"Croquet....what a weird name." Pai mused as I woke up from a dream, where I saw my Grandpa who warned me about how Pegasus's intentions would cause Armageddon, "You're up?" She asked curiously but even if she said she didn't understand humans, I felt like Pai was letting on more than she knew about herself, even though she did say there were holes in her memories. "Who did you say you could remember?" I asked her while trying to will myself back to sleep with no luck, the day of my match against Joey coming up fast and myself restless because of nerves and overthinking. "I can remember my best friend, Atem. And Mana, and more but how I ended up as a card is still fuzzy." She seemed more human when discussing her past but it was quickly hidden behind the catty side she usually presented, as if she was afraid to be who she knew she was. "You should get some sleep Yugi."
She was tired herself while trying hard to remember her real name, because she knew that she was formerly something else, something that was more divine. She had a name but it was taken away from her when she was sealed along with the memories she lost. But all of that was forgotten the next morning after she was used to destroy Joey's Time Hat/Dragon combo, earning Yugi the immediate right to challenge Pegasus who was reading the two of them like an open book. Yugi having switched places with Pai due to a spell Pegasus activated, with Pai being forced to duel in his place. "What cards even are these?" She asked as Yugi groaned from his place in her card, wishing he or his counterpart had taught her more about the game before she got unexpectedly swapped with them, "Whatever, I set a card face down!"
She shouted after, "I set a monster face down and then I summon Summoned Skull in defense position." Activating the Spell Binding circle trap card, she managed to weaken his toon monster, attacking with Summoned Skull until Pegasus played Trap Displacement. Making Skull seven hundred points weaker, and Rirouran stronger with the fiend card destroyed by its fire attack, "Ghhhh!" She groaned while struggling to duel, having never paid attention before since she never though she'd have a physical body, "What am I supposed to do...?" An idea went through he head as she made Yugi and Atem go inter her mind as she had a physical form, 'We need to keep switching minds so that he can't read us!' They agreed as she started dueling again with their moves outsmarting Pegasus, until he dragged the battle to the shadow realm where she struggled to keep switching, "You still won't be able to beat us!"
Her voice was strained, as she and Atem switched places once Yugi collapsed from the pressure of the shadow realm, so the two best friends mind shuffled with each other in turn with the strategy working. "Face your defeat!" They shouted at the same times as they use Multiply and Kuriboh to overwhelm Thousand Eyes Restrict, allowing Magician of Chaos to attack and down Pegasus to zero life points. "We did it!" She shouted as her physical form vanished once the shadowy orb around them vanished, Yugi's body appearing where she once stood though Atem was in control since Yugi fainted from the exertion of the shadow realm. "Thanks for trusting in me, Atem. You too Yugi." She told them after Yugi's spirit came to following the return to the real world, "You guys are the best." Her smiled made a memory return to Yami Yugi/Atem, one of when she smiled under her true name along with their other best friend, a magician by the name of Mana.
"We're impressed with both of you, you guys were courageous and you stepped up." Yugi turned to Pai who seemed to have softened up after having helped and dueled alongside him and his other self, "Yugi?" She asked as he pulled her down and pecked her quickly on the lips, making her face break out in a red color as she backed away, "W-W-Wh-Wha----What was that for?!" He just smiled cheekily as he realized how he felt towards her, even though she was unsure of how she should feel given her identity crisis, she just knew that she didn't entirely hate it.
Card Shop ins Domino City
"It's nice to see that your okay, Mr. Moto." My words made Yugi's grandpa smile as he was filled in on how and who I was, as well as why I was staying around despite the fact that the Millennium Items were dangerous. "I believe I can reclaim the holes in my memory if we get the rest of the Millennium Items, I want to remember who I was and forget my limitations in my current state." Rebecca or who ever she said her name was had been under the assumption that, Solomon/Grandpa had stolen the card from her grandpa when it was the opposite and it was given to Solomon because he gave his last sip of water to her grandfather right before they were rescued. "I'm sorry, I was wrong." Rebecca apologized in the end and shortly thereafter, we were contacted by Mokuba because Seto got kidnapped into a cyberworld by his two-faced trustee board, "Okay, Yugi, Joey, and I will go in to save him." They were surprised I was willing to go with them but it was the only way, because I wouldn't be able to manifest as a spiritual form without the programming of the game thinking I was a virus, "I wouldn't say I'd go in without reason, I'm saying I have to because my spiritual form is read as a virus to the game's code. So I'll need to sign in as a duelist."
I smirked, "Lucky for us there's enough pods. So let's do this. I may not like your brother but I won't let some unfair weasels take over through dirty methods." Entering into the virtual world, I was given a dueling deck based off of one that Yugi built for me rather recently, one based off of the Kidmodo Dragon and Luster Dragon with higher dragon monsters that could be summoned along with some light monsters. "I summon Diana the Spirit of Light!" Taking out the zombies, they couldn't regenerate after being hit the the light attack which decimated their forms, "Luckily I have some light monsters in this deck that you made Yugi. Otherwise that could've ended badly." Heading to the virtual town, I found that Seto had the pod I was in rigged with cheat points for testing purposes which meant I could get them upgraded cards. "Crossing a desert? How fun...not." "Luster Purge!" I shouted as my Luster dragon blew the sand tornado back, "Hop on you guys!" Jumping on its back I rode across the desert after it blew back the sand storms, landing at the bottom of the mountain where it started to vanish, "Thanks buddy." Then I noticed the guys weren't there, "You should've told me it was a one person ride, Luster Dragon!"
To be continued...
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