Lukas POV:
"Great you made him mad." Petricia says with a small smirk on her face. I look back at Letric and he is glaring at me and he looks dangerous.
"Letric calm down I was just messing around." He looks even angrier. And I just remembered he doesn't like being bossed around by his siblings. Okay here's a fact, when Letric's angry he's even scarier than dad, Mikasa and (f/n) put together.
But then again I don't really care. But it would be interesting if I got into a fight with Letric. I'm gonna test my limits.
"Letric, your name is so stupid, it's just as rip off of electric. And you are so wimpy it doesn't make sense. And to tell you the truth you are more wimpy than Petric-" I'm cut off by being pushed to the ground and being dragged outside by my arm.
"Hey whoever is dragging me put me down." They let go of me by throwing me in the air and on the ground. "Damn that hurt. Hey how dare you thr-" I cut myself off when I see that it's Letric standing there but the thing is his eyes. They don't look right. Instead of one being blue and the other being brown.
They're black. "Hey Letric dude I didn't mean anything I said, so you can calm down now." I stand up and Letric is gone I turn around and he's standing right in front of me. His eyes are pure black. Wtf is this I've never seen anything like this before in my life.
Everything goes black after that. I wake up in my bed as my alarm goes off. Oh I have to go to school, was that just a dream. That felt too real.
I get ready for school and I leave first like I normally do. I arrive at the school and I notice a new face that stands out from everyone else's. She has red hair and blue eyes. She looks at me and I just continue to look back. She smiles and walks towards me.
"Um hi, I'm Hydie, I'm new here and I noticed you looking at me and I wondered if you could show me around." She pushes a strand of her hair behind her ear. She's.......cute. "Um sure."
Letric's POV:
I walk into the school and I go towards my locker and I already see girls crowding my locker. I notice them laughing at something and I go over there to see them crowding a girl who is shorter than them and wayyy cuter too.
She has long brown hair and brown eyes and she's wearing glasses. "Look at this nerd who's thinks she can win Letric's love, he won't go for a nerd like you anyways." The girl ignores them. They push her into my locker. "Hey." I say and the girls turn around with a look of horror on there faces. "Leave her alone." I grab the girl's hand and I walk with her towards a less crowded area of the school.
"Hey are you okay?" She looks at me in the eyes and looks surprised. That is some people's reactions when they see my eyes. "Yes I'm okay thank you, I'm Alexis." She says her voice soft, "I'm Letric, nice to meet you Alexis. Why were they messing with you?" She looks away. "They always messed with me. They don't like me because I have a bunch of classes with you." Well that ain't nice.
"Do you want to walk to class together?" She blushes then nods. "Do you have geometry as your first class?" She nods again. I grab her hand. "Then let's gooooo!!!" I say a bit to loudly but there isn't that many people around. Her face goes redder and redder as she looks at our hands. I let go thinking I'm making her uncomfortable.
Petricia's POV:
I walk into the school and I turn on the next corner to get to my locker but instead I bump into something hard. I look up and I glare at the person. "I'm so sorry, I should have been watching where I was going." The person puts their hand out to help me up and I grab it.
I've never seen this person around before and not many guys catch my eye but this boy is just beautiful. He has whitish blonde hair and green eyes and his ears are pierced but he wears glasses. "It's fine I'm Petricia by the way." He nods slowly. "I'm Tanaka Jason." He says as he looks away. "Are you shy?" I ask bluntly. "Yes how did you know?"
"I can tell. What's the first class you have?" He gets out a piece of paper. "Geometry." I groan. "Looks like you have geometry with me and my triplet brothers." He chuckles. "Cool, you have brothers that looks exactly like you." I shake my head. "Not exactly, they both have black hair, one has grey eyes and the other has heterochromia."
He looks amazed when I mentioned heterochromia. "What two eye colors does the heterochromia brother have?" He asks softly. "Blue and golden brown." He nods slowly again. "What are their names Petricia?" His voice is so soft. It sends chills down my spine.
"The heterochromia one is Letric and the one who has grey eyes is Lukas. You'll know them when you see them, they stand out from the others and so do I and they have similar faces to me." We arrive in the classroom and I see Letric and Lukas talking to each other with two other girls with them. That's new. "Come on their over there." I grab Tanaka's hand and I walk towards them.
"Hey guys this is Tanaka, Tanaka this is Letric and Lukas." He says a quick hi but doesn't make that much eye contact. Letric gets off the desk. "Petricia, this is Alexis, Alexis this is Petricia." Letric jumps onto the desk again and he continues talking to Alexis. "Petricia this is Hydie, Hydie this is Petricia." They have found some pretty girls, I'm surprised that Lukas even talked to a girl at school.
Alexis and Hydie walk towards me. "You are very pretty Petricia." Alexis says. And Hydie nods in agreement. "You two are very pretty too." I look over at Tanaka to see him getting along with Letric and Lukas.
"I think we will all be good friends." Hydie says. "I agree." I say. "I agree too." I look at Tanaka to see him staring at me but he quickly looks away with a flustered face.
Yup we all will be great friends.
A/n: Wow 1,1126 words, my fingers hurt from writing none stop but enjoy.
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