y/n = your name
y/b/n = your best friend's name
As soon as we arrived back home I placed the new book on the shelf, next to the other ones before going to the kitchen to make y/b/n and I some food, since all she did for the past ten minutes was whining about being hungry.
"Gosh, y/n, I don't know where I would've been, if you weren't here" She sighed as she leaned against the fridge, staring at the food that was currently in the pan. Drool coming out of her mouth before she wiped it with the back of her sleeve. I pretended to think and smirked slightly.
"Hmm, you'd probably be alone, eating pizza every day for the rest of your life because of your lack of cooking skills. Oh, and you'd be bored out of your mind because your amazing best friend wouldn't be with you to entertain you." I said smugly, making her roll her eyes at me.
"Don't get too confident missy." She laughed and I chuckled while stirring the food. Y/b/n sniffed loudly and closed her eyes as she smiled.
"Oh that smells heavenly, I'm starving!" She said dramatically, her act making me giggle softly.
"Me too." I answered quietly before a short silence followed. It wasn't really an uncomfortable silence, it was actually a pretty comfortable one. That was until she spoke up again.
"Hey, can we read the book together after dinner? I'm kinda excited to read it." She asked as she jumped up and down slightly. The sound echoing through the empty house. I was about to answer until I heard the voice of that old lady in my head again. Something was definitely off about that book. I didn't even notice that my eyebrows furrowed and I was stirring the food a lot slower due to me being so lost in thought.
"Oh no, I know that look..." I heard her sigh. She knows me too well. "What's wrong?" she asked softly. I shrugged.
"Just... what that lady said... she seemed pretty serious you know. What if she's right? What if something is wrong with that book?" I asked, looking up at her. She thought for a while before shrugging.
"Well, if we don't read it we'll never find out, right?" I nodded in agreement. "However, if it's nothing but a dusty old book, prepare yourself for a billion " I told you' s" she smirked, making me giggle and slightly slap her arm.
"Okay." I laughed before looking back at the food, seeing that it was finally cooked. "Oh, the food is ready!" As soon as I said this, my best friend grabbed two plates for us and put them on the table along with a fork and a knife.
"Wow wow, calm down." I chuckled as she quickly filled the two plates and put them back on the tabs.
"I'm just so hungry!" She whined. "Why didn't we just stop at KFC on the way home?" She complained. I shook my head and sat down on my chair.
"It's not healthy, definitely not since you already eat there twice a week. I'm surprised you haven't gotten sick yet." She rolled her eyes and sat down before beginning to devour her food quickly.
"I'm not sure if you're my best friend or my child." I giggled softly. She looked up from her plate and glared at me, making me laugh even harder.
"Alright, here we go." I mumbled as I grabbed the book. Holding it already gave me a strange vibe that I wasn't able to explain. I gulped quietly and looked down at it.
"Ah come on, what are you waiting for Y/N?" My best friend said impatiently as she bounced up and down her bed impatiently. I let out an inaudible sigh and walked over to her, sitting down on her bed next to her.
"I just..." I paused for a second. "This feeling is driving me insane." I admitted softly.
"Well, let's just open it then!" I nodded and was about to open the book, but when a thought crossed my mind I retrieved it slowly.
"And if it's magical? Then what? What could it be, and what will we do?" I asked as I looked at y/b/n, feeling a little lost.
"I-I don't know." She said after a small silence since she felt the same as me. "Maybe it's a portal thing?" She suddenly said. I looked at her in confusion, asking what she meant.
"I mean, what if it leads to Berk? And the dragons? And the dragon riders?" She asked, getting more excited after each sentence she said. My eyes widened a little before fear took me over for a bit.
"And if we see them, then what do we tell them! 'Oh hello, we're from another dimension and we've got this magical book which is our portal, nice to meet you!' Yeah, that sounds fantastic." I said sarcastically. Y/b/n bit her lip and shook her head.
"Y/n, that world is filled with dragons. I mean, why would they be surprised? We're not even sure if this book is magical anyway." She replied. I chuckled softly and looked down.
"Hear us, we're talking about a magical book. People must think we're crazy." I mumbled making my best friend laugh as well.
"Well, at least we're not boring!" She laughed, the atmosphere slowly becoming a lot more relaxed now. I nodded in agreement before our laughter died down and I rested my hand on the cover of the book again.
"Well, let's try." I said before taking a deep breath.
Why was I so nervous? It was just a book. A book. Just read it... that's all you could do with it... reading, just reading.
I looked up at y/b/n again and saw that she was almost jumping out of excitement. I looked down at the book again before opening it, my eyes widening soon after my action.
"What the..." My best friend mumbled as she was staring at the book
The book was glowing, as well as the letters. It looked like some sort of portal, as if we could put our hands through it.
"What does it say?" She asked curiously while trying to see what was written on it. I attempted to read it but frowned when I realised this was definitely not modern English.
"Thou art the chosen ones and might not but protecteth this book and ev'ryone living in at all costs. bid those folk thee've hath met Azura Lestat." I read out loud, trying not to laugh since it sounded very weird coming from me who never spoke like this.
"What does that even mean? Isn't this how people spoke during the dinosaur era?" Y/b/n exclaimed in confusion, and I just shrugged. Sure I could make out some words, but it was still a little weird.
"Wait, I'll look it up." I said as I grabbed my phone out of my pocket to google it real quick. To my surprise I actually found a website that could translate it. I quickly typed the sentences and then read it out loud.
"Okay, so it should be something like this. You are the chosen ones and must protect this book and everyone living in at all costs. Tell them you've met Azura Lestat."
"Wait a second, we've met Azura who?" She asked. I thought for a short moment and then answered.
"I think it's that lady from the shop. But I have no idea who this book means by 'them?'" I mumbled, a small frown finding its way onto my face.
This was so weird... wasn't I just dreaming? I pinched myself quickly and looked around. Nope, still here. So it wasn't a dream...
"Well, I think that we should write it on a piece of paper so we won't forget what was in the book." I nodded and got up quickly to grab a piece of paper off my desk and wrote on it. I put it in my pocket and then sat down next to y/b/n again.
"Let's turn to the next page." I said before slowly turning the page, afraid to accidentally rip it. When I had finally opened it, a soft gasp escaped my mouth as my gaze was on the book
Again, there was a small paragraph, but luckily this one was in normal English. However, that wasn't was surprised me. It was what it said.
This portal will open in 1 minute. During that minute, grab whatever you need. You're going on a journey. Make sure to hold the book no matter what, and keep remembering what the first paragraph said. And tell them you're looking for Gothi. That's all you need to know for now.
I stared at y/b/n who looked back at me wide-eyed before she started asking a billion questions.
"Where are we even going? How the heck do we know what we need when we don't even know where we're going to?"
"Well, I assume that humans will be there." I mumbled to no one in particular.
"Oh really? I didn't know that, I initially thought there would only be unicorns and pink cats. Thank you for the useful information." My best friend said sarcastically as she rolled her eyes. We kept discussing this until the light coming from the book was becoming brighter and brighter.
I looked at y/b/n and held her hand, because we needed to stay together. At one point the light was so bright that we had to close our eyes.
"Wait wait y/n!" I heard my best friend say. "Gothi lives in-" her voice was interrupted by a high pitched noise. I squinted my eyes and took a shaky breath as the light enveloped us.
Here we go...
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