Chapter 1 : The appearance

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In the evening at the playground in old residence, there were two young children playing on a swing. But their emotions don't seems that they were having fun at all.

Ren : Aoba?

Aoba : Mmm?

Ren : Why are you crying?

Aoba : I'm not.....

Ren : But you still look sad

Aoba : I miss mama and papa..... granny still working so no one can play with us

Ren : Hmmm but Aoba, you're not alone. You still have me, your brother.

Aoba : I know..... I don't feel lonely, I'm just sad....

Ren : ..... Yeah.... I get it. Hey! How about when we get back home we play together in bathtub? Papa isn't there, but I think we can still play.

Aoba : Really?

Ren : Of course- !!

Aoba : !!!

As the two kids talking, someone approached them. The person approaching to the kids seems a bit older than them, but can be recognized as kid as well.

?? : Oh! It must be you guys!

Aoba : Huh?

Ren : //Aoba, stare at him

Aoba : //Why?

Ren : //Intimidating him so he won't hurt us.

Aoba : //Ok
?? : I..... didn't came here to hurt you or anything. I just wonder if Tae san's grandchildren are here

Aoba : Oh! We are granny's grandchildren!

Ren : Aoba!

?? : I see. She told me to find you, I'll be your neighbor anyway.

Ren : So that's mean we'll see each other everyday?

?? : Of course! So I came all along here to find you guys

Aoba : A neighbor! We are having a new friend Ren!

Ren : Well I'm glad to hear that

?? : You brother-sister are get along so well aren't you?

Ren : He's a boy

?? : Huh?

Aoba : Uwaaaaaa someone thinks Aoba's a girl again..... Q~Q

?? : I-I'm so sorry!! I didn't know that. Oh! I think I forgot something, my name is.......




20xx, Midorijima
Aoba : 13
Ren : 13

          It's been a while when the two playing together alone. It is 17:01 already and they both need to go home.

Ren : Aoba! It's late already! We have to go home!

Aoba : Aww Rennnnnnn. One more round please? I want to be the one to hide

Ren : *sigh* okay. One more time and we'll be heading home

Aoba : Ok!

          It is night time, Tae heard the knock at the door. She turn off the TV and open the front door as she shouted

Tae : If both of you going to come back this late, why don't you go sleep at- Ren? Where's Aoba?

Ren : ........

Ren keep silent. After a few seconds, he answers his grandmother with sobbing voice.

Ren : He... ask me to play hide and seek. And I can't find him anywhere. I looked around here but I still can't find him.

Tae : Did you tell the police?

Ren : They chase me... said that it's not their business

Tae : ...... It's late now. Come inside and rest, tomorrow we'll go look for him.

Ren : Is it okay?

Tae : I'm sure he's fine. You need to be more positive. Someday we'll find him.

Ren : Ok.....

7 years later, Midorijima.

Man : Oi Mizuki! Don't you wanna try some?

Mizuki : I'll pass on this one tho haha.....

Man : Hey! Uh..... you?

?? : Ah?

Man : What's your name again?

?? : Not telling you fre-

Mizuki : Aoba! His name is Aoba.

Aoba : Mizuki!

Man : Oi Aoba! Wanna try some?

Aoba : Shoving up some weird flour in to your nose? That's disgusting....

Man : It's heaven! You must try it beauty~

Aoba : Oh? You mean my fist?

Mizuki : Aaaaoba! Let's go try some cocktail. It will be night time soon, so the shop might open now.

Aoba : Oh! Okay

          As his friend "Mizuki" told him, the two of them walk off to the street.

Mizuki : I know you feel disgust of those things, but you'll just causing problem to yourself.

Aoba : Whatever, wanna race who'll resist the alcohol the most?

Mizuki : Probably me, because you're a light drinker.

Aoba : I'm not!

Mizuki : Yeah yeah.... but you have your home don't you? Why don't you go back?

Aoba : .... not like anything will be better. I think they're ok without me

Mizuki : You think so? I'm kinda jealous at you thoooooo

Aoba : Oh shut up *softly punch*

Mizuki : Oi.... Ah! A tattoo store. Looks nice and cool, I wish one day I can be famous. Hey Aoba! Interested in- Aoba?  Where did he go? Well.... I guess I'll have to drink alone huh?

18:04 Midorijima, Southern old residence
          In a shadow of one alley, there's a man lay down there "Aoba".

Aoba : Ugh....... What happened? I remember walking with Mizuki and then......

          As Aoba trying to remember, he looked at the sky realized that the sun has left the sky. He tries to get up and think

Aoba : ........ Go back home huh...... Since I ran away, getting ambush is pretty normal. But this time I know nothing.... they weren't did anything bad to my body right? *sigh* guess going home might be the safest choice for me....

        As Aoba thought, he bandage himself and started to walked home slowly.

20:58 Midorijima, Eastern old residence.
          Aoba arrived at his house. He look around before talk to himself

Aoba : This house..... looks older and colder than I remember...... *walked to the door and knocked*

?? : Yes? This is Seragaki's house........ Aoba?

Aoba : ....... Who are you?

Ren : I'm Ren! Don't you remember me?

          After Ren finished his words, Aoba stare from head to bottom of him

Aoba : You used to be shorter than me.......

Ren : Times change of course, come inside

          Aoba enter his house and walk straight to the kitchen. Tae that sit there started to look at him and talked

Tae : How are you?

Aoba : ..... hungry

Tae : Hmmph what a long hide and seek play wasn't it?

Ren : I'm paranoid of that word for a while......

Tae : So? How did you feel? 7 whole years and appeared right on your 20th birthday?

          Tae change her interest back to her cup of tea. Aoba smiled a little before answer

Aoba : Awful..... I would never look at hide and seek the same ever....

Tae : Eat up, we almost finished our dinner.

Ren : I'm sorry that I only have some leftover dessert for you

Aoba : It's fine, thanks for reminding my birthday anyway.




All : Thanks for the meal

Aoba : Your cooking is still the best as always

Tae : Hmmp! Said the one that run away for no reason and came back just for food.

Aoba : No.... I'm back to lived here from now on. Sorry for causing troble

Tae : It's a past now. Go and take a shower, Ren will lend you some clothes for now.

          After sometime, Aoba finish showering and went to his room. Ren lift his head up from the magazine to his long lost brother.

Ren : Is it refreshing?

Aoba : Of course..... you know that your size is a bit bigger for me tho

Ren : It just a temporary clothes for you. I'll buy you a new one after a week if you wanted.

Aoba : Did you have a job?

Ren : Yeah, I work in delivery work tho I didn't delivering things.

Aoba : Did our parents stop sending back money?

Ren : No, they still sending back money. But I want granny to keep it for herself and I'll used mine.

Aoba : You're such a good kid..

          The house is dark. Everyone is sleeping, but Aoba flip himself on a bed over and over. With that sound, Ren woke up and check on him.

Ren : Aoba?

Aoba : Ugghhhhh!!!!

Ren : Aoba what happened??!!

Aoba : My head...... hurt!

Ren : Aoba, can I take a look?

        Listening to his brother, Aoba sit on the bed as Ren sitting next to him. Ren try to gently touch him and ask

Ren : Can you tell me where did it hurt?

Aoba : ..........

Ren : Aoba?

Aoba : ..........

Ren : Are you alright? Aoba?

Aoba : ......... erghhhhh

Ren : Aoba?

Aoba : ARGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

Ren : !!!

          Aoba attack Ren with wide mouth. His fangs are big and they are sinking into Ren's arm. As Ren trying to take him out, Aoba put both his hand onto Ren's neck and squeeze it hardly.

Ren : A-oba...... !!!

Aoba : .........

Ren : Aoba!

Aoba : ugh!!

Ren : AOBA!!!!!

Aoba : Nggghhhhhhh!!!!!!!

Aoba : Ng............... Ren?

          Aoba take his fangs and hands away from Ren and he started to panic

Aoba : What.... have I done....

Ren : *cough* Aoba?

Aoba : Ugh!

          Aoba move himself backward as he said

Aoba : Don't come near me!!

Ren : Aoba it's okay

Aoba : No! I might hurt you again

Ren : You won't

Aoba : Huh? !!!

          Ren gently pulls Aoba to him and hug him. He slowly pat Aoba head and whisper softly to his brother

Ren : It's okay...... I'm here now. I have no idea what happened to you but I'll be here with you

Aoba : ....... *sobbing*

          Aoba started to feel calm. He sunk his head into Ren's sholder and cry quietly. They both stay at that position for while before Aoba go down stair and get the first aid kit. He bandage Ren's arm where he accidentally bite and apologize even more.

Aoba : Ren, I'm really sorry for biting you

Ren : It's okay. I know you didn't do it on purpose

Aoba : I'm scared that it will happen again

Ren : Well... how about some research for what happen to you? That way we can plan to handle things that might happen

Aoba : Sounds great

          Saying that, the both of them started to search on internet and some books. They research quietly to make sure their granny didn't woke up.
          After a while, they found some information that may suited the situation Aoba is.

Ren : It's too fantasy, but it is possible

Aoba : ...... Vampire

Ren : A creature that drinks blood to survive and is afraid of sunlight. They have pale skin, red eyes and pointy ears...... I don't think it suited.......

Aoba : ?

Ren : Never mind. When did your ears become pointy?

Aoba : Beat me. I can't see myself through mirror

Ren : So you really is a vampire

Aoba : But...... how?

Ren : Hmmmmm....... Why did you come back home anyway? I thought you'd be gone forever

Aoba : Past evening, I walk around with my friend. But suddenly I got pulled away from him, I'm not sure what happened but after I got pulled out I feel dizzy and faint away.

Ren : You might got transformed during the time you lost your consciousness.

Aoba : It's a high possibility but why?

Ren : It is unknown, vampire is one of the things people scared so it is unknown why they would want to built one. I guess it's best now for you to stay home a while.

Aoba : I see..... thank you

          Aoba hugs his brother. Ren hug him back and slowly take both of them on the bed.

Ren : I'll make sure the sunlight won't hit you during the day

Aoba : Should we tell granny?

Ren : ..... Maybe we should. She will be worried even more if we haven't told her earlier, she might also find a way to help you as well.

Aoba : Mm understand. Good night Ren

Ren : Good night Aoba

Bonus :

1 month later

Ren : Late birthday Aoba. I bought you some presents

Aoba : Mmm? Thank you Ren *open the gift* Oh! A jacket!

Ren : It's the matching jacket. I bought it since you jealous at mine.

Aoba : We'll look like actual brothers! Thank you, you're so sweet!

Ren : It's nothing

Aoba : I'm a bit disappointed at myself but I also have a present.

Ren : Hmm? *received the box and open it*

Dog allmate : Arf!

Ren : !!? A dog?

Aoba : I don't have money so I just fixed the broken one around the allmate store. I see you always been looking at the dog allmate magazine, so I want to give you one. He..... can only bark to communicate but he still understands what we said.

Ren : Aoba..... You don't need to work hard just for me

Aoba : Come on! You also the one who work hard all the time. I'm just giving this for you. But it's okay if you don't want him...

Ren : ......

Dog allmate : *make confusing noise*

Ren : *smiles* you don't want to go back aren't you? You're just like us, of course I'll take you.

Aoba : *gasp* Yes!! My mission succeed!!!!! What should we call him anyway

Ren : Hmmmm I haven't plan yet.

Aoba : I know! I'll call him "Ren"

Ren : Hey.... that's my name

Aoba : But you both look the same! Fluffy fur, fluffy hair *pat both Ren and doggy head*

Dog Ren : Arf arf!!

Ren : *sigh but smile anyway*

Hi! Note from writer
          Thank you for reading the first charpter. For if you wonder, this Au Scrap don't exist so there's no brain destroying. Let me know what you think :D

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