[Chapter 13: A War Beneath The Cosmos, Pt. 2]

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A/N: Today's chapter is mostly focused on Caelus and Dido interaction and also meeting a new characters that will often appear in the arc, this arc will be slow and a long focus on interactions between Caelus and various peoples and kansen throughout the conflict he drags himself, so please enjoy everyone and have a nice day to you all.

Also if you wondering what Caelus look like, I posted atop the chapter title that's what he looks like.

(3rd POV)

The sound of pages being flipped every half a minute echoes softly in a medium size room, with only the sound of the ocean and people outside being muffled by the enclosed room, the windows are closed except the curtains which shows the beautiful scenery of the naval base, various naval officers and workers walk around and converse with some kansen, and several fluffy birds called Manjuus.

"The tea is ready, Caelus." Dido calls out as she enters his room, where Caelus sat on the sofa of his assigned room reading through some books he had asked Dido to search for him, having preferred to read things on a book than on the new internet system that was quite popular around the world now for half a decade.

Though it was still being develop as only a few million can gain access to it, due to it's still limited numbers and range which make it difficult for most to communicate with others on locations that are isolated or out of the internet range to reach them, though there was progress in the deployment of small size satellites outside earth.

Which boosted there range, but still the number of fundings being sent to the young space program by each nation is small as most are focused on the war against the sirens that have continously disrupted sea travels by civilian and cargo ships, affecting the world's entire economy badly, that shipment are often being guarded and move at specific routes to ensure they don't get attacked.

It became a major reason why the world banded together to form Azur Lane sure there are still some tensions between the nations that fought in the great war, though this is merely limited to trying to outdo the other in a technological arms-race to gain an upper hand against the other that they would be less of a threat to their status as a great power or just a way for them to annoy the other.

This was mostly between the nations of Britain and the Germany, both having not fully set aside a few of their grudges against each other, though they don't show this openly as it would have alienated the other great powers from them and lessen their influence in the world stage, especially in Azur Lane the other great powers have the capacity to destroy them if they were all provoked.

Britain may be the largest but it can still fall to a combined alliance of other great powers who are much more advance in some aspects, Germany is no exception they have the best technology that is only being rivaled by Eagle Union (America) and the Northern Imperium (Russia), the latter is still catching up but is closing the gap within a few years.

Having a large population and complex industry that is stretching to Siberia does cause many genius to rise up when the opportunity is given, considering that Eagle Union and Northern Imperium share a border in between Alaska and Canada the two relation was becoming close and rumors have it a possible alliance, Caelus was unsure whether the rumors is really true or not.

But who was he to wonder about a news that isn't validated yet? He will just have to wait and see in the near future whether or not that is true, for now though he has to focus on the delicious tea that Dido makes, despite her clumsy behavior she's quite genuine and is only trying to satisfy her master's wishes, sure in the past 2 days since he left the hospital and move to his personal room.

He had experience several accidents but most of which was Dido tripping or accidentally slipping some tea but it was not bad as he imagined, he simply just forgave her and help fix her behavior to prevent it becoming repetitive which work for the most part there are still some mistakes and accidents every now and then, still he had gained some progress and learning more about her.

Turns out she has very a low self-esteem of herself, he concluded that it must have been due to how much she is often being abused and thrown aside by the previous officers that she had tried to serve, likely they've told her something that cause her to become like this, which explain why she often worry and say that she isn't worth being cared for.

Something that he needs to help resolve if the woman needs to move out of her shell of self-imposed guilt that isn't even her fault to begin with and just because one often makes mistake doesn't mean that she is completely at fault, though it'll be difficult task since they have been only interacting with each other for 2 day not enough to make him consider to be close to her.

"Thank you, Dido." Caelus softly spoke as he closes the book he read, setting it aside for now just as Dido walk with the tray held by both hands, unfortunately fate had a terrible sense of humor when she suddenly trip on the floor mat, causing her to lose her balance as her eyes widen and let out a surprise shout.

"Aaah!" Luckily he have been expecting something like this would happen again so he moved swiftly to catch her, hands stretching out to hold her in a soft embrace that didn't spilled the contents of the tray she was carrying just as she is pushed slightly back and regain her balance, though it didn't stop her from blushing at how close the pair were.

"Don't worry I gotcha, are you okay now Didom" Caelus says before asking just as she stop moving, Dido shyly looked up with a slight fluster at her master giving a timid nod and a cute yes that would made Caelus chuckled as he let's her go, much to her dismay as he sat back on the sofa.

"Sorry about that ma-Caelus." Dido says with an apologetic look, he however only smiled back, patting the woman's head which caused her let out a cute but soft moan, apparently patting her head is one of Dido weakness who knew? Well he certainly did and used it as a way to reward or easen up her worries.

"That is fine Dido, didn't I told you not to apologize anymore? Besides accidents happened all the time, at least you aren't doing it badly like yesterday." Caelus reminded causing her to blush when she remembered yesterday's accident, in which she had smothered him with her breast after slipping on the floor mat.

"Mm~ the tea you made seemed a little different today, did you perhaps add something to it?" Caelus asked after he tasted the tea she had brought, he has to admit it taste sweet almost like someone added milk and sugar to sweeten up the taste, something he apparently likes.

"I-Is there something w-wrong with the taste C-Caelus? I d-didn't made any mistake when I was making it, I swe-." She panicked slightly and tried to explain but Caelus cuts her off with a raise of his hand, making her stop and listened nervously which Caelus could only internally sigh as he thought to himself.

"Oh, Dido still worrying about everything a bit too much, I swear whoever caused her to become like this will need to pay for making such a sweet and innocent woman like her to become this way." He thought with pity hidden within his eyes as he stared at his temporary maid for the past 2 days now.

"No there is nothing wrong with it, I was just asking really, the tea you made tasted very sweet and nice, you must have put a lot of effort in making this Dido." He praises which turned the previously nervous wreck of a maid to a flustered one as if she was a high school girl receiving a praise from her crush.

"It's nothing master, I was merely trying to make it more sweet to your liking." She softly replied while trying to avert her gaze from him, Caelus find it cute but made no comment not wanting to further tease the poor maid from being praised by him, taking another sip from it before he relaxed himself.

"Oh don't be so humble of yourself Dido, it's not often I could taste something as sweet as your tea, and please don't just stand there go ahead and take a seat, it must be exhausting walking back and forth from my room to the kitchen just to get me some tea." He added before gesturing to take a seat right beside him.

"C-Caelus there is no need for you to tell that to me, I-I am perfectly fine standing h-here I cannot simply forget my duty as your m-maid, so please don't mind me." She tried to deny even as her face was becoming more flustered by his praising being not used to receiving such things from outside of those really close to her.

Caelus was not having with her denying, so he might as well use his authority to make her sit down, she's done enough for him in the past few days than anyone have and he barely treats her as a maid and more of a close companion or friend, he after lived a life of having to take care of himself since at a young age, having a made felt weird for him.

"That's not a request that I am asking to you Dido, that's an order and isn't it your duty to obey my orders?" Caelus questions smugly to Dido who pouted at being outplayed, she can't really protest since she herself said that she can't neglect her duty as a maid, she shouldn't have been opened her mouth further.

"Y-Yes, Caelus." She said with a slightly grumpy look, frustrated that Caelus isn't treating her like the lowly maid she is and caring for her more than he should have, they both where stranger 2 days ago and have only known each other for those passing days yet he is acting like he knows and understand her very well.

"Good girl, now was that so hard to do?" He asked but all he earned was an angry huff from her as she turns around while crossing her arms, muttering something about him being a stupidly kind master or something, he just ignored it and focus on drinking his tea and return to reading the book he had read a minute ago.

"Hmpf." A grumpy Dido is a cute Dido, a fact he couldn't disagree to himself as he stared at her silent, this however didn't go unnoticed by her causing her to unconsciously blushed at the attention, wondering why Caelus is staring at her that way much to her own bemusement, not wanting to wait she decided to ask.

"W-What are you s-staring at?" She asks but soon regretted it because of what Caelus said next, of all things why does he also have to possess such a quality it's as if god wanted to screw with her in a good way that is, that doesn't mean she's happy about it! Stupid handsome gentlemen with a oversize golden heart.

"Oh? Just appreciating how cute you can be when your mad, honestly I almost fell for your charms it's almost like your doing it on purpose, but you wouldn't do that would you Dido~." He teased, and that got her a full blown blushed as her arms moved on their own to cover her face, it's like Eugen all over again.

"Caelus!" She shouted while Caelus only laughed back at her, though internally she felt happy for the first time years, it felt nice to have some see her differently and not just a living weapon as most of those she was assigned to did, she wasn't wrong to try him and from the past 2 days that they interacted Dido realize how different he was to others.

"Well that got her out of her shell, good to see that she can still act normal and not a always nervous wreck." Caelus thought to himself, noticing the light but merely unnoticeable smile she had, the least he can do was make her time with him nice and and comfortable before he recovers and she return to her old post.


His thoughts were briefly interrupted by a knock on the door as he fixes his gaze on the door, wondering who could it be as he puts the tea cup and book away before standing, Dido noticed this as she stood up as well to follow him as he says. "I wonder who could it be, Dido can you take a look for me?" He asked.

"Yes, Caelus." She replied as she walked over to the door and look at the small viewing hole of his room, as she regain her bearings as a proper maid that she was, viewing through the door she calls out on who it was that came knocking at her master's room.

"Yes who is it?" As she asked a feminine voice came out from the other side though this one seem more mature and formal when compared to Dido who fumbles and stutters sometimes when she speaks, Caelus leaned closer to get a better hearing of who the person was just as the other side finally spoke back.

"Apologize for the disturbance Dido, it's me Belfast, but mind if I ask if Commander Caelus is there with you at the moment?" Belfast the name of the woman asked, Caelus mind briefly recalls something and remembered that she was a well known kansen that have fought in the 3rd Atlantic Invasion four years ago, he was still an officer in training back when he'd heard of her.

"Ah! Y-Yes he's here with me right now, Belfast would you perhaps wish to talk with him? He's unoccupied at t-the moment though recuperating from his injuries a fews days ago." Dido replied with slight surprise which he can understand, likely believing that Belfast is a high ranking individual among the kansens of the Royal Navy.

"Ah yes I've heard of that incident, most have been talking about for the days now since it happened." That got him to frown, while he knows that him being injured by a kansen might have been a major talk for everyone in the base he didn't imagined it would still be remembered, something tell him it's not being painted in a good light.

"Hmm, something tells me that incident well put Dido in trouble hopefully Steven can do something about it, if not then I'll just have to clear myself it was just an accident after all, they shouldn't be prying to someone else problem unless it was really necessary." Caelus thought to himself, making sure to keep an eye out and also to be sure that Dido will not be put in harms way because of him.

"Would you mind letting me in, I wish to speak with him for a moment there is something that I need to tell your master." Belfast politely asked as Dido turned to look at him, Caelus didn't need to think of it and simply nodded at her, beckoning her to let the other kansen in, curious to know what a famed ship like her need from a simple officer like him.

"Y-Yes of course just please wait for a moment." Dido replied as she went over to grab the door handle before twisting it open, the door slowly opened to reveal the kansen who wore a much different set of maid clothes, though he did notice that it reveal her assets more and was briefly bewildered by the metal collar that was attached on her neck.

Well he wasn't about to ask her about it, that would sound rude of him thought it does boggled his mind why she would be wearing such a thing, perhaps she is being kinky as a friend of his once said, even kansens are becoming weirder these days, but who is he to judge someone that may just be for decoration she likes to wear.....a rather strange one.

As Belfast enters his room, she greeted him with a bow as she bended how back all the way down before saying." I am please to meet you Lord Caelus, do apologize if I somehow disturb you but I came here bringing urgent news from the Chief Admiral." Now that certainly made him a bit worried if it personally came from the Chief Admiral himself.

"That is alright miss Belfast and please no need for the honorific, just Caelus would be enough and do tell what urgent new it is that the admiral have sent here for me to know?" He replied back at her, Belfast was quick to straighten herself up as she looked at him before speaking.

"The Chief Admiral wishes to see you in his office, I'm afraid I cannot tell what it is that requires your presence there but as one of the newly assigned commander, he wishes for you to meet him so you may talk with some matters concerning your new duty as a commander." Belfast informs as Caelus sat back on one of his sofa to process what he had just heard before nodding.

"The Chief Admiral did told me that I'll be taking on my first mission once I recover, I suppose there had been some changes or my condition has recovered enough for me to participate in it." He thought to himself before he was broken out of his thoughts by a very worried Dido that asked out Belfast as he listened to their conversation.

"Why? Is m-master Caelus in t-trouble?! He didn't do anything wrong so please don't punish hi-." She was cut-off from her question by Belfast who put one of her finger on the other maid lip to stop her from assuming the worst as it was obvious she didn't carefully listened to what they where talking and came to a wrong conclusion as she usually does.

"Worry not Dido, your master isn't in any sort of trouble he simply wishes him to be present at his office fro some urgent business related to his duty as an officer, besides if he did then he would have been knocked out the moment I was entering the room." She replied as Caelus look at her with 'are sure you serious look' on his face before saying.

"Well ain't that not reassuring perhaps I'll be more worried whenever a maid comes in to my room with the intent of knocking me unconscious." He deadpan as Belfast merely giggled in a soft tone while smirking and acting like she didn't heard what he said to her as she replied.

"I am merely following protocols made by the Chief Admiral, we do often have to deal with troublemakers every now and then, knocking them out is the swiftest way to prevent violence from escalating." She so innocently replied as Caelus chuckled but nonetheless nods at her joke even if what she said is true.

"Well...can you excuse me for a moment ladies? I would appreciate if nobody is watching while I change clothes just wait for me outside I'll be done quickly." He requested to which Belfast complied but Dido looks like she wanted to protest but a quick gaze from him made her relent even when she knew that she wanted to help dress him up.

"Very well, we'll wait for you outside but do be quick for I wish not to see Lord Steven wait us any longer." She says just as she turns around and beckons Dido to follow her, who hesitated for a moment before following as they walked out of Caelus room to let him get dressed properly before they head over to the chief admiral's office.

"What can you say about commander Caelus, Dido? Did he do anything bad to you?" Belfast suddenly asked after they had walked out, turning to look at Dido who was caught a little surprise by the head maid's question, processing what she said as she noticed Belfast watching her intently to see if she's lying or not.

"No! Of course not he didn't do anything terrible t-to me i-in fact he was so kind to me that he had consider my own t-thoughts and o-o-opinions when I was s-serving him." Dido deplied looking a bit flustered and shy of all things, this got a reaction reaction the usually calm and collected head maid, she saw no lies from the way Dido had spoken of him.

"Ho? And how can you be so sure of this Dido? It has only been two days and you already believe that he's someone you can trust? You shouldn't be assuming things to hastily Dido for your sake, we don't want a repeat of what happened a year ago do we not?" Belfast reminded as Dido wince before giving a resolute look as she retorted back at Belfast.

"Your wrong, I

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