Chapter Forty-Nine
The sun shone down upon the ship that morning with luster, lighting up everything aboard. I strolled about, staring at the amazing decorations of white and pink fabrics, red and white flowers, and candles placed in just the right places. A long table sat off to one side with tall candelabras covered in ivy.
The seamstresses from town arrived, carrying large parcels. The dresses.
"Good morrow!" the short, plump one called. She dropped the brown, parcel into my arms. "Where are the rest of the ladies?"
"Uh, I believe still abed."
"That simply will not do! Take us to them."
I nodded and led them below deck. I showed the younger girl to Angeline's room, the plump one to Belle's, and the eldest to mine.
"We shall get you ready."
I stood in my room and removed the robe and sleeping garment I'd had on. The woman unwrapped the parcel and situated all of the layers. I pulled on the silk chemise as the woman arranged the petticoat for me to step in to. The bodice seemed tighter than before, the skirt longer, and the gown even more beautiful.
I tugged at the waist of the dress in a feeble attempt to be more comfortable.
The seamstress smacked my hands down. "Stop fussing! You'll wrinkle the fabric."
"I'd rather it be wrinkled and able to breathe," I muttered. "Why can't we ever have gowns that allow us to breath?"
She shook her head and put a silver and sapphire diadem in the mess of curls I woke up with. She pinned a few up and around the ornamental headpiece. She unwrapped a small bag with various make-ups in it. She applied powder to my face, shadow to my eyes, and rogue to my lips.
"There. You look like a princess."
I turned to look in the mirror. She was right. I did look like a princess.
"I am no princess. I am simply a girl playing pretend," I said softly.
I turned and left the woman standing in the room alone. On deck, I saw Robert standing under the trellises that Charles had made. He looked handsome in a silver doublet and black breeches. His black boots reached to his knees. The silver and black chemise popped out from under the doublet. Cassius wore a doublet of red, the chemise was a beautiful gold with red trim. His breeches were black with red stitched throughout. His boots reached his strong, muscular thighs. Charles wore breeches of navy blue, a doublet of matching fabric, with a white chemise. His boots reached his knees while the cloak he wore hung from one shoulder, secured with a gold chain.
Angeline stood beside him, looking like a true lady.
Cassius dipped into a bow as I approached. He gently took my hands in his, kissing them. "You look like a queen."
"I was told a princess." I faked as good a smile as I could.
"No, a queen."
"I'm no queen, Cassius. I'm just a girl in love with a king."
"You are a queen, and I have a big surprise for you once we return to court."
"A surprise? What is it?" I asked.
"Oh, I can't ruin it for you."
I pursed my lips and looked toward the stairs. Belle emerged in the amazing pink gown. A veil of gold and pink covered her face. She walked down the aisle lined with the bouquets we'd made the previous day. The sadness that had filled my heart lifted. I couldn't help but smile and be happy as I watched my friend marry the man she truly loved. I stared across the aisle at Cassius who stood with his hands clasped behind his back. His crown of gold, whose spires rose above his head, surrounded with fine jewels rested on his brow. The chain that rested on his shoulders was also gold with circlets of twisted metal alternated with large white gemstones of some sort. He dipped his head to me, smiled, and turned to face the couple.
Charles stood before us all, holding a bible as he began to recite the wedding vows.
The ceremony didn't last long, and I couldn't have been happier. I need a moment alone and there were too many people around. As everyone headed for the sup table I went to the helm. Leaning against the stern railing, I gazed out the calm sea beyond the port. Waves lapped gently at the hull, a hollow echo sounding up to the deck.
"What's wrong?" Cassius asked, wrapping his arm around my waist.
"There is just so much going on in my mind. Jonathan is dead, the Guild is still out there somewhere, Belle is finally happy, and I feel guilty because I'm so jealous. I want that freedom and happiness. She deserves it though. She's had such a rough life so far. I want her to be happy and loved."
"You will have happiness. Everything is going to be well. We leave tomorrow for Italy."
I nodded and turned into his body. His heat warmed my chilling body. I closed my eyes wishing with everything in me that we could just vanish.
"Come eat!" Robert called to us, a large chunk of meat waving in the air.
"Spit-roasted pig from the nearby butcher. I have to assume Robert is enjoying it."
I laughed lightly and shook my head. "I don't think he could ever be disappointed with the food."
A few of the sailors grabbed instruments, sat on the railing, and played cheerful sea shanties as we ate, drank, and danced the night away. Cassius twirled me about the deck, I forgot all. I got lost in a moment of just us. A man and a woman who were in love. He wasn't a king. I was not his assassin or a lady. We were just two people. Robert and Belle vanished below deck shortly after the food was finished. We did not see them for the rest of the night. I accepted pints of ale, wine, and some other liquid that burned furiously as it slid down my throat. I didn't mind. The numbing feeling on my mind and body was a welcomed escape.
The sun waned beyond the horizon, the candles casting ghostly shadows across the ship. As I stood near the table, sipping at my wine, I nearly dropped it. Standing near the bow of the ship I saw a dark figure appearing to be Jonathan. I blinked a few times before putting the cup down. I staggered toward where I saw the man standing. As I approached the shadow it came to light that it was nothing more than a short post with fabric flapping in the wind. I slammed my fists into the post, a sliver of wood embedding in my knuckle. I cried out in pain and sunk to my knees sobbing.
He's going to haunt me forever!
"Joselyn!" Cassius yelled, running to me.
Holding me in his arm he prodded me to look at him. "He's always here! He will always be here."
"Who, Joselyn? Who?"
"Jonathan! He will always haunt me."
"He's dead, Joselyn. He can't hurt you now." Cassius scooped me up in his arms and carried me to his champers.
"The Guild will send someone else. And then another. And another. It will never stop."
"We'll figure something out what to do."
He removed the gown, the bodice, and the petticoat before pulling the blankets up around me. "Will I be okay?"
"Of course, my love. Sleep now."
I did as he commanded without argument for the first time since I had been assigned his assassin. I let the darkness creep over me in welcomed slumber.
Cassius's heavy arm draped over my stomach as he snored peacefully beside me. My head throbbed as the bright light shone in through his window. I took a pillow and covered my face the best I could. Everything spun about me. I could feel the contents of my stomach beginning to rise as the ship listed side to side. Sliding from under Cassius's arm, I scrambled for the closest bucket where I emptied the contents of my gut. I sat on the floor, my head still in that bucket, when a blanket was placed around my shoulders. I glanced up at Cassius who smiled down at me.
"How are you?"
"Fantastic," I grumbled before heaving into the bucket again.
"Too much drink?" he asked.
I nodded. "I've never had so much before, and I shall never again."
He laughed softly and handed me a steaming mug. "Barley water. The cook has a real fondness for this stuff."
I happily took it and sipped. The hot water and season put my stomach at ease slightly.
"Here. Eat." Cassius placed a plate of bread and cheese next to me.
I grimaced and looked away. "No thanks."
"You need something. Food always makes me feel better if I have a touch too much of the drink."
Reluctantly I took a chunk of the bread and chewed. Slowly.
"How long shall we remain?" I asked.
"We set sail in an hours' time. Belle will be leaving to return to Nottingham shortly."
I nodded and climbed to my feet. "I need to retrieve clothing from my chamber."
"I had Angeline bring something for you last evening." He pointed to a brown traveling gown.
I removed the chemise I had on, paying no regards to Cassius standing there. I could feel his eyes on me. Pulling on the clean undergarment I tossed the bodice to the side and pulled on the petticoat.
"You're forgetting some parts," Cassius informed me.
"No bodice today. I'll end up vomiting all over the ship."
He looked taken aback for a moment but cocked his head to the side admiring my body without it. He shrugged and tied the back for me. I stepped into the gown and laced the front of the gown up to the squared neckline, which was timed in a lovely, soft black satin. The trumpet sleeves were also satin as well as the underdress. I turned around to see Cassius remove his own chemise. I stood slack-jawed at the sight of his nude body. I had never seen all of him before. His broad shoulders and muscular back rippled with each movement he made. His thighs were solid and quite lovely. I used all of my inner strength to not reach out and touch him. He turned his body in such a way that his most private of areas was not in view. His chest looked as though he had been molded after the statue of David. I could feel my cheeks flush as he grinned at me. Quickly turning my head, I found the floor very fascinating.
He pulled on his hose and boots. His linen shirt hung loosely on his body as he buttoned a brown doublet over it. I clasped a black cloak around my neck and accepted his arm as we left the chamber.
Belle stood near the gangplank in Robert's arms. She cried as he kissed her softly.
"I'll be home soon, my dear sweet one."
"Please be careful. You have no idea how dangerous it may be," she wept.
I stood to the side and watched the lovers say their good-byes. She broke from his hold and wrapped her arms around my neck.
"I love you," I said.
"I love you. I can't thank you enough for everything you have done for us."
"I only did what you would have done for me."
"Take care of my husband," she said, kissing my cheek.
"I will, Duchess of Nottingham." I smiled while dipping into a curtsy to her.
She giggled and hugged me tighter one last time.
Men! Prepare the sails, raise the anchor!
Belle walked slowly down the gangplank towards a waiting carriage. She headed to her new home and responsibilities. I hoped with all my heart she would be all right alone for a short while.
"Are you ready for this?" Cassius asked.
I nodded. "As ready as I can be."
"Italy is the destination?" Charles asked.
"Yes, Captain Featherstone. We are destined for Venice."
"Venice?" I asked.
"Why not start there? It is a stronghold there."
"Very well, we shall start in Venice."
I stood near the bow as we set to sea. It would be a very long month once again.
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