Chosen - chapter thirty-three

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Chapter Thirty-Three

"John! Thank you so much for your hospitality." Cassius extended his arms out to the man and embraced him.

"It's my pleasure, majesty! You are always most welcome here." The man laughed loudly while clapping the king on the back. "Do be careful. There has been talk of highway robbers along the way."

We climbed into the carriage and headed toward Fontainebleau. The road from Calais would prove to be a long one. The thought of running into highway robbers made me uneasy. I didn't want to fight our way to the king of France.

"How long will it take us to get there?" Angeline asked.

"Three days' time."

She nodded and leaned against the seatback. I sighed heavily ready for a sore back and leg cramps. The carriage ambled along the road, leaving behind the beautiful house and cheerful people inside. I could only hope to be so happy with so many children one day.

Robert was the first to fall asleep. His head lolled about before hitting the side of the small box with a thud. I suppressed a giggle and yawned, watching as Cassius's eyes grew heavier and heavier before finally closing for good. Angeline continued watching the scenery pass by. The open fields with peasants harvesting the wheat crops of the season. The scythe's gleamed in the morning sun. Small children ran about their parents grabbing bundles of the golden wheat. Wagons full of the stuff scattered the fields. It was a productive season.

"The poor shall eat well this winter," Angeline mumbled.

"Yes. They will. Plenty of bread for everyone." I closed my eyes thinking of how I would find Belle.

Only a few more weeks until we were there.

I must have drifted off at some point. I awoke to the sound of horses whining and the coach mans' chatter.

Cassius yawned, stretched, and opened the door. "Where are we?"

"A day and a half away. The horses need a short respite."

Cassius nodded and stretched as he walked about the meadow we were pulled in to. As the coachmen tended to the horses the king's household sat up a tent and began preparing food.

"We shall stay here for the night," Cassius announced.

"Are you sure your majesty?" the head of his privy chamber asked.

"Yes. It's a nice spot."

The man nodded his head and returned to the others, directing and barking out orders.

"Are you sure it's safe to sleep out in the open?" Robert asked.

"With our large party, yes I believe we shall be safe for the evening. We can continue on our way once day breaks."

"I would just like a comfortable spot to sleep," I groaned sitting on the step of the carriage.

"Joselyn! Your gown!" Angeline complained seeing me sit on the step.

"It's fine," I said.

"No, stand. We'll find you a proper seat."



I stood and followed as she procured a chair from one of the men. The sun felt good as it beat down on my tired face. The smell of roasting meat and simmering stew wafted into the air. My stomach growled as we waited for things to be finished.

The sun waned beyond the horizon, sinking behind mountains. The sky appeared to be on fire. Streaks of red, orange and purple blazed forth. Sleep would be much appreciated after a filling meal.

"We shall be sharing a tent," Cassius announced as we sat around a small table in the center of the meadow.

"Sleeping in the same area?" Angeline asked in surprise.

"Yes. It will make things easier to tear down in the morning."

"I think I may retire now." I pushed the half-eaten food to the side and stood.

"Are you feeling all right?" Robert asked.

"Yes. I'm just tired. The traveling has ruined my appetite." I turned and retreated to the large, tan tent in the center of our small camp.

Small beds were set up around the large, spacious area separated by golden screens.

I untied my gown and let it fall to the ground. I stood there in my undergarments, contemplating whether or not I would require a sleeping gown, but sank to my knees on the soft bedding instead. I pulled a mound of blankets around my body and slipped into a deep sleep. Sometime in the night, I felt someone crawl under my bed mound with me. Strong arms wrapped around my midsection as he snuggled up to my warm body.

"Joselyn?" the soft voice asked.


"I love you," he whispered.

"I love you, too, Cassius."

"Are you okay with the trip?" he asked.

I rolled over, our noses touching, eyes locked. "Of course, I am."

"I'm glad that you're so happy about everything."

"I'm not happy with everything. It would be much better if we didn't have to travel in the first place. This is not a social call. We're trying to save someone who shouldn't even be there."

"I understand," he said.

"As far as you and I are concerned, I am very happy," I continued.

"That's what matters most." He moved his head forward a bit and kissed me.

His kisses were soft and gentle. His hands prodded and pawed at my almost nude body. His gentle persuasion was tempting. I pushed him back slightly.

"Not now. Wait."

"I'm sorry," he said, pulling his hands away.

"You don't have to completely stop touching," I replied, pulling his hands toward me again.

He smiled and held me close. I placed my head on his chest and fell back asleep.

"Teardown that tent there, boy!" a man yelled in the distance.

I rolled away from Cassius and stood. A fresh gown lay on a char nearest my bed along with a pitcher of water to wash with.

Oh, Angeline. You always know what I need.

I washed and dressed quickly, stepping into the dewy morning. Gray skies stretched on for miles around. The servants quickly broke down the camp while the coachmen prepared the horses.

"Did you sleep well?" Cassius asked, emerging from the tent.

"I did and you?"

"Very well."

"Looks as though our tent is the last that needs to be packed away."

"Yes. Shall we wait in the carriage?" he asked.

I nodded and followed him to the opulent box.

Angeline and Robert already waited inside for us.

"Good morning," Robert said as we stepped inside.

"Morning," Cassius replied.

"We're leaving soon?" he asked.

"Yes. We shouldn't stop for a night again until we're at the castle. I'd like to get there by tomorrow. We can push the horses just a bit. They'll have a long rest once we arrive."

"Are you ready, your majesty?" the coachman asked.


We lurched forward and bumped along the road again. Angeline pulled out needlepoint work while the men talked. I leaned my chin on my hands and continued watching as the country passed by. I longed to be near other people. Or at least within civilization.

I caught the glimpse of something black streak past us in the trees. Sitting up I watched as a few more flew past. I craned my head around to get a better look at what was going on only to be pitched forward as the carriage came to a sudden halt.

"We're being robbed," I said softly as the sound of men shouting drifted to us.

A loud bang resounded, followed by a thud.

"What's going on?" Angeline asked, putting down the needlepoint.

"Highway robbers."

"Well they didn't waste any time, did they?" Cassius asked.

"Stay put your majesty," Robert ordered as the rest of us crept out of the carriage.

I peered to the front of the procession and saw six men on various brown and black horses blocked our path. The man who led our way lay on the ground beside his horse. He didn't even get a chance to draw his sword. The murderer held a musket, attempting to quickly reload the gun.

"He has a gun," I whispered to Robert and Angeline. "I only see one of our men down."

"Where are the guards?"

"They're upfront. I can't hear what they're saying though."

"What do you want us to do?"

"We're going to have to take down the six of them somehow. I can't see the king's guard being able to handle seasoned highway robbers." I continued watching as the captain of the guards approached the men. "What is he doing? No, don't do that!"

"What's happening?"

"The captain is attempting to confront them. Alone." I gasped in horror as the leader of the gang swung the broadsword in his hand around, catching the captain in the throat.

Blood spurted forth, covering the front of the robber's horse in crimson liquid.

"Oh god. We have to act fast." I tugged at the ribbons on the skirt of my gown. "Angeline, help me get this thing off."


"I won't be able to fight hindered with this full skirt."

The waist grew loser and loser till it dropped to the ground. I pulled the dagger from my thigh and crept forward.

Robert snuck along the opposite side as us.


"Yes?" she asked.

"I have a plan."

"Okay. Let's hear it."

"I want you to be a distraction to them."

"I don't like that plan," she said, straining to see around me.

"Keep their attention away from Robert and me as we try to sneak up on them. You're good at acting."


"Pretend to be a woman of loose morals."

"You want me to act as a common street whore?" she asked, in shocked disgust.

"Angeline, I don't want you to actually perform any sort of sexual act with them. Just divert their attention away from everything else."


I stood and faced her, pulling down the front of her gown to reveal more of her bosom.

"Go and great the greatest diversion you can."

She walked forward, through the throng of soldiers, to the front of everything.

I watched, hoping they would fall for Angeline's act. I glanced out the side of my eyes at Robert. He ducked low and walked up behind the guards, using them as shields. I followed suit and made my way to as close to the front as I dared. Angeline continued talking with the men. Coaxing them to dismount their horses and go with her. I could see them shift in their saddles, a good sign. They were getting restless or uncomfortable in the nether regions.

Please want to follow her!

I held my breath as I anxiously awaited them to take the bait or strike down my watcher.

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