Chosen - Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

I went to sleep just a short time later, anxious and nervous to leave with the king. I knew my duties. I had to protect him. Though I was not expecting it to be so soon.

Was that why he came in the first place? Why return so soon?

"Joselyn?" a very distant voice called my name. "Joselyn?"


"It's time to wake up."


My eyes shot open and I sat upright. "Is the king ready to leave?"

Claude laughed. "No, dear child. Not yet. But if you continue to sleep like this, he shall be. We are traveling to Calais today. Is everything ready?"

"Yes, Madame."

"Very well. She turned and hurried from the room in a flurry of crimson and gold fabric."

I climbed out of bed and poured water in a bowl to wash up. I was Claude's chief lady-in-waiting for the past four years, prior to I was simply a lady-in-waiting and a trainee assassin. I was a terrible lady-in-waiting. Claude always woke well before I did and tended to wake me. I never understood why she tolerated me as much as she did.

My mother placed me with Claude at the instance of the former queen of England, Elizabeth. Cassius's mother. She chose me as a babe to protect her son once he took the throne. She wanted a girl of noble birth who came from a family of noble warriors. My father, his father, and his father's father fought alongside the king and his ancestors in many battles. Cassius had been king for a few short years since his father's unexpected death. Unfortunately, my training was not complete. Not that I agreed.

In my time with Claude I learned to become invisible and how to watch the idiosyncrasies of those around me. I blended in and heard everything. The gown I'd chosen for the day was beautiful green damask with black embroidery; my personal favorite and my finest gown. Claude left a beautiful gold broach for me to wear. I ran my fingers over the jewels that encrusted the broach lightly. It looked similar, but I couldn't place where I'd seen it before.

I gathered with the group of maids in the queen's chamber. They were abuzz with excitement about our pending travels and King Cassius. Normally a king is welcomed on the day of arrival; however, Cassius kept his first day rather quiet and didn't tell anyone besides Francis. Considering he was recalling me to court already, I suppose that was for good reason.

"Can you believe the King of England is going to be at Calais?"

"He's so handsome."

"I heard he's still searching for a wife!"

I shouldn't have felt jealous at the thought of them wishing to be his queen. I could never be. I could never be anyone's wife. My life was dedicated to his protection and life.

"What about you, Joselyn? You're from his court. What do you think?" Clarice De La Clare asked, glaring at me.

The girl never liked me which was fine because the feeling was mutual.

"I haven't been in King Cassius's court for a very long time. Not since I was a small child visiting during Christmas Tide with my parents."

"That doesn't answer the question."

"I'm not sure, Clarice. I guess he's looking for a wife."

She rolled her eyes and went back to her gossip. I walked to the window that overlooked the entryway. I stood there for what felt like hours, watching. Carriages, horses, and the king's guards lined the drive. Trunks, boxes, and furniture were loaded into all the free space. The king and queen's horses were brought from the stables, regaled in their favorite colors, purple and gold.

"Majesty, it appears the horses are ready." My heart leaped, and my stomach felt as though an entire field of butterflies fluttered about inside.

She put down her book and stood. "Ladies, it's time to leave."

The stood excitedly, babbling and giggling. The prospect of a single king and his entire court seemed to be overwhelming. I searched the drive from the window one last time before heading to the horses for my king to no avail. He had left the castle in the cover of darkness, staying at a nearby nobleman's home until the meeting with Francis.

Queen Claude stopped at the entrance of her chambers and turned to face us. "Ladies, you will be on your best behavior in front of King Cassius and his court. I expect nothing but the best from my ladies-in-waiting. Anything less will be met with harsh punishment."

"Yes, Majesty," We said in unison.

They remained quite longer than I expected them to. The closer we got to the entrance of the castle their chatter grew louder. I wanted to be giddy with them.

Thankfully Calais was only a day's travel from the palace of Fontainebleau by horse. My black mare pawed the ground, anxious to stretch her legs. There wasn't much time for leisurely riding most days and she'd always been anxious. I rubbed her neck looking around to see if maybe Cassius was hidden amongst the gentlemen already here.

Claude placed a hand on my shoulder. "He's not here just yet. Relax, Joselyn. Enjoy the ride and have fun."


Claude laughed. "Yes, your duties don't start yet. Enjoy riding Sable. Tonight and tomorrow be sure to dance, eat, and be merry while you still can be just a lady and not an assassin."

I nodded and mounted my horse. There were so many people.

"Are you ready to see him again?" Claire asked, nudging her chestnut mare next to me.

"Huh?" I asked turning to look at her.

Her dark locks hung in curls about her shoulders, framing her delicate face.

"Are you ready to see the king?"

"Oh, I suppose. It has been quite some time."

"How close were you?" she questioned.

"We grew up together. At least until I came to court."

"What do you know about him?"

"Clarice, I don't know what he is looking for in a wife if that is what you are asking?"

She huffed and turned the horse's reigns, "What good are you for?"

I rolled my eyes and took my position behind Queen Claude.

"She is quite the pleasant lady."

"I don't care who Cassius marries, as long as it isn't her. I may be tempted to push her off a balcony myself."

A small giggle came from the queen who quickly put her hand to her mouth to stifle it. "I'm sure the king will find a much more suitable wife."

"I certainly hope so."

Drums beat as the King's Guard moved out ahead of us. A bunch of his hounds ran about, barking and jumping, just as excited for the journey as we were.

Only a day and a half until I would be an assassin and not a trainee.

I heard a laugh a few rows behind. Glancing back, I saw Anastasia riding alongside Jonathan. She reached out and brushed her hand on his arm. As she did, my eyes met his. Who would have thought such things would hurt do deeply.

I kept to myself as the horses lumbered on, following one after another like the good workers they were. My mind drifted away from our travels and to another place. Another time. All of my years of training were coming to an end and I was terrified. Darkness crept up on us long before we reached our stop for the evening. A large manor house was lit up in the distance and it seemed that there were many people bustling about outside. My backside ached and my shoulders throbbed. Getting a nice warm bath and a clean gown was top priority after ensuring Claude was comfortable.

As we stopped in front of the large doors I was almost afraid to dismount Sable. My legs felt as though they were not there.

"Sir John, thank you for hosting us this evening."

"Anything for you, Sire. Your chambers and those of your company are prepared. We shall sup in an hour?"

Francis nodded as we were led into the house. We were cleaned up and ready to eat in a relatively short amount of time. Everyone seemed tired and ready to sleep.

The great hall glowed brightly with all of the candles and fireplaces. The smell of food drifted in from the kitchen and music played loudly from a corner. I sipped from a goblet of wine, making conversation with a few of the local lords and ladies. Small talk was always painfully polite.

I nearly dropped my wine when a warm hand reached out and grabbed my wrist. Yanking my arm away I glowered at the intruder.

"Pardon me, Lady Joselyn. There is a gentleman asking for your presence."

"A gentleman? What gentleman?"

"This way lady. Please?"

I nodded at him before turning to the others. "Pardon me, please."

I followed the cloaked man, remaining a few feet behind. His hood was pulled low over his face only revealing his mouth and chin. He stood tall though and his voice sounded vaguely familiar. He led me beyond the room and into a small alcove surrounded by curtains.

"Sir, I do think you're playing some sort of prank and making fun of me. I do not appreciate the lie."

He turned toward me and lowered his hood.

"King Cassius!" I gasped.

He held his hand to my mouth. "Shh, Joselyn. Nobody knows that I am here. I'm not supposed to be here."

"Then why are you?"

His beautiful eyes peered right into mine, seemingly searching my soul. "I wanted to see you. We did not get a chance to talk much when I was with you last."

"It is good to see you."

A smile spread across his lips and he reached out for me. His embrace was warm and comforting. I wrapped my arms around him and let out a long, slow breath. He felt comfortable. He felt the same as when we were children.

"I can't believe you're here," I whispered.

"When have I ever followed rules?"

"I suppose never. Why did you want to see me? Has something happened?"

"No, stop being paranoid. I just wanted to see my long lost friend."

"I am most certainly not long lost, King Cassius."

"It has been years since I saw you last."

"You saw me yesterday."

He shook his head. "Since we saw each other and had a conversation with the company of an entire court."

"I suppose so."

He held onto my hand, lifting it to his lips and kissing lightly. "I am so happy that you were chosen. There is no other I would trust with my life."

"Thank you, majesty."

"There is one thing that I wish."

"What's that?" I questioned.

"That you weren't my assassin."

"I'm sorry?"

"I've had a lot of time to think recently and the attempts on my household and probably soon myself have made me realize that I'm wasting my life. I have no queen to share everything with."

"Cassius, that is very sweet. Your mother chose me though. She trusts my family. And I will be there to share your life with you, just not as your queen."

He leaned forward and kissed my cheek. "You best return before people begin to wonder where you are."

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Back into seclusion until tomorrow. I'll see at Calais."


I slipped from the alcove and hurried back to the hall right before Francis and Claude arrived.

The herald struck his large staff on the ground three times bringing conversation and music to a halt.

"Their royal majesties, King Francis and Queen Claude."

Everyone curtsied and bowed as the king and queen walked past to the head table. Once Claude took her seat beside Francis the music started up again. I accepted another glass of wine as one of the kitchen stewards walked by with a bunch. I sipped at the delicious drink as trumpets sounded and the English ambassador was announced. Those from King Cassius's court milled who were present mingled with those of King Francis and Queen Claude's. Everyone seemed happy and excited. You wouldn't think that his grooms were murdered back home.

As things wound down and people were full from the delicious foods, it was finally an appropriate time for sleep. I followed close behind Claude to aid her in preparing for bed. Her chambers were drastically smaller than those at her own estate but still larger than others. I added the scented oils to water in order to help her wash her hair and bathe. Claire set out the queen's sleeping gown while others fluffed her pillows and prepared her blankets.

"Good evening ladies, be sure you wake early. We travel to Calais tomorrow."

"Yes, Madame."

My room was warm and small. A very cozy area. I hurried out of my gown and slipped between the sheets, falling asleep before my head even touched the pillow. Sleep was a welcome friend.

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