My Heart Is Falling Apart (Part 2//Finale)

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My vision was blurry because of my tears, but I heard someone else walk up to my cell and unlock it. I blink a few times, and I felt someone hug me, and I gasp, trying to get them off of me. 

"It's okay... I'm here to help."- Someone says. 

I couldn't tell who was speaking. I think it's a woman. Her voice is comforting though. I was given a few tissues, so I cleaned myself up. A beautiful woman stood in front of me with a kind smile on her face. I also noticed Mr.Karam glare at me from the corner of my eye when me and this woman made eye contact. Maybe his girlfriend?

"W-Who...are you?"- I whisper.

"I'm Marina Romanova, the Bureau's profiler, and I'm going to continue your interrogation."-She says. 

"What?! B-But I thought....all o-of this....w-w-was over! What if.... I w-want to... refuse?!"- I ask.

"You can refuse if you want to, but it'll hinder our investigation."- She replies. 

"Fine... I'll come with you. Just... don't put too much pressure on me."- I mumble under my breath. 

"I won't."- Ms.Romanova says, a gentle smile on her face.  

Ms.Romanova takes my hand and leads me out of the cell. 

Elliot smiles at me, whispering "It's going to be okay. She's...really nice. Nicer than anyone here."

She then leads me to this room with a couch with a chair right next to it. The room had a warm glow to it. I feel.... comforted. 

"Just take a seat on the couch and we can resume the rest of the interview."-She says.

I look around the room for any cameras. I don't see any. I take a seat and she sits on the chair by the couch. Ms.Romanova sits on the chair, holding some sort of clipboard. 

"How many questions are you going to ask me?"- I whisper.

"Only one. You are almost done."- She says, smiling still. 

I wanted to smile too, but couldn't bring myself to. 

"Do you know anyone who would wish harm to your parents?"- Ms.Romanova asks, raising an eyebrow at me.

"What? N-No. No one would ever harm them. Their the nicest people ever!"- I say.m

"Are you sure?"- She asks.

"Well.. our neighbor is pretty weird."- I whisper. 

"How so?"- Ms.Romanova asks. 

"He's just... creepy and odd... I don't know how to explain. Are you going to detain me now?"- I reply. 

"No... we're going to let you go...but we might need to ask you some more questions later..."-She says. 

"Oh... your... l-letting me go?"- I repeat what she says, just wanting to collapse on my bed and cry.

"Is it over? C-Can I... please leave?"- I ask. 

"Yes... would you like Detective Martinez to drive you home in a squad car?"- She says. 

"No... I can walk."- I replied, faking a smile. 

I walk out of the room, not even bothering to say goodbye to her. I try to avoid eye contact with anyone, but Elliot walks up to me. 

"Hey, Benjamin... how'd it go?"- He asks. 

"It was alright. She said I can go home, so that's where I'm going."- I reply. 

"Oh, well... would you like me to walk you home? I don't have anything better to do."- Elliot replies, trying his best to be nice. 

"No thanks, Elliot... I can walk home by myself, but thanks for asking."- I reply. 

"Well...if you need someone to talk to, you can call me if I'm not working."-He says, smiling.

"Really?"- I reply

"Yeah, it's better than dealing with some of the people here."-Elliot replies before walking away. 

He goes over to his lab or whatever, probably not wanting to deal with me. I open the door of the Bureau Headquarters and slowly start walking towards home. I could feel fresh, new tears trickle down my cheeks. I ignore my surroundings of car horns blaring and the concerned faces of fellow Londoners that walked by and looked at me. I stop caring about the time. I don't know how long it took me to get to my apartment, but I was rudely snapped back into reality by me faceplanting into the glass doors. Well... that's definitely going to bruise. 

A few passersby stared, one even laughed. I heard someone mumble something about how messed up our generation is. I blushed in embarrassment and got up. The door opened and I met eyes with the receptionist. She smiled at me, but I pushed past her and ran into the elevator. I kept pressing the elevator button over and over again. The calming music started to play, but it sure wasn't calming to me. I sighed and watched the floor counter go up. The elevator beeps, signaling that I finally made it to my floor. The door opened and I ran out of the elevator. I opened the door to my room and I slammed the door shut.

My room is a mess from last night and I groan. I don't want to clean! My eyes went to the pictures on my mantle of my family... and my eyes welled up with tears. I grab the picture and run to my bedroom. I flopped onto the bed and cradled the photo. I started sobbing and I slowly cried myself to sleep. 

Jack's POV

I know that this kid just lost both of his parents, but he didn't have to break my nose. Gosh... I just didn't expect him to react like that. I touch my nose that's now wrapped up in bandages. I winced. Carmen stood up and I watched her. I should probably ask her what our next move should be, 

"Carmen, what should our next move be?"

"Well, we could probably go examine the crime scene again."-She replies. 

"Benjamin did point out a few things that were different."- Carmen adds. 

"Okay."- I stand up "Hopefully we don't get hurt in the process."- I reply to her. 

Carmen smirked, "You mean you don't want to get hurt?" 

"Haha, very funny Carmen."- I scoff. 

She picked up the keys to our car. I walk out of the room with her at my heels. I hop into the front seat. It's my turn to drive. 

"I'm driving!"- I say to her, smiling.

"Fine, but you better not crash and kill us both."- She replies, completely serious. 

I roll my eyes at her and drive to the house we were at hours earlier, sending the two bodies back to Grace. Carmen mumbles something incoherent under her breath. I ignore her and slam my foot on the gas pedal. Carmen screamed and instantly grabbed the armrest of her seat. She had such a tight grip that her knuckles turned white. 

"Jack! What are you doing?! Are you trying to actually kill us?!"- She gasps. 

"No... I just like going fast."-I reply, slamming on the brakes. 

"And besides, it got us here in record time!"- I add. 

"Whatever, just as long as I am in one piece when I get back. "- Carmen replies, getting out of the car.

"Don't worry, you'll be in one piece for Sanjay when we get back."- I reply, also getting out. 

The house is actually really nice. Except for the bedroom. That room is a bloody mess. I follow Carmen inside and examine the living room. It looks like a normal upper-class living room. Carmen grabs my hand and takes me to the kitchen. I sigh and let her drag me. 

"What are we looking for in here?"- I ask. 

"Benjamin said the fridge looked rummaged through."- She mumbles as she started searching the Kitchen. 

I step over to their fridge and open it. It did indeed looked rummaged through. I mean, someone spilled wine all over whatever was in here. I don't see anything suspicious though. I shut the fridge and I trail of blood on the floor. I follow it, it leads to the bedroom. Maybe it leads from the bedroom to here? Did someone want a nice drink after the murders? 

I now stand at the scene of the crime. Blood was everywhere. I've seen gruesome, but not this gruesome. I noticed that two cell phones were plugged up into a socket. I pulled two evidence bags and bagged them. Hmm... I didn't know these people were so high tech! I looked around the room for anything else of interest and found a burned out cigarette. I bagged it, and Carmen appeared in the doorway.  

"You find anything?"- She asks.

"Yeah. I found their cell phones and a snuffed out cigarette. How about you?"- I reply. 

"I checked out Benjamin's Room and found a laptop. I found a broken bottle and another cigarette."- Carmen says. 

"We should go back to the station and get these samples to the lab!"- I say, having my usual smirk. 

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea."- She replies. 

Carmen had her evidence bags and I had mine. We walked out of the house and got into the car. Carmen sat in the driver's seat. I open my mouth to protest, but she gave me this look. This look was kinda saying 'If you say it, I'm going to kill you.' I'm a little scared of her. I just sat in silence the whole trip back. I sighed and got out with Carmen following me. In HQ, we met up and Carmen handed me the laptop. Oh no. I knew what that meant. 

"No. I am not going to Elliot's lab!"-I say.

"Yes, you are. It's not a big deal."-She replies.

Carmen took the cigarette that I had bagged and walked away. I groan and walk to Elliot's lab. I try to knock, but I didn't want to drop the laptop or the phones so it was really difficult.  When I did knock though it was harsh, knowing what was going to come. 

"Come in, you can open the door Pretty Boy!"- Elliot says. 

"No, I can't! My hands are full! Open the door!"- I reply, banging on the door again. 

"Fine, you lazy idiot."- He replies, angrily opening up the door. 

"What do you need?"- He asks, clearly agitated. 

"What's got you so agitated? Feeling sympathy for your little boyfriend?"- I reply.

"No. Your here."- Elliot replies with a smirk. 

I hand him the two bags with phones in them and the laptop. I smirk my usual smirk. 

"What's this?"- He asks.

I don't answer his question. "Analyze this, will you Brains?"- I ask. 

"Whatever, Pretty Boy."- Elliot says. 

I walk to the door, and he slams the door in my face. I walked away and was met by Carmen. She smiled at me. 

"So, are you done annoying Elliot?"-She asks.

"Oh please, he's too busy thinking about his little boyfriend."- I reply.

"You and Lars watch too many romance movies"- Carmen replies, smirking. 

"Whatever. Anyway, do you know when the autopsy should be ready?"- I ask, changing the subject. 

"Oh yeah, that's why I wanted to talk to you. Grace said that the autopsy was ready."- Carmen replies.

"Oh.. well let's go then."- I reply, perking up.

I walked over to Grace's lab and Carmen followed. Grace was gloomy looking over the bodies. They were barely recognizable. It was really nauseating to look at. They must have had agonizing last moments. 

"Let's get this over with..."- I whisper.

"Okay... so the cause of death for both of them was a cut to the throat as the final stabbing."- Grace says, still gloomy. 

I grimace. "Thanks for the imagery."- I mumble. 

"What about the murder weapon?"- Carmen asks. 

"Oh... you should probably look for something like a broken bottle. Only glass could make those clean and sharp cuts."- Grace says. 

"Oh."- I whisper.

"Wait! Carmen did the bottle you find have blood on it?!"- I ask, things starting to click. 

"No, just alcohol."- Carmen replies. Oh. My lightbulb went out.

"So, we're just waiting for Lars and Elliot to finish up their analyses?"- I ask.

"Yeah."- She replies. 

A few hours later me and Carmen got a text from Lars and Elliot, telling us that our analyses are ready. We decided to go to Lars first because no one wants to deal with Elliot right now. Me and Lars make eye contact and smile. 

"So, let's get started, shall we?"- Lars says. 

"Yeah."- Carmen replies. "I'm pretty curious about who was at our crime scene."

"The two cigarettes came up with two different sets of DNA. It was quite interesting."- Lars states. 

"Who were they?"- I ask, really curious. 

"I have to admit, it was pretty lit results."- Lars replies, chuckling at his own joke. 

I laugh too, I knew this was coming. 

"Can the two of you be serious for once? We have a very important case with a possible serial killer on the loose!"- Carmen snaps. 

"Okay Carmen, fine, I'll get on with it."- Lars says. 

"I did some tests on the DNA, and the results turned out to be a man named Matthew Clayton, and his wife Emily Clayton."- Lars adds. 

"That is interesting. What about the broken bottle?"- I ask. 

"The bottle was a little difficult to piece together and took a 'Clayton' amount of time, but it was promising. It ended up being a bottle of Gold Stag Whiskey."- He replies. 

Carmen rolls her eyes. 

"Well, was there any DNA on it?"- Carmen asks.

"Yeah...the DNA matched the one Matthew Clayton."- Lars says. 

"Hmm, why were these two at our crime scene?"- I mutter aloud.

"I don't know Bro, but you could go ask Elliot to give you an address. He might give you a 'Clayton' of help... get it? It's a pun on his name?"-Lars replies.

"Yeah, I get it, bro. Really funny."- I reply, sighing. 

Carmen grabs my hand an leads me to Elliot's lab before I could protest. She knocks on the door. There wasn't a response. 

"You gotta knock harder and say something."- I tell her

"Archer, I know what I'm doing."- She replies. 

Carmen knocks again and to my surprise, Elliot opens the door. He stares at me for a few seconds, then speaks. 

"I was wondering where you were. Your analyses are finished so you can go find your killer."- Elliot says. 

I roll my eyes and push past him into his lab. He and Carmen soon follow. I hope she told him about the address we need. Elliot walked over to his desk and picked up the two cellphones and the laptop. He walked over, smirking. 

"Honestly, I don't know why you didn't look through these people's phones yourself, Pretty Boy."- Elliot says. 

"And why is that?"- I ask.

"They didn't even have passwords to login to their phones."- He replies. 

I scoff. I didn't care. 

"Anyway, the phones all had typical stuff on there like normal people do, except they really had some interesting texts."- Elliot starts.

"Really?"- I ask, curious. 

"Uh yeah. They really pressured their son, they hated their gardener neighbor Mr.White, and they owed a lot of money to this girl named Claire Moleneu."- He finishes.

"Do you think you could-"-I start. 

"Yeah yeah, I got addresses!"- Elliot scoffs.

Carmen grabbed a pen and ready to write down the addresses. 

"Mr.White literally lives right next door, and Ms.Moleneu lives at 1350 Gray Blvd."- Elliot replies, busy looking at the laptop he had. 

I raise an eyebrow at him and he starts telling us his findings. 

"So, the laptop didn't have much unusual stuff on it."-Elliot says 

"What's the unusual stuff in there?- I ask. 

"I'm about to tell you, so shut up."- He replies.

"Benjamin had a lot of pictures on here from his time in Iraq. Some of them, I don't even recognize."- Elliot states. 

"Okay?"- I say, raising an eyebrow. 

"But, I also found his plans for running away. They were pretty detailed."- Elliot adds. 

"We already know most of this stuff."- I point out. 

"I'm getting to the point!!!"-He snaps. 

Carmen glares at the both of us, so I quickly shut up. 

"He had a file on his computer named 'RA Pt.2'"- Elliot says. 

"Well, what's that supposed to mean?"- I ask. 

Elliot raised an eyebrow at me. "Did you really just ask that?"

"Yes, so just tell me."- I say, kinda annoyed. 

Elliot sighs. "Running Away, Part 2."- Elliot says, resting his chin in his hand.

"That's kinda obvious, Archer."- Carmen mutters. 

"He was planning on running away again, but his parents caught him, and they weren't too happy."- Elliot replies. 

"Oh, so was there evidence that he was caught?"- I ask. 

"Yeah. They left comments on the document, saying that they weren't going to allow him to do this, and they weren't going to make compromise either. His dad even threatened him that he was going to call the cops on him!"- Elliot says, seeming concerned for the boy. 

Oh, he is totally crushing on him! 

"That's really strict, but I'm guessing he moved out anyway even with his parents protesting."- I say. 

"I guess this marks another talk with Benjamin. Oh, and could you look up an address for someone?"- Carmen says. 

"Yeah sure."- Elliot replies, "Who is it?"

"We need the address of Matthew and Emily Clayton."- Carmen says. 

"Really?"- He asks, his face going a little whiter than it already was.  

"Yes, give us the address."-I say. 

"666th Blue Street... and yes that's an actual street."- He replies. 

"You sure that that is the actually the address? You didn't even have to look it up."-I ask, confused. 

"I didn't need to. I know the address."- Elliot replies, looking away. 

"Why?"- Carmen asks. 

"None of your business."-Elliot answers, shuffling us to the door. 

"Now, you two can go... you know...  go solve your murder now!!"- He says happily, pushing the both of us out the door.

"That was weird..."- I say

"I know right."-Carmen replies. 

"He never acts like this... I wonder what's wrong with him..."- She adds. 

"Well, let's just go then."- I say, walking down the hallway with Carmen following. 

Elliot pokes his head out of the door, "Wait, you guys should...well....need to be careful, you  don't know if they are dangerous."

"You, worried about me? Aw, how adorable!"- I say, chuckling. 

Elliot sighs and went back into his lab, slamming the door behind him. 

"Jack, you should be nicer to the kid, he's only trying to help."- Carmen says. 

"I'm sorry, but it isn't my fault his buttons are so easily pressed."- I reply. 

We step out of HQ into the nice noon sun. I sit in the passenger seat, knowing Carmen would kill me if I didn't. Carmen smiled at me and I sighed.

"So, where to first?"- Carmen asked, breaking the fresh silence. 

"I think we should go to Mr.White's house first, then Claire Moleneu's and finally the Claytons."- I say. 

Carmen nods and pulls out of the driveway. I turn my head and look out of the window. Carmen drove slower than I did, so it took longer to get there. 

The White residence was a lot smaller than The Scotts' huge house, but it still was nice. We parked our car in the driveway and both step out. The front porch of the house had plants everywhere. I stepped onto the porch and accidentally bumped into one of Mr.White's hanging flowerpots. Dirt went everywhere, and I heard Carmen stifle a laugh. 

"This- I point at the mess -is not funny!"- I say, but she rolls her eyes and rings the doorbell. 

A white-haired man in his late 50's early 60's opened the door. He wore a visor, small thin glasses, a green and white striped shirt, a pair of Khakis, and socks with sandals. He smiled at us. 

"Hello, Mr.White, I'm Jack Archer from the Bureau, and this is my partner Carmen. If you don't mind we'd like to ask you a few questions about your neighbors Mr. and Mrs.Scott."- I say, introducing us. 

"Oh yes, certainly."- He replies, letting us in. 

Mr.White leads us to his living room, which is covered in plants, and we sit down on his couch. This man's house is covered in plants, and his furniture has floral designs. This man really does love plants. 

"Would the two of you like some tea?"- He asks.

"No thank you, Sir, we've just come to ask you some questions."- Carmen replies. 

A cup of hot

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