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'JIMIN?!' He then looked at me and then back at him. 'What the fuck are you doing at my sister's place on a Saturday morning? And be careful what you tell me, because I'll kill you.'

'Relax, Yoo. We work together.' I am not into cleaning up a murder site

'Wait, what?' He voice just went a few octaves down in relief, but he is still confused

'She is my translator. She had been translating my stuff for a while now, so I asked her to do them for me in the future as well, and she agreed.' Jimin chimed in

'Oh.' His brain accepted it, but he was still processing the info. 'What's to say that you revealed yourself?' He asked Jimin. But, what does he mean revealed?

'I can't bring her songs and not tell her where they came from.'

'Wait. People don't know that you write songs?' I ask him

'Only Yoongi and Jin. And only because Jin sings them, and Yoongi produces the music. So, keep it to yourself.' That last part sounded like a threat

'I won't tell anyone, but... why hide it?' I ask as I sit down again. 'Those are beautiful. You should be proud.'

'Amora, you talk too much.' Yoongi cuts in

'But it's true. His songs are amazing.' I argue. 'And Jin sings them?'

'He sure does. He has a great voice. You should listen to it.' Yoongi gives me his gummy smile

'You listen to whatever you want. I'm gonna go. I have things to do.' Jimin says as he gets up

'Oppa, when do you need them for?' I ask Jimin

'You know what, just drop the honorifics. It's honestly truly creeping me out when you try.' He sighed. 'And I'm not in a hurry. I don't need them for at least a month, so take your time.'

'Oh, okay.' I smile at him. 'Thank you.'

'Sure. Bye.' He gave Yoongi a hug and then left

'Why didn't you tell me about this? I damn near committed murder.' Yoongi flicked me as soon as Jimin left

'Because it only happened two days ago, and he showed up out of nowhere this morning. And I don't know how many times I need to repeat myself. It's not like that.'

'It better not be.'


'You sure work fast.' Jimin came over to pick up his translations a few days later

'I did it right after you left on Saturday.' I grin proudly, but he wasn't even looking at me. He was currently wiggling his nose, sniffing the air. 'Come on in.' I opened my door wider


'I just made dinner, and I've got a ton. Come on.' I left the door open and walked in, letting him find his own way in

'This is really unnecessary.'

He might be saying that, but he's practically drooling.

'Shut up and sit down.' I chuckled and brought the big pot with kimchi on the table, and he looked about ready to eat the pot along with the food, but he's still not going for it

'Fine. You watch while I eat, I guess.' I tease as I fill my bowl

'Damn it.' He caved in and got to filling up his bowl

It was actually kind of cute how he was working on it, focusing on not spiling anything.

He looked so impatient to start eating, and as soon as his mouth got that first bite in, he melted on the chair.

'Fuck that's good. Did you actually cook this??' He is surprisingly in a good mood. Maybe that's just what food does to him.

'Yep, yep. Mom taught me how to do it when I was a kid.'

'Can I hire you as my chef, too?' He mumbles with his mouth full

I watched as his full lips kept pouting, fighting to keep all that food inside those puffy, filled cheeks. He looked like a little hamster. So cute.

'Depends. What are the terms and conditions of the job?' I joke

'You cook, I eat.' He mumbles again, shoving more in his mouth

I couldn't help but laugh at him. He was just comical. What an idiot. These kinds of moments when he's acting like a human being make me forget that he's a rude ass in general.

'I'm not sure I have much time for that, but I'll make you a deal. I'll send you home with some of this, and when I do cook something nice, I'll call you. Does that work?'

'Deal! I'll bring you a song for every meal.'

He really sold himself for food. I didn't see that coming.

'I will be cooking 24/7.'

He kind of smiled as he was looking down at his bowl, and that usual frown on his face was nowhere to be seen. His eyes closed up a tiny bit as his lips lifted in their corners.

He should smile more.

'Huh? What?' He looks up

'Hmm? I didn't say anything.' I totally said that out loud. An idiot!!!

'Oh. Okay.' He nodded and went back to it

'Can I ask... why did you start writing?'

He paused for a second, swallowing down a bit hard.

'Sorry. I won't ask again.' I really pick awful questions it seems

'My brother.'

He... answered?

'I lost my brother when I was still in school, and I had no one to talk to about it, so I put everything down on paper. Eventually, those thoughts took a form of the song. And now, here I am.'

'I'm so sorry. I had no idea. I shouldn't have asked.' Now I feel awful

'I'm used to you getting into my business by now.'

I was going to apologize, but looking at him, he was almost smiling. Is he teasing me?

'Good, good. Then you know I will only get worse.' I decide to joke along. I almost killed the mood. I'm not doing that. But I'm happy. He kind of opened up a little. I never thought that would happen. This is a win.

'What about you? Why a translator?'

Now I'm shocked that he's interested. Damn...

'I was always good with languages. I pick up on them really fast, and I always got irritated by movies and shows translating things wrong. You know when you watch a movie, you hear one thing, but they write something completely else? Ever since I was a kid, I kept saying that I'll do it right. It was driving me crazy.'

'So, basically, you had to get into the business to help fix it?' He snorts

'Well.. Yeah.' Now that he put it like that...

'Of course. Meddling again.' He teases again

'Someone's in a teasing mood today.' I tease back

'Not really. I'm just tired. My defense walls are down, and I don't have the strength to pull them back up.'

'I guess you need a day off from being all moody here and there.'

'That's just rude.' I barely understood that as his mouth was so full that he had to cover them so the food wouldn't fall out

'You said you're used to it.' I chuckle, reminding him of his words

'That's why I didn't stab you yet.'

That made me laugh more than it should. Even he smiled a little.

We ate the rest of it in comfortable silence, until he couldn't breathe anymore.

'I can't move. I'm gonna throw up.' He was leaning on his hand, barely keeping his head up

'Makes two of us.' I agree. 'Wanna watch a movie or something? Just until the food settles?'

He gave me some look uf uncertainty, but after a few moments, he nodded. 'I would say no if I could move, but I'm genuinely dead.'

'Right then. You get yourself comfy and find something to watch. I'll join u in a sec.'

I got up and started picking up things from the table, but I did not see this coming. He got up and started cleaning up, too.

'What are you doing?' I chuckle

'Helping? You did cook. I can at least pick up these.' He lifts the bowls

'You're a guest. I didn't feed you so you'd clean my stuff up. Drop it. Go. Relax.' I smacked his hand with a chopstick, and he cocked his eyebrow at me. 'I'm serious. Go.' I took the bowls from his hands and he finally gave up

'Yep. Yoongi 2.0.' He sighed

'I don't need to be insulted, thank you very much.'

I didn't hear anything, but seeing his shoulders shake a bit as he walked away, I can only assume he chuckled. Or something of sorts.

It took me only about 2 minutes to join him, and he was looking half dead. 
He was barely keeping his head up, and it was only because he was leaning on the headrest of the couch. Even his eyes were barely open as he kept blinking slowly and often to keep himself awake. I'd ask him if he's tired, but that question is beyond stupid, and I'm not into arguing now that we actually got along for a change, so I'll just leave it.

I focused on the TV, scrolling through the channels to find something to watch while he's relaxing. I finally landed on a movie that I haven't seen in a while and figured we could watch that, but that was a no. At least in his case.

He must have been exhausted because he fell asleep in seconds, and as he did, his head slipped from the couch and right on my shoulder. And he didn't even budge. 
Soft, deep breaths grazed over my collarbone repeatedly as he was deep in his dreamland. 

His hair kept tickling my neck, and him nuzzling into my shoulder to get himself more comfy made me wanna laugh, but I didn't have the heart to move. I'll wake him up after the movie.

I tried to be quiet and focus on the movie, but he squeezed my arm a few times, reminding me that he was still there.

'....mmhm... Ha... eun...' He mumbled and squeezed my arm a bit more after calling that name. Haeun. That is most definitely a girl's name. A girlfriend maybe?

He didn't talk anymore, and by the time the movie ended, he had relaxed completely, even ending up sleeping on my legs. He slipped down completely, turning himself into a little ball on my sofa. Now I don't wanna wake him up. Fuck it.

I moved slowly not to wake him up, and went to grab an extra pillow and a blanket to cover him with. He might as well sleep here. No point waking him up when it's almost midnight.

I walked back and Imost definitely don't wanna touch him. He looks so peaceful sleeping. And pretty. I don't know how someone can look pretty sleeping, but he can. No furrowed eyebrows and no scowling. No cold tone or glaring. Instead of looking like a demon, he looks like some disney prince with his hair all brushed back like this.

I gently placed a blanket over him, trying not to wake him up. And I somehow managed to slide a pillow somewhat under his head, but he ended up hugging it more than sleeping on it. That made me giggle a bit, so I had to cover my mouth not to make a sound, but whatever makes him comfy.

'Night, night, Jimin.' I couldn't help but smile at his sleeping face, whispering the words to him before pulling the blanket on him a bit more, and then turning off the lights for him. Poor man will have a heart attack in the morning. Until then...

... Sleep well.

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