Chapter Forty-Seven
Our voyage back to England was much less eventful than the voyage to Constantinople. The skies were clear, the ocean calm, and not a pirate in sight.
"Do you want to dock in Marseille?" Charles asked one cloudless afternoon.
"No. Straight on to Portsmouth."
"It'll be an additional two weeks."
"Quite all right. We're in no rush," Cassius replied.
"Yes, we are," I said, speaking up.
"You just finished with one mission, Joselyn. You can relax for a little while," Cassius said.
"No. I won't relax until I take care of the Guild."
"I was hoping for Robert and Belle to marry once we reached Portsmouth. We'll leave after the wedding."
I nodded my head and returned to staring at the sea.
Portsmouth was a busy town. Ships scattered the bay, carriages with horses trotted to and fro. Large men hauled large crates on and off ships, loading onto nearby wagons. The ship docked on the nearest slip and we headed down the gangplank.
I smiled at the sight of my country. I didn't think I would ever be so excited to see it.
Belle and Robert strode arm in arm. Belle glanced up at him with big, doe eyes. A smile hung on her lips, occasionally a giggle coming out, as Robert whispered in her ear. Spending a few days in the port wouldn't hurt anything. The Guild wasn't going anywhere.
Unless Jonathan has been released from prison. Then what do I do?
I followed close behind the couple, heading for the nearest dress shop.
"Good morrow!" a short, plump woman said as we entered her business.
"Hello," Belle answered tentatively.
"What can I do for...your majesty?" The woman quickly dipped into a curtsy as Cassius walked in behind me.
"Good morrow, Madame. We need dresses."
"What is the occasion?"
"We're getting married." Belle's grin grew even larger if that was possible.
"A wedding! Oh, fantastic. Let's have a look at the fabrics I have available and get everything sorted."
"It will be in two days. Unfortunately, we are pressed for time"
"Two days for three gowns? That is impossible."
The corner of Belle's lips turned downward.
Cassius stepped forward. "I shall make it worth your time, lady."
The woman pursed her lips and furrowed her brow. "I could request a few of the ladies in town that I know to help. If we work non-stop it's possible to finish in two days."
The three men left the shop as Belle, Angeline, and I made ourselves comfortable. The seamstress brought out a tray of tea and biscuits. As we sipped the tea she scurried around her shop picking up fabrics and putting them back down. She ran to us, grabbed Belle's hand and led her to a pedestal in the center of the shop. She had four beautiful bolts of fabric laid out. She held up the first a stunning shade of silver. She turned it this way and that before putting it back down. The second was shimmering gold. The seamstress smiled and nodded before picking up a light pink. The color of the pink accentuated all of Belle's features. Her gorgeous pale skin, her beautiful red lips, the curly brown hair, everything popped alive with the rose pink.
"No need to see the last! This is the color of your wedding gown."
"Are you sure? Will pink be okay?" she asked.
"Belle, trust the woman. That looks amazing with you."
"Your turn!" the woman called to me.
I stood on the podium as she held up two different bolts. She settled on a light shade of blue damask for my gown and dark green for Angeline's. We remained in the dress shop as the other women from the town arrived. They would measure our waists, our height, our necks, our busts, and even our arms. They cut, sewed, and stitched long into the night. I remained awake with Angeline, watching as they turned the shapeless fabric into beautiful gowns. As the sun breached the horizon, I snuck out. The baker's shop on the corner smelled delicious. I stepped inside and perused the products he had for sale. A loaf of bread pulled from the oven as I walked in cooled on the counter. The smell permeated everything. I handed over a few shillings and left with my prize. A few stalls in the center of town put out various fruits, vegetables, cheeses, and meats. I walked amongst the stalls picking up a bit of everything and returned to the shop before I was missed.
"Lady Joselyn. Please come up here."
Putting the parcels down, I obliged. Stepping onto the pedestal, I was quickly disrobed.
"Heavens me!" I gasped.
Silk, white chemise was pulled over my head. The material felt soft against my skin and it smelled slightly of vanilla. A gold bodice graced my bosom as a younger, thinner girl from the town slipped it over my arms. The plump seamstress we originally met yanked on ribbons, tightening it as much as she good. A blue petticoat was brought out and pulled over the bodice. The ladies tucked, pinned, and marked the fabric. Just as quickly as they put everything on me, they had it back off. Another older lady ushered me off the pedestal, my other garments in hand, to stand nude in the middle of the shop. They hauled Belle out of her seat and quickly disrobed her. I slowly slid into everything, with the help of Angeline, as Belle's remarkable gown took shape in front of us. The pink fabric developed an intricate design of white covered the entire dress.
The women took off the layers of gowns once they had everything pinned and cut that they needed and repeated the process with Angeline. Her green gown didn't have as much intricacy as Belle's and mine, but it was stunning. The cuffs of the sleeves were trimmed in black fur while the neckline had beautiful red rubies and pearls lining it. They snipped, pinned, and tucked her before pulling everything off again.
"Go. We will be done by morning."
The ladies turned back to the work in front of them and made the alterations needed. Angeline, Belle, and I moseyed out to the market, picking up flowers and other beautiful things we saw that would make wonderful decorations. I gasped in awe at the sight of the ship. Yards of white fabric adorned the railing and masts. Ladies bustled about turning it from a merchant's ship, to a wedding chapel fit for a queen. I glanced at Belle, tears streamed down her face.
"I'm so happy!" she squealed.
As we boarded Cassius rushed to us. "I have fantastic news!"
He handed over a scroll with the seal of the Pope over to Belle. She took it tentatively and closed her eyes. Unrolling it, she dropped to her knees and sobbed.
"What's wrong?"
"Happy tears, Joselyn! These are happy tears!"
"Okay. So, tell what happened?"
"The Pope granted my divorce!"
Robert appeared from below deck with a goblet of something. He grinned from ear to ear. Belle looked up at him and the passion and love that emanated between them infected everyone. I couldn't help but smile and look at Cassius.
Soon, my love. We'll be together in marriage soon.
"How did this happen?" I asked Charles.
He grinned and looked about his beautiful ship. "Being a captain has its privileges. You start to know the people in the ports. I called in a few favors and had everything transformed. I can even perform the ceremony."
"You will do it?"
"I am a ship's captain. We do have the privilege of doing it."
"Belle will be so surprised and happy."
"That' what I'm hoping." He nodded and adjusted a piece of fabric.
I sat with Belle and Angeline adjusting theflowers into bouquets for the following day. She glowed as we chatted andplanned. I couldn't wait for my own time.
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