House, Not home | Harringrove

House, Not home | Harringrove

94,862 2,805 14

"Damn, Harrington. No parents and one hell of a home." Billy crosses his arms, leaning on his Camaro as he Steve hops out the Camaro."House, Hargrove. Not home." Steve sighs. ☂︎Steve Harrington does not like Billy Hargrove. He won't like Billy Hargrove. He. Can't. Like. Billy. Hargrove.Billy Hargrove can't figure out Steve Harrington. What happened to him? Why can't Billy stop thinking about him?Steve just wants to forget everything that happened that November. He wants to have fun, maybe find friends his age and be a teenager. The nightmares he's been plagued with are making that difficult. His massive house, that he lives in alone is his least favorite place to be. Maybe he just hates being alone. Add his newfound attraction to a particular curly-haired blonde boy to that mix and Steve has problems.At the same time Billy struggles with his home life, his twisted romantic life and keeping school balanced he's also trying to wrap his head around what it means to be gay. In the 80s. He may try to avoid thinking about it, but no matter what he does his mind always comes back to sexuality. With one boy looking for comfort and protection and the other looking for answers, they might just find what they need in each other. Best rankings:#2 Harringrove#1 Stevexbilly #1 Billyxsteve#7 Hargrove#7 Harrington #3 Dustin…

Summer Jobs

Summer Jobs

503 24 1

Billy Hargrove isn't sure when or why his interest in Steve Harrington began, but he can say it's fucking frustrating. Despite having always been told that there's a fine line between love and hate, Billy has one problem- Steve doesn't seem to hate him. In fact, it's like Steve doesn't even care he exists anymore.After they graduated, Billy planned on never seeing Steve or his other classmates again and getting the hell out of Indiana. Instead, he's got a summer job at the pool and a boss that just so happens to love ice cream and hanging out as a 'team'. Now Billy has to see Steve every Friday and can't seem to communicate properly. On top of that, Steve doesn't react to him at all and acts more interested in the gum he scrapes off the tables than he does in Billy. Billy really wants to make something work with Steve, but he just can't get it right. He's only got until the end of the summer before his time might run out for good.…

Not part of the plan

Not part of the plan

854 42 3

Steve Harrington can't stand Bill Hargrove. Every little thing he does seems like a way to annoy Steve. Since the day Billy arrived he'd taken Steve's crown, beaten him in the sport he loved, almost killed him and pestered him relentlessly. Not to mention, he would randomly shove him and occasionally beat him up. Harrington's best option was just to ignore him and finish senior year. Billy Hargrove can't stand Steve Harrington. He's just too perfect. The only way Billy knew how to feel better about himself around 'King Steve' was to get higher than him on the social rankings. So he did. Yet, his eyes were constantly drawn to Steve, his mind always wandered to Steve. Pestering Steve was the only was he could talk to him, shoving him or hitting him was the only contact he could get. Except.... no, it couldn't be that. Billy's straight, right?Billy can't believe this. He's falling for Harrington and he only has the last two months of senior year to do anything about it.…