y/n = your name
y/b/n = your best friend's name
d/n = dragon's name
y/t = your town's name
e/c = your eye colour
*a few weeks later*
Hiccup's POV
"Hiccup? Can we talk?" Astrid asks me. I look up from my map I was drawing on and nod.
"What's it about?" I ask, but I already know what she wants to talk about.
Astrid and I have been drifting apart. This hasn't started when y/n and y/b/n came here, our feelings started fading away a few months ago already.
But I didn't want to give up on her. I've had a crush on this girl for years, I didn't want this all to be for nothing.
And it definitely wasn't. No matter what, the relationship we had will always be something I remember. Okay, my feelings might be different but it's not like I didn't enjoy being with her.
I thought that our feelings were coming back a few weeks ago, but I guess that wasn't the case.
We both sit down on the beach. Astrid looks at me and opens her mouth, but then closes it again and sighs.
"I already know what you want to tell me." I say and she looks at me.
"Really?" She asks me, and I nod.
"It doesn't feel the same anymore, this relationship. And you want to break up. And I'm completely fine with that... I've been feeling the same for a while, I just didn't want to hurt you, because I still care about you." I say and she sends me a small smile.
"I'm glad you feel the same. I was so scared I was going to hurt you, you know." She says softly and looks down at the sand, making figures with her fingers.
"I've got one question though." I say, making her look up at me again.
"If your feelings had been fading away for a while... then why were you so jealous of y/n?" I ask her. She sighs and shrugs her shoulders.
"Honestly, I have no idea. I guess I thought that since we've been together for so long, this must have been true love, you know. I made myself believe I still loved you, I mean I still do.. but in a different way. I feel really bad about that, because I came off so rude to her and she didn't do anything wrong. She seems like a really sweet girl." She says and I nod.
"So uh... this is it?" I ask her and she nods.
"We're still friends right?" She asks me, making me smile.
"Of course we still are, Astrid. We'll always be friends. You've been a big part of my life and we have done so much together, I'd never just throw that away like that." I say and she smiles.
"Okay.." she sighs in relief and stands up, and I do the same.
"I'm glad we could talk. I feel much better." She says happily
"Hmmm so you're happy that you finally don't have that annoying one legged man around you? Wow Astrid, that hurts." I say in a fake hurt tone, putting a hand on my chest which makes her laugh and roll her eyes.
"You're so stupid." She says and shakes her head. "Now, come on and get your girl!" She says and I look at her with wide eyes.
"But... we just broke up.." I say confused.
"Hiccup, let's be honest... this hasn't felt the same for a very long time now. I'm pretty sure you've moved on already." She says, and I look at the ground.
I mean yes kind of but it still feels weird..
"And please don't worry about me any more. Be with whoever you want to be with." She says. I want to say something back but then a loud scream is heard. My eyes widen when I recognise the voice. It's y/b/n!
"LEAVE ME ALONE YOU CREEP!!" She yells. I immediately search for Toothless, Astrid jumps on Stormfly and we fly back to Berk. I see y/n running to the arena, probably meaning that that's where the screaming came from. I fly to the arena and my eyes widen. Someone is holding y/b/n, and a knife is pressed to her neck. But not too hard, so she doesn't have any bruises.
The person is wearing a mask, and black clothing.
"Let her go!" I say while walking towards the person with Toothless next to me, ready to shoot fire. The person gets a sword from their other hand, making Toothless back up slowly.
"Wait... you're.." I look at the person with wide eyes. They nod slowly and my eyes go even wider. How do they know?
The person whispers something in y/b/n's ear, and her eyes go wide as they fill with tears. Astrid grabs her axe and tries to run, but I stop her.
"We don't know what happens when we come closer. Be careful." She sighs and puts the axe down.
Suddenly the person pushes y/b/n away who falls to the ground, and they're gone. Just like that. Y/n runs up to her best friend and holds her close. Her eyes are closed and she's holding onto y/n weakly.
"Y/b/n! Are you okay?" I walk to them and y/n looks up at me with tears in her eyes.
"I can't lose her, Hiccup." She says, her voice breaking. I put my hand on her shoulder and look into her e/c eyes.
"Hey hey, it's going to be okay." I say softly. She sniffs and looks down at y/b/n
"She's probably just overwhelmed because of what just happened. Let's bring her home so she can rest. She'll be fine I promise." She nods and gets up slowly, with y/n in her arms. Snotlout runs towards us.
"Let me help." He says softly, smiling a little bit at y/n. "It's not that far from here."
When we get to their house, Snotlout offers to lay her in bed upstairs, and before we can say anything he walks upstairs with y/b/n in his arms.
Y/n sits down on a chair and I sit next to her.
"How do you feel?" I ask her. She closes her eyes and sighs.
"I was so scared.. it happened out of nowhere, I thought she was going to die, Hiccup." She says softly.
"I understand that, but she won't die. She's safe now, and we'll do anything to protect you guys." She looks up at me and smiles a little.
"Thank you, Hiccup." She lets out a shaky sigh and looks down again. I can see that she's almost crying, but she tries to stop it.
"It's okay to let it all out, you know." I say softly. She looks up at me, and I pull her into a hug. She cries softly and I stroke her hair.
"It's okay." I whisper and her sobs get louder. It breaks my heart to see her like this.
"Hiccup I-I can't do this." She cries. "I'm n-not strong, or brave. I'm w-weak and s-s-scared." She continues.
"It's okay to be scared and weak, we all are sometimes, y/n. That doesn't mean you're not strong at all, sometimes you just get down but you gotta get up and keep going." She has stopped crying now and rests her head on my chest.
"You're so strong y/n, and the way you've handled this amazes me. You came in a completely different world, yet you blend in so perfectly, that's amazing you know." She sniffs and sighs softly.
"This is a scary time, but it's for all of us. And we can get through this. I'll be by your side the whole time." She looks up at me and smiles.
"Thank you." She says softly, making me smile as well.
"No need to thank me. You can do this."
Soooo the first week of tests is donee!! ^_^. They didn't go that well *chuckles nervously*, buuuttt I don't really care because I'm doing the really important subjects next week ^_^. Thursday is the last day, then I have a few days off or I need to come back to school for only 2 hours so I'll have a lot of time off!! I hope I can post the next chapter as fast as possible :)). Anyway, I hope you liked the chapter!! Byee!!
Xx damla
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