Normal POV:
Sooo here's the thing, I recently found out that I'm pregnant. I haven't told the Levi or the kids yet. I plan on telling them later today, when they all get home. Levi's at work but he texts me often. And the kids are at school, they don't really talk to me about school because nobody bullies them and they are very smart.
I might as well go to sleep since I just got home from work, I'm exhausted.
(Time skip brought to you by Jimin's lost jams)
I wake up to the sound of shouting voices. I have a headache because of all the noise. I get up and I go downstairs to see Lukas and Petricia arguing, Letric flirting with someone on FaceTime and Levi cooking. "Hey!" I yell. They all looks at me. "Lukas, Petricia, what are you arguing about now?!" I say frustrated.
"I told Lukas that he should date Hydie and he said they just met that's stupid and I called him stupid and we started arguing." Petricia explains. "You guys aren't 5 anymore, you need to get along better. Letric, thank you for acting so mature." Lukas scoffs. "He's younger than us." He says annoyed. "That doesn't mean a thing, he's still acting more mature." I say in a serious tone.
"Oh and Letric can you tell whoever you're on the phone with that you'll call them back?" Letric nods. "I have to go Alexis, I'll see you in school tomorrow." He hangs up the phone. "You got her number that fast?" Petricia asks in disbelief. "Yeah, she's cute." He says in an innocent tone.
"I have to tell you all something." I say loud enough for them to hear me. "What is it (F/n)?" Levi asks. "I am pregnant." Levi drops the spoon and Letric almost drops his phone. "What for real?" Petricia asks. "No it's a virtual baby, yeah I'm for real." I say using some sarcasm.
"YAY I GET TO HAVE A LITTLE SIBLING!!!!" Letric yells at the top of his lungs. "Letric turn the volume down my ears are gonna break." Lukas says.
"I hope it's a girl, I'm tired of being the only girl." Petricia says. "Well jeez then what is (F/n)? A man?" Lukas says with sarcasm in his voice.
"No I mean I only have brothers, I NEED a sister." Petricia says making a face that reminds me of Petra. "Did you see that (F/n)? I saw Petra." Lukas says. "Oh shut up already!" Petricia yells. "No you shut up!" Lukas yells back.
"Both of you shut up!" Levi yells in a scary tone which shuts them both up.
I hope the new addition to the family changes the way things work around here a bit.
A/n: I hope you enjoyed the book, sorry that I haven't updated in a while I've been busy with school. We'll see ya!
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