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Ever since the team dinner we had, Mr. Pang avoided even looking at me. I guess he remembers something, not that I get how, considering he was more dead than alive, but today, he spoke to me.

I was just coming out of the toilet and almost ran into him.

'Oh, Mr. Pang. I'm sorry.' I bow my head

'It's more than okay.' He smiled weirdly. 'I should be apologizing anyway. Actually, do you mind coming with me for a moment?'

'Umm, sure?' I mumbled and started following him after he walked towards his office

'I'm sorry.' He started bowing deeply to me as soon as the office doors closed. 'I have acted like an absolute idiot. I can't even remember everything properly, but I remember some things, and I was a buge burden.'

'It's alright, Mr. Pang. It's not that big of a deal, really.' I smile, trying to keep it as little awkward as possible

'I told you to call me Hoolin.' He smiles back. 'And it is. I am not supposed to act that way. That was outrageous. I figured that you even sent me home on a taxi. I don't remember getting to it at all.' He was actually blushing a little, probably feeling embarrassed

'Don't worry, Mr. P- Hoolin.' I corrected myself when he gave me another look when I tried to say Mr. Pang. 'Water under the bridge.'

'Not in the slightest. I would like to apologise to you. Properly. Would you mind joining me for dinner one day? Purely so I can apologise. As friends, not a boss and a worker.'

That... is a bit...
'That is not needed, Hoolin. Truly. I already forgot about it anyway.'

'Please. One dinner. Or lunch. Anytime you choose.'

*knock knock knock*

'Oh, sorry about disturbing, Mr.Pang.' the receptionist barged in, thank god. 'He's waiting for you.'

'Ah, yes. I will be right with him. Thank you.'

She bowed and left, closing the door behind her. Whoever came for him, thank you, too.

'I'm just gonna go back to work then. Thank you.' I bowed and kind of ran before he could ask another thing. A dinner with my boss? I don't think so. And who apologizes like that?

I hoped I had escaped, but I guess not. Only 15 minutes have passed before Hoolin came back, this time to our work space.

'Miss Min, would you mind joining me in the office, please?'


I got up reluctantly, following after him.

'Um, Mr. Pang, I-'

'No, no, this is work.' He chuckled. 'Please.' He opened his office doors letting me in, and then I had a heart attack

That jet black hair, those familiar dark eyes, plump lips... and a full on suit. A black suit, tailored perfectly for his body. It hugs him in every right place.

Am I seeing things?

'This is Jimin Park.'

'Nice to meet you, miss Min.' Jimin smiles at me, offering me his hand to shake

What. The. Fuck.

'Um- nice- nice to meet you, too?' I am lost completely

He held my hand gently, not letting go of it and only looking into my eyes, keeping up that smile. The thing that shocks me the most is his smile.
Those full lips that are usually in a prefect, straight line, are now curved up in the corners, but the smile isn't reaching his eyes.

'Mr. Park is one of our long-time clients, and it seems you have been translating some of his work.'

'I have?' I ask, unable to look away from Jimin

'You sure have.' Jimin answers instead

'Wh- what was it?' I need to stop stuttering. Honestly, woman, calm yourself down.

'Mr. Park is a songwriter. This company has been in charge of his translations for a few years now, but it seems that recently, you have gotten your hands on them, and he has a proposition for you. Please, Mr. Park, go ahead.' Hoolin gestured at Jimin, giving him the chance to talk

'Would you like to be my personal translator? I'll give my songs strictly to you for translation, and no one but you will see them before they are released.'

I'm honestly not sure if he's joking or if he's serious right now. A songwriter? Personal translator? Is this just some joke? What is going on?!

'You've mentioned that I've translated some of your work before.'

'Mhm.' Jimin nods, pulling out a few folded pages from the inside of his suit pocket, passing them to me. 'Maybe you'll recognise them.'

I carefully unfolded the pages, and all those poems that made me lose my mind, they're songs. His songs. I've memorised them all even if I didn't want to. All of those beautiful, heart-twisting lyrics, he wrote them.

'Ji- Mr. Park, these are yours? I looked up at him, feeling his eyes burning a hole in my face, but this time, he wasn't glaring like usual. He was just watching me, almost smiling.

'What do you say? Will you help me translate them?' He asks again

'Yes! Yes. I would love to. I love your songs.' I honestly do. I enjoy reading them

'Lovely!' Mr. Pang laughed in delight, coming a bit closer and placing his hand in the middle of my back. I thought it was weird, and it seems Jimin did, too. His eyes fell to Hoolin's arm around me, before he looked back at me.

'Hoolin, do you mind giving us a minute alone, please?' Jimin spoke to Pang in such a manner that it seems like they have been friends since forever, but his tone was kind of cold.

'Ah, yes. Of course.' Hoolin smiled and finally moved away from me, leaving the office

'What the hell is going on!?' I yelled at him almost instantly. 'This entire time you knew, and you haven't said a word!? And you write?!'

'Does it matter?' He deadpans. There he is. The normal Jimin.

'Of course it does!' I step closer to him. 'Your songs are incredible!'

His eyes widened a little, but he composed himself in no time. 'Sure. Mind telling me what that was?' He looks over to the door where Hoolin just went out through


'He keeps calling you by your first name, and he keeps touching you up. You sure he's just your boss? Cause he sure doesn't see you as his employee.'

'I would argue but I honestly have no idea what this was just now. He honestly never even came close to me. He even apologized for the other night and-' I realized I've said too much, so I stopped talking

'And?' He pushes

'Doesn't matter. Nothing important.' I wave my hand, but he stepped closer, almost right in my face, and as he did, his perfume reached me. Damn, he smells nice... Not important right now.

'Spit it out. What did he do?' He lowered his chin just enough to stare right into my eyes, not allowing to even blink. Why the hell is this guy so intense all the time?

'Why are you acting like this?' I tilt my head. 'You are not my brother, or my family in general. What's with the overprotective behaviour?'

'Would you rather I tell Yoongi about how your 15 year older boss is trying to get in your pants?'

'That is not what is going on, and it wouldn't be the first time you ran to him like a little kid, ratting me out.'

'You truly are young and stupid.' He scoffs

'Wait, is that- are you here to spy on me?!' Is he here to watch me and then run to Yoongi???

'Yes. Because I have nothing better to do than to risk my work by keeping tabs on you.' He grimaced

'Then... you actually want me to translate your songs for you?'

He just nodded, not uttering a word, nor breaking the eye contact.

*knock knock*
'Everything sorted?' Hoolin came back and walked right next to me, his shoulder brushing almost on me

'Yes. We will be working together privately as I'd like to keep them out of the public eye until they are released. I just made an agreement with Miss Min, and that will be kept private as well.'

What the hell is he on about? All we did was argue.

'Privately? But the company-'

'Can either accept it or I'm taking my business elsewhere. Or maybe I'll take Miss Min as my permanent translator and employ her on my own.' Jimin retorted back at him, sounding like his usual assy self

'Amo- Miss Min, are you alright with this agreement?'

Jimin looked at me, and before I got the chance to answer, he answered for me. 'She is. She agreed, and we will privately discuss the terms and conditions.' He reached into his pocket again and pulled out a little piece of paper with a number written on it. 'Contact me on that number later, and I will send you everything you need.'

And with that, he simply walked out without giving any of us a second look. What a cocky dick.


'Huh?' I did not hear a single word he said to me as I was still in shock, looking after Jimin who just left

'I see you're still quite out of it so I will leave it for another time.' He chuckled. 'You can go back to work.'

I didn't even bother replying as I left the office and went straight back to my desk.

A personal translator. How the hell is that gonna work??

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