Hi guys, it's Nayoung. 😊(your still alot of lacking writer)
First of all i really want to say thank you for loving, and reading this book.
This is my first book ever like i didn't even dream to write a book before but my love for Twice and Bts particularly Jimin and Jeongyeon basically overload. So I don't have any other option than keeping and storing my love here. Now that i do write, it feels like my sense of responsibility increase more 😂.
I'll try to update frequently and try to match y'alls expectations,okay? (but don't expect too much cause I'm afraid to let u guys down😭)
Enough of me being silly, now to the main points.
This book is meant to be a story with multi chapters but, erm.. I am not that brilliant of a person so i had a hard time thinking of a storyline.
I was thinking to make this book as a compilation of JeongMin short stories/drabbles/ one shots. How about that?
You guys can request what kind of scenarios, scene, AU that you guys want me to write.
It's a win-win situation right? I get the ideas to write and you guys..get the story. 😁😘
So.. Please comment or leave a message about what kind of story do you guys want. Must be short story, you can give me the ending that you want or leave it to me to end it.
Thank youuu 💜💚,
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