Chapter Thirty-One
The Dover pass seemed calm. Not a cloud in the sky and the sailors were in good cheer. I stood near the dock watching as final preparations were finished for our voyage.
I hate sailing.
"How long will be on board?" I asked to nobody in particular.
"It will only be a few hours."
"Are you still nervous about sailing?" Cassius asked.
I nodded, my stomach doing a flip flop at the mere thought of the ship lurching from side to side.
"Don't be. The weather is beautiful and not a cloud in the sky."
"For now," I mumbled, walking down the dock toward the ship.
"Lady Joselyn?"
"Yes?" I answered, turning to face an older, white-haired man.
"You and the Lady Angeline shall share a stateroom for our short voyage. I do hope that is okay."
"It's quite alright. Where is it? I would like to lay down, sailing never did much good on my stomach."
"This way, ma'am." He led us to a staircase that seemed to lead into the very depths of hell.
I fought the urge to vomit right there and descended the opulent staircase. The hallway we ended up in was well lit but very narrow. I put my hands out to the sides to steady myself and gain my bearings. I don't know what I would ever do if I had to perform my assassin duties onboard a ship.
"Are you alright, Joselyn?" Angeline asked, grabbing my waist to keep me from listing over.
"I'm quite alright. Just a bit unsteady."
"Aye, ye haven't built up yer sea legs yet." The old man let out a body-shaking laugh.
I didn't find anything about my discomfort funny.
A large door mid-way down the hallway was opened for us. Inside were two beds, much smaller than what I was used to but still looked very comfortable. A dark-colored table in the center of the room had a platter of cheese and dried meats on it while a large, silver bowl was filled with various fruits.
"I do hope this will suit ye."
"It's just fine. Thank you." I crossed the room to look out the small porthole without looking back at the man.
Angeline closed the door after muttering something to him.
"Are you sure you're okay?" she asked.
"Yes. I'm okay. I really dislike sailing."
"It will only be a few hours until we're in Calais."
"Yes, thank goodness for that." I sat on the bed and leaned back against the pillows. "I may just sleep through this entire thing, so I don't have to suffer."
"Enjoy the rocking of the ship. It should lull you off to sleep."
"I don't think so. Is there a bucket nearby? It will probably cause me to vomit instead," I mumbled rolling onto my side.
"You're going to wrinkle your gown and ruin your hair will be ruined!" Angeline complained.
"It'll be fine. I need to lay down for a short while. If it'll make you feel better, I'll remove the gown."
"Please do. I will not have you looking like an unkempt beggar!"
"Angeline, you do worry about the most pointless thing sometimes," I replied, standing so she could unlace the bodice as I untied the skirt.
"I may be your watcher, but I am still a lady who enjoys fine clothing. As should you." She sighed heavily and shook her head, taking the gown from me.
"I'm more worried about retrieving Belle and protecting my king."
"You can do those things and be a proper lady," she said, arching her brows at me.
"I'm not as of a multi-tasker as you, my friend."
"Perhaps not." She shook her head and hung the gown "That is a shame."
I closed my eyes, trying to appreciate the rocking ship which was hard to do. The only thing that managed to happen was the rocking of my stomach.
"Lady Joselyn?" a distant voice called to me.
"Lady Joselyn!" the voice was more urgent as it shouted my name.
"What on earth do you want?" I shouted back, my eyes still closed.
"We're at Calais."
My eyes shot open and I sat up. "Already?"
"You slept the entire voyage," Angeline replied.
"I did?"
"Yes. Would you care to get dressed?" she asked.
"I suppose it would be the decent thing to do. I don't want to offend any of the men's delicate senses by appearing in my undergarments."
Angeline covered her mouth, stifling a laugh.
I held out my hand for the skirt and pulled it on. I hated how heavy the material felt on my aching hips.
"I wonder how long we'll be here."
"The king said not for too long. He wants to visit King Francis in Fontainebleau as soon as possible"
"Is that where Francis is in residence?" I asked.
"Yes. He seems to favor that castle now."
I opened the door of the stateroom and headed back to the deck. The salty air blew across the deck and enveloped me like a new lover. It seemed into every part of my being. Thankfully Angeline reinforced my hair prior to leaving.
"Welcome back, Lady Joselyn," the old man bellowed from the helm.
"Thank you, captain. I do apologize for remaining below deck the entire trip."
"Quite alright, Madame. Not everyone is cut out for sea life." His smile spread from ear to ear.
"I am not one of those people for sure."
"That is most unfortunate, lady. I do hope the rest of your trip is uneventful." He tipped his hat to us as we disembarked the ship.
I hope so as well.
"Do you think anything will happen before we arrive in Constantinople?" Angeline asked.
"I have no doubt about it. Highway robbers, other assassins, and other dangers will be in our way and we will be out for quite some time."
"Ladies, would you like to set out now? Or find somewhere to have lunch first?" Cassius asked.
"I suppose a decent meal would be nice before our long trek to Fontainebleau."
"Fantastic. The Baron John Bourchier lives here. I'm sure he won't mind a few visitors for the evening." Cassius clapped his hands together, leading us to a carriage that waited.
"Is that the crest of the king of France?" I asked.
"Indeed. Francis has agreed to allow us to use one of his carriages for our trip."
"That is rather nice of him."
"Yes, it is," Robert agreed.
We bumped along the road for a short distance till a tall, picturesque building came into view. The drive up was surrounded by tall trees, a luscious lawn, and children running about.
So many children!
Dogs jumped and bounded amongst them. It was a happy family and I was thoroughly envious. Everyone stopped what they were doing when the carriage started toward the house. The small children squealed with joy at the prospects of visitors. The older ones ran toward the house yelling for their parents. A tall, portly man with a head of graying hair appeared in the doorway followed by a shorter, dark-haired woman who looked to be much younger than him. I craned my neck to get a good view of the expansive mansion. It was beautiful. Tall spires jutted toward the sky, a grand front stair led to a large, oak door with opulent designs carved into the wood. I had to assume it was the crest of the deputy of Calais.
The carriage pulled to a stop and once John saw who was inside a smile erupted from his face.
"Your majesty! What a surprise!" He opened his arms wide to embrace Cassius. "I was so confused when the children said a French carriage was coming up the drive."
"I'm sorry for the confusion and for coming with no notice."
"Nonsense! You are always welcome, sire. You and your guests." He waved to the rest of us motioning everyone inside.
"Thank you, John. We are on a long journey and could use a place to rest for the evening before we set out."
"Where are you going?" he asked.
"To visit King Francis before setting out for Constantinople."
We followed John to the great hall and sat at a long table. Servants came from every which way bringing platters of food and pitchers of ale and wine.
"Where did they get all this food?" Robert asked.
John laughed heartily as he piled mutton, fruits, cheese, and other foods onto his plate. "My man is very good at keeping food ready at all times."
"This is amazing!" Robert announced, helping himself to large portions.
Angeline watched in horror as the men shoved food in their mouths.
"Husband, please!" the lady of the house said, shaking her head in embarrassment.
"Do forgive me, dear Katherine."
"It seems all the men are more than happy to eat healthy portions." I laughed. "Do not trouble yourself, Katherine."
"I don't know how they can eat like that."
"It's a special talent." Angeline shook her head as picked at the scant piles on her own plate.
We chatted about everything it seemed like. From matters of the kingdom to the Baron's children. The Baroness asked about the king's plans to marry. I couldn't help but blush furiously. It seemed so strange hearing others ask about that part of his life. I wanted to tell them we would get married. Eventually. Cassius didn't mention much, just that there was a lady he was attempting to court. Katherine's eyes grew as large as saucers.
After supper, we were shown to our rooms. Mine was connected to Cassius's. Perhaps they caught on faster than I assumed when he mentioned courting a lady. Of course, who else would it be than a lady he took on a visit with him?
As Angeline helped me change for bed, he came in.
"Your majesty," I said, dipping into a curtsy.
"Do you think we could have a few moments alone?" He glanced at Angeline who pursed her lips into a thin line to express her disapproval but ultimately nodded.
Once the door was shut, Cassius crossed the room and wrapped me in his arms. It was fantastic being in his arms after so long. I inhaled deeply, taking in his spicy scent. I loved the way he smelled. He tangled his hands in my hair and pulled my head back gently in order to gaze into my eyes. I smiled as our eyes met, my heart leaping to my throat. He still caused butterflies in the pit of my stomach. He leaned his head down, closing his eyes, and pressed his lips to mine. They were so soft and fantastic.
"You're so good at that," I whispered.
"It's because I love you so much."
My smile widened. "I love you too."
"Can I stay with you tonight?" he asked.
I stared up at him, mouth hanging open. "I-I...yes. I'd love it if you did."
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