Chosen - chapter thirty

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Chapter Thirty

The gowns Angeline took upon herself to order arrived the morning we were supposed to leave. The parcels were thick and tied tightly. I carefully unwrapped the first one and saw a gorgeous royal blue gown. A fleur de lis in gold thread on the chest. The oversized sleeves were trimmed in gold fur as was the hem of the gown. The second package has a purple damask gown. The squared-off neckline was trimmed in pearls along with the waistline. Black gemstones were scattered across the bodice. The third had a forest green number. The hem, neckline, and sleeves had an elaborate black decal that popped against the color.

"Stop opening all of those!" Angeline ordered, taking the parcel off me.

"I would like to see what you expect me to wear," I pouted.

"You'll find out when I put it on you." She shook her head and repacked the gowns to pack away in the trunk.

"Most people know what they're wearing."

"Joselyn, I do not care about most people, just you."

"Yes, Angeline."

"Here, put this on for the voyage to the ship." She handed me a burgundy traveling gown. A matching cape was already attached.

"It's so heavy. I would not consider this to be a very comfortable gown."

"Fashion is not comfort, Joselyn. I swear your time with Jonathan has destroyed you to being a woman," she muttered, shaking her head.

"I just prefer the comfort of my assassin garb. I have the freedom to move."

"Bed your pardon, Joselyn, but I don't think that will be very conspicuous."

"No, I suppose not. I removed the sleeping gown and stepped into the skirt of the dress. I hoisted the too heavy fabric to my hips and tied the sides.

"Are you nervous at all?"

"I would be lying if I said no. We don't even know if she is still alive. What if the Turkish prince had sold her to someone else?"

"That is something to prepare for. She may not even be there," Angeline said, closing the trunk lid.

I pulled the bodice on and turned around for her to tighten it. "I don't really want to think about what ifs. I'm going to focus on the fact that she is there."

Angeline sighed heavily and tugged as hard as she could on the ribbon laced through the back of my gown. "What about your own great matter?"

"Which would be what?" I asked.

"The Guild."

"What about them?" I cocked my head to the side and stared at her.

"Your relationship with the king."

"Yes. I suppose that is going to be an issue."

"You're lucky they haven't found out yet. When they do I can promise they will not look kindly on your love or give their permission for you to marry."

"I don't plan on actually asking their permission. I'm going to tell them what I'm going to do and do it."

She arched her brows at me and continued yanking on the ribbon. "How do you plan on achieving that?"

"I'm not sure yet."

"Lady Joselyn?" a voice called from the other side of my door.

"Yes?" I answered.

"The coach is here. King Cassius wanted to know if you are ready to embark on the trip."

"Yes. Please send someone to fetch mine and my lady's belongings please."

"Of course, ma'am."

"Well let's get going, Lady Angeline."

"I won't be able to get used to that," she mumbled.

"Enjoy being pampered for a short time."

She crinkled her nose and followed me out of the room. The coach waiting for us was magnificent. It was white with golden wheels. The curtains were a lovely shade of purple as was the rest of the interior. The seats had the king's crest embroidered on them. The coachman wore a black outfit also embroidered with the king's crest. Everything was pulled by a gorgeous team of black steeds.

A second coach was stuffed full of trunks and other belongings.

Other horses line the drive while men carrying flags and drums were moseying about. My stomach flipped, and my heart sank to the pit of my stomach. This would be by far my longest and hardest mission. At least Cassius would be with me, so I could protect him at the same time.

"What do you think of our little processional?" Cassius asked, opening the door of the carriage for Joselyn and me.

"It's amazing," I said.

"I am impressed, your majesty," Angeline concurred.

"Thank you, ladies. Ah! Robert! Welcome. Good, we're all here. We can be on our way!"

"How long will it take to get there?" I asked.

"Approximately four weeks. We're heading to Dover and sailing to France from there."

"It's going to be quite the journey."

"Yes, it will. Once in France we will stop and visit with the king for a day or so."

"To make our journey a little better I've brought something," Robert said, pulling a bottle of wine from under his doublet.

Cassius clapped his hands together and took the bottle from the Earl. "Ladies?"

"No thank you," Angeline said, resting her head on the seat and closing her eyes.

"None for me. The bumpy roads and wine will make me sick." I leaned my head on Angeline's shoulder and watched as we pulled away from the castle.

The journey to rescue Belle was finally underway. Only a few weeks until I'd be the hot, foreign land in search of my best friend. I stared back at the stately house as we continued to get further and further away. My heart lived in that castle. Cassius and I first met as children there when my mother insisted on taking me for tea to meet the queen and Princess Mary so many years ago. Nobody could have seen the bond Cassius and I would form in our lives. The queen and mother assumed Mary and I would be instant friends. She hated me from the beginning. Cassius though, we were stuck together like porridge in a bowl. We spent the summers of our youth running through his great-grandmother's rose gardens and chasing fish in the small brook beyond the courtyard walls. We'd ride horses through the meadows and king's forests, running alongside deer and searching for delicious apple trees to eat from. We nestled together in the library alongside the fireplace drinking a delicious delicacy his father had brought to the castle from one of the far-off lands he'd tell us stories about. We continued loving even till this day, cacao. The liquid gold was refreshing during the frigid winters.

I longed for those days despite how short-lived there were. It was only a few years later mother and father would have me shipped off to France. That didn't stop our friendship though. We corresponded through letters and he visited the king and queen of France on occasion. I introduced him to Belle. I set her on the path to nobility in England and her ruin because of the duke. I would redeem myself with her. I would find my sweet Belle and ensure her happiness with the Earl.

"Hungry?" Robert asked, handing me a slice of cheese.

"Yes, please." I nibbled at it as the castle disappeared from sight.

Reaching Dover would only take a few days if we didn't stop anywhere. I didn't want to stop, even though the horses would need rest and food.

"Are you alright?" Cassius asked.

"I'm fine. I really want to get to Belle that's all."

"As do I," the Earl stated, also staring longingly out the window.

"I understand you've developed a fondness for our dear Belle," I said, watching him closely.

"I have. She is a remarkably sweet and caring woman. She only thinks about others. I've never seen her worry about herself."

I smiled lightly. She was such a fantastic lady. "That is Belle. The most unselfish, saintly woman around. She deserves to be happy and with a man who truly loves her."

"I want to do anything I can to make the rest of her life enjoyable."

"Children," I said, a smile playing at my lips.

"What, Lady Joselyn?" Robert asked.

"She wants children. Lots of them. They are her greatest joy. She always talked about having a large family."

The Earl smiled and nodded. "Aye, having a large brood would be nice. Especially with a lady as fine as Belle."

He would be a good husband for her. She would be so happy. That made me happy.

Only four more weeks until I could search for her.

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