charpter 10 : Innocent as glass [CleAo]

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Aoba's pov :

          Ah...... I took some break after separate from Noiz. Somehow, it's strange that they're no one following me at all. But I'll took this opportunity to think of something. Who should I met up with? Koujaku and Noiz won't be options, they already have their best surviving alone. I shouldn't bother them. Well I guess let's just run a bit more, I need to find more information.

          I dash around to make sure that this area is safe, and of course it does. Great! I have a place to hide now, let's go somewhere else. I walk normally down the alleyway. When I noticed, I heard a running step towards me. I need to run! Like this they wouldn't be able to spot me.

          I run further enough but can still hear the footsteps. How did they know where I'm heading? I hide in the nearby corner and wait. A shadow of a man run pass me. Huh? Only one? Didn't normally they came in group? I quietly looked at the man. !!! He noticed me!


Aoba : Shi-

? : Aoba saaaaaan!!!! Please don't leave me!!

Aoba : Eh- San? Clear? Is that you?

Clear : Aoba san..... why did you ran away from me? I just want to be with you......... q~q

Aoba : No! I didn't ran away from you! Someone is following me!

Clear : It was me! There's no one else around here......

Aoba : O-Oh...... sorry

Clear : Ah! Please don't apologize! I forgot to yell at you since I don't want to be caught as well.

Aoba : Well I think it's fine then


          I pat Clear's back, it's pretty much safe here so we can sit and have some talk before heading somewhere else. At least be with someone is better than being alone I think. Especially during this time.


Aoba : Say..... where have you been?

Clear : I took around a day to come inside here after we all separated. And when I came in, I was all alone....... I know no one here at all. It was scwaryyyyyyy...............

Aoba : Ah ah *pat Clear's head gently* It's okay it's okay. I'm glad to know that you are safe.

Clear : *nod*

Aoba : Anyway, we need information if we'll make a move. All I know is that the original vampire we're looking for is inside the Oval tower and there're traps everywhere inside including hundreds of vampires.

Clear : Mmmmmm didn't if we wanted to know something we should ask the police?

Aoba : Can't. Toue corporation has taken 1/3 of our island, means that the police will also be on their side.

Clear : Ah...... I guess we could ask someone else around the tower.

Aoba : Great idea. Are you still tired?

Clear : Not anymore!

Aoba : Great! Let's go!


          We walk through the street as we blend in with crowd. I followed Clear as he walk. Hmmm? Where did he lead me to? This isn't where Oval tower is. Maybe he know someone who can get information here? Clear leads me to on giant building and turn his head at me.


Clear : You said it's the Oval tower right? Maybe that's why I hear a lot of sound inside this building. We need to be careful from now on!

Aoba : ........ hate to bother ya but.....

Clear : Yes?

Aoba : This...... isn't Oval tower

Clear : ....... Eh?

Aoba : The sign said this is over R tower

Clear : Eh!?

Aoba : And Oval tower is head at the opposite direction *point*



          Clear started to shake around with wimpy noises. I took a lead and started walk forward. We suppose to be serious in this situation but somehow I find Clear's reaction really funny. I gently pat his head


Aoba : What's wrong?

Clear : I'm sorry........ I don't know how to read it......

Aoba : Ha ha it's ok. People makes mistakes sometimes.

Clear : Wehhhhhhhh

Aoba : Anyway, how about we go get something to eat? You seems to haven't yet eat anything.

Clear : I forgot my money. As well as my coil

Aoba : Oh..... well let in on me for now. You can pay back later

Clear : Thank youuuuuuuuuuuu


          He's really weird but can't deny that he's really cute as well. We grab some food and went eating at the fountain. It's a very beautiful view to look at while eating.


Aoba : Now that we're together, I don't really actually know much about you. Can you tell me some of your story?

Clear : Hmmmm well I grow up with my grandfather though. I don't know much about him but he said that I was abandoned since very young and he kept me all along.

Aoba : Oh...... that's new

Clear : He told me that people are scary so I should try my best to avoid them. I firstly didn't trust him so I went out and play with other kids. Turns out I ended
up being bullied. From that, I always believed in him.

Aoba : Well.... how about now?

Clear : I lived alone. He pass away few years ago.

Aoba : Ah- oh...... I'm sorry to hear that.

Clear : It's ok. You don't need to apologize.

Aoba : But you really have a strong heart though, be able to lived by your own. How old are you anyway?

Clear : I think 18

Aoba :Oh....... I see...... bit by bit I feel old

Clear : *chuckle*

Aoba : Oi.... what's so funny?

Clear : Uwah! I didn't mean to laugh at you. It just...... I don't think you are that old.

Aoba : Hmmm~


           I pat Clear's head like petting a dog. He looks away from me, with red ears. Did he just blushing? Now that I think of it he always blush whenever I pat his head. I guess he like it and feel embarrassed at the same time.

           We finished our meal and take out the trash. After that we searched around and around. There is nothing we can use as our information. As we walk back to our safe place, Clear suddenly stops walking.


Aoba : Clear? What's wrong?

Clear : I heard a screaming

Aoba : Screaming?

Clear : It's over there! *started to run*

Aoba : O-Oi! Don't go alone!


           I follow Clear's running. When we get further, I can hear voices of someone screaming but all of the sudden the scream stopped. We got closer and closer where the voices from, and what we saw surprised us.

          Two man with similar figures standing there with a person each on their shoulder. They both wear mask when they looked at us. What the heck? Are they some kind of hunter? I can see that people that they are carrying are vampires. One of them looked at Clear and walk close to him.


? : Brother?

Clear : ?? What did you..... just call me?

? : Hey α2, that's our long lost brother!

α2 : Really!?


           The both of mask men take off their mask, which shook both me and Clear. Their face are exactly the same as Clear does, so what they said about being brothers are true. I think Clear is more shocking than I am.

            The one that were called "α2" walk closer to me and throw a person he have on his shoulder away.


α2 : Oh? Isn't he a vampire? You know it's our job to hunt them and imprison them right? Brother

Clear : .... hunt? W....what are you talking about?

? : Hey heyyyyyy

α2 : What is it α?

α : Didn't our master told us that he was gone since he can't walk? He won't be able to know about it.

α2 : Oh! Then just remind him.


           α2 walk close to me and stabbed my neck with something. It weaken my body immediately! I tried to struggle but my arms barely move. I can see Clear trying to help me but he got kicked off to the side. The wall Clear has crashed on is broken. I give a few more tries to get my strength when my vision started to blur. Ugh! Not now.........

           When I opened up my eyes, I was in the alleyway. Am I being kidnapping? I looked around and saw Clear bandage his left arm. I get up sit and look at him.


Clear : Ah! Please don't rush yourself!

Aoba : It's okay, I'm healed.

Clear : .... if you insist.

Aoba : What happens?

Clear : Those two called themselves "vampire hunter" like you had heard, I was their long lost brother. Actually I was warned by my grandfather that if I saw someone have a same look as me, I have to hide or run away.

Aoba : ...... They did said that you were gone ever since you were so young. I think your grandfather either stole you or take you away with them. He might also used to be involved with this mess too.

Clear : I have never doubt until now but I think my body as well as my so called brothers' are like experiment. Because we actually have a really strong body.


           Clear hold the thick and hard looking pipe up. He bent the pipe into a circle easily. Woah....... so it's not a lie that he had a strong body.


Clear : I think the experiment about vampires was way back before we born.

Aoba : So you're telling me...... that they did some experiments on your brothers and your body?

Clear : I think so. We don't know how long did the original vampire was captured. Me and my brothers might have some genes in our body that make us so strong. I barely have any wound while fighting with them, but the surrounding area are broken down.

Aoba : Ah...... I get it.


            Clear started to stay quiet. He has a better ears than me so I won't interrupt him. It's only a while before he panicky grab and started to run.


Aoba : W-whoa! What happened?!

Clear : They spotted us! We need to run!

Aoba : But how?

Clear : I'm not sure, but we have to- !!!


           Clear push me to his left side when a beam nearly shot his arm. When I looked at where the beam came from, I was shocked.


α2 : tch.... miss

α : Ah ah brother~ you could have let the vampire got shot. If you're only a milli second late, you would have say bye bye to your arm.

Clear : ..... uv beam?

α : Correct! It's actually the uv flashlight but we can change it into beam.

α2 : Sadly it used up all the energy and we only had one with us.

α : Oh well..... we were told to kept both the vampire and the traitor alive. Just our strength would do.


           This is bad.... I need to do something. Even if Clear is strong, he can't win in a 2-1 battle. Right! I make a prepare, dash toward Clear and grab his body. I'm a vampire so body weight won't be a problem. I carry him on my back and run.


Aoba : Clear..... I can't run with you on my back for so long so let's make a quick plan.

Clear : Y-yes

Aoba : What are your advantages? Running, jumping or whatever. I don't want to fight with them.

Clear : I'm not that fast of runner but I'm pretty confident with my jump. Put me down and let's hop there


           I quickly put Clear down and jump as high as we can to where Clear suggests. It worked! When I looked backed at the Alphas, they can only jump half of our height. However, we can't just watched them.

          We continuously jump from tower to tower. Great! The distance between us and those alphas is pretty far off. If we continue this for some more, we could separate from them. Just as I thought, the moment I land on one of the tower rooftop, some really ear ringing sound came off from both of my side. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Aoba : *fall down and heavily breathing* Wha........ what........ hap.......p.....en......???

α2 : Ah, I thought you won't fall into this trap we made.

α : You see...... you didn't weaken only by sunlight or pure silver. Extreme high pitched sound can make your body shock. Vampires are really sensitive to sound you know?

Clear : Aoba san!!

α : Brother, like we told you. You could've let us captured the vampire. Other wise, you won't have to be involved in and you will be free from our hunting as well.

α2 : Eh..... I think it's too late to warn him.

Clear : I won't let you take him! He did nothing wrong!!

α2 : Just being non-human make the enough reason for us to captured them. After all, they might lose their mind anytime.

α : Well well well......... if you insist, then how about you try come and carry him away? Let's see if you can overcome us two.


          That......... was all I hear. My vision goes dark and my ears are still ringing. I don't know how long I laid down there. I don't know what they are doing or talking.

          But after sometimes, something hit me by the side. If I laid down then something might have fallen down next to me. That thing grab me up and another sound entering my ears. It's not painful, but also not peaceful. It's bizarre...... and confusing..........

          I don't know anything. Until I heard something again. What is it? Who's calling me?


Clear : Aoba san!! Stop!

Aoba : !!!!!


         That is what I heard. When I snapped back to reality, the Alphas are in serious injured. They're still alive but they won't be able to move for a while.

          I carried Clear back to our safe place and bandage him. My hand won't stop shaking at all. I bet Clear can sees it


Clear : Aoba san? Are you alright?

Aoba : ..... No...... not at all. It's my fault that you're this injured.

Clear : It's okay Aoba san

Aoba : It's not! If I was stronger and faster, you won't broke your left hand and being damaged on your right eye. What if you could never see with it anymore?

Clear : ...... I don't think anyone would think through this.

Aoba : Even everything that happened, why are you still so nice to me? We only met like 4 months ago.

Clear : You were so nice to me at the first time we met Aoba san. It just my repay to you. My life changed a lot after I met you. Thank you.

Aoba : ....... I..... don't understand........

Clear : Also, I'm sorry for using you to fight them.

Aoba : Using me?

Clear : Yes. I make an unstable noise while you were unconsciousness. It's makes you rampage like a beast.

Aoba : Oh....... but at least you stopped me before I killed them. I guess it's a win win for us both


          I sat next to Clear and gently place my head on his shoulder. Clear took his available arm to caress me by the side and rest his head on mine.

          I feel terrible but with his touching, I feel calm and sleepy. Right, we've been running the whole day. I guess it's fine to take a break for now.
          I woke up in the morning according to my coil. I walk around, buy some food and medicine for Clear. He woke up as I came back. We quickly eat and throw away everything.


Aoba : This is the safe place so far. Here *give Clear a coil* It's for temporary.

Clear : Thank you Aoba san

Aoba : Don't hesitate to use it if there anything happens. I put my number in it.

Clear : *nod* Good luck Aoba san. Stay safe

Aoba : Ah! You too




Hey heyyyyyy!!! Note from writer!
     Thank you for reading this chapter! Hope you still hasn't bored out yet 😩

Anyway, see ya!

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