After they met they decided to walk the distance to a restaurant that Jimin have made reservations for him amd Jeongyeon. It's a normal restaurant, not that fancy. It gave a warm feelings with their traditional features and warm pastel layout.
"this is nice oppa. So simple but the vibe is soo good" Jeongyeon said while looking at the restaurant's interior and Jimin.
" how do you even have time to make reservations huh? I thought you was so busy each time i called saying 'practice baby', 'gotta go joon hyung calling' " amazed by Jiminnie effort despite his words.
" hehe i know that you'll like it" Jimin smile
" i know you'll like every restaurant tho as long as you can eat right? 😂" he teased.
"🙄, well.. Yeah.."
"..and because you're here with me too.. " Jeongyeon said while smiling turning her head towards Jimin. Jimin knows that she mean it this time unlike the old times when Jeongyeon still didn't open her heart to him yet. He can see her eyes reflecting his own now.
Jimin can't help but feel butterflies inside his stomach and smiled sheepishly.
"aww uri jeongie wants to be with me huh? " Jimin said in an aegyo voice then continue, " me too.. I want to be with you too.. ".This time more serious than before. 'Forever.. ' he thought.
His hold of her hand gets tighter and they both smile serenely.
"You should head back to the hotel first Jeong-ah.." Jimin smile to Jeongyeon reluctantly. Now that they have eaten and talked almost for two hour it's time to go back to their idol life.
"I need to buy things for Jin hyung at convenience store. Snacks, urm and.. toothbrush i think. He gave one he has as spare he gave it to Jungkook because Jungkook forgot to bring one. Then Jin hyung's went into the toilet bowl 😂 " , Jimin laughing his ass off because of his hyung clumsiness. It's still a wonder why his Namjoon hyung is still behaving instead.
Jeongyeon couldn't help but laugh too. For her, Jin sunbae is the exact copy of Sana in term of clumsiness. That thought make her cracks more but Jeongyeon can see her guy uneasiness in his laugh and jokes. He must be feeling guilty for suggesting they separate ways earlier than they should. That's why he try to make her feel less lonely and make them separate happily.
Jeongyeon knows, Jimin just want to protect her, protect them. Protect what they have now. So guess she'll just play along, right?
" Hahah, i know oppa. Uri member often does this too 😂. Remember when Momo ask me to buy her new earphone because hers was tangled in the washing machine?😂 ".
Jimin just laugh along with Jeongyeon at how their members practically share the same braincell.
"that's why.. " Jeongie step closer to Jimin, "don't worry about me Ok? I'll be okay. It's not like we're not seeing each other after this baby.. ". Now she hug Jimins waist while looking up at him smiling.
Jimin immediately return the gesture tighter as if he was waiting for the skinship,one arm hugging Jeongyeon's waist and one arm goes behind her head and placing her head at the crook of his neck.
(imagine this is Jimin and Jeongyeon) 😘
"I know babe.. But i really miss you tho"
Jimin backs up a little not releasing Jeongyeon but enough to look at her face.
" seeing you,.but not talking to you is hard. Yeah we'll see each other in HK Mama but still, we couldn't be like this right? " Jimin tilted his head to the side as if he's asking Jeongyeon about her feelings in this too.
Jeongyeon is at loss for words. She just stares at the man in front of her. Like, she understands what he feels and it aches her too but right now all she sees, all that occupied her mind is this man.
'i miss you too,oppa. So much.. ' .
With this thought, she didn't think much more. Jeongyeon closed their distance again , tip toeing slowly, placing her hands on both Jimin's cheeks. Smiling while caressing it slowly.
Jimin's heartbeat just went wild and it warms his whole body at how much he could feel Jeongyeon's feeling towards
His eyes went from looking at her eyes then her lips. He then slowly dipped his head down and met her lips. They share a sweet kiss that contains all their feelings and longings that were restricted because of their dreams and love for their career and fans.
Jeongyeon safely arrived at the hotel Twice members stays at in Japan. All along the trip, she stays quiet thinking about her present and her future. About how long must she hide her happiness. She doesn't want to be the one that breaks this dream. Let her dream a little bit more with her beloved sisters, onces, and Jimin. She decided, when it is the time for her to wake up, she'll tell everybody the truth.
' that's right.. I love twice, i love once, i love oppa,. They're all important to me. As long as they're with me, i can afford dreaming a little bit more.. '
Jeongyeon's thoughts stopped when she finally at the hotel room corridor.
Smile plastered?
*hope u guys enjoyed it. I didn't proofread this. Just posted like this right now. Gonna edit my mistakes later.
(suprise attackkk!!!! 😘)
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