Chosen - Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

The pounding on my doors awoke me shortly after I closed my eyes. It felt like but a few moments. I sat up and looked out the window, the sky still dark.

"What?" I called out.

"It's time," a voice called from the other side.

Stretching my arms out, I yawned while staring out the window. "For what?"

"Training, Joselyn."

That voice. It's Jonathan.

"Alright, I'll be there shortly."

The morning training went by relatively fast. My mind wasn't there for most of it, but I managed to get through without another gash. Once we were released from our time, I hurried back to Claude's chambers. I needed away from all things assassin related for just a bit. The relief that washed over me seeing everyone just sitting around was overwhelming.

The cool steel that was strapped to my inner thigh pressed into my flesh as I sat in a chair opposite Queen Claude. The room was silent except for the crackling of the fire behind us. The queen's other ladies-in-waiting focused intently on their needlepoint. I'd been holding mine without doing much to it. I stared at the white cloth, lost in thought.

"Lady Joselyn?" the queen asked.

"Yes, milady?"

"Are you quite alright?"

"Yes, of course."

"You haven't touched your work."

"Oh." I knew I hadn't. I stared down at the circle in my lap. "I'm contemplating what I wish to stitch."

She nodded and looked back at her own work. I sighed heavily and tried to focus on the task at hand. At least until a loud bang came from the doors that led to the queen's chambers.

"Oh, for heaven's sake," she muttered.

"Majesty?" I questioned.

"Don't worry, Joselyn." She straightened her skirts and let the needlework fall into her lap. "Enter."

One of the king's guards entered holding a letter. He bowed to the queen, handed her the paper in silence, and exited the room. Queen Claude looked at the wax seal and looked up at me with raised eyebrows.


She read it quickly and stood. "Ladies, excuse me please."

She turned to leave, motioning for me to follow. I smiled at the others and quickly stood. Once we were inside her inner chambers, Claude closed her doors and leaned her forehead against them.

"What's wrong?" I questioned, rushing to the woman.

"Your king."

I shook my head. "Francis?"

"No. Your king."

My heart sunk. My assignment was to start.

"Already? Are you sure?"

She nodded her head solemnly. "I knew the day was coming, child. I didn't think it would be so fast."

"Why did he not make mention of this yesterday?"

"I suspect he spoke with Francis and they failed to mention to us."

I pursed my lips and held my hand out for the letter. Taking a deep breath, I scanned the parchment.


There is much ado about the kingdom. Word has been getting back to me that there are many nefarious plots in the making. I understand that your assignment is to become my protector when the time is ready. I will be traveling to Calais shortly. It is my deepest wish that we may have a moment together there; a moment longer than what we had yesterday.


"Why did he not mention this yesterday? I don't understand. Do you think I'm ready to take up my assignment?" I asked her.

"It's not a matter of what I think, Joselyn. Your king needs you. Your training is complete."

I shook my head at the woman. "I don't know."

"This is what you have been training for your entire life. You were chosen for this mission. You are to be the King's assassin."

Chosen. She spoke as though this were a great task to be dealt. Being a king's assassin was a sure death sentence.

"I know. The others though, they remained with you well beyond my years."

Claude sat on her bed and patted the seat next to her. "You are by far the best assassin I have had through my court. You are ready for your assignment."

"What if I fail and Cassius is murdered?"

"Do not fret. That has not happened in the entire time that the Guild has been training assassins. All have been successful."


She wrapped her arms around me. I felt the tear land on my bare shoulder. She was just as nervous as I. It was her job to be sure though. She was the queen selected at the time to train assassins to protect their king's. I was the only one in her employment at the time. Though word had been sent once I was finished another would replace me.

"Joselyn, you have been like a daughter to me all these years. My favorite assassin."

"I know." I could feel tears welling and threatening to spill over.

Assassin's don't cry, Joselyn. Stop it.

"You will be the greatest assassin. You will protect King Cassius and his future wife and children."

I nodded. A bit of a sting ached my heart at the thought of my old friend marrying though.

"Why didn't he just mention this yesterday?"

"I'm not sure. We'll have to inquire with Francis."

She stood and grasped my hand before turning to the doors. I followed. She was the most graceful woman I'd ever met. She appeared to float over the stone floor. A person could barely hear her delicate footsteps.

"Ladies, please continue your work. I shall be back. Joselyn will accompany me."

"Yes, majesty," the rest of her maids said in unison.

They were simply ladies of noble peerage in her kingdom. Ladies who sought nothing more in life than to acquire noble husbands. They were the firstborn of the most notable French families.

I followed Queen Claude from her chambers. The castle seemed so quiet. The only sound was my stomping footsteps. I had never mastered the art of silent walking. At least not yet.

She knocked softly on the door to Francis' library.

"Enter," the deep voice called from within.

"Majesty," she called as the guard opened the door.

"Wife. How lovely to see you."

"Joselyn received a letter from King Cassius. He was just here for a visit yesterday."

"Yes, I received one as well. We have much to discuss about the kingdoms."

"I see. Do you happen to know why he did not mention anything yesterday?" she questioned.

"He was unsure if she was ready, but news he received today has forced his hand."

"News?" she questioned. "News you could not tell your wife?"

Francis took a deep breath and side-eyed Claude. My heart thudded in my chest.

"Yes, his secretary sent word that a few of his personal grooms, who remained in England, were poisoned."

"Poisoned!" I gasped.

Claude glanced at me from the corner of her eyes. I quickly closed my mouth and cast my gaze down.

"Joselyn, please excuse us."

"Of course, Madame."

I quickly exited the room. I had to find Jonathan then Cassius if he was still here. I had to know what the meaning of all this was. I burst into the training room, allowing the doors to slam off the walls.

"Jonathan!" I yelled.

He came running from an inner room, his pants undone. Anastasia followed shortly after, her bodice unlaced.

"Oh. Excuse me."

I could feel my face flush as I turned quickly and ran from the room. Tears stung my eyes.

Some assassin you are.

"Joselyn!" Jonathan called after.

"No. No. I can't speak with you right now. I am much too busy. I must find King Cassius. I have a lot of packing to do. Sorry for barging in." I waved my hand at him, not turning to look at him.

He will not have the satisfaction of seeing me cry.

He grabbed hold of my arm though, spinning me around. "Will you talk to me please?"

"I can't. I told you I have to pack."

"For what?"

"I'm going back to England," I replied, practically spitting the words at him.

Jonathan shook his head and tightened his grip on me. "Because of this? You said so yourself we could never be anything. Anastasia will not be leaving France. She's permanent here. I figured..."

"You think I'm leaving because of you? Cassius has recalled me. I'm starting my assassin duties. Don't think so highly of yourself, Jonathan. It's not becoming of a master assassin."

"He's recalled you?"

"Of course. So if you don't mind, I have much to do." I wrenched my arm from his grasp and hurried back to my chamber.

The sobs broke as soon as I shut the door.

Later in the afternoon, King Francis called all ladies, lords, manservants and woman servants to the throne room where he announced that the court would be traveling to Calais to throw a banquet in honor of King Cassius and a new trade deal reached amongst the two kingdoms.

Good cover.

Those of us training knew it was actually a farewell feast. Assassins always had a farewell feast when departing for their kingdoms. We usually had more notice, however. Everyone bustled about scrubbing the castle as we prepared for departure. The cooks prepared and packed a banquet fit for two kings.

Returning to Claude's chambers, the ladies returned to their needlepoint. They glanced up as I entered a bit behind them, but quickly went back to work. I didn't seem to fit in with them as much. Perhaps because their conversations usually revolved around the eligible men in the French court while my mind was about protecting Cassius. After all, I was going to be his assassin and they were simply ladies-in-waiting.

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