Sequel part 4

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Lukas POV:
I was sleeping peacefully before a beat came into my room yelling at me. "Lukas did you drink my Tuan tea?!" I'm the crankiest when I wake up, she has a nerve waking me up. "Get out you brat, you are so annoying I can't believe you came in here to yell-" Then I realize it isn't Petricia.

It's (f/n) and she looks maaaad. Uh oh I better apologize before she manhandles me. "Oh sorry (f/n) I thought you were Petricia." She looked even more upset. "Why would you talk to her like that, you two need to get along." I look at her with disbelief. "(F/n) She is basically Petra in disguise." She glares at me. "Is she insanely obsessed with your father? Nope so she isn't Petra in disguise at all."

Petricia pops her head in my room and glares at me. "Thank you mom, but Lukas is the king of necks." Oh no not this again. "Neck game strong." I quickly get out of the bed and I run at her and she runs away and I chase her around the house.

She flips over the couch and quickly opens the door running outside. Did I mention that she is on the track team?

All of a sudden something quick runs past me and Petricia stops and someone has her over their shoulder. Oh I didn't know dad came home.

Dad's eyes widen, then he smiles, I turn around to look at what he's looking at and (f/n) is right behind me glaring at me. She grabs me and put me over her shoulder.

Where they do this at???

(Time skip brought to you by the three little pigs)

"What were you thinking, you left Letric in here all by himself." (F/n) yells at me and Petricia. And Letric just looks at us. Petricia stands up. "It's not my fault that Lukas doesn't like the fact that he looks like a pig and his neck game is too strong." She is stupid.

"You do realize that we look alike right? I'm glad you know you're a pig." Letric stands up pouting.

"Hey that means your calling me a pig, you giraffe."

Oh it's on now. I get up and I grab Letric by the collar and his smile and bright eyes are replace with a glare and dark eyes and I quickly let go.

"Great you made him mad."

A/n: Sorry the updates are slow, I'm still in school.

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