Chapter One
One simply must learn to fight whilst wearing a bodice and damask. One must also learn what colors hide blood well.
The training room was never brightly lit, tall candelabra's stood at each corner of the room. During my early years with the Guild they mentioned that each candelabrum stood for a different element of an assassin's mind. My mind was not paying attention and did not retain that rather ridiculous information. The training room was the only room on the entire estate where there were no windows or fireplaces. Yet there always seemed to be a draft coming from somewhere. I knelt opposite Anastasia, sweat rolling down my back, staying where I was struck. Thankfully the many layers of fabric hid the dampness well. Blood ran down my cheek where her dagger sliced into my skin. The stinging faded after a few moments, but my pride was wounded.
"Joselyn, stand up. Try again."
I looked up at the man towering over me. My chest heaved with each breath. Our training felt as though it lasted for hours. My body ached and screamed for rest.
"These are the mistakes that will get you killed. You must be able to fight while also being aware of your surroundings. If someone is trying to kill your king they won't always be alone. Understand?"
I nodded while fetching my own dagger that landed on the other side of the room when I was surprised. Taking a deep breath, I took up my stance across from the older girl I sparred. She smirked and sheathed her dagger.
"Ready?" Anastasia asked.
"Yes. You won't surprise me again."
We sidestepped in a circle, her eyes never left me. Anastasia always had this wild and crazed look about her. For the longest time, I assumed it was part of her role as an assassin. Though now I wondered if that was just her. I took deep breaths trying to focus all of my senses. I watched the girl. Every move she made. The corners of her lips turned up into a coy smile as her fingers played on the hilt of her dagger. She grasped it, slowly pulling it from the sheath. I could feel my heart speeding up. Taking deep breaths, I attempted to steady my breathing. Something scraped on the floor behind me as Anastasia lunged at me. I ducked and rolled to the left as the two bodies that were attacking collided. They landed with a thud and someone dropped their weapon, not me this time. I rolled into a crouching position before lunging forward. I grabbed the person who attacked from behind as they stood and grappled them to the floor. We rolled around in the dirt before I felt a piercing pain in my shoulder. I let out a yelp but didn't let go. I wrapped an arm around their throat and tightened until their body went limp in my arms. After pushing them to the side, I quickly stood and reached to my shoulder. Pulling my hand away, I saw it covered in blood. I spun round looking for Anastasia. She stood across the room, her dagger covered in blood.
"You really are not prepared, Joselyn," she sneered.
I just stared at her. The pain throbbed up my arm. I glanced around the room trying to find the best way to get to her and disarm her. The other attacker began to stir off to my side. There wasn't much time.
"You will never make it as an assassin," she taunted.
She lunged forward, swinging the dagger wildly. The tip managed to catch the sleeve of my shirt, ripping it. I could feel the metal drag across my skin. I spun out of the way of her next swing, which sent her off balance. She tumbled to the floor in a raging ball of screaming fury.
"How dare you!"
I shrugged as she clambered to her feet. Sweat poured down her face as she lost her temper and flailed about. I managed to wrap my arm around her throat, squeezing tightly. She gurgled a bit as she struggled against me. I pulled my dagger from its sheath and held it to the pulsing flesh in her neck.
"And you're dead." I held out my hand to help Anastasia up.
She swatted it away and stumbled to her feet.
"Very well done," Jonathan said.
He strode across the room, lightly brushing past me. I inhaled deeply, he always smelled of spice.
"Why didn't you just finish me off?"
"I'm not going to kill you. You're not a threat to my king and we're just training."
"No. No mercy."
"Calm yourself, Anastasia." He shook his head and went to our weapons cabinet.
A slow clap came from the back of the room. I spun to see Queen Claude standing in the doorway. The three of us bowed as the beautiful woman entered the room. It felt as though my heart leaped to my throat, the pulsing was surely loud enough for all to hear.
"Joselyn, you have come such a long way over the course of the years."
I felt my face grow warm at the compliment. "Thank you, your majesty."
"Walk with me." She handed me a soft handkerchief. "You're bleeding."
I took the cloth and held it to my cheek, occasionally looking at it. The snow whiteness of the handkerchief turned a crimson red, staining the once perfect square. "I'm sorry. It's ruined," I mumbled quietly.
"It's not ruined, my dear. It is simply changed from how it once was just as you are changed. Now, come."
I nodded and followed close behind.
"How has your time been at court?"
"It has been wonderful, majesty."
"And your training? How do you find being an assassin?"
"I'm not quite an assassin yet. I feel I still need more time."
She laughed lightly. "You will never feel as though you're ready. You are though."
"How can you be sure? I make such simple mistakes that could get me or my king killed."
"When in battle, you will succeed. We have not had an assassin fail at her mission yet."
"I suppose," I mumbled.
"Have faith, Joselyn."
"Of course, Majesty."
"How long has it been since you went home?"
"I'm not sure. It has been quite a few years," I answered.
She nodded. "And the last time you saw Cassius?"
"The last time he was here."
"That was two years ago. Wasn't it?"
"Yes. I believe it has been that long already."
Two guards opened the doors to the queen's chambers, allowing us into her sitting room.
"Well, it's not that long anymore."
Standing near the fireplace, my king stood. A smile crept on my lips at the sight of him.
I dipped into a curtsy. "Your majesty."
"How are you?"
"I am well." I stood and smiled at the man.
"It's good to see you."
"You as well. What are you doing here?"
"I had some business with Francis and thought I ought to check in to see how your training has been coming along."
"There was no word of your visit," I said.
"It is all very hush-hush, my dear," Claude put her hand on my arm reassuringly. "She is doing quite well with her training."
"Will it be over soon?" he questioned.
"As soon as our master of arms deems her ready, she'll be ready."
Cassius furrowed his brow and pursed his lips together. He wasn't a man who liked being told what he didn't want to hear and that was not what he wanted to hear.
"Just be sure she's trained."
"I am," I muttered, pouting a bit.
Cassius turned to look at me. His eyes narrowed and he puffed out his chest.
"I apologize," I murmured.
"Very well. Joselyn, until we see one another again."
I nodded as he left the room.
"You have quite the sharp tongue," Claude said.
I nodded. "Unfortunately, I do."
"Get some rest. Jonathan will call for you early in the morning."
"Yes, majesty." I spun on my heels and quickly left the room.
"That cheek needs to be cleaned."
I stopped short and instinctively reached for my dagger tucked in the waist of my skirt. Jonathan reached out and grabbed my arm before I could; pulling me into the dark alcove he hid in. He pinned me against a wall with his body, pushing the hair out of my face. He leaned toward me, placing his lips roughly against mine.
I pushed him back before pulling the curtain around us. "Will you be careful? We don't need to get caught."
"Nobody is going to catch us." He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close to his body.
I draped my arms over his shoulder and rested my head on his chest. "Today was really bad."
"It wasn't that bad."
"Jonathan, I let Anastasia get the better of me."
"Yes, but we learn from our mistakes."
"My mistakes can get Cassius killed."
"Or you."
I sighed heavily. He released my waist and tilted my head up to his. "She did get your cheek pretty good though."
"Yes. I let my guard down."
He leaned forward, kissing me again. "Well stop that."
I broke off the kiss and left the alcove, Jonathan close behind.
"What's wrong?"
"This can't continue. I'm going to eventually leave here."
"Not today you're not. You can't go until I finish your training."
"Then what? We can't be together. We're not even supposed to be doing this," I whispered as loud as I dared.
"Don't think about that."
I shook my head and threw open the door to my chamber. "Goodnight. I shall see you in the morning."
I shut the door in his face, my heart thudding in my chest. Tears stung my eyes as I undid the lacing of my gown. I didn't bother changing into a sleeping gown. I climbed onto the soft mattress and quickly fell asleep.
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