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y/n = your name
y/b/n = your best friend's name


"Y/N, you, lazy ass, wake up!" Y/b/n yelled loudly as she jumped on my bed. I let out a loud groan and hid my face in my pillow, not wanting to get up. Why did school have to start so early in the morning?

"Five more minutes, please." I mumbled, earning an annoyed sigh from her as she started shaking my shoulders.

"No Y/N, we need to go to school!" I groaned loudly and finally sat up straight, looking at her in annoyance. Y/b/n was looking at me with a big smile, all dressed up and times like these were moments where I wondered why I moved in with her, until I remembered that she was my best friend.

"Finally!" She exclaimed cheerfully, clasping her hands together. "Come on and get ready, we're leaving in thirty minutes." I nodded without saying a word before she left the room. A groan left my mouth as I stood up slowly, still not having the motivation to go to school, hence why my movements were so incredibly slow.

I opened my wardrobe and grabbed a pair of jeans and a T-shirt before walking down the stairs. Y/b/n was already waiting, holding her backpack as she was jumping up and down in excitement.

Why was she so excited?

"Okay..." I said, dragging out the 'a'. "Why are you so excited for school?" I asked as I raised an eyebrow and looked at her suspiciously. She has never been excited for school, which was why this was pretty weird to me.

"What are you talking about? I just uh," she paused for a second before speaking again. "I'm just excited that I get the opportunity to learn new things today?" She said, her response sounding more like a question than an answer. I crossed my arms over my chest and smirked.

"Or is it because of Andrew?" I teased, and soon after that question her cheeks turned a bright red as she avoided eye contact with me, already answering my question.

"W-what?" She chuckled nervously. "Pffft, why would you think that- okay I'm horrible at this yes maybe." She muttered as she played with her fingers, making me smile.

"Well, let's go to school then!" I said and she smiled at me before we left the house to walk to school, since it was not very far away.

When we arrived at school I saw Andrew leaning against his locker as he kept looking around as if he was searching for someone- that someone was y/b/n. I turned my gaze to my best friend who was smiling widely while looking at her crush. She looked at me and sent me a doubtful look.

"Is it okay if I-" "sure" I chuckled and she smiled, hugging me quickly before running up to Andrew. I couldn't help but smile at the two who were absolutely crazy for each other. Despite the obvious signs that they liked each other, they still were scared to make things official. Now the both of them were a blushing mess which was absolutely adorable!

The bell ringing loudly interrupted my thoughts and made me aware of where I was again. I got my books and then quickly walked to my class, sitting down on my seat and putting my books on the desk.

"Oh look, it's the crazy book girl." Someone mumbled, making me roll my eyes in annoyance. I decided to just ignore the comment and acted as if nothing was wrong.

They just didn't understand the beauty that books possessed. Yes, films are great, I'll admit that, but in books you can imagine it all yourself! You can completely make up what the characters look like in your head.

Books had always been my escape from reality. When I read, it was like the real world didn't exist anymore. It was just me and the book, nothing else mattered.

Sometimes I felt bad for people who couldn't understand how amazing books are, but whatever, it was their loss...

I looked up to the sound of the door closing and saw my teacher enter the classroom as she sent everyone a polite smile.

"Good morning everyone! Let's start the class immediately, because the test paper is coming soon. So, open your books on page 109..."


"Y/n, y/n, y/n!! Let's go, let's go!" Y/b/n yelled excitedly, grabbing my arm and pulling me with her. She was running so fast that I almost tripped, making me yelp in surprise.

"Woah woah, slow down!" I chuckled "what's going on?" I asked her before she stopped, her action being so sudden that I bumped into her and almost fell.

"I found a shop that has the last book! Come on, we need to get it now before someone else buys it!" She said and pulled me with her again, walking a bit slower this time. I frowned at what she said. We had been looking for so long and we couldn't find it, but suddenly it's in this random shop in this small village? Isn't that a bit strange?

She started to slow down when we saw a small book shop which looked pretty old. The windows were broken and it seemed like the whole building could collapse at any moment.

"Y/b/n... are you sure that this is the shop where you found the book?" I asked her hesitantly. She nodded very confidently as she looked at it.

"Yes, I'm a hundred percent sure!" She said before opening the small wooden door, a creaking sound was heard followed by a bell ringing afterwards. I examined the room. Tons of bookshelves stood against the shabby walls with what seemed like billions of books.

"Look, this is it!" Y/b/n said. I turned to her and saw that she was pointing at a dark blue book. I grabbed it and gently wiped off the dust that was on it. It looked really old...

"Good afternoon, young ladies!" A hoarse voice suddenly said. I gasped quietly and turned around to look where the voice came from. A small, old-looking lady was standing there while holding onto a wooden cane for support. For some eerie reason I felt like her eyes were digging right into my soul.

"Ah, no need to be scared!" She laughed as she saw our surprised faces. "Don't worry, I won't bite." She chuckled softly. Her gaze went to the book I was holding, and as soon as she realised which book it was, her eyes lit up.

"Ah, the last book of the 'how to train your dragon' series?" She asked. I nodded and sent her a small smile. Her eyes sparkled as she continued speaking.

"Oh, I used to absolutely adore those books. I would always read them over and over again until I was able to tell the whole story backwards." She said and let out a small chuckle. My smile widened a little as I felt more comfortable with this lady. Maybe she wasn't as creepy as I thought.

"Ma'am, could I ask you a question?" Y/b/n asked, making me frown in confusion. The woman nodded as a sweet smile covered her face.

"Well, my best friend here has been trying to find this book for so long, but we couldn't find it. Why is it so rare? Is it that much better than the other books?" The lady opened her mouth slowly and was about to answer, until she pursed her lips and shook her head.

"I can't tell you." She said, her tone a lot less cheerful than before. I was about to say that I wanted to buy the book now, but y/b/n decided to speak up again.

"B-but why? I mean, it's not like it's magi-" "I said I cannot tell you!" The lady interrupted her, her tone a lot harsher and louder now. I gulped softly and lowered my gaze to my feet as if they were the most interesting thing ever right now.

"C-can we buy this book please?" I asked quickly and I think she nodded, because I saw her feet turning around to walk towards the counter. I grabbed my wallet and handed her the money for the book.

"I need to tell you one thing about this book." She said, making me look up at her again. Her face was now very serious, which made me feel a bit queasy. "Be careful with it when you open it, and make sure that no one is around except the two of you when you do that, all right?" We both nodded slowly, unsure of why she was saying this. After seeing our non-verbal agreement the smile, that was on her face when we entered, was back as she looked at us.

"Well, have a great day!" She said sweetly, before we said our goodbyes as well and left the shop. While we were walking both of us were silent until y/b/n spoke up.

"That was uh... weird." She mumbled softly as she looked down at the ground, frowning slightly in confusion.

"Yeah, that was definitely weird." I agreed and nodded my head slowly. "Why should no one else be around us when we open it?" I thought out loud. Y/b/n looked at me and shrugged.

"Maybe..." she thought for a while and then giggled softly. "Maybe she was just messing around and tried to scare us. She saw we were interested in those kind of books and wanted us to get into the mood already!" Despite the fact that I really wanted to agree with her theory, I felt like the elderly lady wasn't joking. I had no idea what was going to happen, but I was almost completely sure it was going to change many things.

Sooo did you enjoy this chapter? ☺️. I would love to hear your feedback on the story, I want to improve as much as possible!
See ya next chapter!
xxx damla

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