Chosen - chapter forty-six

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Chapter Forty-Six

"Suleiman, brother, I'm so sorry about the scoundrel who caused such a commotion for you."

"Yes. It was rather inconvenient," the sultan mumbled.

He kept his eyes on me. I smiled pleasantly and gave direction for the servants to place my trunks on the coach.

"Are you sure you won't see us off?" Cassius asked.

"I wish I could, unfortunately, we're still trying to track down the missing girl and the masked individual who stole her."

"That is so very terrifying. You are a brave man to keep going on. I do hope the girl is found soon," I replied, extending my hand to him.

"Thank you for the kind words, Lady Joselyn."

I hurried away from the sultan and climbed into the golden coach. It had been an impossibly long two days since Belle's rescue.

The carriage bumped along the dusty road heading toward the port.

Does it ever rain here?

The busy town coming into view within a matter of ten minutes. My heart leaped as I anticipated seeing my long-lost friend again.

"Can the driver go any faster?" I asked.

"We don't want to alarm him to anything out of the ordinary, Joselyn," Angeline said, resting her head against the back."

"I suppose."

The horses came to a stop a short distance from the dock. I hurried out without the aid of any men. I nodded my head toward the driver and fast-walked down the dock. Charles had departed the night before in order to ready the ship for the voyage. He waved from the helm; a smile spread from ear to ear. I glanced back at Angeline who had an equally large smile. Shaking my head, I strode up the gangplank, accepting his first mates' hand to step down.

"Where is she?" I asked feverishly.

"Below deck, Madame."

"Thank you," I called as I scurried across the deck to the stairs leading into the belly of the ship. "Belle?"

A door creaked, and a head of curls poked out. "Joselyn?"

"Belle!" I ran as fast as I could down the tight hallway completely forgetting where I was.

She emerged from the room and ran towards me. We met bodies colliding, halfway. We wrapped our arms around each other and cried.

"I never thought I'd see you again!" I sobbed into her shoulder.

"I was sure I'd never see you again!" she cried right back. "How did you find me? Why did you wear those black clothes two nights back? Why did you push me off the castle? Where did you learn how to fight?"

"Stop asking questions. Tell me you're okay."

"I'm okay now. They tried so hard for so long to break me. I wouldn't give in though. I knew someone would come for me. I knew Robert would never forget. Or you."

"I couldn't let that horrid bastard husband of yours get away with selling you. I'm so sorry he was so awful."

"Robert said that the Pope is going to grant me a divorce! I can't believe it. I'll finally be free."

"I'm so glad, Belle. You have no idea how happy that makes me."

"Now will you answer my questions?"

"Don't worry about it. All that is important is that you're safe and we're minutes away from leaving this place. Stay below deck until land is out of sight."

She nodded and sat on the massive bed as I left the room. I sighed with relief as I made way for top deck.

"How is Duchess Annabelle?"

"She's well, Cassius. Excited to be leaving."

"Cast off, mateys!" Charles hollered from the wheel.

The anchor emerged from the smooth, clear waters, the sails were lowered, and we lurched forward as the winds picked up. I couldn't believe it was over. We'd saved her.

Now came the hard part. Fining the Guild and dismantling them. They would no longer harm any other person or couple. Angeline stood beside me as we headed further and further out to sea.

"What is on your mind?"

"The Guild. We have to find them," I whispered.

"Nobody has ever been able to see them where they keep their headquarters."

"I'll be the first and the last."

"How do you plan on finding them?"

I shrugged my shoulders and leaned against the railing. I turned at the sound of clicking heels, Belle came top deck to join everyone else. Angeline returned to Charles' side while Cassius took up position next to me. I leaned my head on his shoulder and tried to think of a way to find out where the Guild kept its headquarters. It seemed unfair that I'd gotten this far only to lose in the long run.

"How are you?"

"Frustrated," I replied with exasperation.

"About what?"

"The Guild. I must find and end them if I want to release the assassins and watchers of the world from their oath. We'll never have freedom as long as they have a hold on us."

"Where do you want to search first?" Cassius asked.

"I have no idea. Nobody really knows where they stay. We are all trained in one of two countries in the world. France or Greece."

"The leaders of the Guild, three brothers, would visit on occasion to check on our progress. I saw them only a handful of times the entire process of training."

"What sort of accent do they have?"

I closed my eyes trying to picture their faces and their voices. "The eldest, Agnolo, did a good job disguising his. The middle, Berard, spoke with perfect English. Even though once I heard him speak in Italian. The youngest, Mercuzio, had a very thick accent. He had not practiced as much as his brothers. I think it was Italian now that I recollect." I opened my eyes and looked out at the crystal-clear sea. "I believe the leadership of the guild has been passed down from father to son for centuries. According to assassin lore, the original guild masters were three brothers who were determined to keep the kings, emperors, and sultans of the world safe. They attempted to use men but found they could not go in as many places as women. It became hard to explain why a man would have to follow another man around. Once the male assassins were killed while protecting their kings the guild opted for women. They found our agility, cunningness, decisiveness, and feminine wiles to be useful for their agenda."

"What about women rulers."

"Ladies do have handmaidens of noble birth."

"Why do they pick ladies?"

"How else do you explain a woman constantly with the king? A woman of lower birth would never be in the king's company so much. They cannot attend royal affairs and be at the king's side. Noblewomen can."

"How do they explain it to your parents?" Cassius asked, staring at me with intense curiosity.

"They assume we're off for education. Which we were. I learned to read, write, and play instruments, dance, astrology, and religious practices. Then we also had our training. We learned of the other countries of the world. Different forms of attack and defense. We trained with so many different weapons. We have to be masters of all things."

"It all sounds so overwhelming. I had no idea you went through so much."

"It is overwhelming. But to keep you safe it is worth it."

"Why can't you marry your king? I still don't understand," he replied.

"They fear that if we are emotionally attached to our king's our decisions will be clouded with doubt. If we were to fall pregnant we would not be able to protect you as well as if we were celibate."

"I see. Do you worry of those things?" he asked.

"I do at times. I wonder if it would be a mistake to marry you. What if someone would attempt to kill you while I was heavy with child? I would not be able to defend you."

"What if it turned into chaos and revolution if all the kings, sultans, and emperors married their assassins?"

"What if nothing happened? What if you end up happy and in love?" He caressed the back of my hand. My heart leaped to my throat and my stomach flipped every which way.

This time not because of the ship.

"Then I ask myself that as well. I love you, Cassius. More than you can possibly know. I have since we were children."

"You have?"

"Yes, you impossible man! I did not give my sweet rolls to just anyone."

"I remember those. They were delicious."

I nodded my head and chewed my bottom lip. So many questions ran through my mind.

"Where do you want to start?"

"I should start in Italy. I do not want you to join me though. It will be Angeline and me. It will be safer that way."

"Safer? Don't they want to protect kings?"

"Yes, but you will also be defying them. Which means they could essentially murder you. The guild does not live by any countries rules or laws. They are their own thing, they will have no problem killing a king if he interferes."

"When do you want to go?"

"Let's get Belle home first. She's been through a lot. I want to ensure her safety. There's no telling what will happen if she joins us. Once she's settled and married to Robert we shall leave."

"Joselyn?" Cassius asked.


"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Absolutely. I won't allow them to control me any longer or harm any other assassin for falling in love."

He leaned over and kissed my cheek.

"How long till we're home? "

"Four weeks."

"Let's hope for an uneventful four weeks then."

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