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No don't worry, I won't change the whole plot, just the way I wrote things since some weren't that good in my opinion

So here are some abbreviations you should know. I will put them in every chapter for you, and if there will be new ones I'll add them.

y/n = your name
y/b/n = your best friend's name



"And then he suddenly asked me on a date!" My best friend squealed, looking happier than ever. She was jumping up and down excitedly, her hair bouncing along as she did so. A huge smile was spread across her face, making me feel happy as well

"I'm so happy for you, y/b/n! I'm sure you and Andrew will make a wonderful couple." I said as the colour of her cheeks became a light pink. She looked down at her hands and played with her fingers as she kept smiling to herself.

Andrew was a boy in my class who she has had a crush on since fourth grade. Now she's seventeen, and I just turned eighteen a few weeks ago.

He was also a good friend of mine. Of course we weren't as close and y/b/n and I, but we were still pretty close. I also knew he had a crush on her, but he made me promise not to tell anybody, and I would never break a promise.

"So, when is your date?" I asked curiously, grabbing a few books that were on my bed and putting them on my shelf.

"Friday, he's going to pick me up at 8. I can't wait." She sighed happily and rested her head on her hand. I smiled at her, loving how happy she was. Y/b/n had always been my best friend, and I only wanted what's best for her. I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard her clear her throat.

"Anyway, that's enough boy talk for today. Have you found your book yet?" She asked as her gaze went towards my collection of my books of the "How To Train Your Dragon" series. I sighed softly and shook my head in disappointment.

"I went to every single bookshop in this area, but it's nowhere to be found!" I exclaimed in frustration

I had been a fan of the book series of "how to train your dragon" since I was little. I always tried to get the newest book as soon as it was out, but I couldn't find the last one, which I thought was a pity since I really wanted to find out how the story would end.

Why was it so hard to find that book? I could easily find the other ones in the bookshop that was a few blocks away, but it seemed like this book didn't want to be read by anyone. As I was thinking this, I softly giggled to myself. 

"Hmm... Well, tomorrow we're going shopping in that small village 15 minutes away from here right? Maybe it's available there!" She said as an attempt to cheer me up. I just shrugged, knowing that if I got my hopes up, I could end up being disappointed again.

"Maybe, but I don't want to get my hopes up too much." I mumbled, a short silence following as I stared at my books.

"I think we should go to bed. It's 11 o'clock now and tomorrow we need to get up at 6:30." When she said this I realised how tired I actually was, so I agreed and we both went upstairs to our rooms. I changed into my pyjamas and got under the covers quickly.

After fifteen minutes of tossing and turning, I gave up on trying to sleep and opened my eyes. I had this very weird feeling in my stomach for some reason. It wasn't a stomach ache, so I definitely wasn't sick. As I kept thinking about the feeling, the thought of the feeling having something to do with our trip tomorrow crossed my mind, but we were just going to school and then visit a small village. Nothing bad could happen, right?

Sooo this was the first chapter, what do you think of it? ^_^ it's pretty short, I know, but the chapters will be longer I promise!! I hope you liked it , comment and vote!
xxx Damla

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