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I slept on the couch last night. I ain't get much sleep last night tho cause Cam woke up in the middle of the night and discovered I was home so she jumped on the couch with me. Baby E woke up and ended up crawling into the living room. He was lucky I was awake so I sawย  him before he got into something. They didn't go back to sleep til 4 this morning. It was 8 now and they will be waking up soon so I might as well get up and get ready before they get up and I have to get them up.
"you up early?" Erin said through the bedroom door.
"Yeah! I had to get up before they got up!" I said to to her stopping at her door.
"I woke up this morning and noticed they weren't in the bed with me and freaked out but I got up and looked for them and y'all were in there cuddled all up on the couch!" She said. After I got out the shower, everyone was up and ready. I threw on some clothes and got Cam and Baby E together. I got them to the Car and Cam got in but Lil E wasn't having it.
"No! No! No!" He said pushing from me as I tried to put him in the car.
"Come on now E! You gonna have to work with me, I'm tired!" I said to him with the calmest voice.ย ย 
"No!!" He said again.
"Who taught him that word!" I said looking over to Cam.
"I don't know, the only words he knows is Mamma and No. He's just 8 months daddy!" She said.
"Can you put him in here?" I asked her. She nodded her head and took her seat belt off and started singing Stevie wonder Knock me off my feet.
"There's something about your love that's makes me weak and knocks me off my feet!" She sang. He sat down in the seat and I buckled him in. Once I closed the back door of my 64. I leaned against the door. "Today is gonna be a long day!" I said and got into the car and drove off.


We were all sitting in the waiting room waiting on the doctor to come get us. We seen walk down to us and he stopped and smile. He waved for us to come back and we all got up in a hurry. I was so anxious to see her. I opened the door and started walking in.


"So who going In first?" Dana said as we looked at each other and then at the door.
"I'll go!" I said and started my way in. I walked in and I saw her sitting on the edge of the bed with her feet swing which held a hospital band such as her wrist held too. She was reading a magazine.
"Erica?" I said and she looked up at me.
"Cube!!!" She said in a semi whisper. She gave me a huge smile. I walked over to her and gave her and hug.
"I thought I lost you baby sis!" I said. I felt like I was gonna cry but I held it in like the man I was.
"Nah! You know Ima be around for a long time!" She said. I laughed
"Where everyone else?!" She asked.
"They outside and they scared to come in here to see you cause they think you hooked up to all these wired and shit!" I said. She laughed and then said "they can see me now!" She got up off the bed.
"Wait what you doing?!" I said looking at crazy.
"I'm being discharged!" She said and turned around and handed me the discharge papers.
"Alright I guess!" And she began to walk out. I grabbed her bag and walked out. Once we both walked back to the family waiting room. Cam was the first one to run up to her and hug her leg.
"Hey baby girl!" She said. E was next and he walked up and gave her the longest hug I have ever seen in my life.
"I love you." She said semi whispering it in his ear.
"I love you too." He said.


I walked into the house and went right to my bedroom. I looked around and seen nothing out of place. I got into my bed and I leaned over and grabbed my medicine and took it! I wasn't gonna miss taking this shit again!
"So when were you gonna tell me?" Erin said leaning inside the door.
"I wasn't gonna tell anyone." I said putting my 5 pills in one by one.
"Why?" She asked and sat on the bed by me.
"Cause I don't want anyone to think I'm sick and what not!" I said a little agitated.
"You know we wouldn't see you that way!" She said.
"Ha! I can't go a day without my medicine or I'll pass out and die! I have a two kids not just one! I have a fiancรฉ! I have a new Niece and sister in law to be! Most importantly I have a best friend that is a sister to me! A sister who saved my life!" I said with tears coming down my face.
"Don't cry!" She said pulling me into a hug.
"I just don't want anyone to know that's all!" I said.
"Okay okay! I understand!" She said. Once Erin went out E came in with Cam and baby E.
"Hey babies!" I said and they climbed on the bed. Baby E cuddled under my arm and laid there.
"You okay now cause I was wondered about you! I missed you!" She said really fast.
"I missed you too baby girl!" I said and kissed her forehead.
"Now that your home again you can be my momma forever again right?" She asked.
"Forever and ever!" I said to her and tickled her.
"You promise?" She asked
"I promise!" I said. By the time me and Cam had ended our conversation E and baby E were already Knocked out cold. Cam ran back into the living room and I put baby E over on the next pillow.
"I'm up!" E said popped up. I laughed at him. He sat up and looked at me.
"What?!" I asked him.
"I could feel the pain you were going through." He said in a innocent voice.
"In your chest!" I asked.
"Yes! I was in the bathroom and I saw you and I felt a pain in my chest! It felt like it took. My soul away from me!" He said. I was speechless.
"Like you knew?" I asked
"Yeah!" He said and got up and walked to my side of the bed I was on and sat down on the floor. I turned my legs to face him. He's head was laying on my thigh by then so I ran my fingers through his curl.
"Ima be okay babe I promise you that! So don't think about losing me cause you'll never lose me!" I said and bent down to kiss his head.
"Good! Cause I don't want you too leave me! I need you!" He said

Authors notes:
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