[Chapter 5: Screwing History, All Over Again Pt. 1]

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A/N: alright here's the second arc which will reach all the way to the first world war, so expect a lot perspectives in different years and wars both familiar and divergent from the original history, the first chapter however will be focusing entirely on Lucian and the changes he and the others experience in the decade that had followed.


(3rd POV) (8 years and 6 months later)

"Are the results accurate Raphael?" Lucian asked as he reviews the reports being shown off to him by Raphael, over multiple holographic screens projected over his desk, sitting just a few inches away, he wore the typical research uniform that he often uses, minus the helmet and the armor that he usually wore as a protective gear during his experiments.

He had his office expanded which now stretch over 30 meters wide in diameter, several furniture and some simple miscellaneous things were added to make the room less all white, blank and dull making it a bit more comfortable and vibrant unlike the previous design he had put in place, since he was far too busy with his work and plans to put make on design on his workplace/base.

But since his awareness of his own sons and daughters being sentient, he had to accommodate some changes to the usually white and dull appearance that the base once had, he relegated the designing towards Gabriel and Montana who both are good at this compared to him, who's more focus on technological and scientific advancement, research, development and universal warfare.

Speaking of Montana the young spirit he had created years ago, had been a bright bundle of joy for him, the woman was a serious yet cheerful individual, she had become a beloved sister for Gabriel and brighten things for everyone within the base, her existence had allowed him to unlock the secrets of how his gears work and lead to further massive results and progress in his research and development about his own existence as a spirit.

Due to the success of her creation, it had allowed him to further expand his knowledge and power over the more mystical, esoteric, metaphysical immaterial side of the cosmos and the higher dimensional laws, etc. Which includes the study and creation of the soul itself, a rather complex and highly complicated subject to delve in when he first tried, there were a lot of failures to be expected when performing such task.

He hadn't progress much at first due to how hard it is to try and create a soul, he wasn't going to resort to use immoral methods as he knew that doing so would be pointless and isn't worth the risk being taken, he seen enough movies although possibly not accurate to know just how bad it would be to mess up in making a soul, it can even be corruptive and negative which isn't what he wants.

But since his successful creation of his first ever spirit, a massive burst of knowledge awakened within his mind, enlightening him of a lot of things about the soul and it's workings, thus allowing him to gain better results in giving him the necessary steps to slowly but progressively know how to make a soul, Montana was a unique case that gave him an understanding of her nature and even himself.

His theory that all of the beliefs, wishes, hopes, dreams or the unconscious of many or in this case mankind to greatly influence a concept or something immaterial and give life to it was true or atleast for the most part, all that was needed was the method and necessary materials to act as the catalyst to cause said thing to manifest physically and become a living being walking in reality.

This had lead to the creation of a unique material that he dubbed as Soulium, the same material his gears was made up of or more accurately his entire being is made up of Soulium as he discovered it not too long after Montana creation, he started to mass produce the material so he can find out what more the element can do other than manifesting a concept onto reality as a living being or physical spirit, which also carries powers closely representing the concepts that made up his and Montana existence.

It was a very fascinating discovery for him, unlike Montana however he was a conceptual being still growing as unlike her which has already been defined and influence by the USA and it's people, he was a completely blank spirit which had infinite potential to grow of course it doesn't mean that Montana can't grow stronger, only that her potential is much more specific, while his potential was very broad in comparison to her own.

Making him gain abilities outside of his three powers, based on the concept he had obtained, which was a lot both major and minor concepts, an example of this would be the Sea, he's connection with it was near-absolute, giving him the authority to manipulate the sea and anything related to it, just I said before his concept was very broad and not just limited to one defining description.

The term sea isn't just about the body of water that makes up most of the planet, he's authority extend to anything that can or be loosely defined as a sea, be it a sea of fire or acid, a higher dimension, the spaces between stars, etc. Of course it didn't immediately made him all-powerful as he still need time to harness his newly gained authority, but it had gave him knowledge and a lot of perks.

Like selective omniscience over the seas and it's concept, practically making him aware of anything happening within the seas, this does come with some limits as he hasn't fully mastered the concepts he now embody, Lucian wasn't expecting to become all-powerful anytime soon not that he wanted to, given he was already strong with his current level, though it doesn't hurt to grow stronger and be prepared for whatever crazy event that AE might throw at him.

Anyways going back before this, Lucian began doing all sorts of Experiments on the newfound element, he obviously did not decided to create another ship spirit as Raphael decided to classify Montana the type of spirit she was, Lucian can be also considered part of the category but couldn't be fully considered as one due to his nature, he's more considered to be a higher dimensional spirit contained in a lower dimensional form.

His true self exist at a higher dimension, in any case his body dies, he'll simply reform as he had discovered after going through some experiments one of those involve astral projection which lead to the discovery of his true body, it lay dormant as he hasn't reach the point of which he is capable of awakening himself just yet not that it bothered him, he was immortal after all, he has a lot of time before he could take that step.

He was satisfied with his current life for now, back to the experiments Soulium was an interesting element and the more he studied it the more secrets he uncovers, one of this was being able to empower a spirit, expanding it's concept to be more broad than before, Montana receiving an upgrade just a month after her birth, which made her stronger and obtain some unique skills and features.

Lucian continued to experiment with the element further, with help from his own kids who after discovering how to use the element, increase the amount of progress he usually receives by a lot, though they all didn't just focus themselves on work, they weekly go on a trip across some parts of the world to have a family bonding and streghten their relationship as a family, he doesn't want to neglect his children after all.

"Yes, father your prediction were atleast 99% accurate with only a little difference, the situation in Europe is much more stable, the liberal reforms will continue being implemented across most nation, since the french revolution didn't occured and caused a scare for the ruling monarchs." Raphael replied with a please look on his face as he hands out other news to his father desk.

"Well that's good to hear, the french revolution was one of the worst events to occur on history during the early 19th, not to mention all the shitshow that had followed after the failure of the first french republic." He spoke back, thoughts drifting a bit at the knowledge of the original history and how much it had affected the early days of the 19ths.

"Indeed though are you sure this is for the best father? With history being majorly overturned we can't expect the same events to occur as it had been in the original history that you know." His son asked with a bit of worry, which he could not blame him, if it was years ago them it would be much more difficult for them to predict what events will be occurring due to the changes they made.

However his growth and advancement in a lot of things for several years have helped predict and simulate the possible futures that could occur, adding the several other AI or Spiritual Intelligence as he chose to classify his kids after they used Soulium on themselves, generating a soul and concept that are uniquely compatible with them without causing a major change in their personality.

He did however scolded and forbidden to perform any kind of test or experiment, grounding them for a month, what they did nearly gave him a heart attack after making him worry for their safety and life, they were his kids related or not, he couldn't bear to lose even one of them, since they are family and Lucian predicted he would have probably fall into depression for months if that were to had ever happen.

"Normally I would be worried if I was like old myself several years ago, but we have progress quite far than we had before, our Time-Space research bureau had made 90-100% accurate predictions on a daily basis, not to mention we are continuing to advance, if we wish to maintain the flow of old history that is much easier to do with the current tools and tech we have." He replied with assurance in his voice, Raphael did not disagree with it as he nods.

"Besides it was already expected from the moment I had assisted the US in their war of independence with Britain, while some things are different most still just stay the same as in old history if with a few changes being added, so how goes the rebuilding in America going?." Lucian added and ask at the end before waving the screen in front of him, shifting the reports to a different one as he reads the contents.

"The fledgling United States has thus far recovered much better, they manage to maintain a moderate size army and navy, while the rest who joined the war were sent to retire and payed well with the money we had secretly donated, it's predicted they'll become a major player in the world stage on 1830s, with the current progress they are making." Raphael reported while Lucian gave a satisfied smile as he hears the report.

"Wonderful, that would at least put a great hindrance and a leash at Britain or any other European power expansion in the other continents, especially Africa." He spoke, Raphael agreeing within as he was well aware of the original history and the events that had occured, they dubbed is as the old or lost history since the current era doesn't follow the same it had in history or at least half of it.

"How goes Michael and Metatron mission? Has their been any news from them thus far?" He asked, changing the topic as he shift his seat slightly to look outside his office window, where a lot of individuals outside were walking about, familiar looking gears attached to their bodies as they work, Lucian had begun to create more ship spirit 2 year ago, at the behest of his kids and Montana who wish to have more people to interact with.

They number over 200,000 thousand for the moment, though some had already made relationship and he was expecting the start of the population growth, most of the ship spirit roaming around were ships he had created but customly modified to create unique spirit who are trying to learn and discover the concept that is a part that make up who they are, which is much easier as he was involve in their creation and knew which concept that is part of their core being.

Thus did he truly became a leader or the Prime Minister of the nation Atlantis and yes he did named his nation after the lost civilization, because his nation existence was hidden and a secret to the wider world, also kinda fits for some odd reason, he just felt like it suited well or it had to do with the concept that he is embodying, giving him the name, who knows? not that he cares about such trivial thing since it wasn't bad anyway.

Nevertheless it didn't surprise him as he had expected that he would one day become a leader, at least he had several years to study and learn from his participation and objeservation of the various political government of various nation, a good help in giving him insight on how to become a world and what is the best course of action to take, there is some mistakes he made but he learns fast, luckily his kids formed a council to help him manage the newlyborn nation.

Raphael gave the answer by shaking his head as a sign of yes, before speaking up." So far they've reported to have made some progress over Asia, especially China they are very rooted in their tradition but they've manage to influence the government to initiate reforms, though some individuals had to be eliminated that are possible hindrance to China industrialization."

"Unsurprising yet necessary in the end, we don't need that nation to be plunged into the warlord era or be abused by the European power in the distant future, also please tell them to keep an eye over Japan and make it one of their main priorities when they begun leaving their isolation." He ordered as Raphael nods.

"Understood father, by the way had you noticed that Montana has been going on a lot lately? I've read reports that she is bringing several of the younger spirit with her everytime she goes out." His son questioned first and then told at the second half of his sentence, Lucian nods as he knew the reason why she goes out often, he crosses his arms as he looked at his son before speaking.

"Yes, she's been asking for more time to train the younger spirits and to give them some real experience in combat, I saw no problem to it so long as she keep our existence a secret and don't cause any sort of issue." He replied, Raphael frowning slightly before returning to his neutral expression after some moments of thoughts.

"That explain the less number of spirits being found training in the simulations for the past few months now, anyway father Gabriel had sent a report of her progress on Mars, she says that the world engine should be completed within 8 months from now, she also add that the skycity project is 67% complete and we are expected to start harvesting the planet's resource a month from now." Raphael goes on with other daily reports.




Montana blasted a pirate with her large turrets, blowing the living cancer to smithereens as the ship she was exploded in a burst of fire that unaffected her as she lands ontop the water, while the crew of the ship she had targeted were either burned or fell onto the waters, where she uses her rifle to blow their heads if their was anyone that is still alive after that explosion.

"M-Monster." A pirate spat at her before her rifle opened up a whole on the pirate's forehead, she had often heard that name being called at her everytime she goes out hunting pirates, which is a routine and exercise at this point rather than a battle, Montana had served her maker for nearly 10 years now, often tasked in dealing with problem at sea or land, she was his personal hitman, assassin and elite guard, which she did not mind.

As rarely does he send her out, maybe every week or two but not that often as she often found herself having lots of time other than some daily task being assigned to her, mostly training and teaching the younger spirits to use their gear and unlock their potential, other than that she often stay closer beside her maker, acting as a sort of maid, assistant or secretary outside of combat.

"Ivory, what's your status?" Montana ask through the communicatiin link they share though the small earpiece attached to her ears as she looked at the pirate based infront of them, where she was witness burn as the screams of the people within ranged, the sounds of highly weapons bring fired reaching her ears, she sees the young ship spirit she'd brought for live training blowing their target in various lethal but quick ways.

"Were clearing the last of the remaining hostiles within the island, my lady it shouldn't take too long, probably just a few more minutes." Ivory a carrier class ship spirit reported, the sounds of her planes flying through the air dropping incendiary bombs that fell and burned many into charred corpses, Montana hummed in acknowledgement as she walk across the water where many dead bodies float around.

It had been only 15 minutes since they arrived and attacked the eleventh secret pirate base of the day where she had brought 12 destroyers, 6 Cruisers, 8 frigates and 2 carriers and for attack submarines alongside with her to help eliminate the cancers of society for good, it serve as a good way to gain some live experience for ships who had only been practicing using simulations and false wars matches that are being performed every month.

"Are their any slaves found within their holdings?" It had become a common occurrence for them to rescue slave and free them after some extensive medical care, though they swore allegiance to at least act as their hands in human society where they built up their wealth and influence that Atlantis can used to influence and affect nations of interest, but they at least have their freedom in enhance for Atlantis own interest.

"There are several captives that we have found though many are badly injured, we beleive some are affected badly both physically and mentally my lady, they'll likely need extensive medical care." She sighed at hearing at the end of her report, this kind of thing were the most troublesome problems they have to deal with after saving slaves.

Though they had advance medical care that can help treat even the most severe mental illness the scars left behind are something that can't be removed from their minds aside from the options of just memory wipe, it take time for them to heal luckily they just knew how to help heal their minds without agitating or risking their patients mental health.

Then again this was Uriel problem as he is the head the medical research branch and the most expert at this problem, since he had been studying in this field for years through observation and study at many human medical institutions, he doesn't use the same method but it did gave him some useful experience to use.

"Gather them all up, be sure to be nice and welcoming as possible we don't want to worsen their condition after the many years of pain they've experienced in this living hell hole." Her orders as her student acknowledged on the other side before going silent, Montana shifts her attention to an incoming cannonball she casually caught with her left arm.

"She caught it!" They were despairing at this point, doesn't need a genius to notice just from the tone of their voices, some even went mutiny, even when death is at their doorstep they still fight and squabble amongst themselves.

"S-Shoot that monster down!" She would have applaud at the person who's still brave enough to say that but she isn't here to play ghost to them, she's not a sadist after all nor does she enjoy such depraved act, only the most degenerate of individuals could have ever love.

Panic was evident on the remaining pirates expression, whatever ship

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