[Chapter 14: A War Beneath The Cosmos, Pt. 3]

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A/N: if any of your are wondering why the 3 chapters mostly consist of Caelus conversing with various people, the 3rd arc will be focusing not only on the conflict but the people involved in it alongside political affairs,  the consequences of every action one makes and so much more, as I'm trying to make this part of the stpry to look a much more realistic so expect battles to appear less than the previous arcs.

(3rd POV)

"Grandfather I object!" The words were clear for anyone to heard despite the loudness of it, Caelus was confused at the young woman who looks like she's only 3 years younger than him, though she wore a similar uniform to his it had a much lower rank based on what he is seeing, she's ranked vice commander a rank second only to his own.

Caelus does not need to guess why she'd come here, likely because of either two options the first being that he had replace her as the possible commander of that island that the chief admiral was talking about or the second being that she was not happy of being assigned to a different officer rather than being promoted though its likely both options.

The woman had a long snowy hair that reach all the way to her hips, crimson eyes that gleam like ruby and was two inch shorter than him, she had a fierce look etched on her face when she had entered the room, from the looks of it she may have heard about his promotion which should not be known yet to anyone, only higher rank officers should have known the council's about it.

Then remembering what she first said it made some sense since the woman did call the chief admiral her grandfather, making her the granddaughter of Steven who has some resemblance of the old man, with a raised eyebrow and a surprise look on his face, Caelus turns to look at the chief admiral with a questioning look etched on his face.

While he may know why or at least can guess why she is objecting, he still is confused at the sudden appearance of the woman who could have talked about this to Steven when he is not around because she's oddly giving a bad impression towards him right now, and doesn't she realize that even if she's the chief admiral's granddaughter that she'll still get punished if she breaks the rules.

Though considering Steven didn't seem to mind her barging his office, this must be a usual occurrence for him and everyone else if no one had stopped her from entering, Dido and Belfast were guarding the door outside so they would have not allowed her to enter especially when they're far more stronger than a regular human, since they are ships given physical form so their strength must be equivalent to their own sizes.

But Caelus set this aside to focus more on the current situation, curious to see why the girl opposed him so much and why is she giving such a hostile look despite this was the first time that they had ever met, he did do anything bad did he? Last time he checked he made sure to avoid gaining enemies during his time in the academy and training at the Atlantic Theatre unless he'd forgotten.

"Lucia, what is the meaning of this? I am having an important meeting here with your superior." Steven asked a hint of tiredness in his voice as if it was not the first time he'd experience dealing with this kind of thing, though Caelus at least now know who the girl that had barged into the room was, Lucia.... a nice name.

"Grandfather, why am I still assigned as a vice-commander? I've been serving the navy for 6 years and then this newbie comes along and replace the position I was supposed to take? I'm objecting against this decision!" Lucia the granddaughter of Steven said as she entered the room while leveling a glare at his direction.

"Hey! Why am I being blamed? I didn't do anything since I arrive here, and I've just learned that I got promoted why is there a person angry at me now?" Caelus thought to himself as he felt wronged at the accusation being thrown by the woman, not to mention he felt insulted at being called a newbie did that girl not know he had been serving the navy for 13 years?

"I'm 31 years old now and that girl looks like she barely in her mid twenties to even be considered as fit for a promotion to be a commander." Caelus added before stopping in his tracks as he realize that he's trying to scrutinize the young woman, reminds himself that he shouldn't be judge her just because she had given a terrible impression to him.

"You still have not gain any approval to be promoted from Dantalion, despite of your 6 year service most of the reports detail mostly about your excellent management and logistical talent there's no report of any experience of taking command of a fleet against the sirens expect for those scouting missions you've performed for only 2 years." Her grandfather replied to Lucia who flinch.

"Not to mention most of the time you're actions are deemed reckless and lead to some major damage to those destroyers assigned to you, while your strategies and tactics are good you often fail to consider the safety of the kansens under your command, thus your still deemed unfit to be a commander." Steven added with a strict tone in his voice as he gave a stern look at Lucia who flinches again.

That may have hit a sore spot on the girl as he saw her bit her lip and clench her first hard that Caelus got worried that she may injured herself and caused a bleeding if she clench too hard, though he has to admit the admiral can be quite brutal with his words even to his own granddaughter but then again they serve the navy and death is always possible with the sirens constant threat.

"I still have better experience than this new recruit of yours, he may still be fresh from the academy and don't know anything, so why the heck would he be promoted while I am not?" Lucia protested fiercely as she looked at Caelus who gave a blank expression the insult she gave barely faze him who had dealt much worse verbal insults during training years in the Atlantic Theatre.

"That's another reason why you weren't chosen as the commander Lucia, you judge others too quickly and don't try to understand them, you let your own emotions get the best of you." The chief replied while chuckling as he turned to look at Caelus who had been silent for a while now, Lucia on the other hand was dealt with another blow from her grandfather.

"I am not a child grandfather! Will you stop with that treatment already, mom and dad was bad enough and now your doing the same thing as they always do to me, I'm not a fragile doll that needs to be protected at all times!" Lucia angrily replied but Steven was unfazed by the childish banter his granddaughter was giving him as he was used to it by now.

"Not unless you stop acting like one, the council's decision is absolute and I cannot simply object to their decision even with the authority I have." Steven answered, Caelus knew this as a lie since he gave him the option to accept or deny the promotion, though he wasn't going to tell this to the woman as Steven is likely doing this for her safety.

"I'm still objecting to this decision, I will not serve under a nobody who barely came out of the academy with little to know experience, he even got himself injured the first day he came here! And what were you thinking assigned Dido to him? He may have even hurt Dido, since she was the one who injured him!" Lucia remark while giving him a scornful gaze that was truly unfounded.

"Okay now that's too much, accusing me of assault or harm Dido is too much, no wonder she haven't been promoted yet with a nasty personality like that you will get yourself into trouble." Caelus thought to himself but made no move to retort but he gave a frown that was noted by Steven who had narrowed his eyes after hearing his Lucia accusation on Caelus.

"Stop with the accusation Lucia! Dido is completely fine and have been treated well by him, do not accuse an innocent person who hasn't committed any crime or I'll be force to suspend you, do I make myself clear?" Steven asked sternly to his granddaughter who wanted to retort but he cuts her off before she could say anything this time with a much angrier voice than the usual calm tone he had.

"Bu-." A slam of his fist on his desk was enough to make the woman shut up before she could say anything further, Steven stern look hardened even further than before as he stared at his granddaughter who look down but her hand clench tighter that Caelus was seeing signs of bleeding, making him very concerned now despite the terrible attitude she gave to him.

"Do I make my self clear, Lucia?" Steven questioned as Lucia bites her lip for a moment before giving a rigid nod even as she seemed to be unhappy and on the verge of snapping, now Caelus felt guilty from seeing her like that even if he isn't the one to cause her like that he was still unintentionally involve because he was the one chosen to take the promotion.

"Y-Yes, I understand Chief Admiral." She replied with an icy tone while gritting her teeth as if the word itself felt like bitter lemon being chewed raw, Steven gaze soften up a bit ay the sight of her expression, he leaned backwards while letting out a sigh as he hears her address him by his rank which indicates that she is not happy in the slighest.

"Then settle down, since your here now it's best you know your superior who you will be serving within 2 days, you'll be assigned to serve him until you gain enough approval to be promoted as a commander of your own fleet." Steven says as Lucia obeyed continuing to glare at him though he just returned this with a wry smile that seemed to agitate her.

"Since you do not know the person who you are talking to, let me introduce him to you.... this is Commander Caelus Ashton or soon to be Admiral Caelus of the 11th Pacific Fleet, he will be your superior and I do hope you'll cooperate with him." Steven explains while making the 'cooperate' sternly that Lucia just huffed at hearing the word.

"Caelus, this is my granddaughter and will be your second in command, I do apologize for her behavior and accusation of you she can be quite the troublemaker at times." Steven added while giving Caelus a sorry look though the feeling is mutual as both men seem to understand each other better without needing any word to further elaborate.

"That is alright Chief Admiral, no harm has been done and it's not the first time I've been accused or scrutinized by others before, I just hope won't affect our duties." Caelus finally replied while smiling wryly as he turned to look at Lucia who had crossed her arms and sat on the opposite couch to his own.

"A pleasure to meet you miss Lucia, I do apologize if I had caused you any trouble." He says but the only reply he got was a huff from the woman herself who ignored him and just looked away as if it's unbearable to stare at his annoying face without having the urge to punch it, Steven on the other hand just sighed ay her granddaughter action.

"Hmpf!" Caelus had to admit despite the rude attitude she gave, he can guess that she either was only either jealous or have been starve of the lack of acknowledgement, well he that is just speculation on his part and he won't get the answer anytime soon considering the relationship between them had turned from strangers to slightly hostile.

Well hopefully he can try lessen this up before it goes badly, the last thing he need is an enemy within when he's being sent out to the frontline where the sirens can attack at any moment, but Lucia is unlikely to betray or go against him, cooperation between however will be icy or strain at best till she loosens up a bit and their relationship improves.

"Lucia...." The chief admiral words trails off as he gave her a stern look, Lucia for her part continued to ignored this until she relented a few seconds when Steven gave her a more hardened look, causing her to flinch before huffing in frustration as she turned to take a look at Caelus before introducing herself.

"Lucia Grayhan, vice-commander until I get promoted and kick you of your position, commander so please enjoy it while you still can." He sweatdrop at the 'interesting' introduction she have given him, Caelus does have to admit she's quite a bold person to say that to him, though he is more doubtful if that were to happen anytime soon.

"Doesn't this woman realize that she will only be promoted if I she reach the qualifications and gain my approval?" He though to himself, Caelus got his from the admiral he serve after reaching the necessary qualifications and getting him to be approved by the admiral, well he's pity the woman now if she thinks that he will approve of her to be promoted.

"Oh? Don't worry I will enjoy for a long time, beside don't you need to gain the approval from am admiral to be promoted? that is if they decided to give you one." He remarked, a challenge he subtlety had given her, Caelus didn't imply who she get the approval but he'll surely get the look on her face once she does try to gain an approval for promotion one he'll remember clearly.

"Is that a challenge? If so then I'll accept it just you wait and see who'll get the last laugh between us." Lucia threatening lying smiled as Caelus just gave a calm and friendly smile in return, Steven on the other hand saw the challenge between the two amusing, Caelus despite hearing the threat paid no mind but encourage Lucia who Steven know that she won't back down.

"A smart move kid, Lucia is unaware that she needs to gain his approval from her to even be promoted....well this can certainly be a good way to discipline her and learn a lesson or two from him." Steven muses to himself, Lucia has been a troublesome child since she was young and it didn't her parents spoiled the girl that much when she was young.

"Indeed..... I look forward when that day comes, it won't certainly be a lose for me since I won't have to listen to your annoying childish banter." He remarked again causing Lucia to look furious at the mention of the word 'childish' Caelus already knew that this was a sore spot for her from his own observation.

"C-Childish! Y-You bastard how dare you call m-me a c-c-child! Just you w-wait I'll be the one to personally kick you off your position as commander and put you on a much lower rank! You'll regret the day you ever call me that!" Lucia says loudly while gritting her teeth as Caelus gave her a cyo smile and replied.

"Mhmm~ sure whatever you say Lulu, Chief Admiral if there's nothing else for me to know, then may I excuse myself so I may rest? This woman is giving me the headaches when I talk to her." Now that got a much cuter reaction as Lucia puff her cheeks angrily as she tried to strangle him but he just used an arm to push her away from him even as she let out curses to him.

"Stop giving me names you twig! I'll give you a much worser headache with my fist! You shameless bastard there's no way I'll listen to someone like you." She yelled at him, Steven rolled his eyes while chuckling briefly before nodding at Caelus direction, having gotten used to his granddaughter antic which is well known across the base for years now since she first arrive as a young recruit.

"Yes of course Caelus, since you are still recovering from your injuries you'll leave for your newly assigned post in 2 days, according to Vestal you should recover by then, the other officers that'll be assigned under your command will be introduce before you head there for now, I recommend you to rest." Steven says as Caelus said no word but nodded.

"Well I shall see you later then my lady and do get a therapist to help with your temper." He last said before leaving as he last hear her furious remarks before the door to the office closes and he sees Dido waiting nervously on a nearby seat on the left side of the hallway where Belfast stood by with an allure smile directed at his maid who was blushing.

"M-Master! How did the meeting go? We heard some shouting coming from inside, when lady Lucia came despite my protest did anything bad happen?" Dido asked worriedly as she walks over to his side, her expression was quite clear as she stood closely to him that he almost feel her chest hitting his stomach, Caelus shakes his head before saying.

"I'm fine it's just some misunderstanding that was cleared up that's all, the Chief Admiral and I have talk some important stuff but nothing bad happened to me as you can see." Caelus explain as he smile at Dido patting her head which caused her to soften her expression and let out a cute 'Uwaa' that Belfast clearly heard.

"Oh my it seems Dido really do enjoy the headpats you are giving to her~." Belfast teases causing the other maid to snap and panic a bit at being found out as she try to deny it but it was already too late to deny anything as the head maid had already saw her act much to Dido embarrassment and being easily caught.

"N-No it's not what you think B-Belfast!" Dido says but Belfast already saw it and Caelus wasn't helping when she heard his master chuckling and patting her head feeling betrayed but lost the will to say anything as she was captured by his vile and insidious hands that corrupted her as she let out another cute noise.

"Oh don't mind me Dido, pretend I'm not here nor have seen anything strange here, you both best be on your way Lord Caelus still need some rest to recover from that terrible injury on his head." Belfast added while winking at Caelus who just nodded, the head maid bowed before turning around to enter Grayhan office since she serve as his attendant.

"You alright Dido?" Caelus asked, pulling away his hand much to the Dido dismay as she soon snap back to reality, a blush sported her face again at the realization she was cutoff as she stuffed her face on Caelus head while screaming lightly, it was thankfully muffled by his uniform as he made no word but just tried to console Dido even he found her current expression to be very cute.

"I-I've been c-c-caught by Belfast of a-all kansens, I'm not going to hear the end of it if she tells the others about it....I won't be able to look at the others or talk with them once word hot out." Dido says with a cute face as she look like she wanted to cry in embarrassment and dig a hole to hide herself form the torture.

"It's all your fault master, why must you be good with that bloody hand of yours, you h-have take responsibility for m-me....uuh! *sniff*." Dido demanded as Caelus just nodded at her request a hand raised to pat her again as he pulls her to a hug, one she didn't deny as she held him tightly while she cried lightly.

"Okay, okay calm down Dido, I admit it's my fault.... so need to cry it ruins your looks, a woman of your beauty shouldn't be covered by her own tears." Caelus softly spoke as he pulls a handkerchief from his pockets before using it to wipe the tears of her face the action caused Dido to blush deeply when she heard his passionate

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