It wasn't long before you busted through the church doors.
Zack was sitting upright now, and luckily hadn't moved from his place other than that. He was still breathing, to your joy.
You knelt beside him in a flash, getting out the supplies as quickly as you could manage. It would be best to not wake him for this. You disinfected your hands and removed the bandages on his stomach. You cleaned away the blood and disinfected the wound. Your soft fingers grazed over his skin, and you noticed how rough it was. He was covered in burn scars. You felt a pang in your heart upon the realization.
He stirred and groaned.
Zack: "Huh?......(n/n), you're back.."
He smiled, looking greatly relieved.
(Y/n): "I got medicine for you."
You beamed back at him hopefully.
He sighed and leaned his head back on the wall.
Zack: "So, uh.. How'd you manage to snag the medicine without dyin'?"
His voice hid a tone if concern.
(Y/n): "I...persuaded the priest who oversees this floor to give it to me."
Zack: "Priest?...oh yeah, him."
He moved to sit up.
(Y/n): "Ah, try not move. I'm gonna to have to sew you up."
Zack: "Sew? Are you outta your damn mind? I'm not a frickin' shirt!"
(Y/n): "I was hoping you'd still be asleep for the stitches...but, it has to be done regardless.. I'm sorry to hurt you, again..."
Zack: "Slow down...I can do it myself... You don't wanna, trust me..."
(Y/n): "I appreciate it, but...That.. isn't a good idea. I promise, I'm good at this... and I really don't mind.. so, please let me help you. It would be better that way."
He studied your eyes for a minute before sinking down into place.
Zack: "Fine, but don't blame me if you get all grossed out..."
He looked away.
(Y/n): "It's fine, really... It would take a lot more than that."
You spoke to him reassuringly.
Zack: "Damn, (n/n), what the hell are you? Some kind of movie badass?"
He spoke jokingly, though it was slow and raspy.
(Y/n): "Haha, what is that even supposed to mean?"
You questioned as you threaded the needle.
Zack: "You're about to sew a guys guts back together like it's nothin'...And somehow your weak ass made it back with drugs, and not a scratch on ya....Props for that. by the way. And, not to mention you got shot through your freakin' hand and acted like nothin' even happened. And that was after you put a hole through that prison bitch."
You hummed in appreciation.
(Y/n): "Let's not forget, I can pick locks with needles, too."
You lopsidedly smirked and waved the small metal thing in question, referencing a time back on Cathy's floor.
He chuckled. After a bit of time, though, his lovely smile faded.
Zack: "...You know, you really don't have to do any of this crap..."
(Y/n): "Ha. I beg to differ."
Zack: "..Listen, (n/n)... Just tell me honestly... you gotta have some reason for helpin' me out, dontcha?.."
You thought for a moment. The answer was obvious, of course, but you felt it wasn't something you could just proclaim right then and there. Even still, there was that voice inside your head that kept saying: 'I'm going to die anyway, so..'
(Y/n): "..Yeah, I guess you could say that I have one..."
Your cheeks dusted a light pink.
Zack: "You seriously think that you can just curve my question like that? Answer me, dammit."
You cut the thread with his knife. It sliced smoothly. It was incredibly sharp despite it wear.
It seemed like he wanted to hear something from you in particular.
You stared at him fondly, trying to make your answer as casual as you could.
(Y/n): "Fine.. It's because I care about you."
He was surprised to say the least. He backed up further against the wall in embarrassment, covering his face with his forearm.
Zack: "Woah! What the hell's your problem? That not somethin' you just say to people!"
(Y/n): "Sorry if that was too forward, but, you did ask... and, I'm not lying to you. I know you'd hate that."
You were slightly hurt when he backed away from you, but you could understand. It was surely bold of you to say something like that, even if you were told to do so, and even if you delivered it partly in jest. It was only a fraction of your true feelings, anyway.
He sunk back into his previous position, studying the floor. It's like what you said had finally hit him on a deeper level.
Zack: "...That's really how you feel then, huh?.."
He suppressed a smile, but you could see it nonetheless. It relieved you, and made you happy.
(Y/n): "..Yeah...I'm sorry if that's wrong of me to say. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable-"
Zack: "Don't's...uh......I just uhm..."
He scratched the nape of his neck, and you waited expectantly for him to keep going. He was having trouble expressing something.
He finally looked you in the eyes, but noticed a way out of the conversation. He quickly changed subjects.
Zack: "Hey, wait. You still got my knife?"
(Y/n): "Uh.. Yes. I tried to take care of it...
Carrying it with me saved my life."
You dripped alcohol down the thread to disinfect it. The droplets caught the light of the stained glass.
Zack: "Yeah, weapons are good for that.."
He sounded relieved.
Zack: "I'm glad."
You held some folded up cloth near his mouth.
(Y/n): "Here...bite onto this for a bit."
Zack: "Huh? What for?"
(Y/n): "It's to help bear the pain..."
Zack: "I don't need it."
You sighed.
(Y/n): 'stubborn'
(Y/n): "Well, tell me if you change your mind."
Your eyes drifted back down to the wound. You tenderly placed a hand on his muscular stomach, far enough below the wound as to not hurt him. You were about to begin stitching it up. His breath hitched at your touch and he averted his gaze from you.
Zack: "F-Fuck, your hands are cold."
He stammered.
You were calm and collected, but your heart was still beating fast. You didn't want to hurt him and you wanted to do a good job, too. Not to mention, you pretty much ran the whole way there. Your whole body felt warm, but you decided to not press him on the matter further.
You punctured his rough skin with the needle. It slid through one from side of flesh to the other. Beads of blood appeared at the sites soon after.
He groaned sharply.
Zack: "Ah, man, easy!"
(Y/n): "Hell, I'm sorry... I guess I thought this wouldn't bother you that much, considering everything else.."
Zack: "Don't know where you'd get that idea. It's not like I'm some kinda masochist. If ya care about me so much, be a little more careful with me, Yeah?"
He smiled ironically.
(Y/n): "I'll try to be more gentle.."
Your small smile fell to a frown.
(Y/n): "..Hey, Zack...I hope you don't mind me asking...and you don't have to answer..."
You continued to work, trying to keep his mind off of the pain with conversation.
He hummed in a questioning manner.
(Y/n): "..These they hurt, too? Are they recent at all?.."
He frowned as well.
Zack: "Nah. They're from somethin' that happened to me a long time ago..."
(Y/n): "Jeez, that's horrible. I can't even imagine how that must have felt...but, I'm glad it doesn't hurt you anymore, at least..."
He winced as you punctured his skin again.
Zack: "Make it quick, we gotta get movin'..."
(Y/n): "Right."
You continued at a quicker pace, still being as gentle as possible. Finally, you were done. A huge weight lifted off of your chest as you cut away the excess thread. However, the weight of exhaustion set in. You treated some of his other minor wounds regardless.
His head was laid back against the wall, and his eyes were closed. He wasn't asleep, but he was toughing it out.
(Y/n): "...It's finally done, Zack."
You placed your hand on his to get his attention. He opened his eyes and looked down at his stomach to inspect the work.
Zack: "Woah...You did a pretty good job with that..."
He looked back up at you, noticing how tired you were. He smiled to you fondly.
Zack: "Alright, kiddo. We can take a break."
He gently ruffled your hair.
You scooted over to the area beside him and laid against the wall. You let out a tired sigh.
(Y/n): "..Thank you...I've been running around for a while, now..."
You felt an arm slip around your shoulders, and it pulled you closer until you were lying against it's owner. You opened your eyes in surprised. His gaze remained trained forward. You noticed that he was failing to maintain eye contact with you more and more lately, but it never struck you the wrong way. You even felt a bit giddy.
Zack: "Yeah, I figured."
He smiled.
Zack: "..Thanks, by the way..."
He finally looked you in the eye. You smiled back at him weakly, and drifted off to sleep.
Zack's POV
Their chest slowly rose and fell, as small, light breaths escaped their slightly parted lips. They looked so peaceful. You couldn't help but study them. They were finally back by your side, and safe.
Your eyes trailed down to their arms. Their hands were pretty clean, but further down the limbs was cut up pretty badly. There was dried blood all over the place.
Zack: 'Jesus, (n/n), what the hell? "Not a scratch on you" my ass. How the hell didn't I see that?'
Probably because you were too busy staring at their face most of the time. You shook the thought away.
Zack: 'They didn't even make a fuss about it... then again, they didn't about bein' shot either...'
You looked back up at them and poked their cheek. They didn't stir.
Zack: 'They probably aren't gonna wake up anytime soon...'
You looked down at the bag of supplies, and then back to their cuts. You stubbornly turned away, crossing your arms, and you told yourself you weren't going to do it. But, as soon as your eyes found their way to their face again, you gave in with a curt "tch".
You couldn't read the bottles, but you remembered what they used and when. Their methodical movements were mesmerizing to you.
You picked up the cloth that they had told you to bite down on before, and soaked part of it in disinfectant. You watched their expression as you slowly pressed it down on a section of their wounds. They didn't flinch at all, which perplexed you a little. You knew that it stung like a bitch. Still, you continued cleaning their arms.
You found bits of broken glass every now and then lodged in their skin. At least now you knew what caused the injuries, but it still pained you to look at. You removed them, which caused them to bleed more. All the while, They were completely still, save for their breathing.
Finally, you had finished cleaning and disinfecting. You made sure to do the same to their injured hand.
You might not be a doctor, but there was one thing like this that you were good at. You picked up the roll of extra bandages, and kindly wrapped them around their arms and hand. Tight, but not too tight. Just right.
You put everything back to the way it was, feeling a lot better now that they were taken care of, too.
You hated being injured. You hated not being able to be there to help and protect them.
Nonetheless, You were still proud that they went through all of that, and did it successfully. It couldn't have been easy to do alone. Yet despite that fact, they persevered for you.
But, why?
(Y/n): "'s because I care about you..."
Your cheeks heated up a little. You supposed you would have done the same thing for them.
Zack: '..Damn, why couldn't I say nothin' back?..'
You sighed angrily at your cowardice.
Suddenly they moved. They rolled over onto their side, simultaneously rolling into yours, resting their head and hand on your chest. You flinched at the sudden movement.
Zack: "Y-you don't make it easy, do ya?.."
You whisper-hissed at them. Your heart beat pounded in your ears.
They only replied with soft breaths.
Zack: "Jeez..."
You sighed and put your hand on their head as you leaned back, lightly stoking their hair.
Zack: "What the hell am I gonna do with you?..."
-Marry me, maybe?
Man I'm glad to be finally writing about him again. (" ̄^ ̄")~❤
Gosh I couldn't ask for better readers. I love y'all so much
you are so sweet and funny af lol
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