3 years later. Midorijima, 22:37
It's almost the middle of the night, everything is silent and still. However, Aoba seems to not be able to sleep. He stand up from the bed and walk out to the balcony. The cold wind blow through his hair, although he can't really feel the cold.
As Aoba silently stares at the sky, he heard a fainted sound from the roof. Aoba jumped up to where the sound is as he saw a white figure holding the transparent umbrella while facing up to the sky and sing a song. Aoba walked up to that figure until they stop singing.
?? : My apologies. Did I woke you up?
Aoba : Ah no. I just didn't sleep in the first place.
?? : So you having a problem sleeping perhaps?
Aoba : Yeah..... it's safe to said it.
Aoba sits next to the white figure. In the figure's arm hold a jellyfish plushie. He seems to look like a kid with a big body.
?? : My name is Clear. I always wandering around on the roof top.
Aoba : I'm Aoba
Clear : It is really nice to meet you Aoba san
Aoba : If it's not too rude, mind if I ask you something?
Clear : Yes?
Aoba : Why did you always stayed on the roof? I mean..... it's really dangerous up here.
Clear : Are you somehow consider about stranger safety?
Aoba : I mean.... it feels bad if something terrible happened to them while they are in our site.
Clear : I see.... thanks for your considering but I am fine as I am.
Aoba : I get it....
The two silently stared at the sky. The wind started to blow slower and slower til they're not be able to feel. Clear turn his face to Aoba as he speak.
Clear : It is strange......
Aoba : Hm?
Clear : I can hear how your blood is flowing and can detected that you are not human
Aoba : !!!
Clear : You are something that born to eat human but somehow your heartbeats are calm even tho I am a human right in front of you.
Aoba : Haha...... so you know from the beginning. I don't randomly drink blood from someone.
Clear : Was that so?
Clear look up and down at Aoba. He then stood up and bow down low
Clear : I am truly sorry that I ask something rude with you.
Aoba : Eh? No... it's fine actually.....
Clear : ...... If you said so then..... *sit back down*
Aoba : There's nothing to see in the sky....
Clear : We're on the roof. How about we face south? There's no big dome over there.
Aoba : Huh..... good idea.
Both two men turn their face to the south. They look up to the sky and see million of stars.
Aoba : They're beautiful.....
Clear : They did. Are you feel like sleeping now Aoba san?
Aoba : A bit tho.... I need to sleep because tomorrow I have work.
Clear : Oh.... I think my song might help you even a bit.
Aoba : Oh! You mean a song you sang before I approach you?
Clear : Yes, that song.
Aoba : Sure! I would love to
Aoba jumped down from the roof to his balcony. There's a fainted sound of clear's voice as Aoba fall a sleep.
In the next morning, Aoba walk to his work place just in time. While he was sitting on his work bench, the shop's door open.
Aoba : Oh! Welcome to- Clear?!
Clear : Aoba...... san......... I came to give you....... your lunch box.
Aoba : *walk toward Clear* Gosh.... why are there blood on your forehead?
Clear : I.... fell off from the roof by accident...... haha
Aoba : Come inside, I'll clean it up.
Clear walk into the shop. The two walk to the back of the shop as Aoba took the first aid kit from the shelf.
Clear : I'm sorry to make you do this for me
Aoba : It's fine, just be more careful next time. By the way, why don't you try walk on the road?
Clear : I..... don't really get used when someone else is looking at me. I'm just afraid of people starring at me.
Aoba : So.... that's why you always stayed on the roof? And how did you know I worked here? And about the lunch box.....
Clear : Oh! I was sitting on your neighbor roof and suddenly an old woman dash through your house door and shouting your name with a lunch box on her hand. When she saw me she ask me to come and give you the lunch box.
Aoba : Oh..... that's my granny. Thank you anyway but.... don't you have a job or something?
Clear : I'm unemployed..... I don't have a courage to register any work. All I eat nowadays are the leftover at my house. But it will runout soon.......
Aoba : Well this is bad..... how about this? You can stay here and I'll ask my manager if you can work here. Well.... if can't then in the evening I'll ask my brother for your help tho.
Clear : You...... gonna do it for me?
Aoba : Of course!
Clear : But..... why?
Aoba : Hmmmmm let's say it just some help from a friend.
Clear : Friend.......
Clear has a big smile on his face after knowing Aoba seeing him as a friend.
Aoba ask his manager about Clear's working but his manager saying that the shop wasn't big enough to have more people to work in. After work, Aoba and Clear go meet up with Ren.
Aoba : Reeeeeeeennnnnnn!!!!!!! *hugs Ren*
Ren : Aoba please...... we're in public.
Allmate Ren : Arf!
Aoba : Let me introduce you my new friend Clear!
Clear : Good evening Ren san
Ren : Good evening
Aoba : Hey Ren, does your shop needs more employers?
Ren : I don't think so, my manager is a bit strict when it comes to hiring someone. //honesty the reason she let me work because she thinks I look good
Aoba : Oh.... right. Your manager's a single woman.....
Koujaku : Did you just say single woman?
Aoba : Ah! Koujaku! Make some noise before showed up!
Koujaku : Haha sorry.
Ren : We're try to find a workplace for this guy and I recommend him not to come to my workplace because of my manager.
Koujaku : Oh.... so you mean Youshie san huh...... Is this your new friend?
Ren : Well..... Aoba's new friend Clear
Clear : *Bow*
Koujaku : What's with the bandage on his head?
Clear : I..... fell down from the roof by accident
Ren : I don't know about that...
Koujaku : Oh..... // Aoba, your new friend is a bit weird....
Aoba : // Rude! He just don't like crowd. And I think it's because it's his hobby tho. Overall he's just innocent
Koujaku : Hmm. Well I don't have my own shop since I just wandering around so.... sorry
Clear : Oh.....
Aoba : Hmmmmm what are any other skills you have? Maybe we can help you find your job that fit you skills.
Clear : Ummmm I can do house work really well. But I still lack the skill of cooking tho
Koujaku : Hmmmm if it was Japan, you can work as house cleaner. But I don't think it will work here.
Ren : Aoba
Aoba : Yes?
Ren : Do you have any friends of yours that were a shop manager? That might make him comfortable knowing it's a friend of friend.
Aoba : Well I do have one.
The four walk down the street toward a shop. When Aoba enters the shop, a young man "Mizuki" happily welcome them all.
Mizuki : Welcome to my shop. Have a seat Aoba!
Aoba : Thanks
Mizuki : I see you brought some friends. Would you like some drinks or tattoos?
Aoba : Just some drinks. I'll have orange juice. You guys can order, I'll pay for now
Ren : Hmmm..... Orange juice like Aoba.
Koujaku : How kind. Any light cocktail in recommend?
Mizuki : You can choose them on a screen.
Aoba : Go on Clear, order something.
Clear : Uh..... peach tea
Mizuki : Right on them!
Aoba : Yeah. And this place wasn't so far from our workplace so I can come visit casually.
Mizuki : Well of course I would love to have more helpers. But we need to practice something first ok?
Clear : I understand
Mizuki : Good tomorrow 7 am. I'll teach you step by step
Clear : Thank you very much!!!
Mizuki : By the way Aoba
Aoba : Yeah?
Mizuki : Did you get a random email from platinum jail.
Aoba : Random email?
Koujaku : I thought platinum jail and here doesn't connect.
Mizuki : I know right? When I firstly open this shop, I got an invitation to platinum jail for some reason.
Ren : That's weird.... I thought we can only buy it.
Mizuki : I rejected it but it seems that it won't go away. And it sent me a lot, now I have like 10 or more in my coil and can't erase it.
Clear : Maybe someone try to sent to their relatives but got a wrong number? Or maybe it just a scam
My grandfather said if I ever get one, I should not go.
Mizuki : Yeah. It would be for the best. I'm not interested to go in anyway.
Koujaku : Lately I saw policemen captured some random people and put in a black van. Until now they never return.
Ren : Whoa..... similar as I heard
Allmate Ren : Arf!
Beni : It's dangerous to go around alone nowadays so be careful.
Koujaku : If anything happens we have to contact each others.
Clear : But.... I don't have anyone contact
Aoba : I'll give you mine and Ren's
Mizuki : Well it's gonna be late soon. I think you guys should go back now, I'll close the shop early.
Ren : Sure thank you anyway
Everyone separate to their own place as they aware of every step they walk.
Note from writer :
This Au Clear is a human not an android like we know in cannon. And he didn't wear gas mask so Koujaku didn't think he is weird and ok having him around.
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