chapter 11 : Do something or rather died. [MinkAo]

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Aoba's pov :

           Currently I'm taking break in a dark corner. I can't find anything else and can't find anyone to partner up with. Who else that came here with me? Koujaku...... Noiz........ Clear......... Ah! That's right! Mink! But....... I don't know if I should pair up with him. I don't know anything about him like at all!

           As I was thinking, something flew and land on my shoulder.


Aoba : Eep!

Tori : You sound like a chick. Not gonna lie, even your face look like one.

Aoba : Tori?

Tori : Surprised?

Aoba : Had you always been here all the time?

Tori : No, we'd just arrive last night

Aoba : Oh... you mean Mink?

Tori : Yes?

Aoba : Where is he?

Tori : All the way here.


             I sat down and hold Tori in my arm. He doesn't like it, but he didn't resist. I waited for a while and Mink showed up. Tori immediately flies to his master's shoulder. Mink seems to has a bad mood.


Aoba : Is everything alright?

Mink : Why waiting?

Aoba : Because...... I'm afraid you can't find me.

Mink : Just take Tori with you, I could follow his signal.

Aoba : Ah...... right


              I mean..... he got the point. Mink doesn't bother my reaction and walk away. I followed him immediately. Man....... can I really get along with this guy? Can't denied to said that I'm a bit dislike him.

              Mink led me to some warehouse in the east. We entered one of them, as expected, his guys are in here. They all gathered around him. I was told to stayed out from their conversation and was command to watch out for someone to come in.


Aoba : *sigh*

Tori : You seems tired. Mentally to be specific.

Aoba : Will you be mad if I talk bad about your master?

Tori : It's up to your perspective.

Aoba : *looked around* you see...... I am glad that he used to help me back then. And also have more information about vampires. But........ he acted like I'm just a tool or something.

Tori : You are

Aoba : ....... Wait I am his tool?

Tori : What else would you be for him?

Aoba : Tch!

Tori : Hmp..... seeing you have this reaction excited me a bit.

Aoba : Oh shut up..... !?


            When I looked up, I noticed a figure looking at me from a far. The figure noticed me and immediately run away.........


Aoba : Tori...... that figure........

Tori : Hmm... it's a 50 50 chance between spotting us and a trap to lure us out.

Aoba : What do I do?

Tori : I'll guard this area. If anything I will contact Mink. Worse case I will contact you as well.

Aoba : Is it okay?

Tori : If they spy at us, would you let them go?

Aoba : .....


            He's right. It's not like I don't trust him but still.......

            I shake my head and followed the figure. Somehow they didn't went so far. I sneak up to them quietly, huh.... they somehow give me a strange feeling. I get closer and closer and caught them. They struggle a lot and make weird sound. Vampires......

            The figure has more strength than me. I need to weaken them a bit....... that's right! I crackling my teeth to make unstable noises. It effects me a bit but it's bearable. They seems weaker....... I stabbed their neck with the antidotes. I hope that'll help

             I dragged them to the dark corner in case some of them try to capture them. I quickly ran back to the warehouse.


Aoba : ? Where's Tori?


            I sense something weird from inside.!!! Did Mink and his men got attacked?! I open the door in rush and what I see relieved me a bit. Three strangers being tied up with Mink stand next to them.


Aoba : Mink! Are you alright?

Mink : .....

Aoba : I'm glad you're safe! Sorry I was-


            Just as I about to apologize to him. He shoved me by the neck and slam me to the wall with one hand.


Mink : I told you to looked out for intruders. You disobey the order.

Aoba : Uh!.........


           Dang........ is he THIS strong?? I can barely breathe!! He doesn't seems to be a vampire nor the gene edit like Clear. So it's purely his strength.

            His hand is around my neck. I can't breathe but I won't die from suffocating, in worst case I will only fainted out. I don't want to harm him, self-defense is not a reason either. I'll just....... let him beat me...... down


Tori : *flies into the warehouse* Wait

Mink : ? *released Aoba*

Aoba : Gah! *choking*

Tori : He did not neglect your order. There were a vampire spotted us so he get rid of them.

Mink : *looked at Aoba* You're not lying just to defend him right?

Tori : You're my master, you know me well. Besides, why would I lie to you?

Mink : Hmp


            I breath in as much as possible to reduce the pain. Mink walk to me and crouch down infront. I can't stand up right now so I just move myself to the wall. What is he gonna do? Is he going to beat me up? As I fear, he took something out from his coat.


Mink : *Give something to Aoba* Take this to heal yourself

Aoba : ? *take the thing*

Mink : *stand up* We'll go somewhere else.


            He gave me a small bag of blood that has a weird packaging. It has two deep holes and a line....... he said to heal myself up with this but how? I try sink my fangs into the deep holes. Ah..... it's matching. When my front teeth touch the line, blood slowly came out. I take my mouth off in surprised. There are no blood coming out anymore but the volume decreases. I see...... it's pretty convenient if you ask me.

          I'm not that injured but after that sip of blood, I feel better. I put the bag in my pocket and quickly follow Mink. He just walk down the street so it's easy to catch up on him. When I get near him, he started to talk.


Mink : You were here a few days ago right?

Aoba : Ah- y-yes!

Mink : What information did you got?

Aoba : Uh..... what I know is...... the Oval tower is where both Toue and the original vampire was.

Mink : Mm

Aoba : In the basement were a large cage filled with hundreds of vampires. The inside has uv light and some stuff inside are pure silver.

Mink : I see.....

Aoba : Also...... there are gene edit that born a human but powerful like vampire. We already take care of two but I'm not sure if there will be more.

Mink : Gene edit huh? Never heard of that.


           I can't tell if he really surprise or not. But one thing I'm sure about from being near him...... I can feel his hate and anger. Not toward me, but it's stronger when I describe the information I got.


Aoba : Umm..... can I...... ask you something?

Mink : ?

Aoba : Did you like..... have any goals doing this? I don't think people would normally work with vampire if they don't have a goal.

Mink : ....... you're imply to why I have those vampires as my men and saving you right?

Aoba : Y....yeah exactly

Mink : ...... let just say it has something to do with Toue. It's not the time to tell

Aoba : I see..... so what's the plan.

Mink : We'll go in the Oval tower and turn off the uv light. At least you can help me if we turn it off.

Aoba : Ah..... I get it

Mink : Have you met up with other yet? Like the maniac.

Aoba : Yeah I already have. He just sent me the password to all the locked door inside the tower. Is it useful?

Mink : Indeed


          Even Mink answered with cold face and voice. I can tell he's excite with what we got. A bit to be specific......

           Mink took me to the Oval tower. I'm surprised that he immediately took me here. Did he have a plan here?


Aoba : Uh..... what are we doing here?

Mink : Silly question...... sabotage the rest of course. It's still too dangerous to immediately bash in and completely destroy this place.

Aoba : Oh..... uh...... what about-

Mink : Shift

Aoba : Eh?

Mink : I have a bag. Shift to fit in it until we get rid of the uv light

Aoba : How....... never mind. Got it


          I shift myself to fit inside his bag. It's pretty uncomfortable but I'll have to bear with it. All I can sense is a strong shake and running noises. Right now I will trust him....... just right now....

           Come to think of it, there barely any reason for me to trust this man. First, he helped me from those so called "hunters" out of blue and have a huge army of vampire. Second, he and his men always being around and acted suspicious. They might be all because they escape prison and such, but still......

           After some times, Mink open the bag and told me to come out. I'm still afraid of the uv light still on but come out anyway.


Aoba : .... I'm not..... burning?

Mink : What? Do you want to die in uv? I try my hard to destroy it so you could help me out.

Aoba : Ah........

Mink : ..... you still have those antidotes aren't you?

Aoba : Yeah

Mink : Good, keep them for now.


          Mink looked up at his coil and walk down the hallway. Along the way I saw unconscious guards lying around like everywhere. I assume he beat the shit out of them.

          Mink lead me to a storage room. Dang..... this room is like 4 of my bedroom! He looked around in storage room and then drag me.


Mink : You see those boxes?

Aoba : *turn and look* uh... yes?

Mink : Destroy it *give Aoba a lighter*

Aoba : Okay, uh...... what are they?

Mink : You're weakness. I'll get other stuff.


          Just like that, Mink walk away from the room. Okay but, what the fuck? Can't he just burn this all on his own? Or he just feel too bored to do this? I might feel guilty later but..... I don't know. It just so hard to understand, and I don't know how described as well.

          After I finished destroying the weapon uses for weaken vampires, I followed the map and catch up with Mink. He is talking with his men when I spotted him. Just as I take the step closer, all of them separated left only Mink there. Did they finished already?


Aoba : Hey! Why am I even here?

Mink : What?

Aoba : You said that you want my help. But you won't tell me your plan or what I should do! How am I supposed to help you like this? Huh?!

Mink : ...... You seems to loose your sense

Aoba : ......... Ah?! Loosing my sense ex-FUCKING-cuse me?! I do what you ask me, burning shit and that's all!!

Mink : Don't you realize hundreds of guards following you?

Aoba : Eh!!?


          I turn to my back, there're actually hundreds of guards standing and look at us. Shit! Where and when? They seem to have weapons I've never seen. What do I do??

           I stand near Mink when he whisper me.


Mink : Kill them

Aoba : Wha! I won't! Why would I kill them??

Mink : You want to be captured that bad?

Aoba : Wouldn't it be better if we do something else. Like running away??

Mink : .......


          Mink scoffed at me. He take something out from his pocket and throw at those guards. Smoke started to come out as Mink drag me behind the pillar and push me by the neck onto the wall.


Mink : Is running away all you can think of? How long are you going to hide?

Aoba : Argh! Let..... me...... go!

Mink : If you won't going to do anything, if you rather stay quiet and not struggling then just go and die on your own. *released Aoba*

Aoba : *coughs continuously*

Mink : We don't have much time. Think of something if you won't agree.


            The smoke started to fadeout. The guards are able to see things. I don't want to kill anyone but I want to do something......... what if


Aoba : What if..... I tried make them faint by touching the right spot on their neck?

Mink : Do you know the spot then?

Aoba : Mmm

Mink : I recommend to kicked actually, they wear armors.


           I nodded back and rush towards the group of guards as fast as I can. Mink punch off some men to clear space while I knock off some already. However, like an army of ants. They came towards us non-stop. Mink drag me from the crowd and put something on my face.


Aoba : Eh?

Mink : It's still dangerous using this even with gas mask. But we have no other choice.

Aoba : What is it?

Mink : Poison gas bomb

Aoba : !!!


           Despite having gas mask, we both cover our face and Mink throw the bomb. The smoke covered everyone sight for minutes..........

           After a while, I realize that the gas has no effect on me. However, guards are laying face down on the floor. They died........ I tried looking for Mink when I see a giant shadow suddenly falls on their knees.


Aoba : Mink!

Mink : .....


          Mink doesn't reply, but his breathing........ so that is what he meant by "It's still dangerous". I take off my mask and put it over his while try to blow away the remaining gas. After a few seconds break, Mink grab my shoulder.


Aoba : !! Are you alright?

Mink : Ah...... probably

Aoba : What do we do now?

Mink : Carry them...... we'll feed the vampires.

Aoba : Eh?

Mink : Vampires need blood to stay consciousness after the transformation. These guards are dead and we need to clean up as well.

Aoba : So...... we feed them all of these?

Mink : Ah

Aoba : Do we have plan on those vampires later on?

Mink : Of course. But not today.......

Aoba : Understood


         I helped Mink carry dead bodies to the basement. It doesn't take long before the place seems completely normal...... well apart from a bit of leftover poison gas. We couldn't careless but to go on. I help Mink by the shoulder and head away from the tower.

         Mink said that his men have a place for us to regroup and get rest. We followed the map and found a guest house. It's very large inside and old fashioned? I'm not sure about the decorations but they looked nice.

          I settled Mink on a couch and give him a glass of water.


Aoba : How are you feeling?

Mink : A bit nausea but it will gone sooner or later.

Aoba : Oh......

Mink : ..... What's with that face? Anything to talk?

Aoba : Uh....... *sit on a couch opposite from Mink* I'm..... sorry for being careless about my surrounding and...... being selfish about wanting to know your plan too much......

Mink : It doesn't matter now. The fact that you still help me is enough.

Aoba : But-

Mink : Beside, unlike others, we never know each other before. It's normal if you don't trust me. That's why I told you to just follow what I told.

Aoba : Did you really mean it?

Mink : Mmm

Aoba : ...... Will you mind....... if I want to know why you're helping me in the first place?

Mink : ..... Toue

Aoba : ? What's about him?

Mink : He experience the vampires genes on real people. One of them are my village.

Aoba : Your village?

Mink : He captured most of them, bring to his lab and experiments on them. Only children are unaffected. However, they don't lived long as they also targets for uv gun test and pure silver.

Aoba : Ah.... was that how you know a lot about vampires?

Mink : A sneak peak I must say. That's also how I ended up in jails.

Aoba : Oh......

Mink : Anyway, aren't you going to call your friends to meet up here?

Aoba : Oh! Right.....


          I take up my coil to call Koujaku Noiz and Clear. I want them to have a nice sleep here after what they face. I hope they all fine.....





?? : Aoba!

Aoba : !!?


          I woke up from someone calling.I saw Koujaku standing in front of me. My head is leaning on Mink's shoulder. Ah-


Aoba : A-Ah! Sorry!

Mink : ..... If you're tired then go up stairs and sleep on a bed.

Koujaku : Jeez..... how long have you been waiting for us?

Aoba : Ah ha ha......

Clear : Aoba san. Are you alright?

Aoba : Yeah.... thanks...... where's Noiz?

Mink : Upstairs. Hacking.

Aoba : Oh *looked up at coil* well I'll be taking some rest then. Good night

Kou/Cle : Night!


          Koujaku and Clear is waving to me while Mink just take up his hand for a few seconds. Ah....... finally! Sleep on real bed~ I let the comfortable took over me and sleep




Yo! Notes from author :

Thank you for reading this chapter. It's not the end yet, please stay tuned for the next chapter. Have a great day and see ya!

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