Chapter 2 : Old friend

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3 months later, Midorijima
          Aoba got his new job. It is similar to his brother Ren but from a different store. He work at Heibon while Ren work at delivery work. It's a good choice for the both of them to keep an eye on Aoba.

Ren : We're going out

Tae : Don't forget to lock your door

Aoba : Okay

          After the two lock the door, they walked out together to their shop. Dog Ren is walking behind Ren wagging his tail happily like he always does. It is almost a holiday season so they will be very busy and end work early.

Ren : Did you put on sunscreen?

Aoba : Of course. If I don't, I'll burn infront of your eyes.

Ren : Just worry

Aoba : I'm not that careless tho. Thanks to you that the jacket you bought me was thick enough to protect my skin.

Ren : Yeah but I think when we head back we should go find some hat for you as well. For safety anyway

Aoba : Hmm you're right. Well see you after work anyway

Ren : Ok see you

Aoba : Be a good boy

Dog Ren : Arf!

        They split up to their work place at the corner. Not much car is running on the road so it's pretty safe to walk around.

        The time pass to the afternoon, the siblings met each other at the cafe around delivery work for lunch. It's an outside cafe where the customer eat outside and order/pay food inside.

Aoba : How was your work?

Ren : Pretty busy as expect, tho there's no issue around. You?

Aoba : I had to arrange the stuff and phone with the customer at the same time. Glad no accident happen. How about the dog?

Ren : He has a friend to play with while I'm working

Aoba : Did your manager's pet play with him?

Ren : Yeah, she got a dog allmate yesterday and decided to let them play together in a staff room.

Aoba : I see... sure you have a lot of fun huh?

Dog Ren : Arf arf!

Ren : I think we should head home early

Aoba : Why so?

Ren : It nearly holiday season so there will be a lot of tourists came here and the street will fill up with people around. We might have a hard time finding our way home.

Aoba : Sounds right. Let's quickly look for hat and head back

Ren : Kay

          They walk out from the cafe and head to the store.

          As they are choosing, dog Ren started to make a threaten noise.

Ren : ? What is it?

Aoba : What's wrong Ren?

Dog Ren : Grrrrrrrrrr

Aoba : Is something behind me- Gahhh!!!!

          Something touched Aoba's arm. When Aoba turned around, he saw a tall man in red kimono.

?? : Oh.... what a timid person you are

Aoba : What?

Ren : Don't you dare touch my brother without knowing him

?? : God, you siblings are still protected each others like always.

Ren : I- wait.....

?? : I'm sorry. Maybe I got the wrong person. You two looks familiar like my old friends.

Aoba : ..... Koujaku?

Koujaku : Oh! So I recognize the right ones

Ren & Aoba : Oooooooohhhhhh

Ren : I'm sorry. You changed a lot, I barely recognize you.

Koujaku : Haha..... it's fine. Time change bro.

Dog Ren : Grrrrrrrrrr!!!!

Aoba : It's ok Ren *pick up dog Ren* he's our old pal

          Dog Ren bend himself to Koujaku's chest and bark at it. Suddenly the kimono started to shaking and a small red ball popped out.

? : Oi! Stop waking me up! Jeez you're strange

Koujaku : Beni!

Ren : Is that your allmate?

Koujaku : Yeah he said he wants to sleep so I put him in my chest pocket

Beni : Jeez.... this dog sure is too smart. I thought sleep mode won't bring out allmate's signal

Aoba : I think he can smell you, right Ren?

Dog Ren : Arf!

Koujaku : So.... what are you two doing here?

Ren : Looking for a hat for Aoba

Koujaku : Huh? Which kind of hat you want?

Aoba : I think cap would look nice

Koujaku : A cap huh......

          As Koujaku looking around, he picked one of the cap on the shelf put on Aoba's head.

Koujaku : I think this one looks nice on you.

Aoba : Oh? *take off the hat* huh..... the colors are pretty neat and it's not so expensive *put back on the head and turn to Ren* How do I look?

Ren : You look great! Fit your job perfectly

Aoba : *gasp* Do you like it?

Dog Ren : Arf!

Aoba : Hehe then I should buy it then

Koujaku : Why are you buying hat anyway?

Ren : Well..... in case the sun is hotter

Koujaku : But wouldn't it be better if you buy it during summer?

Aoba : It'll be too long! The price will gone up and people will buy during summer.....

Ren : Y...Yeah

Koujaku : Oh right. I heard that prices sometimes gone up very fast. Well you guys are very good at planning

Aoba : Ahahahaha...... yeah..... sometimes it should.....

Ren : (I think we both not that good at lying)

18:58 Midorijima
        The three young men walked beside the alleyway as the sun setting.

Koujaku : Damn! This place sure changed a lot. Did the tourists always this much?

Aoba : Not THIS much normally

Ren : Are you here for vacation?

Koujaku : Nah... I'm going to live here now.

Ren : Well... You can't be our neighbors now because your old house here was sold to someone else.

Koujaku : Oh.... Well I guess I have to rent a room around here then

Aoba : Yeah that would be a great start

Koujaku : Well I better go check now. See you

Aoba : Ah

           Koujaku take his fist out and bump with Aoba's. Koujaku returns his hand and smell it.

Koujaku : Did you put on sunscreen?

Aoba : Huh? Uh.... yeah my skin is pretty sensitive tho

Koujaku : I don't remember you wear it when you were younger

Ren : It's happened lately

Koujaku : And sunscreen don't normally put on your hands

Aoba : That's......

          Koujaku takes his hand touches Aoba's ears

Koujaku : It's a bit too pointy for normal people. And your eyes color change.

Ren : Oh.... well

Aoba : Koujaku?

Koujaku : Hmm?

Aoba : How about you go to our house?

          The three of them walk to Seragaki's house together. After they arrived and had some dinner, Ren told everything about Aoba condition.

Koujaku : So...... it's mean you're a vampire right?

Aoba : Yeah..... that's why I have to wear sunscreen all over my skin.

Koujaku : Can you still eat food?

Aoba : Surprisingly I can still hunger for food. Not just blood

Ren : Speaking of blood, you hadn't drank it today

Aoba : Ahh!! I already forgot!

Ren : *sigh* It won't be good if you berserk like the first time you turned into one

Koujaku : How did you drink blood? Did you bite the neck?

Aoba : Give me your finger

Koujaku : Fin...... don't tell me you want me to cut my finger to you?

Aoba : Silly! Just take it to me

          Koujaku brings his finger to Aoba. As Aoba touches his hand, he ask

Koujaku : How are you drinking blood with just finge-

Aoba : *nom*

Koujaku : Ah?

          Aoba slightly use his fangs to bite Koujaku's finger. As the blood sip out, he lick it gently until there's no blood around the wound

Aoba : That should be enough

Koujaku : But that is a very less amount. How can you survive with that?

Ren : If he just do it daily, he should be fine. Drinking blood for him just like daily pill when we are sick.

Koujaku : Oh.... I've been wondering why you're so quiet. So you go get the first aid kit?

Ren : Yeah. Just to sanitation it. He won't bite too much to make a serious wound. Well..... as long as he doesn't lose his sanity

Koujaku : Just how many people know you are vampire?

Aoba : Only in this house and you. None of my friends or boss know about it.

Koujaku : Huh...

Tae : If you boys have time to chit-chat then also clean the table

The boys : Yesssss

          Tae finished her bath and straight to her bedroom. The three boys take turn to use the bathroom. Ren,Aoba and Koujaku in order.
          After Aoba finish, he walk up to his room and take a cushion out for Koujaku. Surprisingly his room is able to hold almost 4 whole persons or more inside.
          After Aoba and Ren finished setting the cushion for Koujaku, Aoba walk out to the balcony and look up

Aoba : As always.... I can't see the stars at all.... when did it become like this?

Ren : *walk up to Aoba* Did you notice a gigantic dome at the north? It finished built up just a few months before you returned. Because of its light, we really can't see anything in the north direction sky. If only our balcony head to the south. We could see the beautiful stars.

Aoba : Huh..... I haven't noticed at all. Since I always hid myself in some building and not looking out to the window..... Ahhhhhh

          Aoba and Ren walk back inside and sit on their bed.

Aoba : What's inside that building anyway? Why did it's so big till we, the "outsider" can't see the actual stars

Ren : I only heard in commercial. Saying it's like a paradise of teenage and work age to relax

Aoba : More like RITCH teenage and work age. Must be a very high technology inside huh....... I heard from one of my friend's group saying that they once break in the dome but only few of them be able to come out. After they told us the story, 3 days later they all gone.

Ren : Whoa.... that's strange.....

Aoba : Right?

Dog Ren : *make wondering noises*

Aoba : *pick up dog Ren* well I think it's time for you to sleep now little one

          Aoba kisses the dog's forehead and put him in sleep mode. After he put the dog on its pillow, he looked up to Ren.

Aoba : Ren? What's wrong?

Ren : Why did the dog get the kiss but not me?

Aoba : Huh...?

Ren : ////......

Aoba : Pfhhhh Ahahahahahaha!!!!

Ren : It's....not funny

Aoba : Ahaha it is! Of course it's funny hahaha. How old did you think you are now?

Ren : But.... that doggy is only a few months with you but he got a good night kiss. But I'm your brother! Why did I never get a goodnight kiss?

Aoba : You're..... not my actual brother tho......

Koujaku : Phew..... the water feels great. What are you guys doing anyway?

Ren : I just asked Aoba for a goodnight kiss.

Koujaku : Huh? Did he give you one?

Ren : No

Aoba : Why did you ask like it was a normal thing to do?

Koujaku : I mean.... if I were to have a brother, I would kiss him a goodnight tho.

Aoba : Wha-

Koujaku : On forehead of course.

Ren : That's what I ask him for.

Koujaku : It's normal to kiss another guy's forehead for a goodnight tho. Go for it

Aoba : *sigh* fine.....

          Aoba take Ren's face closer and kiss the forehead gently. He pat Ren's head and said

Aoba : Goodnight Ren

Ren : .... goodnight Aoba

Koujaku : What about meeeeeee? Won't you give your homie a goodnight kiss?

Aoba : Never

Koujaku : Awwww can I at least get a hug

Aoba : *sigh* okay okay big guy

          Koujaku approach Aoba and hug him. Aoba pat his head and told him to release.
          Both of them separate to their place and sleep, as tomorrow having a big plan for Koujaku's stay




(Text) = Mind thinking
//text = whisper
//// = red face
*text* = Action between conversations

Hi again!  Note from the writers!
Thanks again for reading this chapter. I really hope you enjoy and looking forward for next chapter!
Until again.

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