Chapter Forty-Four
Cassius and I rode in the golden carriage with Suleiman and the older woman who confronted me on the deck. I stared out the window, ten other carriages followed us and a long line of others walking even further behind.
"Cassius, I'd like to introduce you to my primary wife Mahidevran Sultan."
"It's a pleasure, lady." He took her hand and kissed it lightly.
"Lady Joselyn, how is your father? It has been some time since I've seen the Duke."
"He's well," I replied half-heartedly, staring out the window trying to determine which carriage Belle was in.
"Yes, those are for all of my other wives and children."
"Other wives?" I asked as though Cassius hadn't already told me.
"Yes. I have quite a few."
"Why not?" he asked, shrugging his shoulders.
"I've heard you've been doing great things with your empire, Suleiman." Cassius tried to change the course of the conversation.
"Yes, I have. The latest battle has proved quite successful. I managed to absorb quite a bit of territory and trade with the East is quite profitable. You'll have to stroll through the market during your visit to see if there is anything you would like imported to England. We have a wonderful new coffee drink that you may enjoy," he said, nodding his head.
"You enjoy coffee here?" I asked in disgust.
Suleiman laughed heartily. "Yes. Coffees and teas are quite a delicious and popular drink in the area."
"I wouldn't mind trying some new teas," I said.
"I'll have some fine selections brought to your chamber. Ah, here we are. Welcome to Topkapi palace!"
I turned to see a massive white stone structure before us. Spire shot toward the sky and guards stood on either side of the gate. Once inside, the carriages came to a stop in a grand courtyard. I stared in awe at the openness of the palace. I stepped out of the carriage and followed Suleiman inside. The colors inside were breathtaking. Reds, oranges, yellows, and blues adorned the walls, tapestries, and furniture. A couch sat beneath trellises on a raised platform against one wall. A large, plush window seat took up half a wall near a far window. Chandeliers hung low and emanated with remarkable candlelight, adding to the natural light from all the windows and archways leading to the inner courtyard.
"Your majesty, I am in awe of the magnificence of your palace. It is quite remarkable."
"Thank you, lady. The wonderful weather here allows us to have a more open palace than those in other areas of the world. I had this blue tile imported and hand designed."
"I am truly impressed," I said.
"My man over there will show you to your chambers. Do get some rest before supper."
"Thank you, Suleiman," Cassius said, hugging the other king.
I pretended to be admiring the room as I spun around. Belle stood towards the back near a large arched window staring out at the sea. My heart wrenched that she was so close to me and I could do nothing.
Soon, Belle! I promise!
"Lady Joselyn, this way please," a tall, olive-skinned man called to me.
"Oh, yes, of course."
The doors where tall, arched, and not a typical oak color. They were painted white with beautiful gold and red designs surrounding the entranceway. My mouth hung open as we crossed the threshold. In the center of the room sat another raised platform and canopy. The woodwork had the most beautiful designs carved up to the canopy, which had amazing detailed paintwork in red, orange, and blue. The bed, which was the center attraction of the room, was nothing more than an oversized mattress with gold and brown bedding on it and a ridiculous number of pillows.
"There is more appropriate clothing for you in the bureau, ma'am."
"More appropriate?" I asked, glancing down at the gown I had on.
There is nothing wrong with my gowns!
"I meat a caftan. The clothing ladies in our realm wear. You are welcome to wear one if you want." The man smiled, bowed low, and retreated from the room.
I furrowed my brow and pulled out a dark blue, silk dress. I ran my hands over the jeweled bust and sash. The inner caftan seemed to be made of silver satin.
Okay. It's beautiful.
I quickly removed the gown I'd been wearing all day and began to unbutton the outer caftan's buttons. I removed the silver inner garment and laid it on the bed next to the outer robe. A pitcher of water, basin, and various vials sat on a table near the fire. I took the tops of a few different bottles, inhaling their exotic scents. I sighed with relief. A wash and clean clothing would help my mood immensely before figuring out how to retrieve Belle.
I slid the silver garb over my head, the fabric soft and cooling against my skin. The outer, silk robe felt even softer against my arms. I buttoned the silk up and tied the sash around my waist. I lightly wrapped a silver veil with blue trim around my head, allowing some of my curls to flow free. I slipped on a pair of blue and silver slippers with a lovely pointed toe and left the room. As I rounded a corner, I ran into Angeline who'd also taken advantage of the more weather-appropriate garb. She wore a lovely green and gold caftan but opted out of the veil.
"Did you see her? She doesn't look happy."
"I know, Angeline. It took everything in me not to run to her."
"Which room is hers?"
"I don't know. Does she have her own room?" I asked.
She shook her head and shrugged her shoulders. "Let's go to supper. Perhaps she'll be there. This palace isn't that big. She can't hide forever."
"Do you think too much damage has been done to her mind?" I asked again. "She seemed to not respond to me, as though she had no idea who I was."
"It's never too late, Joselyn. We will find her and return her to England."
We entered the great hall and sat nearest Cassius. Two large fireplaces sat on either side of the table, fires roaring forth. The room was unusually cooler than the rest of the palace. There were no windows, and the ceiling voted toward the skies. Blue and gold tile placed in such a way as to depict a marvelous open world.
"I do hope you are all hungry. I had my cooks prepare a traditional meal for you to partake in."
"I'm sure the rest are as famished as I am."
A long line of servants and members of his harem entered with platters of food. The last to enter was Belle. She wore a red caftan and gold veil that covered her lovely locks. She stood near Robert, who looked up at her in pained silence. I could tell he wanted to reach out and touch her. Belle's eyes were downcast and heavily hooded. She never looked at any of us. The servants and harem girls who helped piled food on everyone's plates. As Belle moved towards me, I opened my mouth to say something. Cassius shook his head slightly at me and placed his hand on top of mine. I pressed my lips into a tight thin line and looked straight ahead.
Please let me just touch her hand. Let me tell her she'll be okay.
Angeline looked at Belle as well. Her eyes glassing over. We were assassins and belonged to an elite society of killers, but we still loved our friends. Charles held onto Angeline's hand, giving her whatever quiet support he could. He kept his eyes on his plate, trying not to draw attention to anything.
"Please, begin!" Suleiman held out his arms for us to eat.
I picked up a piece of meat, sniffed it, and took a small bite. He threw his head back, laughing a body-shaking laugh. It wasn't bad. The meat practically melted in my mouth. I didn't know what it was, I wasn't entirely sure if I wanted to know. All that was important is it tasted well. I stabbed an orange piece of fruit, or vegetable, and closed my eyes while shoving it in my mouth. The delicious piece was juicy and cold.
Raw food?
I coughed and sputtered but swallowed the sweet fruit.
"It's raw." I stared at the plate wondering what else was raw and why would he risk his health by eating raw food.
Laughing again, Suleiman popped another piece of fruit in his mouth. "Yes. It is actually a great deal more delicious raw and I know what your physicians saw about raw foods, but I believe them to be wrong."
"You've never gotten sick?" Cassius asked.
Suleiman shook his head and popped a piece of red something in his mouth. "The tomatoes are especially delicious when seasoned well."
I picked one up with my fingers as he did, the juice running down my arm, and put the entire thing in my mouth. I closed my eyes, slipping into heaven. He was right, it was amazing. We finished eating, the men talking, while Angeline and I plotted silently. Belle never returned to the room.
Where is she?
"Men? Would you like to join me for brandy? I'm sure the women can entertain themselves?"
"Of course. I would love to explore your magnificent palace." I smiled, looking from Suleiman to Cassius.
He nodded and with that Angeline and I was off. We started on the lower floor, looking from room to room. Women laid on couches, children ran about giggling, servants bustled about doing various tasks, but no Belle.
"I don't understand why she's not out here," I whispered to Angeline.
"She's somewhere. Be patient, Joselyn."
I nodded and walked up the stairs to the second floor. An opulent door at the end drew my attention. No other doors were shut, and none others were quite so remarkable.
"There. She's there!"
"How do you know?" Angeline asked.
"I just do."
I approached slowly, listening for any sign that someone was on the other side. I knocked loudly and waited. Someone rustled about on the other side, followed by two distinct voices.
The door cracked open and the angry older woman, Mahidevran, answered, glowering at me. "What?"
"Sorry. We were just looking about the palace."
"This room is off-limits." She slammed the door in my face, but not before I caught a glimpse of Belle.
She lay on the floor crying.
"I need to get to my trunks."
"You saw something?" Angeline asked.
"Yes. Belle laying on the floor. I think that vile woman is beating her."
"Okay. We strike tonight."
"Not you, Angeline. It'll be faster and easier if I go alone. I'll need you to keep an eye on things for me."
We returned to our rooms and waited. The sunset beyond the horizon, darkness taking over the land. A knock at the door drew my attention away from the window.
"Enter!" I commanded.
Suleiman and one of his men approached me in the window seat. I stood and curtsied to the man.
"Lady Joselyn, how are your accommodations?" he asked.
"They're fine. Thank you. Is there something I can help you with?" I asked.
The butler with him lit the fireplace for me while Suleiman came even closer. "I couldn't help how naturally beautiful in the caftan I provided for you. Blue is one of my favorite colors."
His smoldering looked burned into me. I suddenly felt very uncomfortable in his presence.
"I thank you much, sir. It was more than you should have done."
He grabbed me around the waist and pulled me close to his body. "If you agree, you can become part of my harem. I need another beauty such as yourself."
"I'm sorry, majesty, but I am in love with King Cassius. He'd be so disappointed if I did not return to England with him."
"Do not worry yourself with him. He'll find someone else."
I grabbed hold of his hand and applied pressure to his thumb. He tried to move away, pain crossing his face. I continued to smile as the man dropped to his knees. The servant stood in silence, watching as manhandled his king. Suleiman kneeled before me as I continued applying pressure to his hand.
"I will not become part of your harem. I am King Cassius's love. You will release Belle to us. She is an English citizen. She will return to England.
"I b-bought her! She belongs to me."
I shook my head at him. "She doesn't belong to anyone. You cannot buy a lady."
My body trembled with rage. I wanted to cut off his oxygen supply. I wanted him to die for the torture Belle was receiving at the hands of that evil wife of his. I bent his hand back, hearing sickening crunch.
"Ow!" he bellowed. "Okay! Okay! Stop!"
"Okay, what?" I hissed in his ear.
"She's free to go with you!"
"Good." I released his hand and turned my back on him.
"Who are you?" he asked.
"I'm Lady Joselyn of Suffolk. The king's future wife. Nothing more than a simple woman."
"You are more than a simple woman. I admire a strong woman."
"You may want to have your hand looked at, Suleiman. I'm pretty sure it's broke."
"It's nothing. I've experienced worse. It will be tended to in due time." He touched my shoulder. "You and she shall go in peace."
"I do not want Cassius held accountable for my actions."
"Of course not. Trade with the English shall go on as planned. Hopefully, more women like you will travel to my modest kingdom."
"Only if it's of their own free will. Do not buy any more English women. Or any women for that matter," I said, brushing his hand off my shoulder.
"Absolutely not." He bowed to me and retreated from the room.
I sat down with a flop, my body trembling. I didn't think it would be that easy. Could it be? Will he keep his word?
"Angeline?" I asked.
"Yes. Are you going after Belle?" she asked.
"It's all settled."
"Suleiman came to my chambers, attempting to lure me from Cassius and my duty. I, um, persuaded him against it."
"I don't understand."
"A simple pressure point and a broken hand convinced him to not only stay away from me but to also release Belle."
"Was that a wise move?" she queried.
"Perhaps, perhaps not. Either way, it is done, and he promised to release her from captivity."
I hoped I'd made the right decision. If he backed out I would have to take extreme measures.
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