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#120? Let's just have a moment of silence!


"It's cheating!"

"What is?"

"You know my name and I don't."

"You don't know your name?"

"Obviously, I know."


"I don't know your name."


"So? What so? You told me that if I'll tell you my name, then you will tell me yours, but you didn't. So, it's a cheating!"

"Actually, I didn't tell you when I was going to tell you my name, so it's not a cheating."

"I did right by calling you Meanie!"

"Aww, is shomeone angwy?"

"Eww! Never use that baby tone again."

"I was not planning to!"



"Your name."


"Then, Beatrice?"

"What? No!"



"Lindsay? Chantelle? Amber? Regina?"

"No, no, no and no. And why are you listing all bitchie names? Do you think that I am a bitch?"

"Uh- no. I just thought it suits your personality."

"And what do you know about my personality? Just because I am blunt and say everything on the face instead of someone's back, doesn't mean that I am a bitch!"

"I didn't meant to offend you."

"Oh, but you did! So, you know what? Just fuck off and never call on this Helpline again!"


*Beep* *Beep*


Oooh! A twist? Cliffhanger? What do you think is going to happen next? Comment your thoughts, maybe I could use them in some of the chaps!


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