Chosen - chapter forty-five

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Chapter Forty-Five

I paced my room, trying to decide what to do. It was entirely too easy to convince Suleiman to let Belle go. Nobody that powerful, who can ignore a broken hand, would cave so easily. Especially not to a woman. I threw open my trunk and dug to the bottom. I pulled out a few more blades, my black boots, and the black assassin garb.

"You don't trust him?"

I shook my head and removed the caftan. "Not at all."

"What do you plan doing?" she asked.

"I'm not sure yet." I pulled the mask over my mouth and climbed onto the ledge of the window.

The room I'd seen Belle in was down a floor and over six rooms. Fortunately, there were plenty of things for me to climb on. I slid down a column, landing silently on a ledge next to it. I crept along the windowsills, peeking in each one as I went. The first few were dark. The palace much more ominous when it was dark and empty. The fourth had a large number of women in it. They laid on settees, couches, and beds. None of them wore veils, lucky for me. I scanned the group of women but didn't see the one I was looking for. I continued along to the fifth widow. I slipped inside and to the door. Outside the hall was lit by torches, nobody seemed to be patrolling. Keeping my back against the wall, I continued to the door at the end of the hall. Pressing my head to the door, I listened for any sound that may be within. A small, muffled voice came through.

It's her!

I knelt down and closed one eye while peering through the keyhole. My line of sight was limited but I could see Belle sitting on a plush window seat, pacing the room was Suleiman and his horrible wife. Well one of them, the meanest.

I knew! The liar.

I pulled a dagger from my boot and slowly pressed down on the door handle. A small click and I pushed it open slightly.

Mahidevran spun on his satin skippered toes to glare at me. "How dare you!"

I said nothing. I leaped across the room and stood between them and Belle. I waved my dagger back and forth while tusking them.

Belle turned her big, teary eyes up to me. "They're going to kill me!"

"Guards!" Suleiman hollered.

I grabbed Belle's hand and led her through the window. She yelped and clung to the sill and stone behind her.

"Who are you and how do you expect us to get anywhere? We're so far from the ground!"

"Calm down," I said, looking for an easy way down for her.

"Joselyn?" she asked.

I pulled the mask down momentarily and smiled at her before putting it back. "You didn't think I'd leave you here do you?"

"I've been here for so long I didn't think anyone was coming."

"You have lots of friends. For now, though, I need to get you to our ship and hide you."

"How? The guards will be swarming the area any minute. You do realize who you've confronted don't you?"

"Yes," I replied. "Who do you think broke his hand?"

"Oh, Joselyn!"

"Here, jump into that bush."

"What?" Belle asked.

"Jump for that bush."

She shook her head furiously. "I don't think so."

"I do." I shoved her hard as the sound of shouting came from behind us.

She screamed but landed with a soft thud in the brush. "What was that for?"

"I needed to get you down. Let's go!"

She pulled herself up and I grabbed her hand again running to the back of the palace. We ducked into a stable and crept along a wall as a group of guards ran past the doors. A few horses whinnied at our presence. I found two, large, black stallions at the back of the stalls. They pawed the ground and snorted.

"How do you feel about riding fast and having no saddle?" I asked.

"That is not how a lady rides," Belle commented, looking at me as though I had two heads.

"Well, we're not being lady-like tonight."

A guard burst through the door and charged us. I grabbed a dagger from my boot and threw it at the man. It stuck in his chest as he fell to the ground.

"Okay." She grabbed two halters and ran to the horses.

We climbed on and ran through the doors, letting them bang off the walls. We didn't stop, we urged the horses on. Dirt flew up behind us as we escaped through the entrance as the gate crashed down.

"Stay close!"

"Where are we going?" she asked.

"To the port. There's a ship waiting that will take us back to Marseille in two days' time."

"Will I be safe for two days?"

"Yes. The men aboard will be sure to keep you hidden.

I didn't have the horse slow up. I knew the guards would be behind us in no time. I had to get Belle to the ship and hidden. The kicked up more dust as we rounded a corner. Lights from the port grew brighter.

"Don't stop, Belle!"

"I'm not! Trust me, I don't want to go back there."

The horses' hooves clanged off the stone streets of Constantinople. Sparks flew up as we pushed them harder. The ship appeared only a few hundred feet away. I glanced behind us, a large group of men on horseback chased after us. I pulled the steed to a stop and slid off.

"Belle! Dismount."

"What? Why?"

"It's too dangerous. The men are getting too close."

She looked behind us and nodded her head. We tied the horses to a nearby post before dashing behind a nearby tree.

"Find them! Suleiman wants them returned!"

"Does he know who you are?"

"He never saw my face. I just hope he's not looking for Lady Joselyn." I tiptoed to the next tree, Belle right behind me.

I could see the ship. Lanterns lit the deck and men walked about. Do they know I'm coming? Are they prepared for us?

"Where is this ship?" Belle asked.

I pointed to the beautiful golden ship. "There."

"Do you think we can make a run for it?"


The voices of the shouting guards drew nearer. If we were to make a move now would be the time. I started to emerge from the brush when a voice from behind made me shove Belle back.

"Where is the girl?"

"She's gone."

"Liar. Where is she! Who are you?"

He doesn't know?

"I wouldn't be good at my job if I told you."

He crouched in front of me, sword in hand, he was ready to fight. I held two of my daggers in a fencing position. He would never be able to win. The man lunged toward me, the tip of his sword barely missing my midsection. I jumped backward, side-stepping out of his way as he lunged again. As he stumbled I smacked him in the back of the head as hard as I could with the hilt of my dagger. The man dropped to his knees, shaking his head with his hand on his forehead. I plunged the knife into the base of his skull.

"Let's go," I whispered to Belle.

"Okay." She emerged from the bushes and grabbed my hand. We ran as fast as our feet would carry us down the dock. The gangplank rested between the dock and the ship, giving us leeway to the deck.

"Hurry up!"

She sped walked up the plank and hugged the mast of a ship. "I'm almost home!"

"You're not going back to that scoundrel husband of yours." A deep voice said off to the side.

"Robert?" I asked, looking at the man wide-eyed.

"I heard the commotion in Suleiman's room. I figured it was you. This is the only safety for Belle. I mean where else would you take her?"

"You couldn't help us?" she asked.

"I could, but the guards would have seen my face. They can't see yours, Joselyn."

"Oh, for the love of all things, Robert!"

Belle burst into tears and ran into his arms. He kissed her forehead and smoothed her hair. "I never thought I'd see you again."

"Don't worry, my love. You never have to leave me again. Your divorce is in proceedings as we speak."

"It is?" She smiled up at him. Her beautiful eyes glassed over.

"Yes. We're expecting word from the Pope soon." Robert turned to me. "You need to return to the palace."

I nodded and left them to reconnect.

"Check everywhere!" a guard walking down the street said to four others.

"Yes, sir."

"Be sure to check the English ship."

No! I hope they have her hidden already.

I ducked behind a tree and watched as the five men converged on the ship. My stomach flipped, and my heart sped up. I couldn't see over the bow of the ship and it made me insane. I peeked from my hiding spot enough to see the top of the guards' heads. After a few minutes, I watched as they left the ship, empty-handed. A wave of relief rushed over my body.

Thank god she's still hidden.

A sudden sense of urgency came over me. I was still here. I needed to get back to the palace. I only had to run a few feet to get to the horse. It remained at the post in front of what appeared to be a tavern.

Isn't that convenient?

I pulled the mask over my face and ran. I mounted the horse as the guards stumbled upon their dead comrade.

"Find the bastards!" the leader of the group shouted.

I urged the horse on slowly and gaining speed as we left the town and were back on the path to the palace. I slowed as I neared the gate. It was up, but the guards were everywhere. They made my reentrance a bit hard. I slid off the horse and smacked him in the ass. He whinnied and ran past the gate. The guards took notice and those who were posted there ran after him. I crept out of the brush and around the guard towers. Remaining in the shadows, I snuck to the closest arched doorway. I sighed heavily when I realized I was on the wrong side and end of the palace

Great. Now what?

I approached the closest room and held my breath as I knelt by the doorknob. Inside the lights were lit, but it appeared as though nobody was there. It seemed as though my luck turned. Entering the room, I ran for the bureau hoping beyond hopes I would women's caftans inside.

I pulled out a brown caftan trimmed in gold. The inner caftan was a beautiful shade of gold with a jeweled sash. I quickly removed my assassin garb and slipped into the dress and matching slippers. I searched desperately for something to hide my other clothing in arranging a few flowers on top. A small basket sitting near the door had plenty of space for everything. Dumping it all in, I snuck back out of the room. I strode down the hallway as though nothing were wrong.

"You! Stop!"

My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach as I turned around. It was the guard who chased Belle and me earlier. "Yes?"

"What have you got there?"

"A basket of flowers. I saw some in the courtyard and thought they were so remarkably beautiful that I'd like some for my room. I do hope that's okay."

He approached me swiftly, staring at the mound of tulips and pelargoniums.

"Where have you been all night?" he asked, not taking interest in my flowers.

"Walking about from here to there."

"More specific, woman!"

"Excuse me? Do you know who I am?"

"Answer the question."

"Do not make me call upon the sultan or King Cassius. How dare you treat a lady in such a way?"

"Do I need to take you to the dungeons?"

"Your hostility is completely uncalled for sir. I was exploring the palace as I'd told Sultan Suleiman I would do."

He sneered at me and pushed past, nearly knocking the basket out of my grasp. As he stormed away I rolled my eyes and continued quickly to my chambers. Angeline waited inside.

"Where have you been? The guards are going insane searching for, well, you."

"I know. A few chased us to the ship."

"Did they find her?"

"No. She's safe with Robert," I said.

"Robert?" Angeline asked.

"Yes, apparently he followed us down."

"At least she has someone to be with her," Angeline said, nodding her head.

"Yes. I can't wait to leave." I removed the borrowed caftan and tossed it out the window. I pulled out my assassin clothing and put them at the bottom of my trunk.

Angeline handed me a sleeping gown, which felt so much better to my skin than the soft silk. They felt like home.

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