Scared (part 2)

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"Don't do this to me Erica!! Please!" I said trying to sit her up.
"What's wrong with mommy?!" Cam said at the door cry as she watched me try and wake her Erica up.
"Cam go in your room and turn the tv on!" I said to her.
"But what's wrong with her?!" She yelled back at me.
"There's nothing wrong baby girl just....go watch Ro and baby E for me! Everything is okay?!" I said to her and she took off running. I grabbed the phone and dialed 911.
"911 how may I help you!" A lady said.
"My friend is no consensus and she's no breathing!" I said panicking once again.
"Have you checked her pulse?" The lady asked.
"Yes!" I answered.
"Is she changing colors?!" The lady asked
"She's Pale!" I said
"Okay! The ambulance is on its way!" She said
"How long?! I don't know how long she's been out?!" I yelled at here.
"2 minutes honey just hang tight, everything will be okay!" She said and hung up. I say by Erica and laid my head on her chest to hear if I could hear I heart beat and I heard nothing. I wrapped her up inside my warm to warm her up.
"It's okay Erica okay!" I said slightly rocking her.


I was rushing to the hospital. Liyahs baby sitter wasn't at home so I had to bring her with me. It was tough trying to get both of us up and get out the house. Once we got off the elevator I seen Erin sitting in the waiting room with her head in her hands. I then seen Ro, Cam and baby E laying in the chairs beside her sleep.
"Erin!" I said and she looked up and I ran up to hug her.
"What happened is she okay?!" I asked her.
"I don't know what happened! I just went over there and Cam said she was sleeping, I went to check on her and she wouldn't wake up! She was so cold!" She said trying to hold back her tears.
"What she alive?!" I asked her. She looked up at me and didn't say anything.
"No!" She said after a long pause.
"Oh my god!" I said and sat Liyah in the other chair. I heard her sniffing.
"Didn't you call Cube and E?!" I asked her. She shook her head no. I walked over to the lady at the desk.
"Is there a phone any where near by?" I asked her.
"Down the hall to the left!" She said


I laying down with this hoe from the last night show. I couldn't remember shit. I sat up and went to the restroom and got into the shower.
"Nigga hurry up out the bathroom!" I heard Ren yell at me.
"Nigga shut the fuck up and wait!" I said. Once I got done and I got out I brushed my teeth. I was brushing my teeth when I felt a sharp pain in my chest. It was horrible. It felt like my chest was tightening. I then looked around and saw Erica in the shower and she walked out.
"Close your eyes!" She said and pushed my head. I whipped my eyes and then came to and only saw a empty bathroom again. I turned around to look at the shower and she was there. I threw some water on my face.
I wrapped a towel around me and walked out he bathroom.
"You alright E?" Ren said.
"Yeah I'm good!" I said and grabbed a aspirin with a bottle of water and walked into the room.
I grabbed the phone and then sat on the bed. I dialed Erica's number. While i was waiting for her to answer I took my aspirin. The phone went to voice mail, so I called again. I rang but went to voice mail I got up and threw on some clothes. I was getting ready to walk the room when Cube came up to me.
"We gotta get to Compton right now!" He said putting emphasis on the 'right now'.
"Why what's going on?!" I said
"Erin found Erica in the house...." He hesitated from finishing his sentence.
"What is it?!" I said yelling.
"Dead." He said. I felt my heart sink to the ground. "Dana said the doctors haven't came out and told what's all going, they don't know if she's dead or alive at the moment." He said
"Dead?" I repeated. I was scared I didn't know what to do. She can't leave me here to raise Cam and baby E by myself. I can't do it!


"Erica Michele Jackson?!" I heard the doctor say. I jumped up and walked over to him and so did Dana.
"Is she okay Doc?" I asked him.
"She's stable!" He said and a wave of relief shot through the air.
"Where is she how is she doing?!" Dana asked.
"She's doing okay! She needs rest and a lot of it. With her having cardiomyopathy diagnosis, she needs to stay in her medicine!" He said.
"Wait doctor what's cardiomyopathy diagnosis?!" I asked.
"Her heart is thicker than others and stress will cause it to tighten and can in some cases cause shortness of breath. I was looking at her screens and it show she hadn't been taking her medicine as regular as she should and her stress level is out of this roof!" He said.
"When did she find out she had this?!" Dana asked.
"She's had it for quite a while, but she just recently found out!" He said to us.
"Is it fatal?" I asked.
"Yes it can be but with the medicine and less stress and less active, you can live a normal life." He said.
"Can we go back and see her?!" I asked.
"Not as of right now! She needs rest! We can't worry her more than she already is." He said.
"When?" Dana asked.
"In the morning!" He said
"In the morning?!" We said together.
"She needs rest!" He said once again.
"Okay okay!" Dana said and walked back to family room. Once we made it to Dana and Cubes house. I made up my mind that I was staying there tonight with Ro, Cam and baby E. After Dana and I put all the Kids to sleep we just talked for the longest about our dreams and goals.
"Yesss! I wanted to be a doctor!" She said and we busted out laughing.
"I wanted to be rapper!" I said
"A rapper? Really?!" She said with a confused look on her face.
"Girl yes a rapper!" I said. I then heard the door open. To emerge from the darkness out side was E and Cube. Dana jumped up and ran to Cube. I got up and went over to E and gave him a hug.
"Is everything okay?!" E asked.
"Yeah she's doing okay the doctor said." I told E.
"When can we go up to the hospital and see her?" Cube asked.
"In the morning!" I said.
"Why they waiting that long?!" Cube said with an attitude.
"They said she needs rest!" I said in a calm tone.
"What the fu(GCO)" Cube was about to say.
"Baby it's okay, I think it'll be good for her to get some rest! She's been having to balance a lot of things!" Dana said calming Cube down. E looked like he was about to cry.
"You okay E?" I asked him
"I'm okay!" He said and put his bags by the door and went into the bathroom.
"He's been having a hard time the whole way here! He was hoping to see when he got here!" Cube said. I looked at the bathroom door. I knew E's heart was in pieces right now.

Authors notes:
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