Chapter 13: Yes or No?

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~1 month later~

Connors POV:

His muscles flexed as he wrapped his arms around my numb body even tighter. His grip was firm but comforting. I rubbed my toes slowly up and down his calf as we cuddled on his old, leather sofa. He began to kiss my neck, sending my body into a violent quiver he laughed as he knew it always did. Once he had controlled his laughter, he started to kiss me. He shifted his body so he was leaning on his forearms on top of me. I reacted to his movement by wrapping my legs around his waste. His kiss became more intense as he lifted me so I was straddling him. My face was now touching his and again I was breathless. I was completely in love with him and there was nothing I could do to control it. I knew he only wanted to fool around but I my feeling a for him were growing into something bigger than just 'fooling around'.

It was then that it occurred to me to stop. I broke the kiss, he could tell there was something on my mind so he let my body go from his tight grip and stroked my thighs with his finger tips.

I stumbled but eventually got my words out after a minute or so.

"What are we doing here?" I said nervously, knowing this could end everything.

"What do you mean?" He had a look of confusion spread across his perfect face.

"I mean this has been going on for a while now and I guess I just wanna know where this is going. I know we agreed you only wanted to experiment but I seriously think I'm being used here, I'm scared I'm going to get my heart broken by you."

My words stumbled out. Why the fuck did I have to open my mouth. I always ruin everything good that comes into my life. I could have lived with being used as long as it was him using me.

"What makes you think I'm going to break your heart?" He raised his eyebrow waiting for my response.

"Well one your straight and there's nothing that can be done to change that so how could this end well for me. You have no feelings for me, your not attracted to me I'm just here for you when your sexually frustrated."

He replied quickly with anger in his voice this time.

"Why are you saying this now?!" He fingertips stopped stroking my thighs instead they were replaced with his fists clenching. I pulled myself away from his lap and say at the end of the sofa, burying my head in my hands.

I wasn't expecting tears but before I knew it floods of them streamed down my face into my hands. He unclenched his fists and held me. He caught a falling tear with one of his fingers and kissed mr forehead.

We remained a silent for a few minutes until he asked; "So what exactly was bothering you?" .

I gulped and answered. "I'm falling for you, anticipated this would happen. I was quite happy for us to just fool around but I'm afraid if I continue to fall for you and this ends, it's going to ruin me." He didn't reply for a minute instead he just said.

"So you want to be more than just friends that just 'fool around?" He bit his lip waiting for my response.

"It would be great if you were interested in me like that, but I know that's not an option so for now I can just live with being friends".

"Your so silly. You know that don't you? How do you think I could get an erection and be able to touch you the way I do if I wasn't, as you put, 'interested in you like that'? I'll take you whatever way I can get you Connor".

It was the first time he ever said my name and I loved it.

"So your saying...?" He cut in before I had chance to finish my sentence.

"I'm saying Connor that I also have feelings for you. I've never had feelings towards a guy before and this is very new to me, but that's what I'm saying. Obviously we don't have to become and item straight away but at least we know what's in the cards.

He continued.

"So my question is Connor Conrad. Are we going to have a go at this boyfriend and boyfriend thing?" He laughed whilst he said this.

"Yes or No?" ...

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