y/n = your name
y/b/n = your best friend's name
d/n = dragon's name
y/t = your town's name
e/c = your eye colour
d/k = dragon kind
o/d/n = other dragon's name.
Hiccup's POV
I watch y/n run away while I nervously run a hand through my hair. That was pretty awkward.. when she's out of my sight I look around and then notice Astrid looking at me with a smirk.
"Wha-how much did you see?" I ask her, and the smirk on her face gets even bigger, which already makes me think she saw everything
"Hmmm just a little bit, you know." She laughed and I blush again.
"You should really ask her out, I'm pretty sure she likes you too!" She says and my eyes widen.
"Jeez, say it louder so the whole village can hear it." I mumble. She grins and yells.
"HICCUP LI-" I quickly put my hand over her mouth.
"I wasn't serious, idiot!" She laughs and pushes my hand away.
"So what if everyone knows it? You two look so cute together!" She says, making me blush.
"Come on, be a man and ask her out." She asks. Suddenly she punches my arm and I groan.
"Ow, what was that for?" She just chuckles.
"Ask her out! Come on, it's not that hard! You like her, she likes you, happy end!" She says quickly. Wait what?
"Wait, do you know if she likes me?" I ask. Astrid looks down and mumbles 'she's gonna kill me for this.' I look at her confused and she rolls her eyes.
"Are boys really that stupid! Yes she does! She told me she likes you!" She says.
"Y/N LIKE-" this time it's Astrid who puts a hand over my mouth.
"Not so loud! Y/n is gonna kill me if she finds out I told you this!" She whisper-yells. I nod as a sign that I'll be quiet, and she removes my hand.
She likes me, she likes me.. SHE LIKES ME?!
I jump excitedly, making Astrid laugh again and I stop when I realise she's still here.
"Okay... so now I know she likes me.. but... how am I gonna ask her out?" I ask her.
"Well, just do something fun together, and when you think it's the right moment, ask her!"
"Sounds easier than it actually is." I mumble.
"I know, but you can do it!! Ask her. Now." She demands and I look at her surprised.
"W-what?" I ask. She sighs.
"Come on!! You've got nothing to lose, plus, maybe someone else will ask her out.." she says, and as soon as I hear that a wave of jealousy goes through me.
"Okay, go get your girl now!" She says as she pushes me away. I take a beep breath and breathe out slowly.
"Come on Hiccup, you got this.." I mumble to myself. I look up and see y/n and y/b/n talking together, while d/n and o/d/n are playing together. As soon as y/b/n sees me, she smirks and nudges y/n. She looks up at me and smiles, and I swear I feel like I could fall to the floor at any moment now.
"Hi Hiccup!" She says while I walk to her. I smile nervously, and she frowns.
"Is something wrong?" She asks, and I quickly shake my head.
"I just a- I want to- uh... Can I talk to you alone please?" I ask her, and she nods.
"Y/b/n, are you coming? I need help with something." I hear Snotlout say. Y/b/n nods and walks to him with o/d/n. He winks at me quickly before walking away with y/b/n. Jeez, is it really that obvious?
"Sooo... What did you want to talk about?" She asks me, and I feel the heat rise to my cheeks.
Oh Thor help me please..
"I uh..." I look into her eyes and forget what to say. What did I want to ask again? Where am I? Who am I?
"I, well um,, if-if you don't want to it's completely fine but... iwaswonderingifyouwouldliketohangoutwithmetoday?" I say quickly. She looks at me confused, and it looks so adorable..
"Could you talk a little slower please?" She asks. I bit my lip and run a hand through my hair.
"I was wondering if you'd like to hang out with me today? If you don't want to that's completely fine I mean I get it if you don't want to you know-" she giggles before responding.
"I'd love to!" She says, making me stop rambling.
"Really?" I ask surprised and she nods quickly, making her hair go up and down a bit.
"Yeah sure!" She says cutely and I smile.
"Okay... uhm, we'll go after the training, I'll just wait for you outside yeah?" She nods
"Okay! I'll see you then."
I lean against the wall outside of the arena, when I see y/n walking out of the arena.
"Hey! How was the training?" I ask.
"Fun! Y/b/n and o/d/n are pretty close already." She says and I smile.
"That's great!" I say and she nods.
"So... where are we going?" She asks me while we walk away from the arena.
"Well, I was thinking of going into the woods with Toothless and d/n, only if you want to of course." I say
I just realised how boring that sounds..
"It's not boring!" I hear her say making me look up and blush. Whoops, didn't mean to say that out loud...
"So, where did they go?" She asks, referring to our dragons.
"Toothless?!" I yell, and that's when I hear him growling. He comes running with d/n, and they both look really happy. Toothless runs up to me and knocks me over, making me laugh. He starts licking my face and clothing and I groan.
"You know that doesn't wash out!!" I say and I hear y/n giggle. Gosh I could hear that sound forever..
Toothless gets off of me and I jump on his back.
"Ready?" I ask y/n and she gives me a nod while smiling. We both fly up and during the flight we both talk and do little races. It's so much fun, and it feels really good to have no worries for a little while.
"Okay, how about we go down here? I know an amazing place, you'll love it!" I say.
"Sure!" We both land on the ground and I see y/n looking around. Toothless and d/n are playing together again, and I'm sure they'll stay like that for a long time.
"This place is amazing!" She says excitedly and I smile.
"Yeah, it really is." I walk closer to her and hold her hand. Let's hope this won't ruin anything... She look up at me and blushes. "But I know a place that's even better." I say and we walk towards the lake I want to take her to. I can't help but think of her small hand in mine. It feels so good, hers fits perfectly in mine..
After a while, I stop walking. She gives me a questioning look.
"Close your eyes."I say.
"Why?" She asks. I chuckle.
"Just do it. It's a surprise!" She groans annoyed.
"But I hate surprises! I wanna knoooww." She whines while pouting, but I shake my head and chuckle.
"Then I'll do it." I laugh while covering her eyes with my hands. She giggles and puts her hands over mine.
"Okay. You're not gonna kidnap me or kill me right?"she asks, and I laugh loudly.
"Hmm... maybe..." I say teasingly. She laughs and I guide her while walking slowly.
I still can't believe that the reads are going so fast! I really appreciate it ^_^. I would love to hear your feedback if you have some, I want to improve and be as good as possible.
Sooo I uploaded this chapter pretty quick, since I've written 3 chapters TODAY. yes, in one day. Don't ask me how because I have no idea 😂
But yeah tomorrow is my last test paper, then I only need to go to school to get my grades and all that, and theeennn I'm donee!! So I'll be able to write even more yay!!
I hope you liked this chapter, a comment and/or vote would be very appreciated!
Xxx Damla
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