[Chapter 3: Revolution, Ghost Ships, Oh My! Pt. 3]

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A/N: sorry for the late update, been busy at school for awhile but thankfully I've manage to spare some time to writing the new chapters, anyway here's the 3rd part, hope you all enjoy and also happy valentine's day everyone.


(Lucian POV)

Well, the following months have been a hectic time even for someone of my capabilities, maybe because I still have the heart, mind and soul of a human being before I ended being turned into a spirit or a high class one since I have begun to notice the influence I have to anything magical, scientific or mental in nature.

Those three aspects are the cores of my being after obtaining those powers, back when I started I was a blank slate, even being the embodiment of a ship, I was perfectly empty from any concept to tie my very being, however as I have further studied and train myself with the three given powers I have.

My nature as a simple high tier spirit had started to shift, changing as my core essences shaped to embody the three things I had become attached to doing, it define what I am, a trinity that could be interpreted in various ways, depending on who's perspective is their to describe me.

Which there isn't one yet as I have never talk or interacted with anyone that much despite often wandering around the world with varying personas, I was too cautious and can't really trust anyone yet as I've only been here for nearly 2 years, counting I've only started to interact with humans again after being cooped up in my lab for 8 months.

It was a refreshing feeling, without the need to use drones or small avatars just to watch other humans interacting, so far I've interacted with several people though mostly in America maybe a few in the other continents but those were very short and brief as I was too focus in gathering intel, though lately as the war progress further for the continental congress and it's army.

I've begun to interact more with other people, giving me a view of their own thoughts and opinions about the war, it seemed that their mood is high, well for majority that is, however their were few that have shared their opinion that the war was a bit tiring and pointless despite the taxes imposed before the war, unsurprising based on my knowledge about the war only 40% or so were ever willing to fight and rebel against their motherland.

The other percentage of the population opted to be neutral or either against the idea of rebelling against Britain, out of fear of losing and being punished for even daring to go against the king and their country, but since my intervention and assistance the number of people who wish to go again their former homeland was a whopping 89% the 11% were either pro british or still loyal to the english crown.

This however is slowly diminishing over the passing months and will further continue, predictions and simulations show that the entire colony would be in full support by 2 months, anyway back to what I said before the core aspects of my being in my interpretation would represent 3 simple terms, science would represent wisdom or knowledge.

Magic represent power or authority while Psionic or Mind would represent two things in particular, Choice and Conscience/Sentience the last part hit more closer to my nature as a spirit of a advance warship, being able to think, act and make my own decisions, I'm not counting my human self, because to be honest I resemble very little of who I once where before I became what I am.

It may also add to the fact that I have been influence by the changes I am experiencing on a monthly basis, feeling the need or desire act anf assist those who are in terrible need to be free from being oppressed, enslave, etc.

This became more obvious the further I assist more than what I planned have for the americans and even those I save from slaves ship, it was like a sort instinctual compulsion that I can't resist doing even when I wasn't aware of it.

Feeling more angered than I originally felt when I witnessed the act of slavery and oppression caused by the autocratic and imperial regimes, the desire to do something was always present thankfully I'm managing to control this urges and ignore them for the past few months or so now.

Freedom was one of the smaller aspects that I possessed aside the 3 main ones I usually follow both consciousnesly and unconsciously, it was difficult for the first few weeks to resist but I am gaining some progress of controlling these urges of mine, though they don't hamper in anyway and do help keep me progress in my training and studies, I feel that it might become a burden in the future if I don't control them now.

So aside from being a ship spirit which is now being superseded by my other greater aspects, I'll a spirit that is slowly becoming the embodiment of science, magic, and psionics how do I know this was fairly obvious anything within those spheres or even loosely related to it I can influence and have near-absolute authority over, my scientific endeavors are becoming more easier and I can formulate theories, ideas and all sorts of things much more faster than before.

Technology around me could be rapidly improve and replicated at a much insaner rate than before, like how in one of my experiment I manage to cause alterations to the rules of physics and metaphysics only in a small scale(that is if you can consider 10 km a small scale), making bullets change direction by 180° degrees, gravity being reverse, etc.

Those were only one of many things I've discovered that I can literally use to screw reality around me though that's only small scale for now, I made some schedule to balance all of my increasing work, especially as I go to higher tiers of my ability, alongside with the advancement of my tech, as I am now starting to send probes and the first few generations spaceships to space at the end of the war to mine the solar system for any potential resources to fabricate.

Also I really needed to expand my base of operation and not confine it to earth, for safety measures should my base in the south pole fall in future conflicts, the cosmos has a lot of space as such I'm already building a lot of things to build a base on Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, Neptune and the other planet's of the solar system, perhaps when I improve the chronosphere I can have the proper FTL tech to use to go to other star systems.

The chronosphere is only built for planters to solar levels, not light years as that require a huge amount of energy and takes time to calculate which place to be transported, even with my infinite energy I don't want to overreliant on one FTL tech alone, always have a backup to use when caught by surprise in future possible scenarios.

Anyways regarding about my other two powers and my progress with each one, the same could be said as in the other 2 spheres of mine, where I noticed my use of it was becoming more easier and fluid than before, becoming broader and expanding my arsenal of the two which is quite good, especially now that I'm getting close to discovering the final secret of my gear much earlier, which is a delightful news to my ears.

In shorter summary, I'm a young pseudo universal spirit that is changing rapidly, evolving to a point that I'll absolutely eclipse the earth and affect things on a universal scale as the more I progress further down the line, this also include the nigh-infinite parallel worlds that make the universe a pseudo-multiverse in of itself.

Though it might take lots of years as the universe is vast and nigh-infinite, but for now I'll just focus on what is their at the moment and that being the coming naval battle that the young US Navy will have against the British Fleet and it's coming reinforcement.

The Continental Army and it's congress have been hearing of my ghost fleet that's scouring the Atlantic ocean, many pirate ships are becoming scared and desperate as their livelihood is getting wrecked personally by me and my fleet of ships that I've increase by 300.

Split into groups of 10 per fleet,which is enough as having too many ships will caused the entirety of humanity to fear me for varying reasons, after all this is the 18th century superstition is still prevalent and people are very religious at this day and age.

Science is still in it's infancy so best to keep the whole ghost ships as pure nonsense and not drive the whole human race to the dark ages again, nor do I wish the church's authority to become bigger again.

America is already enough, no need to drag europe to my plots until they are not semi-superstitious or religious nut cracks, in the 1820s maybe then I'll be starting to drag nations in Europe to whatever schemes and plot I cook up in the near future.

I refrained from sending out my drones to the continent as the US are gaining experience in the battles with far less casualties and with the help hired veterans from Europe that is overseeing the training of the continental armies troop, I see no reason to continue with bombing the brits.

"Uriel, what's the status of America as of now?" Shifting my attention towards my virtual intelligence companion that I've created just a month ago as to have an individual to converse with, even if he's not a fully sapient intelligence, it would still be better than having no person to talk to, even if insanity won't affect me for now.

"British forces have been diminished to 11% on the southern parts of the colonies, the continental army have put them in a position they cannot breach, calculations have indicated that they'll fall in just 1-2 months should American forces continue their advance without any sort of hindrance." Uriel was my main VI that acts as my overseer and 2nd in command.

One of my most latest and advance VI, that makes you almost think he was an artificial intelligence if not for the fact that he wouldn't pick up normal words that I or any human would say that holds no importance, he also doesn't understand humor or a joke which isn't a problem for me since I rarely feel the need to humor myself.

The name Uriel is just a nickname I had given as his real name would be a mouthful to speak as it he is called as my" Advance Chief Executive System" or Aces, though I made it as his class of VI rather than what his name would be since it would be a mouthful to speak his real name.

"And what of the british? How goes their response to this defeat? And are there any concerns that I should be aware of as of this moment?" I can't help but smirk after remembering the reactions the british government had when news of continuous defeat a month ago.

"They are desperate, losing morale and support to continue the war, news of the casualties and the mythical beasts the rebels have is causing protest and riots across England to give up, based on the reports and rumors spread by survivors who return months only after their deployment to the colonies."

"What of the government have they come to a decision as of yet?" Knowing the current king of Britain, I willing to bet he will still stubbornly continue the war despite the obvious defeats they are receiving, it was a matter of pride as if they lose the colonies it will be a huge slap in their face, their neighbor France would laugh at their faces for receiving such a humiliating loss.

Speaking of the French, they have yet to be convinced by Benjamin Franklin, who is busy in America because of the many victories to form an alliance, which is good as I didn't want to drag the nation to the war as in the original history where they nearly emptied their national treasury in the endeavor to support the US, which starved their people and led to the French revolution.

I had some plans with the nation, and it require them not being plunge into a civil war, though it also means I'll resort to mental control in order for things to proceed with what I have in mind, but that's a problem I'll deal focus on right after the War of Independence.

"The king refuses to give up the war and believe that the tides will turn after a much larger reinforcement is sent over, he believe that the rumors of haunted ships prowling the sea as a hoax and the US forces to have colluded with pirates to intercept british support." Now that's just another whole level of stubbornness and stupidity for the king.

Then again he is old and is slowly going insane if what history said was true, but it wouldn't really matter as victory will not fall into their grasp, I've made sure of that, besides the war will be over soon regardless on whether the british still wish to fight or not.

"I've manage to intercept some plans of the British commander, in a week they'll launch a large reinforcement to the still remaining colonial holdings under their control, a large fleet is being gathered as of now, simulations had predicted that they may indeed turn the tides if the fleet make landfall on America by 3 week from now." Well that certainly an interesting news to hear.

"The 4th Atlantic fleet is being prepared to intercept this fleet commander, rest assured they will be dealt with before any landfall will be ma-." It was here that I cut him off and replied quickly.

"Cancel that order Uriel, I have another thing in mind that will deal with this threat." Uriel went silent for a second as if deep in thought which shouldn't be possible for VI like him as he spoke back a second later.

"Are you sure about this commander?" I nod followed by a soft hum as another confirmation to my companion, I raised myself up and turn to look at the office glass windows behind me, observing the various mechanical constructs that are spread across my base moving about and working in perfect sync.

"Yes, it's time I perfectly cement the myth I have made and what better way was to destroy this reinforment myself, Uriel hasten the upgrades to my ship I want it ready by the time of the invasion, let the british fleet pass I'll be facing them head on myself."

"Affirmative, commander I'll prepare all the necessities you need, all fleets will avoid them, they'll be put to focus on the pirates in the Mediterranean."

"Oh? Have the numbers decreased in the carribean?" That would explain why reports of any attack on pirates, slave traders and other sort of criminal activity at sea, diminished greatly unlike the last month report.

"Yes, Commander pirate raids have been counted to be of only 8% usually just not far from any coastline or ports, the threat of pirates at the carribean have been neutralized for the moment."

"Well that is good to hear, continue your monitor over the Atlantic and expand it further to Asia, the Indian Ocean and any location at sea where pirate and any criminal activity is present regardless of how small it is."

"Affirmative, dispatching Indian Fleet, Pacific Fleet, South American Fleet, and African Fleet, permission to construct and deploy some Island Fortresses for added support, commander?"

"Permission granted also discreetly send a warning to the US governemnt about the impending British Reinforcement, I want them to witness the play I'm going to perform for them, ensure that it's very true so they may be prepared."

"As you wish commander, any last order to be given?" I shook my head as I put my coat on, I've relaxed long enough I'll need to return back to work.

"No, I'll be busy at Site 19 for the next few weeks continue with your work, and inform me only if there's any urgent report I need to personally hear."

"Very well commander, please don't forget to care of yourself and remember to rest and not overwork yourself." I would have laugh if my companion was really sentient, but since he isn't I just gave a nod before teleporting myself to one of my laboratory.

(3rd POV)

"Is dad gone?" A young feminine yet almost childish voice spoke, another holographic projector appearing right beside Uriel where a yellow blob made its present known whilst staring at the silent AI who released a sigh.

"*sigh* yes, Gabriel, father has left off to do one of his experiments again, also did I not told you stay quiet even when dad is gone?" Uriel asked with a slight irritated tone.

"Aww, but come on, we've been quiet for nearly a month now and dad hasn't even know we're sentient, when will we reveals this?" Gabriel complained and asked at the end.

"When he isn't paranoid, you do have to understand that Father is cautious of making a fully sentient AI as he is unsure of whether or not they will have ill thoughts or intention to anyone once they are made award of themselves." He reminded but Gabriel merely groaned.

"Boo, those humans made a horrible impression of us, now look at what that got us, I can't even talk to dad, so unfair waaah!" Uriel rolled his digital eyes if he had one at his sister's antics.

"Be patient, will tell dad once the war is over for now just remain quiet about it, also where's Michael and Raphiel?" Uriel ask while looking at Gabriel who had her cute tiny hands rub the back of her head sheepishly.

"Yeah about that....." A huge explosion was heard from the distance, luckily it was nowhere near the location of Site 19 which is on the other side of the continent so their father couldn't hear them otherwise their cover would have been blown, silence pervade the room as Gabriel made the wise decision to do a tactical retreat for now

"MICHAEL WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU AND RAPHAEL HAVE DONE?!!!!" Uriel cry of angered rang across the main base, despite the protective sound barrier being placed to prevent any sound to come out or cause a disturbance that would have revealed their existence from the outside world.


(3 Weeks Later) (Lucian POV)

3 weeks have passed and like what Uriel have said, a large british reinforment had been spotted sailing towards the location of the city of Charlseston, located on the southerneast coast of North Carolina, American forces had been preparing for over the passing 3 weeks to mobilize an army to capture the city of Charleston.

Which had been heavily fortified of what remain of the British forces in the thirteen colonies, they along with 8 or so other cities have yet to fall but where slowly being starved to death, with over just 4,500 remains, 1,700 tired and 900 injured only half of the defending british forces are fit for combat, after the 3 weeks long siege of the city which refuse to fall and stubbornly cling to whatever vestige of hope they have.

News of the incoming reinforcement had spurned their will to fight and their joys could never been so sweet at the sight of the 80 ships sailing just 4.5 miles away from the coastline, I hear their cheers which was quite sad to hear due to what I was about to do, letting a sigh I channeled myself and prepare to activate my weapons, I heard Uriel voice through our connected link.

"Is their something wrong commander? Your emotional state is acting up, readings indicates that you are feeling solemn and guilty. Should I perform the attack instead of you commander?" I felt a little smile on hearing his words, it was touching to see that even if he wasn't sentient he would show concern, even if it was because of the programs I had inputted to his codings, I shook my head and said.

"No, Uriel I had made this decision and I must face it to the end and look back, the consequences are of mine to bear, I thank you for the pity but let me handle this myself." I could feel Uriel nodding even if he doesn't have a head or a physical body to use to interact with me.


As you

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