chapter 12 : Relationship [RenAo]

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Aoba's pov :

It's a morning of the next day according to my coil. I dressed up and went to the kitchen. There wasn't so many things here though. As I was thinking of going out, I heard a door open from downstairs.


Aoba : ?

Clear : Oh? Good morning Aoba san!

Aoba : Ah.... morning. Where did you go?

Clear : I went to buy something to make breakfast though. There isn't much I can do so I went out.

Aoba : All alone?

Clear : With Noiz san

Noiz : Oh? You're awake?

Aoba : Ah...... no one is tailing you guys right?

Noiz : Don't worry, I went out with him because of this reason.

Aoba : Well.... if you said so.


Clear and Noiz walk up stairs and head to the kitchen. I want to help them but Koujaku told me to relax and let them do the job. Mink come out from his room, he seems fine but he looks a bit weaker than how I used to see him. Maybe the poison is affected a lot, but it's a surprise that he survive despite how deadly it is.

After a while, we all finished breakfast. It was very tasty and I am full. Mink gave me another bag of blood just in case. When we are checking our stuff, one of Mink men comes in.


Man : Leader!

Mink : What is it?

Man : We found out an experiment at the warehouse in the east.

Mink : How many?

Man : One in total

Mink : ....... That's suspicious......

Man : We were thinking about checking on it while nobody were there. What did you suggest?

Mink : I would like to go but my body isn't that recovered. So I can't

Man : Oh

Aoba : I can tho

Koujaku : What! That's dangerous Aoba!

Aoba : I'll be fine. Beside, the rest of you are beaten. I won't let you go like that

Clear : But...... it's still dangerous


As I am talking with them, my coil suddenly got a message. It said "your allmate is nearby". Huh..... I don't remember having allmate connected with my coil. Just that, there's a knocked on the front door.


Man : Ah? *open the door* who the fuck are you? Get lost!

?? : ..... can I go in?

Man : Who do you think you- Ah!

Mink : Oi..... who's there?

Man : Leader...... he has a gun!

Mink : ..... I think I remember this guy.

? : Arf arf!! *run inside the house*

Aoba : Ah! Dog Ren

Allmate Ren : Arf! *jump around Aoba*

Ren : Yo......

Aoba : *pick up allmate* Ren, how and why are you here?

Ren : *get inside and close the door* I ask Mizuki to give me the invitation and let allmate dog follow your signal. You might not remember but you connect your coil with him.

Aoba : Ah...... oh....... I just remembered as you said.

Ren : And reason I'm here is to looked out for you. Granny told me to come here.

Aoba : Granny?

Ren : Yeah. She's worried about you. So do I

Aoba : I mean.... You don't have to. I'm fine on my own tho.

Ren : Aoba, just because you're a vampire doesn't mean you're immortal. And you can still feel hurt as well.

Aoba : Ah.......

Koujaku : I mean.... if it wasn't because we all here aren't recovered yet, we would be going with Aoba.

Noiz : Just sent him with Aoba. He's here to ensure his brother safety anyway.

Koujaku : But Ren doesn't have self-defense! We can't just sent him out!

Mink : ......

Noiz : ...... Are you blind? Don't you see what he's holding?

Koujaku : Huh? *looked at Ren's hand* oh...... that?

Ren : A machine gun. I've been practicing it for a while.

Clear : You sure you're gonna be okay?

Ren : *pat Clear's head* trust the process.

Clear : Okay.... but if you really need help, please call us. Ren san, Aoba san.

Aoba : Alright

Ren : We're off


I, Ren and Mink's man walk along the street to the warehouse. I'm surprised to see Ren here but I'm a bit relieved to know that he and Granny is doing alright.

As we arrive at the warehouse, I make sure there's no suspicious sense around here. When I can confirmed the safety, I regroup with Mink's men and Ren as we go inside it. The middle of the warehouse has some weird double walls with spikes inside. Is that supposed to looked like a trap? Like a bear trap that has the wild open mouth with spikes along the side.

We all navigate around when I sense something coming to our direction.


Aoba : Everyone! Hide!

Man1 : Ah?

Man2 : Why should we listen to you?

Aoba : Just go hide! I can sense non-human came here. It's dangerous!

Man1 : Gah..... whatever


Unwilling, they all go hide in different place including Ren. I'm not sure if I can handle them, but if any goes wrong at least I can buy times for the others.

Ren's pov :

I went to hide like Aoba said. Currently I'm on the top floor, which I can take a peek and listen to everything. I don't know where the others hiding, but this way I won't bother them. I'm sure they have a plan.

After a while, a large group of people walking into a warehouse. Which one of them is Toue himself.


Aoba : !!

Toue : What a surprise...... so the information of a blue haired vampire is true.

Aoba : Toue...... you!

Toue : I'm glad to know that you know me even though I don't know about you.

Aoba : ..... Why are you doing all of this? Aren't vampires dangerous to human?

Toue : I'm surprised you just straight up ask me. Hmp..... not that I'm in hurry anyway, today was also my good day so I'll tell you specifically. So no need to rush in fight

Aoba : .....

Toue : You might know that we have the real one and made a medicine to turn normal human into one. Your question might be about why making more of them I suppose.

Aoba : Exactly..... you even made the gene edited. Like those two guards at your sides.

Toue : Ho? So you have met some of them. I want to increase the vampires, why? Because the vampire we captured is the last and only vampire left on this world. All along they have been relying on animals or dead bodies blood. When I know that story, I felt bad and don't want them to extinct.

Aoba : So you just..... increasing them?

Toue : That's right. However, when we tried with an experiment. Their behavior are not like the real vampire at all. They immediate consume their nearby right after they transform. But that's never a problem.


Toue move his finger like a sign and a giant figure with mask cover their entire head walk towards Aoba. He looks surprised from my perspective.

After that, the figure reveals its entire body. I don't know about how the other react, but I am extremely shocked and feel like throw up. Their head filled with loads of organs on faces like eyes, ears, mouth and even nose from front to behind. Their body are like tons of corpses twisted together and forming into one giant human like figure. I can tell right now it's disturbing and disgusting.


Aoba : What.....the fuck??!!!

Toue : This is how thousands of vampires can be formed together. They are like machines, only receive and do what ordered, very strong and no longer hungry. Sadly after becoming like this, they can never be back to their original forms and can never turned back to human.


Toue : That's pretty rude you know? They might not have feelings but hearing that will make them react though. Vampires literally are the perfection of living things. Little would you know, this form can endure the sun a thousands times longer than you.

Ţhįņģ§ : ..........

Toue : Hmm? That's new..... he never had any reaction before.

Ţhįņģ§ : !!!

Toue : It seems he want to play with you. How about you be his playing friend?


And like that, the "things" started to attacked Aoba. He might manage to dodges the attack, but his looks doesn't seems so well. Aoba....... I can't do anything. Even if I want, but if what Toue said was true. Then it is almost impossible to kill it.

While Aoba is dodging the blow, Toue's other guards open spotlights toward Aoba and that thing. The things has some smoke out from him while Aoba took no effect.


Toue : Ho? Sunscreen?

Aoba : How do you think I was able to lived normally with other human for 3 years?

Toue : Hmp.... I shouldn't be surprised. Though it doesn't last long did it?


The things might not being effected that much, but it still burn him a bit. The things destroy all the spotlights like they were nothing.

Aoba widen up his claws and tried attack the things. However, his claws cracked while not even a scratch on the things' body. The things started to feel annoyed and punches Aoba to the surface filled with spikes.


Aoba : Ugh! Ahck..... sil.....ver.........

Toue : If you wonder how this thing works. I can show you immediate


One of Toue's side guard pull out a remote and push the button. The other surface of spikes pushed into the one Aoba's on like closing a book. It doesn't completely shut, but just look at that terrifies me. Aoba scream out of agony, shit....... pure silver weaken vampires.

As I was scared the heck out, those men that lead us here come out from their hiding spot and start shooting towards Toue and his guards. The human guards are all dead while the sides one protect Toue with just their arms.


Man2 : Tch! We're out of bullets

Man1 : Looked out!!!!!


That side guards attack all of them in just a few seconds. They carried all of those men unconsciousness body and walk away along with Toue. The spikes trap started to being tugged out.


Toue : Hmp..... interesting

Aoba : Ahck! You........ mother fuckers....... I won't...... let you!

Toue : How sad, but it seems you're not weaken enough. We won't kill you but taking you in that stage is dangerous for us. So have some rest boy.......


The guard try to push the button but Aoba's strength is stronger than a machine. When I think he might make it, the things force shut the trap with its strength. Aoba scream out from his lungs, blood stained the ground below the trap. I'm scared that I could even cry, but.... I will be taken like those men. And no one could save Aoba.

Toue and his side guards are gone with all the bodies so with the things. Aoba's screaming has stopped, but one of the side guard with remote seems to noticed me. Along the way, Aoba have told me about the gene edited. They are human with vampires strength, but they can take extreme damage from weapons. That's right...... my machine gun. It might not be strong but it can buy me some times.

When the guard come closer to me I took the iron pipe to smash on the head. He can blocked the pipe, but not my gun. I charge full power and shoot at his body. It won't kill him but the shock will make him numb and won't move for a while. I quickly stole the remote, hit the open button repeatedly and run down stairs. The trap was seal shut and the machine isn't strong enough to open by itself.

Suddenly, the traps started to move as it being pry open from the inside. The trap is too high up so I really can't help but to continue push the button. Aoba is finally free but his strength is completely drained out. He fall down on the ground, motionless.

I run up to him and quickly take my sweater off. I'm not strong enough to take that guard all the way here to feed Aoba and I can hear something big come towards this place.


Ren : Aoba, bite my arm

Aoba : .......


I held him up gently and sank his fangs to my arm. It's not enough, blood on my arm is flowing slow. We need to hurry........


I took Aoba away from my arm and pull him closer to me, slowly I bring his fangs to my neck. He tries to escape but he can't even shake his body. Once the fangs sink into my neck, the pain caught up.

Ugh...... it's...... painful and agony. But I'm mortal, if I really can't endure it I just only end up die. Aoba on the other hand, is immortal. If it can't kill him, he will continually be in pain.


Aoba : Ngh!!!!......!!!!!! *tries to push off*

Ren : *hug Aoba tide* I'm...... sorry

Aoba : Mmmph!!!!

Ren : If only I am stronger......... I would protect you. This...... is all I can do for you....... after it's over......... lived the rest of your life as a human.



Aoba's pov :

That things enter back to the warehouse. It seems angry, but is it as much as I am? I don't care anymore....... I will kill him......

It's surprised how I manage to tear him apart. He's not dead so I will eat him and convert his body into my energy. I carry Ren on my back and run for a life. At least if I reach the hospital........ it would be just in time.......


In the end..... we can't take Ren to the hospital. However, the rest of Mink men has a tool for recover. I don't know if I should call it lucky or not. Ren survived, but he's completely unconsciousness right now.

I spent my time staying beside him and holding his hand. All I did just apologized non-stop. He apologize me for unable to help me. But I should be the one to apologized to him. If only I wasn't selfish....... if only I care more about him........




Notes from author :

Thank you always for continue reading my novel! The story has nearly come to an end bois! Keep on reading and see ya!!

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