House, Not home | Harringrove
"Damn, Harrington. No parents and one hell of a home." Billy crosses his arms, leaning on his Camaro as he Steve hops out the Camaro."House, Hargrove. Not home." Steve sighs. ☂︎Steve Harrington does not like Billy Hargrove. He won't like Billy Hargrove. He. Can't. Like. Billy. Hargrove.Billy Hargrove can't figure out Steve Harrington. What happened to him? Why can't Billy stop thinking about him?Steve just wants to forget everything that happened that November. He wants to have fun, maybe find friends his age and be a teenager. The nightmares he's been plagued with are making that difficult. His massive house, that he lives in alone is his least favorite place to be. Maybe he just hates being alone. Add his newfound attraction to a particular curly-haired blonde boy to that mix and Steve has problems.At the same time Billy struggles with his home life, his twisted romantic life and keeping school balanced he's also trying to wrap his head around what it means to be gay. In the 80s. He may try to avoid thinking about it, but no matter what he does his mind always comes back to sexuality. With one boy looking for comfort and protection and the other looking for answers, they might just find what they need in each other. Best rankings:#2 Harringrove#1 Stevexbilly #1 Billyxsteve#7 Hargrove#7 Harrington #3 Dustin…