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It is imperative to organize everything, and when it comes to using event management software, it is crucial to choose the best one that works great and able to weather the changing times. If you want to use a different platform, this article aims to provide you the top 5 Eventbrite alternatives.It is undeniable that technology has changed in many ways and even the event management industry is evolving to keep up with the change as well. If we talk about technology in the context of utilizing an event management software, the first thing that comes to our mind is the software or the program itself. That being said, for many decades, a lot of software solutions have been developed to assist the event industry in managing and organizing any form of events.If you are considering other event management platforms to address your need, consider the event management software that we have listed below. This guide aims to showcase the top 5 Eventbrite alternatives along with its features and functionalities.…