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It's 4 in the morning, I woke up and got myself and baby E ready. While Cam and E was still asleep. Today myself, Dana and Erin were throwing a party for the boys as a home coming party. We know that their already home but we wanted to do it anyways cause we had already invited all the people. I grabbed baby E, his diaper bag and the car keys and walked out. I met Erin and Dana at the store.
"What we trying to cook?" I asked them as we walked through the food isle.
"I was thinking we could bbq!" Dana said pushing the buggy.
"We could and I'll do all the sweets and fruits!" I said
"We can fry fish too!" Erin said.
"Fish sounds good right now cause I'm hungry as hell!" Dana said rubbing her belly.
"You ain't lying!" I said
"We need to find somewhere bigger!" Dana said.
"Isn't your house big enough!" I said to her.
"No cause we invite at least a hundred plus!" She said.
"Well where can we do it?!" I asked them.
"We could it at your dads house!" Erin said with a bit of hesitation.
"No!" I said
"Why not! It 6 o'clock in the morning! We have just enough time to clean it up." Dana said
"Why?!" I said a little loud
"We need more space!" Erin said, I felt like I was gonna cry but I soaked it up.
"It's just not worth the time!" I said and started walking.
"We are going to be there with you every step of the way! We are not gonna leave you there alone by yourself!" Erin said grabbing my arm stopping me.
"I can't go inside that house!" I said with frustration.
"Please, just this once and if you don't like it, we will leave and do it at my house." Dana said.
"Please Erica!" Erin said I looked away and through for a second. I know I won't be able to walk inside that house. I'm way to scared. The last time I was inside that house is went I seen my dad dead. I can't go inside don't hat house.
"Okay!" I said and then turned down the other isle.
After we got all the groceries. We drove to my dads old house. I pulled up in the yard and parked the car. I turned the car off and pulled the key out. I looked back at baby E who was sound asleep in his car seat. I turned back around and looked at the house. Dana and Erin pulled up behind me and got out their cars. I got out and went around and grabbed baby E out of his car seat.
"You ready?" Erin asked me.
"Yeah. I guess!" I said and we started up to the stairs. My heart started racing and I stopped at the second step.
"You okay Erica?" Dana said behind me.
"I'm okay." I said and started to walk up the stairs again. I handed Erin the keys to unlock the door. I closed my eyes and I heard the door open.
"Guide me inside!" I said grabbing Erin's hand and she did as instructed. I could smell the house and I could hear the glass crunching under my feet. I slowly opened my eyes and saw the living room on my left and the kitchen on my right. Straight ahead of me was the hallway and I could see the door of Cubes old room but Erin's room. I walked into the hall and looked to my right where my room was. I kept walking until I made it to my room. I pushed the door opened and walked in. It looked like the way I left it that day all the way down to the way my bed sheets were laid. I walked out and started walking to my dads room. I was breathing in and out to keep my heart rate at a normal pace. I pushed the door opened to his room and it was the same as it was when they came to get him. I saw the remote on the ground.
"Erin!" I semi yelled.
"Yes." She said
"Hold E for me right quick." I said and handed him to her. She walked out. I bent down and picked the remote up and placed it on the bed. I looked around and then walked over to were my dad was laying. There was a huge blood stain on the floor. I walked over it to the night stand. Dad keep a gun inside the dresser drawer for safety. I opened the draw and moved somethings around. I saw the gun laying there and my heart dropped. I looked around and then looked at the bed. I pulled the sheets up and they fell to the floor. The bed was covered in blood. I couldn't wrap my head around this. I looked over at the at the picture that was laying on the ground broken. 'She's died' I said to myself. I picked the picture up and looked at it. For the first time in my life I noticed I looked nothing like my dad. I put the picture on dresser. It took me a second to process it all. 'Why would they take the drugs and how did they know it was there? Only one person really had the free access to my room, which was my momma! It could be her cause I haven't seen her and 9 times out of 10 she's dead.' I through in my head. The slight idea popped into my head. 'Snake! But why would he kill my daddy and my momma!' I said again. I was trying to think back further back. It hit my mind again. I had made a drug deal one night and Snake walked up to me.
*flash back*

"What you doing out this late?" I heard a man behind me say. I turned around and saw Snake.
"On the job!" I said.
"I guess you can say that!" He said . His voice was super deep.
"How's your mom doing?" He asked me cause I didn't know he knew my mom.
"You know Linda?" I said
"Yeah we go way back!" He said. To be honest this was the only time we have ever spoken with some kind of commonsense.
"She's fine!" I said
"Where is she?" He asked.
"She's staying with us." I said a little annoyed.
"With you and your dad?" He asked.
"Yes." I said
"Alright! You might wanna go and check on yo boy E?" He said and walked away. I felt alarmed once he said that so I walked around to find E. Once I made to where I seen him he was fighting with a police officer. Once the officer got to his gun he pulled it on him and I panicked so shot him. Once he fell to the ground I seen E with his eyes closed. Once he opened them and saw me ran up to me and pulled me towards the car. But once I made it all the way to the other side I saw some cocaine on the top of E's car and it looked familiar. It was wrapped into the same back that me and E sold.

*end of flash back*

"Why is he doing this?" I said to E sitting on our bed.
"Man damn! I couldn't be baby! Are you sure you looked at that bag correctly?" He said standing up.
"Yes! I looked at the bag Babe! Everything leads to him! Everything!" I said using my hands.
"So you trying to say your mom and Snake set it up to kill me! Him and your mom were together once upon a time and then once your mom got clean and came back to your dad! Snake came and killed them! " E said to me.
"Yes! I don't know the full story but he knew everything about me when I told him about the stolen drugs! The only way he could've known was through my mom and she must have known something about him and I guess she was gonna tell it! And think about this, if my mom was still on drugs and with him don't you think we would have saw her one of those nights we were out selling E? She's no where to be found! I don't think she had anything to do with it this time E!" I said
"Why you didn't just come to me about the missing drugs?" E said
"I was scared you were gonna be mad!" I said
"Fuck them drugs! This shit is real life! This nigga can kill you or anyone around you! We don't know what happened last night so don't go looking for answers!" He said.
"I'm so sorry baby!" I said
"It's coo, I just don't wanna see you killed!" He said "you mean the world to me!" He said again. I kissed his cheek.
"Baby?" I said.
"What?" He said looking at the tv.
"I need to know what he did." I said looking out the window.

Authors notes:
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Please and thank you! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

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