the blade that was now clean. Jonah looked up and smiled. 

"So, what'd you find out about that blade? Was it the thing that killed the Scotts?"- I ask, curious. 

"Yeah, I paired the wounds that I did to a dummy and they matched perfectly."-Jonah replies.

"Did the killer leave any DNA?"- I ask. 

"I found tons of fingerprints all over it, and they matched one of your suspects, a Claire Moleneu. She's your killer."- Jonah says, and I smile.

"Thanks, Jonah."- I reply and run out the door, still smiling. 

I ran to the squad car and get in. I sped down the road, blaring the sirens. I got to her house and jump out of the car. The windows upstairs were broken. I ran to the door but I heard someone scream from inside. I kicked open the door and heard soft sobs from upstairs. I ran upstairs, gun in hand, and the sobs grew louder as I neared the bedroom. I put an ear to the door and hear someone speak. 

"Stop crying you, ungrateful child!"- She says.

"Why did you do it? I trusted you!"- A familiar voice sobs.

Wait, is that... Benjamin?! I think it is! I load my gun and prepare myself for what's to come. I kick the door right off its hinges and heard two people gasp. Ms.Moleneu and Benjamin are in the room, but Benjamin has a gun to his

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