"I'm pretty sure that's Mai." Pai made me shocked as I yanked off my mask and so did my butterfly opponent, revealing none other than Mai Valentine as the ringmaster champ, "You're looking for Kaiba?" She asked as we filled her in on what happened, "I'll help then, no one tricks me into doing their dirty work for them." She commented on how cute Pai looked as well as how she was into Yugi, both of them trying to ignore her comments even though i could tell that they both had the hots for each other, "In any case, we need to get back to the base of the mountain since I can ride on my Luster Dragon, you guys need to get a Niwatori card." Landing at the base of the holding building in front of us, Pai jumped off and chased Mokuba the rest of us following as we got trapped in a maze with a labirynth tank monster. "I summon Cosmo Queen in attack position, destroy that tank with Galaxy Crush!" Pai shouted as her sorceress trashed one of the tanks with the magical Hats card saving us after, "Thanks Cosmo Queen."
Running towards the Gate Guardian that the corporate sleaze balls put in there, I formed Black Skull Dragon to eliminate the Gate Golem, "Sword to the End!" She shouted and doubled the attack points of the dragon which eliminated the gate guardian, "Thanks for the compliment but it's nothing really." She was sheepish as we followed the princess with Pai being treated like a goddess.
"It's kind of funny but adorable." My comment made Mokuba blush as we had approached the castle with Adena explaining the prophecy, and how they were the legendary heroes with myself being the monster who would defeat Mythic Dragon, because I was a monster who had a human form which could bypass the barrier. "Well, I'm a duel monster but I'm also a human. So we can bypass the barrier and I won't allow those corporate bastards to get the best of us." My cheeky smile made Yugi blush as I complimented his armor, "You're so cool, Yugi!" Teasing him became more enjoyable as of late, and soon we realized that we needed to rescue Mokuba, who swapped places with Adena. "Lightray Diablos!!" I called as my light attribute effect Dragon came out and obliterated most of the offensives, "Return!" Jumping down to inspect the ruins where the flying machine was, I smiled as I looked at the markings, "Use your time wizard, Joey."
My wings were out along with my horns and tail, "I'll fly myself there, but you guys take the machine." Flying in the air, I picked Yugi up and started flying as Mai took the machine with Joey, "Time to hightail it guys!" My eyes glowed a red color over my usual pink, wings flapping hard as I blasted through the monsters with my flame based attacks, "You there, Atem?" I asked as he nodded, "Yugi had enough so I'm in control now. Head for the castle, now!" Speeding past the fire salamandra and blasting through into the dungeons, I had found Seto who was a little shocked by my drastic appearance change. "Sup, rich boy?" Dropping Yami below and following him on foot, we were confronted by the hydra final boss which was controlled by the big five corporate assholes, "Yami use me, I can still be used as a duel monster in this state." He agreed and I entered my dragon form,
"EIIIIYAAARGGGAGAAARAAAGHH!!" I screeched as he also summoned Supreme Dragon Master Knight, "Paithenaol the Demon Dragon, use Fire Cosmos Blast!" My five thousand attack points caused the the Mythic dragon to have its power drained, the power then going to the Dragon Master Knight as I collapsed.
[Digital world]
"Yami? Seto?" She asked as she woke up and was embraced by Yami who was worried sick by her fainting, having not previously known she could morph into different card forms. Leaving to go to the real world where she smiled after waking up, "Seto's gonna kick some butt because you're not there." Mokuba taunted and thanked them after, "Go see your brother, Mokuba." Ruffling his hair before he met up with Seto, Yami finding her change in personality to be a slight improvement but not a permanent fix unless they could both remember who they were. "So I heard about this new trend.." She started as they walked to school the following day with Tea and Yugi, until Solomon explained there was a new game shop that had no tradition. "I'll make sure he doesn't know, Yug." Pai winked as Yugi told Joey about the rival game shop, with Serenity being second when he was asked about her recovery, "Who's that pushover?" She asked bluntly, as the girls around Duke growled in jealousy that he was paying attention to her, "Who are you, pretty lady?" She growled, "Pai Sarani." She used her fake last name as he flirted with her, angering Yugi who took his offer to duel when the flirting resumed after Duke beat Joey, humiliating him in order to impress Pai.
"This piece of dog crap actually believes that my Yugi cheated?" Pai was furious as the game creator failed to listen to Yami who was trying to explain, "I'm kicking his ass after Yami kicks it in the game." Yugi who was back in control of his body, tried to calm Pai down as she started to try to charge at Duke who was still smitten with her, "Calm down, Pai!" He shouted as she growled, "Not until I give Devlin what he deserves!!"
To be continued....
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