Chapter Forty-Eight
I awoke to the sounds of someone somewhere hammering. The sound resonated throughout my chamber and vibrated to my core. I closed my eyes and attempted to fall back asleep. Unfortunately, it didn't happen.
I drug myself out of bed and threw on a cover. Near the bow of the ship a large, wooden structure stood. It had not been the day before.
"Good morning, Lady Joselyn." Charles waved a hammer at me.
"What are you doing, Captain Featherstone?" I crossed my arms and tapped my barefoot at him.
"Building another surprise for the soon-to-be newlyweds!"
"This early in the morning?" I asked.
"I would like it to be done for the wedding."
I shook my head and returned to my chamber. Slipping into bed, I tried to fall back to sleep yet again. Failing, I climbed back out of bed and dug through my gowns for a decent day dress. I opted for a black gown with a silver skirt and bodice. The trumpet sleeves were black fur, which was perfect for the cold morning. The inner sleeve was silver to match the bodice and skirt. Pearls lined the squared neckline and the waistline, down each side of the outer gown. It was a favorite of mine.
I slipped the hidden blade contraption on my arms and strapped a dagger to each thigh. I finished off my outfit with a velvet black hat sporting a large white feather.
I left the ship and the banging behind me. The town seemed so quiet compared to the prior day. The stalls were closed, and the people slept. The only sounds I could hear were a blacksmith hammering in his shop somewhere, the familiar clang of metal on metal resounding between the houses and the clicking of my shoes on the cobblestone. A light lit up the baker's house as he bustled about preparing loaves to sale for the day.
I ventured to the outskirts of town, looking at the tree-lined road beyond. I sucked in a deep breath of the foggy, dreary air and continued with my stroll. I passed a few farmhouses where the farmers were leaving their warm beds to tend to their chores. Cows mooed, pigs grunted, chickens clucked, and horses whinnied for their master to feed them. A field of sheep and lamb seemed to stretch on forever next to a particularly lovely house a bit further down the road. I stopped for a moment to watch a few lambs bound across the grassy knoll. I slowed as I neared an open field. I turned my head toward the forest lining the back of it and stared.
Did I see someone?
Perhaps it was my eyes playing a trick on me, but I swore a dark figure ran from the woods and disappeared. I walked into the tall grass and stared.
My heart sped up as I scanned the area for any signs of movement. I listened intently, trying to find anything out of the ordinary. Nothing could be heard except the wind whistling through the trees and the occasional belt of a sheep or lamb.
"Haven't I taught you better, Joselyn?" a deep, velvety voice called to me.
My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach and bounced around as Jonathan's voice drifted of the bending stalks of grass.
It can't be him. He's in prison.
"You should learn who you can and cannot trust. Poor Francis and Claude. To believe that you blamed them!"
"Where are you?" I called over the tall grass.
"You can't find where my voice is coming from? That's a disappointment."
"If it wasn't Francis or Claude, who released you?" I asked.
"Do not worry of that. Soon you will not have to worry about anything any longer."
"I don't understand."
"Your time is coming to an end," he replied.
"Why won't you face me?"
Ignoring my question, he continued to taunt me. "Francis and Claude treated you like you were one of their own, as a daughter."
"What do they have to do with anything?" I asked.
"I'm showing you that interfering royals never make out in the end."
"I'm confused, Jonathan."
Suddenly he popped out of the grass directly in front of me. "That seems to be the theme of your life."
"Jonathan!" I jumped backward, startled by his sudden appearance.
Please stay aboard the ship, Cassius!
"Out alone?" he asked.
"Why wouldn't I be?" I put my hands behind my back, pressing a button on the contraptions around my arms.
Blades popped out and rested against the palms of my hands. Jonathan cocked his head to the side and tusked me.
"Hidden blades?"
"A girl never knows what she's going to run in to. Or who."
He lunged at me, slashing my cheek as I turned my head. I reached up to my face, the cold steel shocking me at first as my blood covered the dagger.
He jumped toward me again, but I managed to dodge to the side before he caught me again. He stumbled and fell, taking the opportunity to bring the dagger down across his back. A red gash appeared on his pale skin, a trail of blood flowing down. I heard him grunt as he remained on his knees for a long moment. He staggered up and took stance.
"Jonathan, stop."
"Begging for your life is pointless."
"I'm not begging for my life. I don't want to kill you."
He threw his head back and laughed maniacally.
"Why are you like this? What do you have against assassins now?"
"My dear Joselyn, who do you think the assassins' assassin is? Me! We can't allow you all to do whatever you want. You're the most lethal group of women in the world."
"We just want love."
"You're breaking our oath!"
"It's a ridiculous oath we're forced to make when we're six! How can we be held accountable for that? All we want is love."
"You had love," he spat at me.
"I'm sorry, Jonathan. I fell out of love with you when you took Anastasia to bed! Being back near Cassius, it just feels right."
"What about us, Joselyn?"
"How would the Guild feel about that?" I retorted. "How would your beloved Anastasia feel about that?"
He remained silent.
"That's what I thought," I said bitterly.
"It matters not. Today, you shall die."
I shook my head and raised my arms in a fighting stance, ready for his advance. He swung his sword at me almost striking me. I scrambled around trying to find something larger than my daggers to protect myself with. I grabbed a large tree branch just as his sword came down again. A small tuft of my hair floated to the ground where his sharp blade struck it.
"See, you are no match for me! None of you ever are!" he screamed at me, rage filled his eyes.
I continued backing up, further into the field, as he relentlessly pursued me in an attempt to wear me down.
"Nothing you do will be able to cause me to fall, Jonathan. I will be victorious."
I swung the tree branch as hard as I could, connecting with his shoulder. He grimaced and loosened his grip on the sword for half a second. Noticing his flaw, I snapped my hand out and grasped the hilt. I tugged at it and tried to wrench it free of his grasp. He tightened his hands as hard as he could but cringed and grabbed his shoulder. I pulled harder with short tugs until he relinquished his weapon.
He jumped back and pulled a small dagger out of his boot with his good hand. He jabbed at me, but it was easily avoidable.
This will be his end. He will no longer harm anyone else.
I waved the sword over my head as fast and hard as I could, hitting him in the injured arm. He screamed out in pain as the sharp blade sliced into his delicate flesh. A twinge of sadness and remorse struck me. I didn't want to kill him, but if I didn't he'd kill me and Cassius.
He held onto the severed, bleeding stump and looked up at me. There wasn't sadness in his eyes though. All I saw was hatred and bitterness.
"I'm sorry things had to come to this, Jonathan."
"I'm not. I'd rather be dead than live in a world where assassins roam free."
"I'm more than an assassin. I wish you could have seen that," I said, holding the blade above his head.
"Stop talking and finish me off, wench!" he screamed.
I closed my eyes, a tear rolling down my check and rammed the blade through his heart. He gasped, then gurgled, and fell to his back. A bit of blood bubbled out of his mouth and flowed to the ground. I knelt beside him and pulled out a handkerchief, wiping the stains from his face. I stroked his hair out of his eyes and kissed his forehead.
"I'm sorry, Jonathan." I dropped the sword at his side.
I stood and walked back to the ship. As I passed in front of the seamstress's shop, she ran out and grabbed my hand.
"We need you! Hurry."
"My heart leaped to my throat once again. "What's wrong?"
I followed the woman inside where she shoved me onto the pedestal and disrobed me.
"Your gown! We must finish it!"
"Oh, for the love scared me half to death." I placed my hand on my heart.
"Your face. What happened?" the skinnier girl asked.
"I cut myself," I mumbled.
She walked to the back and returned with a basin of warm water. She wiped at the blood and smiled once it stopped bleeding.
The many layers of my new gown were pulled onto my body, tailored to fit my every curve. The blue gown was put on last. They cut, pinned, and marked everything before removing all the clothing once again.
I was left nude and shivering as the women ran to the back with my gown. Crying, I pulled on the many layers of my own day dress. Still shivering and crying, I left and returned to the shift.
The mood was merry and light amongst the crew and nobility. I felt lower than low as I plopped down on a bench in the galley. The cook circled the room and stood in front of me.
"What's wrong?" he asked.
"I need a drink. Something strong," I choked out.
"Bad morning?" he asked.
I nodded my head and kept my eyes on the table as he walked away. He slid a pint glass of something under my nose. It smelled horrendous. I chugged it down.
"Joselyn? What's wrong?"
I looked up at Cassius. My eyes glassy and I'm sure red. "He's dead."
"Who? Who's dead?"
"Jonathan. He attacked me when I went on a walk, and I had to kill him."
" did he find you? I thought he was locked away?"
"Someone let him go," I grumbled.
"You okay?" he asked, sitting next to me.
I nodded my head. "I'll be okay. It had to be done."
He held me tight as I chugged down a second pint of the amber liquid. It burnt as it went down but it felt amazing after.
I didn't care how unladylike it was; I need to forget the day.
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