y/n = your name
y/b/n = your best friend's name
d/n = dragon's name
y/t = your town's name
e/c = your eye colour
d/k = dragon kind
o/d/n = other dragon's name.
Your POV
After a while, y/b/n came downstairs, holding onto Snotlout so she won't fall.
"You're awake!" I say and she sends me a weak smile, walking towards me slowly. I engulf her in a hug, closing my eyes. She's okay now.
"How are you feeling, y/b/n?" Hiccup asks.
"Much better, thanks for asking." She says, letting go of me.
"Oh, and thanks for staying with me Snotlout. That was really sweet of you." She says and then she pecks his cheek quickly, making me and Hiccup smirk. I look at him and we both seem to think the same thing. I look at Snotlout, whose cheeks are pretty red, and y/b/n giggles a little.
"I'm really sorry to ruin the mood, but could you tell us what that person said to you?" Hiccup asks gently. Her eyes widen slightly and she gulps.
"If you don't want to tell us it's fine." I say and she shakes her head.
"It's best of you guys know." She sighs. She sits down on a chair slowly and takes a deep breath.
"They.. they told me that we should prepare." She says while gripping the armrest of the chair tightly.
"Prepare for what?" Hiccup asks.
"Our death." My eyes widen. Death? What??
"What?!" Snotlout says, making y/b/n jump a little. He apologised quickly and she says it's okay.
"That's all they said. I don't know if it was a man or woman, honestly.. it all went so quickly." She says softly. I walk to her and stand next to her. I place a hand on my shoulder and she looks up. The look on her face says enough.
"We can do this. When they come, we'll be ready. Everything will be okay in the end." I say, and she takes a deep breath.
"Yeah.. you're right. As long as we do this together." She says softly making me smile. I pull her into a hug and she holds me tightly.
"Hey, y/n.. Can we talk?" I look up and see Astrid standing in front of me. I get up and smile nervously.
"Um... yeah sure!" She smiles, and not fake but it's a genuinely smile. We walk away a bit from the group, and she leans against the wall and sighs.
"I just.. want to apologise for being so rude to you the past few weeks." She says, which surprises me a bit.
"It's okay." I say with a smile, but she shakes her head.
"It was mean of me, I was being stupid and jealous, and you didn't deserve that at all. You seem really sweet, and I realise that.."
"Its fine, Astrid, really." I say and she smiles.
"So uh... can we start over maybe?" She asks and I nod. I reach out my hand, making her chuckle and take it, shaking it a little.
"I'm Astrid Hofferson, nice to meet you." She says.
"I'm y/n y/l/n, nice to meet you too!" I say, laughing a little.
"Guys, are you coming? We're going to the arena." Hiccup calls. We turn to him and he smiles when he sees that we both actually look happy in each other's presence.
"I see you two finally get along, great!" He says and you smile.
"Okay now come on, I wanna train some more!" Before I can say anything Astrid suddenly pulls me with her, making me yelp.
When we get to the arena, my eyes widen. A dragon is walking towards y/b/n, but before I can do anything Hiccup stops me.
"She's taming her, don't worry." He reassures me and I sigh in relief. y/b/n reaches out her hand slowly and tries to be calm while looking at the d/k. She slowly walks to her hand and closes her eyes. Y/b/n smiles and when the dragon opens her eyes again she looks happy as well. She starts licking her hand, making y/b/n giggle.
"You're so sweet!" She smiles while patting her head.
"What should I call you." She mumbles while looking at the dragon. Suddenly she gasps and her eyes start sparkling.
"How about o/d/n." The d/k makes a happy sound and jumps on top of her. I notice Snotlout looking at the two, his arms are crossed and he's smiling. Not a smug smirk, but he actually looks happy.
"I think someone has a crush." I whisper to Hiccup who smirks when he realises who I mean. Snotlout notices us and he blushes.
"I wasn't looking at them, I was just-uh the floor seemed a little dirty. Bye!" He says while walking away, making Hiccup and I laugh loudly. Suddenly someone runs past us, making me stumble backwards. I close my eyes and then feel the cold ground. When I open them, Hiccup is on top of me. My eyes widen and my cheeks grow red. He looks at me the same way, and we don't say anything.
"Uh, Hiccup?" I say. He blushes even more. That's so cut- stop.
"Oh r-right sorry, I uh-" he tries to get up but falls again, this time our lips accidentally touch. It's really quick and he immediately gets up and pulls me up.
"I-I'm so sorry for that! I-I didn't mean to I'm so s-sorry I uh..." he stutters while blushing.
"U-um it's okay." I mumble while blushing. I look away and then see Astrid looking at us with a smirk. My eyes widen again when I realise it was her who made me fall. Dang it Astrid...
It wasn't that I hated it.. I loved it- wait no... that's weird right? I don't like him, I don't like him... it was nothing, it didn't mean anything.. it was just an accident.
"Y/n!" I hear y/b/n call.
"I'm coming!" I yell back. I turn to Hiccup, who's still blushing like crazy, but I'm pretty sure I look the same.
"I uh- I gotta go.. y/b/n called me.."
"Y-yeah okay, uh if you need me I'm here." I nod and run away quickly.
That was awkward...
Sooo yours and Hiccup's moment was a liiittle awkward heheheh ^_^. I'm trying not to make it to cheesy but I'm cheesy af so that's hard 😂💜
Anyway, I hope you liked it! Comment and vote!!
Xxx damla
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