[Chapter 4: Revolution, Ghost Ships, Oh My! Pt. 4]

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A/N: sorry for the late update everyone, I had gotten sick for several days and had to stay in bed, only just manage to recover yesterday but I manage to finish the last chapter of the arc their won't be some major just some short scenes of it as most part of the chapter will be busy in other things, anyways hope you'll all like and enjoy it.


(3rd POV)

Lucian quietly walk through one of the bustling streets of New York, a place still developing and could be considered a small scale city by modern standards, it was after all the early 19th century and most don't possess the tools to build the vast skyscrapers and buildings he remembered seeing in his old life, he wore a common black coat with a short cape covering his upper body, and a black colored steel cane on one hand.

"The situation here seemed to have been quite positive in New York." Lucian muttered as he look around, people were casually walking around with smiles or unbothered looks etched upon their expression, children's were running around playing with one another, the harbor of the city was bustling as always ever since the last failed attempt at laying siege upon the cities by the british which was many month during the early days of the war.

Which he had intercepted flawlessly and lead to a much troublesome position for the british to find a secure spot to land on, the loyalist are of little help since he had personally dealt with them, either inducing strong emotions to make them feel tired or hate joining the war etc., or just killing those that are quite stubborn to cling to british monarchy, hoping for a more peaceful solution when it was obvious that there was none.

Knowing the deteriorating mentality of the british king, it wasn't expected he would make a huge compromise without being pressured completely by his entire court and people itself which hasn't happened yet during the earlier stages of the war as many were in support to fight against their rebellious colonies in check, however the continuous defeat they had received for the entire year since the war started had made many weary and tired.

Seeing no end to a conflict that was very clearly not in their favor, propaganda and censorship of the war effort didn't help paint a good picture to the public, especially to those who grieve of their loved ones who are either reduce to ash or in captivity by the continental army, it became more apparent to the people of the isle when survivors in much larger return with news that fantastical as they are absurd for the many whom all found it skeptical at first.

But as more and more witnesses share the same story or at least come close to what most describe, many began to murmur of the wrath of god or divine providence at hand with the continuous failure of Britain's own army and navy to what original was just the pacification of their colonies to a full blown war that would either cripple or set back Britain many years with the loss of their American colonies, a price many nobles and the monarchy in Britain are unwilling to accept.

"Well to be fair commander, situation in the colonies have never been better with very little conflict now being seen after the failed invasion of Charleston a month ago." Michael voices out from the interlink communication lines, Lucian didn't disagree with his VI assistant own word as it was a fact even he was aware of after the little show he showed back at Charleston which may be a bit too much for the humans living in the 19th century.

"They become a bit more religious due to that fiasco I caused, then again I've been expecting such an effect would occur at the end of the aftermath of my one-sided slaughter." He spoke with an exasperated look on his face, even he was surprise of how religious those that witnessed him had become, luckily he was quick to act and mitigate it's effect without needing to resort to wiping their memories or altering their minds.

"Most people of this era lacked the basic knowledge taught in the modern era of your world commander, especially when most nation are still in the feudal era and only starting to experience the early stages of the industrial revolution which has yet to take full affect on every nation in Europe completely, though this will only occur after the napoleonic wars." Michael reminded him as he nods on agreement, Britain is one of the first nation to industrialized followed by its former rival France, etc.

"It is to be expected, science at this era is still quite young and most common people are illiterate or have limited level of knowledge and studies to be fairly logical and not point finger at us being literal alien lifeforms living at the far southern end of the earth." Lucian muses with a light chuckle at his own word, finding it funny that he considers himself alien now to humanity, maybe it's because how he's become less attached to some morals or emotions he possessed as a human.

"Hmm....it seems we're here now." He murmurs as he stops at a building which just happens to a bar not far from the harbor of New York, the place was a bit inconspicuous due to it's postion and how most rarely often use the path that would have lead them to this small size hidden bar near the harbor, a place he'd stumble upon on one of his morning walks months ago.

The place wasn't much special other than the drink that it sells within, Lucian stepped into the bar as the door bell rung, inside was a modest size room filled with tables and a few people eating or drinking, most coming from the docks to either get drunk or just find a place to eat they can cheaply and so many other reasons, the place was very descent despite the few people that regularly visit the place.

The people inside gave a few glances at his direction before looking away, he'd been a regular customer of the place and was familiar to most as a traveling merchant, so no conflict with come in his way unless some desires to, though the ward spells and other devices he had employed disavowed any of that from happening as he didn't really want his mood to be ruined.

"Ah! Lucian it had been awhile since your last visit here, quite early might I add." The bar owner and bartender of the place called out from behind his counter, busy wiping some mug with a new clean towel, a man in his forties with a medium size beard as he glance at Lucian who nodded back at him in greeting.

"The Seas had been very calm for quite awhile after all those rumors spreading around this past few months, especially the last one a month in Charleston, Edward." He replied taking a seat on one of the chairs as he catches a giant mug filled with some beer in it, he tossed a small pouch of silver coins back towards the bartender named, Edward.

"Ah yes, I heard of that news spreading for a month now, tale of a ship arising from the depths of the sea said to have been the mythical ark of Noah, quite the fanciful tale if you asked me." He spoke, Lucian chuckled at hearing it as he chug some beer down his throat, before giving one raised eyebrow.

"Fanciful tale? You don't beleive what the army is spreading, I mean their were many witnesses? I'm doubtful that they would just made it up?" He questions as Edward shrugged his shoulder turning around to fill some empty mug being ordered by customers nearby while continuing their conversation.

"Eh? Who cares it's not like it matters to me, I'm more focus on running the bar than just listening to some rumors about some holy ship and giant eagles carrying fire and thunder across the sky above, not like it had much effect on my life, besides it's the british army problem not mine." He answered, a tiny amused smile etched on Lucian face as he listened.

"Looking at the war since it started, the home islands army have been losing ground for months now and most have been kicked out of the continent, life has not change much aside from the reduce number traveling merchant arriving at New York, even then the effects are barely noticeable." He added.

"True, the war had been going favorly well with Washington and his men, you think the king would sue for peace after months of failure in their attempt to win the war?" Lucian questioned as Edward scoffed at hearing the word peace, handing out another mug of bear before continuin.

"Sue for peace? Very unlikely to happen, it'll hurt british pride and a huge slap to the king who would lose a huge chunks of lands to his former subject turned rebels that their declared independence from the crown." Lucian mentally agreed with Edward as he had closely observed England for quite sometime now and personally knowing what the king's mindset right now is, war will last a bit longer though not to long if he had anything to say about it.

"Maybe a miracle might happen again and the king will wisely sue for peace if he knows what's good for him, Britain can't possibly continue this conflict they still have yet to recover from the seven years war, their economy wasn't built to last, especially when they are losing badly to their own former colonies." He hears Edward laugh lightly as if hearing a nice attempt at a joke.

"Miracle? Well with what had been happening for months now that might just happen if any of those rumors are true, a white ship crossing the english channel to scare the living daylights out of the king would be a funny tale to hear if that were to ever happen." A grin formed on Lucian expression that he hid behind the large mug that he was drinking.

"Michael is their any date where the king of england will be visiting a port? If there is please do prepare my ship I've got a king to scare and possibly a bridge to fall in good old London." He mentally informed as he heard a pinging sound coming from Michael who replied just a second later after he asked, he received a mental message which was projected to his own perspective.

"There's this one visit I've manage to find, it's a week from now commander, would you like me to deploy some of our boundary fields there for added effects?" Replied at first and later questioned at the end as Lucian nod slightly his mood seemed to brighten up a bit as he ready himself for another crazy shenanigan he is going to orchestrate directly at the british isles itself.

"Yes, gotta make it good enough that it'll either A drive the king mad and deemed him incapable of ruling and force the war to end or B kill the king, send the isle into a panic and force them to sue peace as they need a new ruler after the other died out of fright, then we deal with the effects any of the option both bring are to be expected and unexpected." Replied back as Michael pinged in confirmation.

"I'll have Raphael prepare the boundary fields immediately, then commander." Michael informs before going silent as Lucian snapped himself out of his thoughts and turned to look back at the empty mug and plate infront him before looking towards Edward who's busy with answering some orders around as he leans forward a bit as he thinks off.

"Their can only be one ruler of the seas, Britain is not one of them." He muttered before asking out another mug of bear as he decided to busy himself drinking for the day, though getting drunk isn't a possibility with his physical properties of neither being a human or organic in the slightest despite of his appearance.

(A week later)

A large crowd of people are gathered around in one of the harbor of England, mostly are nobles, government officials and military officers and leaders gathered in a attempt to boost british moral, where they had mustered many new soldiers to be deployed to the american colonies.

Despite the continued failed attempts to reclaim the colonies which has entirely declare themselves independent and refuse to reunite or reconcile with their home island nation, after the failure of both sides to meet a compromised with one another many months before the war.

It was plainly evident that the king was just very stubborn and desires not to lose the hundreds of years of effort of his ancestor colonizing America, only to end up losing it under his rule, a huge mark that would have left him in history to be remembered by many as a fool and incompetent in some cases.

The king was also in attendance as he looked over at the ships lined up at the waters several meters away from the docks, carrying what is considered to be the largest forces they could muster in the month that followed after the failure of the last reinforcement being sent to enforce the last loyalist lands from their rebel brethren.

It was a cloudy day the sun's light hid by a large flock of slightly gray cloud and some light fog permeated the entire port since the early morning, it was the 18th of May, a day that would go down in history for the british that their right to rule the sea had been denied by a much greater power who wields power over the sea itself.


Roars of thunder rang from the heaven's above as the skies darkened rapidly, the seas started to shake as everyone attention were drawn to the unexpected change of weather that occurred almost instantly as the breeze of wind became more intense, the fog grew thicker as the seas rocked all the ships both in and out the harbor itself.

Waves splashed onto the harbor, people nearby caught themselves wet or those to be unlucky pulled into the raging seas, like a vortex that hungered to be filled, the king and his officials were sent into a panic as soldiers that were witnessing the entire scene reminded of what they had saw before.

"It's coming, the lord's will on earth, the harbinger of the seven seas, the ark that marks the ruination of the prideful, of the arrogant, and of the fool, the radiant one graces us with god's judgement." A chant which started to spread as those who had survive the onslaught of Charleston.

To the foolish king atop a gilded throne, blinded by his own power and authority who knew nothing of the horrors they've experienced had tried to round the soldiers who have became derange, crazy, mad and delusional but a massive geyser of water however interrupted this from happening.

Everyone's attention turned towards the sea, ships stations were broke in twain by searing light that blinded all whom gazed upon it's radiance, the water parted way, lands broke in half and the skies shattered, an endless sea of dead stars hung from above.

Out of the geyser a colossal ship clad in white and golden steel, roaring with the fury and wrath of the sea itself, a strong earthquake shook the broken earth the harbor itself badly damaged as buildings who can't handle the pressure collapsed on itself, the king bear witness to the ship that had been haunting him with failures for months with no end.

Atop the giant ship was oddly shape giant birds that soon flew off with the guzz of a million wind, accidentally blowing of people's hats and hair off, making their hand stand straight in various odd ways that made it look like they were a bunch of clowns.

The birds flew, a song made from their cries as they dance and weave across the lightning that strucked the heaven's above, their wings unleashing metallic spears that fell to the grounds below, an immense force unleash that caused gravity to be warped and twisted and send people flying to the air, to the earth and to the sea.

Then the white ark rammed through one ship after ship, breaking them like paper being ripped apart into many pieces, people onboard are thrown off to the waters below soldiers, sailors, captains and so on, none were spared aboard their ships all were thrown into the raging sea.

A cold fright etched onto the king's heart as he noticed the ship sailing right straight at him, he called his soldiers to save but none were close or brave enough to calm near as white eagles above struck with relentless the fury of earth and heaven.

Heavy fog casted around the ark and the king, screeching of metal was heard as people could only see shadowy figures and blury silhouette of their ruler as they hear his cries, scream of horror, plead of mercy and then came silence.

The storm went silent, the raging waters halted, the earth returning to what it once were, the shroud slowly grew thin and parted, no long was their a white ark to be witnessed as if a ghost that had vanish as quickly as it appeared, nor the white docks accompanying the ark were found.

Only evidence of what was left was the ruins it had unleashed, at the center of the harbor their king stand, arm raised to the skies, his expression of terror and feared, but what stand out most was himself, lay their unmoving and silent a king carved in white salt.

Several golden writing are found etched on the pedestal he stand upon, several words where carved onto it, as the letters spoke; here does your reign end and here does the war end.

The message was very clear of what it had wanted to relay to many, ominous even but many are too focused of what has happened alongside the lost of their ruler, which sends the nation in a short turmoil as the government hastily finds a successor to the throne alongside a sue for peace between England and it's colony a few months later.

(South Pole, Site 001|Sometime Later)

Lucian arrive warping back to base as his newly upgraded gear retracted closely to him, the changes were little other than the pairs of shrunk size 25 inch triple-barreled attached to the back side of his main launching deck, he'd gotten an extra main weapon as offensive to use without summoning the rest of his gear which will be useful as always.

He desummoned his gear and stored it within an imagjnary space he made, his understanding of metaphysics and the more abstract and conceptual size of reality have given some much needed progress in his research to replicate the gear.

Arriving at the site, one of his major research base he walked through the halls quietly, listening to the workings if the automated machinery around him, after that little fiasco he caused back at England, summoning a cup of coffee as he was just about to enter his office when suddenly.


A loud explosion caught him off guard a bit as his coffee was spilled onto his uniform, much to his momentary dismay as he look slightly annoyed and wondered what was going on, he check his security and found no intruders or any signs of attack, concluding something bad happened in an experiment which is not unexpected but rare to happen due to the countermeasure and failsafe he had.

"What in blazes is going on here? Have I forget some of my experiment? Nothing too bad was damaged, the blast came from one of the heavy testing grounds, too much powered being used again or some minor miscalculation?" He thought just as he was about to enter his office.

He then hears voices of Michael and the other VIs inside the office room as he narrowed his eyes and thought that the VIs might be experiencing a malfunction, likely need to have a check and proper maintenance for them to function properly and not go skynet on him.

"Michael that's the 9th fucking time this week that you've been playing with strange matter! Without proper consent from Father you idiot!" He raised an eyebrow at the odd behavior of Uriel as he listened to the conversation.

"Sorry! I was just got excited in trying to develop a new Meta Particle, got carried away a little when testing the amount of energy a few grams that thing could produce." He

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