Chapter Thirty-Two
I stood at the side of the bed looking over at Cassius. I never shared a bed with a man before. At least not while I was conscious. We pulled back the blankets and climbed in. My heart sped up as he reached his hand over to grab mine.
"Is this okay?" I asked.
"Why wouldn't it be?" he asked.
"We are not husband and wife."
"Would you like me to go?"
"No. Please stay."
I laid back against the pillows, watching him. Rolling toward Cassius I placed my head on his chest and closed my eyes. He was surprisingly comfortable.
"I'll stay as long as you want me," he whispered before kissing the top of my head.
"I will take care of the Guild when we return home. I want us to be together."
I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep, dreaming of a beautiful wedding and a life with a man I really loved.
Knocking at the chamber door drew me from the restful slumber. I yawned gazing up at the peacefully snoring man beside me. I rolled away from him and tiptoed to the door trying not to wake Cassius. Cracking the door, I peeked out at one of the house servants.
"Would you like breakfast brought up?" he asked.
"Yes, please." I closed the door once he turned to leave.
"Who was that?" Cassius asked.
"You're awake. I was trying to be quiet. Breakfast is being brought up."
"Do you want me to leave?"
"No. Stay in bed. We can eat first. What time will be leaving for the palace?" I asked.
"Shortly. I'll order the carriage be brought round after we eat and get dressed."
I nodded and grabbed a light blue travel gown to change into. Peering around the sheer curtain, I watched Cassius remove his sleeping gown. A shiver ran up my spine at the sight of his body. The muscles in his back rippled with each movement he made. His chest resembled the statue David, only in color.
How can a man look like that?
He turned his head slightly, just enough for me to see the profile of his face. A crocked smile formed as he paused putting on his tunic.
"Everything all right?" he asked.
"Fine," I replied, my voice catching in my throat.
"Lady Joselyn?" a voice called from beyond my door.
"Enter," I called, pulling the gown over my head.
I quickly tied the ribbons at the side and walked out as a maid walked in.
Her eyes darted between Cassius and me. She blushed a bright shade of crimson as she dipped into a quick curtsy. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt, ma'am. I was told to bring up a tray of food."
"It's quite all right," I said.
"You may go," Cassius said, waving the girl off after she placed the silver platter on the table.
"Yes, majesty." She curtsied again and scurried away.
"You strike fear in people around you."
"I am the king."
"You aren't afraid."
"I've known you our entire lives. I don't find anything terrifying about you."
"Really?" he asked, plucking a grape from a vine amongst the clutter of food.
"You may be the only person in the entire kingdom who doesn't fear me and what I can do."
"I know you need me."
"You are a fascinating woman, Joselyn."
"I don't think so. I'm like any other woman with a few special talents."
"A few special talents?" He laughed lightly. "Joselyn, you kill people."
"Not all the time. Only if they threaten my king and country." I poured a glass of wine and sliced bread.
He accepted a glass from me and took a long swig. My eyes traveled down from his face, lingering on his torso before moving south.
"See anything interesting?" Cassius asked, catching me staring at him.
"Just admiring the scenery," I mumbled, disappearing behind the screen again.
I placed my hand over my heart and attempted to still it. I felt Cassius's hand run along the thin fabric, resting on my back. A shudder ran down my spine and into my legs.
This is no way to act. He's throwing off your concentration, but do I care? At this moment should I care? Why can't I give in to my heart? Damn him.
"Are you hiding from me?" he asked.
"No," the breathy reply came out softer than I intended.
He continued along until he was in the back with me. My staggered breathing was much louder the closer he got. He approached me, making the small space even smaller. I pressed my back against the wall, my breasts rising and falling quickly.
"Do I make you nervous?" he questioned.
I shook my head, inching along the wall away from him. He created conflicting thoughts for me.
"Why are you trying to escape me?" A devilish grin appearing on his face.
"I'm not. I would never."
He stopped my retreat by putting his hands on either side of me. Turning my head, I tried to hide the crimson forming on my cheeks.
"You're so delicate and soft," he whispered in my ear.
"I'm the furthest thing from soft and delicate. I just portray a delicate woman. I'm dangerous, Cassius. You've just never seen me in full action yet, and I don't want you to. I don't want to scare you."
"How could I ever be afraid of you?" he asked.
"When you see me in my natural element. This is all a façade," I said, motioning around me.
"I don't believe you."
"You will once we get to Constantinople."
He closed the gap between us, his lips mere inches from mine His sweet, hot breath on my face. I sucked in a deep breath as he placed his lips on mine lightly at first, growing into a determined and wanted motion. He pressed his body against mine, pinning me to the wall with his weight as he let his hands rest on my shoulders, rubbing them lightly. His soft fingers trailed down my arms causing me to gasp into his mouth, giving leeway for his tongue to invade. My eyes shot open at his brazenness with me.
I loved it so much.
He grasped my waist, holding tightly and pulling me off the wall and into his delicious body. I could feel his growth pressed into my lower region the longer our kiss continued.
I wanted so much more than that kiss. I could feel moisture forming in my most private of areas. He created such amazing sensations and feelings I'd never felt with another man before. Not even Jonathan.
"Joselyn?" Angeline called from her door.
"Yes?" I choked out.
"You're in here?" she asked.
"Um, yes. I'm here."
"Are you alone?"
"Uh, well, at this moment no."
"Where are you?" she asked.
"Give me a second." Cassius rolled his eyes and released his grip on me. I straightened my dress and fluffed my hair before stepping out from behind the screen, Cassius trailing behind me.
She closed her eyes slowly and shook her head. "I see."
"What can I help you with?" I asked, hoping I was maintaining my composure.
"I wanted to see if you needed help getting ready, but I see you already had help."
"Yes, I managed to get dressed just fine. Thank you."
"Your majesty, what time will we be vacating?" she asked.
"I'm going to call for the carriage now." He bowed to us and quickly left.
"How long has he been here?"
"I don't know. A little while"
"Shouldn't you wait until you've dealt with the Guild?"
"We haven't done anything," I replied defensively.
"Not yet."
"We won't until we're married. I'm taking care of the Guild once we return to Hampton Court. I'll send word that I want to meet with the masters."
"I hope you know what you're doing," Angeline said, packing the few things I brought up with me.
"I do too."
Honestly, I have no idea what I'm doing or what to do.
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